3 \j@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdddgZGdddeZddd Z dd d Z dd d Z dddZ ddZ yddlZejejfWnBeefk ry ddlZWnek re ZYnXe ZYnXe ZdS)aUtilities to get a password and/or the current user name. getpass(prompt[, stream]) - Prompt for a password, with echo turned off. getuser() - Get the user name from the environment or password database. GetPassWarning - This UserWarning is issued when getpass() cannot prevent echoing of the password contents while reading. On Windows, the msvcrt module will be used. NgetpassgetuserGetPassWarningc@s eZdZdS)rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rr/usr/lib64/python3.6/getpass.pyrs Password: c .Csd}tj}yJtjdtjtjB}tj|d}|j|tj |}|j||sX|}Wnpt k r}zT|j yt j j}Wn&ttfk rd}t||}YnXt j }|st j}WYdd}~XnX|dk rytj|}|dd} | dtjM<tj} ttdr| tjO} z tj|| | t|||d}Wdtj|| ||jXWn@tjk r|dk rz||k r|j t||}YnX|jd|SQRXdS)aPrompt for a password, with echo turned off. Args: prompt: Written on stream to ask for the input. Default: 'Password: ' stream: A writable file object to display the prompt. Defaults to the tty. If no tty is available defaults to sys.stderr. Returns: The seKr3t input. Raises: EOFError: If our input tty or stdin was closed. GetPassWarning: When we were unable to turn echo off on the input. Always restores terminal settings before returning. Nz/dev/ttyzw+TCSASOFT)input ) contextlib ExitStackosopenO_RDWRO_NOCTTYioFileIO enter_context TextIOWrapperOSErrorclosesysstdinfilenoAttributeError ValueErrorfallback_getpassstderrtermios tcgetattrZECHOZ TCSAFLUSHhasattrr tcsetattr _raw_inputflusherrorwrite) promptstreamZpasswdstackfdZttyr eoldnewZtcsetattr_flagsrrr unix_getpasssR             r1cCstjtjk rt||Sx|D]}tj|qWd}xHtj}|dksL|dkrNP|dkrZt|dkrp|dd}q4||}q4Wtjdtjd|S) z9Prompt for password with echo off, using Windows getch(). rN)rr __stdin__r msvcrtZputwchZgetwchKeyboardInterrupt)r*r+cZpwrrr win_getpassas"      r<cCs0tjdtdd|stj}td|dt||S)Nz%Can not control echo on the terminal.) stacklevelz&Warning: Password input may be echoed.)file)warningswarnrrr!printr&)r*r+rrr r xs  r r2c Cs|s tj}|stj}t|}|rpy|j|Wn8tk rf|j|jd}|j|j}|j|YnX|j |j }|st |ddkr|dd}|S)Nreplacer6rr7r7) rr!rstrr)UnicodeEncodeErrorencodeencodingdecoder'readlineEOFError)r*r+r linerrr r&s&   r&cCs<x dD]}tjj|}|r|SqWddl}|jtjdS)zGet the username from the environment or password database. First try various environment variables, then the password database. This works on Windows as long as USERNAME is set. LOGNAMEUSERLNAMEUSERNAMErN)rLrMrNrO)renvirongetpwdgetpwuidgetuid)nameuserrRrrr rs   )r N)r N)r N)r2NN)__doc__rrrrr@__all__ UserWarningrr1r<r r&rr"r#r% ImportErrorrr9rrrrr  s,  D