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logs are removed running first action script running prerotate script running postrotate script running last action script debugforceForce file rotationcommandstatePath of state filestatefileverboselogLog fileversionDisplay version informationHelp options:logrotate[OPTION...] 3.8.6logrotate %s Handling %d logs set default create context %d-%d-%d-%d:%d:%d /bin/mailsetting default context to %s: %s Allocating hash table for state file, size %lu B could not allocate memory for hash table could not allocate memory for hash element error creating state file %s: %s error stat()ing state file %s: %s error opening state file %s: %s bad top line in state file %s line %d too long in state file %s bad year %d for file %s in state file %s bad month %d for file %s in state file %s bad day %d for file %s in state file %s bad hour %d for file %s in state file %s bad minute %d for file %s in state file %s bad second %d for file %s in state file %s set default create context to %s switching euid to %d and egid to %d error switching euid to %d and egid to %d: %s running script with arg %s: "%s" error getting rid of euid != uid switching uid to %d and gid to %d error running preremove script for %s of '%s'. Not removing this file. Using shred to remove the file %s Failed to shred %s , trying unlinkFailed to remove old log %s: %s failed to open %s for mailing: %s error opening pipe for uncompress: %suncompress command failed mailing %s destination %s already exists, renaming to %s error renaming already existing output file %s to %s: %s error creating output file %s: %s error setting owner of %s to uid %d and gid %d: %s unable to open %s for compression skipping "%s" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation. log %s does not exist -- skipping log %s is symbolic link. Rotation of symbolic links is not allowed to avoid security issues -- skipping. log does not need rotating (log size is below the 'size' threshold) log %s last rotated in the future -- rotation forced log does not need rotating (log has been rotated at %d-%d-%d %d:%d, that is not month ago yet) log does not need rotating (log has been rotated at %d-%d-%d %d:%d, that is not year ago yet) log does not need rotating ('misinze' directive is used and the log size is smaller than the minsize value log does not need rotating (log has been already rotated) log does not need rotating (log is empty) log does not need rotating (log has been rotated at %d-%d-%d %d:%d, that is not week ago yet) log does not need rotating (log has been rotated at %d-%d-%d %d:%d, that is not hour ago yet) log does not need rotating (log has been rotated at %d-%d-%d %d:%d, that is not day ago yet) rotating log %s, log->rotateCount is %d [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]setting file context %s to %s: %s could not allocate glob pattern memory could not allocate glob result memory previous log %s does not exist glob finding logs to compress failed could not allocate oldName memory could not allocate mailout memory glob finding old rotated logs failed could not allocate mailFilename memory could not allocate disposeName memory renaming %s to %s (rotatecount %d, logstart %d, i %d), could not allocate finalName memory could not allocate destFile memory destination %s already exists, skipping rotation log %s doesn't exist -- won't try to dispose of it failed to rename %s to %s: %s creating new %s mode = 0%o uid = %d gid = %d empty log files are not rotated, only log files >= %llu bytes are rotated, log files >= %llu are rotated earlier, No logs found. Rotation not needed. not running first action script, since no logs will be rotated error running first action script for %s not running prerotate script, since no logs will be rotated error running shared prerotate script for '%s' error running non-shared prerotate script for %s of '%s' not running postrotate script, since no logs were rotated error running shared postrotate script for '%s' error running non-shared postrotate script for %s of '%s' not running last action script, since no logs will be rotated error running last action script for %s : Insufficient storage space is available./var/lib/logrotate/logrotate.statusDon't do anything, just test (implies -v)Command to send mail (instead of `/bin/mail')Display messages during rotationerror opening log file %s: %s logrotate: bad argument %s: %s logrotate 3.8.6 - Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Red Hat, Inc. This may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU Public License could not allocate memory for tmp state filename error creating temp state file %s: %s Removing %s from state file, because it does not exist and has not been rotated for one year error renaming temp state file %s error creating temp state file %s%s v`@W`@x_@ _@ `@h@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@g@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@h@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@h@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@Hi@h@@@0@P@p@@S~A%ld: error: %ld:%o %199s %199s%c%s:%d extra arguments for %s %s:%d unknown user '%s' %s:%d unknown group '%s' %s:%d bad %s path %s error creating %s: %s log configrootreading config file %s nocompressnodelaycompressnoshrednosharedscriptsnocopytruncatenocopynotifemptynodateextdateyesterdaydateformatnoolddirmailfirstmaillastsu%s:%d extra arguments for su nocreateolddirnocreateminsizemaxsize%s:%d unknown unit '%c' %s:%d bad size '%s' shredcyclesshred cycles%s:%d bad shred cycles '%s' hourlydailymonthlyweekly%u%cyearlyrotate countstartstart count%s:%d bad start count '%s' maxagemaxage count%s:%d bad maximum age '%s' errorsnomailnomissingokprerotatefirstactionpostrotatelastactionpreremovetabooextincludeincluding %s olddir is now %s extensionextension nameextension is now %s uncompresscmduncompressuncompress_prog is now %s compressoptionscompress_options is now %s compressextcompress-extcompress_ext is now %s %s:%d error parsing filename %s:%d glob failed for %s: %s %s:%d unexpected } config.cnewlog != defConfigfound error in %s, skipping endscriptremoving last %d log configs %s:%d bad %s address %s cannot stat %s: %s .cannot open directory %s: %s *%scannot realloc: %s error in chdir("%s"): %s namelist[i] != ((void *)0)cannot malloc: %s .rpmsave.rpmorig~,v.disabled.dpkg-old.dpkg-dist.dpkg-new.cfsaved.ucf-old.ucf-dist.ucf-new.rpmnew.swp.rhn-cfg-tmp-*%s:%d argument expected after %s error setting permissions of %s to 0%o: %s path %s already exists, but it is not a directory failed to open config file %s: %s Could not retrieve flags from file %s Could not set flags on file %s Could not lock file %s for reading Ignoring %s because it's not a regular file. Logrotate UID is not in passwd file. Ignoring %s because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444. Ignoring %s because there's no password entry for the owner. Ignoring %s because the file owner is wrong (should be root). file %s too large, probably not a config file. Ignoring %s because it's empty. Error mapping config file %s: %s %s:%d bad weekly directive '%s' %s:%d bad rotation count '%s' %s: %d: the errors directive is deprecated and no longer used. %s:%d tabooext may not appear inside of log file definition %s:%d include nesting too deep %s:%d compression program %s is not an executable file %s:%d uncompression program %s is not an executable file %s:%d invalid compression options %s:%d unknown option '%s' -- ignoring line %s:%d unexpected log filename %s:%d unexpected } (missing previous '{') %s:%d missing '{' after log files definition %s:%d { expected after log file name(s) %s:%d duplicate log entry for %s %s:%d error verifying log file path %s: %s %s:%d verifying log file path failed %s: %s, log is probably missing, but missingok is set, so this is not an error. %s:%d error verifying olddir path %s: %s %s:%d olddir %s and log file %s are on different devices %s:%d lines must begin with a keyword or a filename (possibly in double quotes) %s:%d, unexpected text after } %s:prerotate, postrotate or preremove without endscript failed to allocate taboo pattern memory Ignoring %s, because of %s ending found error in file %s, skipping could not change directory to '.'0@0@k@0@?@0@0@0@@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@s@0@0@0@?@0@0@0@@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@@0@0@0@@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@@0@0@0@p@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@@readConfigFilereadConfigPath@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@;4@5@=x > S?0 @ !A BMN N@PPQQR XpZZ`[(@\``\x`]_P`bhPcfpjm@@tЉ0PМh0@ P( X 0 `X ( H `h zRx K*zRx $@3FJ w?;*3$"DhL)AgLdxLBBB B(A0A8Gp 8A0A(B BBBG ,HNiADD f AAG NDPy A <NBOA A(D0 (A ABBA LDOBEB B(I0A8GB 8A0A(B BBBA ,hU-ADG0u AAE DhVBJB A(D0Dp 0C(A BBBA < VBAC d AGF N ABG 4L0WBAD G@  AABA W<WBAA \ ABE A AGG ,XAC DEF K , ZBNA v ABF L<0[BBB E(L0D8D 8A0A(B BBBH ]]Dv F 4]AC BLEHK D ,aAC BEH^ G LxdZBHJ E(A0A8R@ 8A0A(B BBBG LdgpBBE B(D0A8O 8A0A(B BBBG LmBBB J(A0D8J 8A0A(B BBBK LBBB B(D0A8J 8A0A(B BBBB LTBBA A(D0 (C ABBK g (C ABBA ,h AC FK  K L:" BGB B(A0D8IW 8A0A(B BBBD L$BED C(G0t (A ABBA f (D ABBI th`XPH ,@AAI AAC 0 4( ,L =BFA iAE|0AL3BHE B(D0D8G8A0A(B BBB,`zAIG  AAE 44gBBA D(A0V(A ABB\T5BEB E(D0A8GPm 8G0A(B BBBE `8C0A(B BBBD5BBB B(A0A8Dp8A0A(B BBB<ЖBEE D(A0(A BBB<< 6SBED F(O,(A ABB,| j)AC DGM! 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