ó ¡ôXc@ sæddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlm Z ddl m Z ddl m Z ddlmZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZddlZd eee fd „ƒYZdS( iÿÿÿÿ(tdivisionN(tArgtMutuallyExclusiveArgList(t ArgumentError(tFileTransferProgressBarMixin(tfilesize(t EC2Request(t S3AccessMixin(t ResumeImport(t GetObjectt ImportVolumecB sâeZdZeddddd:ddƒeddd d dd d edd ƒeddd dddd eddƒeddddd ddeddƒedd ddddeddƒeedddd:ddƒed d d!dd"dd#ƒƒj ƒed$dd:dd%ƒed&d'dd(ded)d*dd:dd+ƒed,d-d.dd:dd/ƒed0d1d d2dd3ƒed4d-d.dd:de j ƒed5d-d.dd:de j ƒed6d-d.dd:de j ƒg Z d7„Z d8„Zd9„ZRS(;s&Import a file to a volume in the cloudtsourcetmetavartFILEtroute_tothelps3file containing the disk image to import (required)s-fs--formattdests Image.FormattFORMATtrequiredsGthe image's format ("vmdk", "raw", or "vhd") (required)s-zs--availability-zonetAvailabilityZonetZONEs1the zone in which to create the volume (required)s-ss --volume-sizetGiBs Volume.Sizettypes'size of the volume to import to, in GiBs --image-sizes Image.BytestBYTESs-size of the image (required for non-raw filess-bs--buckets"the bucket to upload the volume tos--manifest-urlsImage.ImportManifestUrltURLsNa pre-signed URL that points to the import manifest to uses--prefixsUa prefix to add to the names of the volume parts as they are uploadeds-xs --expirestDAYStdefaultis\how long the import manifest should remain valid, in days (default: 30 days)s --no-uploadtactiont store_trueshstart the import process, but do not actually upload the volume (see euca-resume-import)s-ds --descriptiont Descriptions2a description for the import task (not the volume)s--ignore-region-affinitys --dry-runs--dont-verify-formatcC s€tj|ƒ|jƒ|jdjƒdkrM|jdjƒ|jds