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Ignoring file '%s' in search directory; not a .pc file removing duplicate (from back) "%s" Adding directory '%s' from PKG_CONFIG_PATH pkg-config is a system for managing compile/link flags for librarieshttp://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/Adding virtual 'pkg-config' package to list of known packages Variable '%s' defined twice globally Global variable definition '%s' = '%s' Considering '%s' to be a filename rather than a package name Preferring uninstalled version of package '%s' Package %s was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `%s.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Internal pkg-config error, package with no key, please file a bug report Package '%s' has no Name: field Package '%s' has no Version: field Package '%s' has no Description: field Package '%s' requires '%s %s %s' but version of %s is %s You may find new versions of %s at %s Version %s of %s creates a conflict. (%s %s %s conflicts with %s %s) PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATHPKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATHPKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGSRemoving %s from cflags for %s Removing -L %s from libs for %s Adding '%s' to list of known packages, returning as package '%s' >@>@?@ ?@8?@P?@>@@@?@?@?@?@?@?@comparison_to_strversion_testpackage_get_cflagsinternal_get_packagestr != NULL-lib:-frameworkparse.cver->nameunknownFailed to open '%s': %s Parsing package file '%s' ??????? line>%s NameDescriptionVersionRequires.privateRequiresLibs.privateLibsCflagsCFlags-idirafterConflictsUnknown keyword '%s' in '%s' Variable '%s' not defined in '%s' Empty package name in Requires or Conflicts in file '%s' Unknown version comparison operator '%s' after package name '%s' in file '%s' Comparison operator but no version after package name '%s' in file '%s' No pcfiledir determined for package Name field occurs twice in '%s' Description field occurs twice in '%s' Version field occurs twice in '%s' Requires.private field occurs twice in '%s' Package '%s', required by '%s', not found Requires field occurs twice in '%s' Libs.private field occurs twice in '%s' Couldn't parse Libs.private field into an argument vector: %s Libs field occurs twice in '%s' Couldn't parse Libs field into an argument vector: %s Cflags field occurs twice in '%s' Couldn't parse Cflags field into an argument vector: %s Conflicts field occurs twice in '%s' URL field occurs twice in '%s' Duplicate definition of variable '%s' in '%s' Variable declaration, '%s' has value '%s' Package file '%s' appears to be empty P@0P@O@O@N@P@trim_stringsplit_module_listparse_module_list--define-variable argument does not have a value for the variable PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW variable enabling debug spew /usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfigPKG_CONFIG_DISABLE_UNINSTALLEDdisabling auto-preference for uninstalled packages Error printing enabled by default due to use of --version, --libs, --cflags, --libs-only-l, --libs-only-L, --libs-only-other, --cflags-only-I, --cflags-only-other or --list. Value of --silence-errors: %d Error printing disabled by default, value of --print-errors: %d Requested '%s %s %s' but version of %s is %s Must specify package names on the command line require given version of pkg-configoutput linker flags for static linkingoutput other libs (e.g. -pthread)output all pre-processor and compiler flagsoutput cflags not covered by the cflags-only-I optionget the value of variable named NAMEreturn 0 if the module(s) existoutput list of variables defined by the modulereturn 0 if the uninstalled version of one or more module(s) or their dependencies will be usedreturn 0 if the module is at least version VERSIONreturn 0 if the module is at exactly version VERSIONreturn 0 if the module is at no newer than version VERSIONshow verbose debug informationshow verbose information about missing or conflicting packages,default if --cflags or --libs given on the command linebe silent about errors (default unless --cflags or --libsgiven on the command line)print errors from --print-errors to stdout not stderrprint which packages the package providesprint which packages the package requiresprint which packages the package requires for static linkingformat != NULL(null)PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEWPKG_CONFIG_PATHPKG_CONFIG_LIBDIRPKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIRpc_sysrootdir/PKG_CONFIG_TOP_BUILD_DIRpc_top_builddir$(top_builddir)Error printing enabled Error printing disabled PKG_CONFIG_LOGaCannot open log file: %s (command line arguments)%s NOT-FOUND%s %s %sNo package '%s' found %s = %s %s %s %s output version of pkg-configmodversionoutput version for packageatleast-pkgconfig-versionVERSIONlibsoutput all linker flagsstaticshort-errorsprint short errorslibs-only-loutput -l flagslibs-only-otherlibs-only-Loutput -L flagscflagscflags-only-Ioutput -I flagscflags-only-otherNAMEdefine-variableset variable NAME to VALUENAME=VALUEexistsprint-variablesatleast-versionexact-versionmax-versionlist-alllist all known packagesdebugprint-errorssilence-errorserrors-to-stdoutprint-providesprint-requiresprint-requires-private~@``{~@~@\`~@~@ `x@~@~@X`~@~@4`y@@`@$@P`0@@@H`8y@P@L`\@l@T``y@s@D`@@@`y@@`y@@@c@@@@,`y@@8`z@h@`@z@@`z@~@@`z@~@@`{@~@@<`(@@@p`P{@F@l`p{@S@d`{@b@h`@|@s@`x|@@(`|@@0`|@verbose_errordebug_spew;XJĖt$,4DD\Tttģ$d$TL$|D4DtDı4TԳ$DLDlTD 4 tl D T D  d |     4 L d | t D D $ t4 L t| $TzRx t*zRx $HFJ w?;*3$"D\t؟IA|,$XBCL @DBT@3A] B O$t`"AAG VAAdhUBBE B(A0A8DP$ 8D0A(B BBBN 8G0A(B BBB`A\,$`<BDD nAB<TpBGA A(L0 (D ABBA ,BIA AB,`lAC DH@ H LBBE B(D0D8GP 8A0A(B BBBB DDpBEE D(G0I@ 0A(A BBBD ,QBAI  DBB ,HwAKD0\ DAA ,uAID0\ DAA ,uAID0\ DAA L8$D_$dPOAFD zDAx-AkQ U 4BAA G0m  AABD -EI B \<T-EI B \t 4(BBA I(D0(A DBB"EI B QЬȬ0HI G Wج4ЬD,LجBAI pDB,|8BAD M ABI 4ADG b AAH KDA4BEA I(D0(A DBB<4De G O I T D T L Q G T D T L t@LȯBBB B(A0A8ID 8A0A(B BBBA  4oAID K DAJ DAA,HD@{D q A d |    x DpBDA r ABL F ABO RAD,< BAC ABLl x0BBE B(D0C8FP  8A0A(B BBBB L XBBB B(G0A8DPs 8D0A(B BBBD L BBB B(A0D8D`| 8D0A(B BBBE L\ 8FBBB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBA  8, 0ADD  FAA $ HMkHF, +AAG AAC ,L +AAG AAC L| ) BGB B(A0A8G O 8A0A(B BBBA D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB )@(@D @ g@``o@ @@  ` @@H oP@oo@`V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@pkg-config.debug?7zXZִF!t/d\]?Eh=ڊ̓N䰅Z+uF} 5Q'gM5e7d]ڙ]5S~n( RI[7sI׏MɥJ5Y{DR |WpKhI ۢb0%J("p N\~3E2/`/ې`RHc jU,?k{ B;;JvKI2")y%㉶<'Ig8ݴcUnH3V?TéqсK*VȔTk6z*=gŒi_Q *K{S=&. -h;$qG W}8XEt|vxl#e Жһ\eBR{<,Z[q9Yѣe}舂ou*6gu9gU0 F{?]BGVdW7?yE`ɃTRsJǠs_ۊH;Pu󄦈؄ȑ-jMۇ)1ߵE:| ;Gf0 y"蜪ܳjh@,Kte~ *J-trbD淡CxsEgk jȔ݀4%ϓLˮa ψߤ){5ZB%TAA2<9jq+p:@xr`aeD&4< )xG9](K ټC/Ck,\$ DŽ<8~l޽MaNCês[MuH3g[ KC("mpY6d S,@G(; S9{LBIk`uʤ7!YY|PM S=nt@%3VeG`Ș<ٻō@5jCd1_G$j9iHAas6gM%ƕ ]ZBmmƿ6hTz#piU oT$\oy$ ㄀c7&)9wkv]0)vLeJPMlrit½eޓt2ޚ)X$*:KBC[R|>ڀ ,ɧqP yt ' \.fyX׍:W`e~*J蕥'6)8]7/leFH´h4Hr642օ‰| F o "C{W;T !_ѭf~ 4^=gYZ.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@L> @(F @ No@[oP@P`j@Ht@  ~@y@@@@Jg@g h@hI L@L\@\ ``````xx`x `8