ó ¡ôXc@srddlZddlmZmZddlmZmZddlmZddl m Z defd„ƒYZ dS(iÿÿÿÿN(tArgtMutuallyExclusiveArgList(tbinary_tag_deftdelimited_list(tCloudFormationRequest(tparameter_listt CreateStackcBs|eZdZedddddƒeeddddd d edd ƒed dd ddddƒƒjƒedddddddejddƒeddddddd e dƒddddƒeddddd d e dƒdd!ƒed"d#dd$d%d3dd&d e dddd'ƒed(d)dd*d e dd+dd,ƒed-dd.dd/d e dddd0ƒgZd1„Zd2„ZRS(4sCreate a new stackt StackNametmetavartSTACKthelps name of the new stack (required)s--template-filetdestt TemplateBodytFILEttypes-file containing the new stack's JSON templates--template-urlt TemplateURLtURLs-URL pointing to the new stack's JSON templates-ds--disable-rollbacktDisableRollbacktactiont store_truetdefaultsdisable rollback on failures-ns--notification-arnssNotificationARNs.members ARN[,...]t,tappends$SNS ARNs to publish stack actions tos--capabilitiessCapabilities.members CAP[,...]s'capabilities needed to create the stacks-ps --parametert param_setstroute_tos KEY=VALUEsskey and value of the parameters to use with the new stack's template, separated by an "=" characters-ts --timeouttTimeoutInMinutestMINUTESstimeout for stack creations--tags Tags.members KEY[=VALUE]s¬key and optional value of the tag to create, separated by an "=" character. If no value is given the tag's value is set to an empty string.cCs?tj|ƒt|jjdƒp%ggƒ}||jds