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It provides access to the mathematical functions defined by the C standard.isinf(x) -> bool Check if float x is infinite (positive or negative).isnan(x) -> bool Check if float x is not a number (NaN).radians(x) Convert angle x from degrees to radians.degrees(x) Convert angle x from radians to degrees.pow(x, y) Return x**y (x to the power of y).hypot(x, y) Return the Euclidean distance, sqrt(x*x + y*y).fmod(x, y) Return fmod(x, y), according to platform C. x % y may differ.log10(x) Return the base 10 logarithm of x.log(x[, base]) Return the logarithm of x to the given base. If the base not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x.modf(x) Return the fractional and integer parts of x. Both results carry the sign of x and are floats.ldexp(x, i) Return x * (2**i).frexp(x) Return the mantissa and exponent of x, as pair (m, e). m is a float and e is an int, such that x = m * 2.**e. If x is 0, m and e are both 0. Else 0.5 <= abs(m) < 1.0.trunc(x:Real) -> Integral Truncates x to the nearest Integral toward 0. Uses the __trunc__ magic method.factorial(x) -> Integral Find x!. Raise a ValueError if x is negative or non-integral.fsum(iterable) Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable. Assumes IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic.tanh(x) Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.tan(x) Return the tangent of x (measured in radians).sqrt(x) Return the square root of x.sinh(x) Return the hyperbolic sine of x.sin(x) Return the sine of x (measured in radians).log1p(x) Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e). The result is computed in a way which is accurate for x near zero.lgamma(x) Natural logarithm of absolute value of Gamma function at x.gamma(x) Gamma function at x.floor(x) Return the floor of x as a float. This is the largest integral value <= x.fabs(x) Return the absolute value of the float x.expm1(x) Return exp(x)-1. This function avoids the loss of precision involved in the direct evaluation of exp(x)-1 for small x.exp(x) Return e raised to the power of x.erfc(x) Complementary error function at x.erf(x) Error function at x.cosh(x) Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.cos(x) Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).copysign(x, y) Return x with the sign of y.ceil(x) Return the ceiling of x as a float. This is the smallest integral value >= x.atanh(x) Return the hyperbolic arc tangent (measured in radians) of x.atan2(y, x) Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of y/x. Unlike atan(y/x), the signs of both x and y are considered.atan(x) Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of x.asinh(x) Return the hyperbolic arc sine (measured in radians) of x.asin(x) Return the arc sine (measured in radians) of x.acosh(x) Return the hyperbolic arc cosine (measured in radians) of x.acos(x) Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x.0Y`8@ 5Y@8~ ;Y 8~ @Y8@~ FY7~ Y ;} KY7 } QY7| X;| 1Y7@| 6Y`7| VYP' s ^Y@9{ bY09{ Y@7`{ gY 7z mY7z rY2w |Y6 z Y@;s Y1u X+`w Y 9y YCs Y*@r YP*r Y@u Y9y "YFt Y6 y YF@t Y' u Y<`s Y'r Qo$rGpÙ>vZ6=:)r^b y~u2"!)*{$@.pF$cW$Ȕ,Dtšs GddlkpUU*b!#,[6:8N3D8B@lgW4n;=Yjs(DP G@Aqƾ9SJmfl *^gYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata $oP( @@0 8o Eopp`TX^B((h!!c""@nP%P%3tlXlX zXX  ]]__ m m(m (m0m 0m8m 8m@m @mo op pq q  <