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`` keys and lists of ``=`` pairs within each section. Each section name and ``=`` pair is written directly to ``puppet.conf``. As such, section names should be one of: ``main``, ``master``, ``agent`` or ``user`` and keys should be valid puppet configuration options. The ``certname`` key supports string substitutions for ``%i`` and ``%f``, corresponding to the instance id and fqdn of the machine respectively. If ``ca_cert`` is present, it will not be written to ``puppet.conf``, but instead will be used as the puppermaster certificate. It should be specified in pem format as a multi-line string (using the ``|`` yaml notation). Additionally it's possible to create a csr_attributes.yaml for CSR attributes and certificate extension requests. See https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/config_file_csr_attributes.html **Internal name:** ``cc_puppet`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** all **Config keys**:: puppet: install: version: conf_file: '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf' ssl_dir: '/var/lib/puppet/ssl' csr_attributes_path: '/etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml' package_name: 'puppet' conf: agent: server: "puppetmaster.example.org" certname: "%i.%f" ca_cert: | -------BEGIN CERTIFICATE------- -------END CERTIFICATE------- csr_attributes: custom_attributes: 1.2.840.113549.1.9.7: 342thbjkt82094y0uthhor289jnqthpc2290 extension_requests: pp_uuid: ED803750-E3C7-44F5-BB08-41A04433FE2E pp_image_name: my_ami_image pp_preshared_key: 342thbjkt82094y0uthhor289jnqthpc2290 iÿÿÿÿ(tStringION(thelpers(tutils/etc/puppet/puppet.confs/var/lib/puppet/ssls/etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yamltpuppettPuppetConstantscBseZd„ZRS(cCsR||_||_tjj|dƒ|_tjj|jdƒ|_||_dS(Ntcertssca.pem(t conf_pathtssl_dirtostpathtjoint ssl_cert_dirt ssl_cert_pathtcsr_attributes_path(tselftpuppet_conf_filetpuppet_ssl_dirR tlog((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_puppet.pyt__init__as   (t__name__t __module__R(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_puppet.pyR_scCsªtjjdƒr7tjdddddgdtƒnotjjdƒrhtjddd gdtƒn>tjjd ƒr™tjd d d gdtƒn |jd ƒdS(Ns/etc/default/puppettseds-is-ess/^START=.*/START=yes/tcaptures/bin/systemctltenablespuppet.services/sbin/chkconfigRtonsASorry we do not know how to enable puppet services on this system(RR texistsRtsubptFalsetwarning(R((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_puppet.pyt_autostart_puppetjs  cCsGd|kr |jd|ƒdS|d}tj|dtƒ}tj|ddƒ}tj|dtƒ}tj|dtƒ} tj|dtƒ} tj|dt ƒ} t | | | |ƒ} | rÚ|rÚ|j d ƒn;|r|jd |rõ|nd ƒ|j j ||fƒnd |krètj| jƒ} tjƒ}g| jƒD]}|jƒ^qL}d j|ƒ}|jt|ƒd| jƒxV|d jƒD]A\}}|dkr3tj| jdƒtj| jddƒtj| jƒtj| jddƒtj| j|ƒtj| jddƒn{xx|jƒD]j\}}|dkr—|jdtj ƒƒ}|jd|j!ƒƒ}|j"ƒ}n|j#|||ƒq@Wtj$| jd| jƒtj| j|j%ƒƒq Wnd|krtj| j&t'j(|ddt)ƒƒnt*|ƒtj+dddgdt)ƒdS(NRs9Skipping module named %s, no 'puppet' configuration foundtinstalltversiont package_namet conf_fileRR s=Puppet install set false but version supplied, doing nothing.s Attempting to install puppet %s,tlatesttconfs tfilenametca_certiùtroottcertnames%fs%is%s.oldtcsr_attributestdefault_flow_styletservicetstartR(,tdebugRtget_cfg_option_booltTruetget_cfg_option_strtNonetPUPPET_PACKAGE_NAMEtPUPPET_CONF_PATHtPUPPET_SSL_DIRtPUPPET_CSR_ATTRIBUTES_PATHRRtdistrotinstall_packagest load_fileRRtDefaultingConfigParsert splitlinestlstripR treadfpRtitemst ensure_dirRt chownbynameR t write_fileR treplacetsockettgetfqdntget_instance_idtlowertsettrenamet stringifyR tyamltdumpRRR(tnametcfgtcloudRt_argst puppet_cfgRRR R!RR t p_constantstcontentst puppet_configtit cleaned_linestcleaned_contentstcfg_nametotv((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_puppet.pythandlezsh       %          (t__doc__tsixRRRARHt cloudinitRRR2R3R4R1tobjectRRRX(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_puppet.pytNs