ó TÑÕfc@sWdZddlZddlZddlZd„ZedkrSeejdƒndS(s) For each argument on the command line, look for it in the set of all Unicode names. Arguments are treated as case-insensitive regular expressions, e.g.: % find-uname 'small letter a$' 'horizontal line' *** small letter a$ matches *** LATIN SMALL LETTER A (97) COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER A (867) CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A (1072) PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER A (9372) CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER A (9424) FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER A (65345) *** horizontal line matches *** HORIZONTAL LINE EXTENSION (9135) iÿÿÿÿNc Csög}xUttjdƒD]@}y&|j|tjt|ƒƒfƒWqtk rYqXqWx‘|D]‰}tj |tj ƒ}g|D]-\}}|j |ƒdk r‡||f^q‡}|redG|GdGdGHx|D]}d|GHqØWqeqeWdS(Nis***tmatchess%s (%d)( trangetsyst maxunicodetappendt unicodedatatnametunichrt ValueErrortretcompiletItsearchtNone( targst unicode_namestixtargtpattxtyRtmatch((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/scripts/find-uname.pytmains&  ' t__main__i(t__doc__RRR Rt__name__targv(((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/scripts/find-uname.pyts