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Options: --name=NAME claim this well-known name first --sleep-ms=N sleep N milliseconds before sending each reply --session use the session bus (default) --system use the system bus Usage: dbus-test-tool black-hole [OPTIONS] Receive method calls but do not reply. Options: --name=NAME claim this well-known name first --no-read don't read anything on the D-Bus socket --session use the session bus (default) --system use the system bus failed to take bus name %s adding message filterallocating replysending reply--system--session--name=--sleep-ms=--no-readreading payload from stdinorg.freedesktop.DBus--count=--ignore-errors--dest=--payload=--stdin--message-stdin--random-size %u %n--empty--string--bytes--flood--no-reply--queue=--seed=--messages-per-conn=hello, world!copying messageSpamcom.example/allocating messagebuilding messagesending messagesetting pending call notifierDisconnected from bus Failed to receive reply #%d: %s: %s Usage: dbus-test-tool spam [OPTIONS] Repeatedly call com.example.Spam() on the given D-Bus service. Options: --session use the session bus (default) --system use the system bus --ignore-errors ignore errors --dest=NAME call methods on NAME (default org.freedesktop.DBus) --count=N send N messages (default 1) --queue=N queue up N messages at a time (default 1) --flood send all messages immediately --no-reply set the NO_REPLY flag (implies --flood) --messages-per-conn=N after sending messages-per-conn, wait for the pending replies if any, then reconnect (default: don't reconnect) --string send payload as a string (default) --bytes send payload as a byte-array --empty send an empty payload --payload=S use S as payload (default "hello, world!") --stdin read payload from stdin, until EOF --message-stdin read a complete D-Bus message from stdin --random-size read whitespace-separated ASCII decimal payload sizes from stdin and pick one randomly for each message --seed=SEED seed for srand (default is time()) Unable to demarshal template message: %s: %sTemplate message must be a method call allocating array of message lengthsallocating maximum-sized payloadOOM while %s black-hole- %s echospamUsage: dbus-test-tool SUBCOMMAND [OPTIONS] Known SUBCOMMANDs are: For more information: dbus-test-tool SUBCOMMAND --help ;8xp `0h zRx *zRx $`FJ w?;*3$"4D5BAD DP  AABG <|BGD R ABF G ABA LSBBB B(A0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBG L BBB B(A0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBG D\PBEJ B(A0A8D@8A0A(B BBB4BDA GPA  AABE @!AL BBB B(A0D8KK 8A0A(B BBBC D.DL\gBED D(F0j (F ABBF N(C ABB}ARK LxBBE B(A0A8D@V 8A0A(B BBBB DeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBdK 8P88@ 7Xh  .hK pK o q N X oo ooB o K &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6Fdbus-test-tool.debugNn7zXZִF!t/G]?Eh=ڊ2N Icg\VHS'p*HwyvML:@Wҿ .qj:\ JE8E;ͻ0)dD#fb븓 k4֐ښ#LSknl\X*1wQU!u><0>眛?X}IO־x%5 ,;# [ƘCʬۏNQ1I6 xܙ/]$f,JeP ]lzMcw* D3hC(w} A6j'N f&!@K@[1xȌ;ܔΰs.m}Oap\޵p450:/YUx 8;ekhM-Fqj)!(Qb"8s,4KŨ?6/fAi5lNFlxK8X4L¼f,Ynn5N{`v{-% :Fߢ@yn_+{ܳɧH%Ң|=A&vRD .E3e7]WnamegikvT !"y B=R_7AU[+ijNN:opCsGx _43 @E^SI1bWOdsyrE6Ka@yֳj@b:Ii$2x0Ii\w;G\/30LqJkaX"3fl5|àk\ԍ zZ֟tF:?B`}xOFѠ"iO7 hY'65+Wh_b\ѴeY9Ŋ"_* { U(? 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