ó ĄôXc@sfddlmZddlmZddlmZmZmZddlm Z defd„ƒYZ dS(iĸĸĸĸ(tArg(t ClientError(t IAMRequestt AS_ACCOUNTtutil(tGetOpenIDConnectProvidert%UpdateOpenIDConnectProviderThumbprintc BsYeZdZedddddƒedddd dd d d dd ƒegZd„ZRS(sB Replace an OpenID Connect provider's list of thumbprints tOpenIDConnectProviderArntmetavartOIDCthelps,the ARN of the provider to update (required)s-ts --thumbprinttdestsThumbprintList.membertHEXtactiontappends3the new SHA-1 thumbprint of the OpenID Connect provider's certificate. This option may be specified more than once to allow multiple certificates to be accepted. If one is not supplied this command will attempt to determine it automatically.cCsĄ|jjdƒstj|d|jjdƒƒ}|jƒjdƒ}|s]tdƒ‚nd|kr{dj|ƒ}ntj|d|j ƒ|j ds