ó ¡ôXc@sPddlmZmZddlmZddlmZdefd„ƒYZdS(iÿÿÿÿ(tArgtMutuallyExclusiveArgList(t ArgumentError(t EC2RequesttAssociateAddresscBs eZdZedddddddƒedd d d dd dd ƒeeddd dddddƒeddd dddddƒƒjƒeddd dddddƒeedd dddd d!dd"ƒed#d dddd d$dd%ƒƒgZd&„Zd'„ZRS((s7Associate an elastic IP address with a running instancetPublicIptmetavartADDRESStnargst?thelpsA[Non-VPC only] IP address to associate (required)s-as--allocation-idtdestt AllocationIdtALLOCs'[VPC only] VPC allocation ID (required)s-is --instance-idt InstanceIdtINSTANCEsDID of the instance to associate the address withs-ns--network-interfacetNetworkInterfaceIdt INTERFACEsN[VPC only] network interface to associate the address withs-ps--private-ip-addresstPrivateIpAddresss–[VPC only] the private address to associate with the address being associated in the VPC (default: primary private IP)s--allow-reassociationtAllowReassociationtactiont store_consttconstttruesy[VPC only] allow the address to be associated even if it is already associated with another interfaces--no-allow-reassociationtfalses[VPC only] do not allow the address to be associated if it is already associated with another interfacecCsÌtj|ƒ|jjdƒdk rL|jjdƒdk rLtdƒ‚n|jjdƒdkr‹|jjdƒdkr‹tdƒ‚n|jjdƒp djdƒrÈ|jjdƒ|jds