ó ¡ôXc@s¶ddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZm Z ddl Z ddl m Z ddl mZddlmZdeee fd „ƒYZdS( iÿÿÿÿN(tArg(t HmacV4Auth(tFileTransferProgressBarMixintTabifyingMixin(tEC2(t ImagePack(t S3RequesttInstallPackedImagecBs+eZdZedddddƒedddƒedd dd dd ƒed dd ƒedddddƒedddddƒedddddƒedddddƒedddddƒedddddƒedddƒeddejƒeddejƒg Zd „Zd!„Zd"„Z RS(#s9***TECH PREVIEW*** Install a packed image into the cloudt pack_filenametmetavartFILEthelpsthe pack to install (required)s --profilesMwhich of the image's profiles to install (default: "default")s-bs--bucketsBUCKET[/PREFIX]s(bucket to upload the image to (required)s --locations location constraint of the destination bucket (default: inferred from s3-location-constraint in configuration, or otherwise nones --privatekeysÙfile containing your private key to sign the bundle's manifest with. This private key will also be required to unbundle the bundle in the future. (instance-store only)s--certsLfile containing your X.509 certificate (instance-store only)s --ec2certsSfile containing the cloud's X.509 certificate (instance-store only)s--usertACCOUNTs%your account ID (instance-store only)s--kerneltIMAGEs^ID of the kernel image to associate with this machine image (paravirtual only)s --ramdisks_ID of the ramdisk image to associate with this machine image (paravirtual only)s --ec2-urlscompute service endpoint URLs --ec2-auths --ec2-servicecCs¡tj|ƒ|jjdƒsMtj|jd|jjdƒƒ|jds