ó oBú]c@s†dZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZeje ƒZ eZ dddd gZ d d „Z d „Zd S(sf Resolv Conf ----------- **Summary:** configure resolv.conf This module is intended to manage resolv.conf in environments where early configuration of resolv.conf is necessary for further bootstrapping and/or where configuration management such as puppet or chef own dns configuration. As Debian/Ubuntu will, by default, utilize resovlconf, and similarly RedHat will use sysconfig, this module is likely to be of little use unless those are configured correctly. .. note:: For RedHat with sysconfig, be sure to set PEERDNS=no for all DHCP enabled NICs. .. note:: And, in Ubuntu/Debian it is recommended that DNS be configured via the standard /etc/network/interfaces configuration file. **Internal name:** ``cc_resolv_conf`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** fedora, rhel, sles **Config keys**:: manage_resolv_conf: resolv_conf: nameservers: ['', ''] searchdomains: - foo.example.com - bar.example.com domain: example.com options: rotate: timeout: 1 iÿÿÿÿ(tlog(t PER_INSTANCE(t templater(tutiltfedoratopensusetrheltsless/etc/resolv.confcCsÞg}g}d|krqxV|djƒD]A\}}t|tƒr)|rZ|j|ƒqj|j|ƒq)q)Wnx||D]}|d|=q|W|jdƒs­i|d/s