ELF>Y,@@0@8 @@@@@@88@8@@@DD ``8 2 ``TT@T@DDPtd@@||QtdRtd``/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2GNU GNUSrR~ʈLP $GD T DGK(BE|fUaqX9J   Ajj'y4$:- -sZVWN&< 6HdP  Pr@` 8`3a H`'8`T @X`D~@P`libusb-1.0.so.0_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClasses_ITM_registerTMCloneTablelibusb_release_interfacelibusb_get_device_descriptorlibusb_interrupt_transferlibusb_close_finilibusb_bulk_transferlibusb_get_device_listlibusb_get_config_descriptorlibusb_set_debuglibusb_get_string_descriptor_asciilibusb_openlibusb_reset_devicelibusb_detach_kernel_driverlibusb_set_interface_alt_settinglibusb_error_namelibusb_get_active_config_descriptorlibusb_claim_interfacelibusb_get_bus_numberlibusb_get_device_addresslibusb_clear_haltlibusb_control_transferlibusb_initlibusb_set_configurationlibusb_kernel_driver_activelibusb_exitlibusb_free_config_descriptorlibc.so.6fflushstrcpy__printf_chkfopenstrncmpstrrchrperrorsignalstrncpyputs__stack_chk_failstdinstrtokstrtolfgetscallocstrlenopenlogstrstr__syslog_chk__fprintf_chkstdoutfputcmemcpyfclosemallocoptargstderrgetopt_longusleepfwritestrchr__ctype_toupper_loc__strcpy_chk__sprintf_chkstrcmp__libc_start_mainstpcpycloselogfree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.3.4GLIBC_2.14GLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.2.5GLIBC_2.3ti 8Dii Oui Yii e`"@`DH`GP`LX`J` `(`0`8`@`H`P` X` `` h` p` x``````````````````` `!`" `#(`$0`%8`&@`'H`(P`)X`*``+h`,p`-x`.`/`0`1`2`3`4`5`6`7`9`:`;`<`=`?`@`A`B`CHH HtH5 % @% h%ڹ h%ҹ h%ʹ h%¹ h% h% h% hp% h`% h P% h @% h 0% h %z h %r h%j h%b h%Z h%R h%J h%B h%: h%2 h%* hp%" h`% hP% h@% h0% h % h% h% h% h %ڸ h!%Ҹ h"%ʸ h#%¸ h$% h%% h&% h'p% h(`% h)P% h*@% h+0% h, %z h-%r h.%j h/%b h0%Z h1%R h2%J h3%B h4%: h5%2 h6%* h7p%" h8`% h9P% h:@% h;0% h< % h=% h>% h?ATUH0`@SH@ k dH%(HD$81HԽ D$E ^ W H0 Hq\t = = t5H= U@@11CH5 Ƚ t = u= = D A= V =Լ t =8 Dʼ Ex =j `= = (=7 tm= }=a  ݼ 5ۼ E1A``/6 =" t%H= 8@1= "D [@a1 [ D H|$D 5N a5L$H @=  H= H== H= `H= H= 1nK= A=/ 2H= Ht$ 0= \$$= n1 .d= d\utt= . -3 @t`@=ۺ u׺ e@=  = T P= u =q t>X =` t-= u = tH u H@a=6 u=Q u =  = |  t#= I 1'  3  f q@V€!1ۀt&=h t = + 1P 7À== =ȸ  1&H @?HH@H H@?H(@H߸ H@?Hh@Hȸ H@?H= 4 1- ~A917( = t1O=h Q =q c 1HS =  =D > o = t @1݅@= 6H  &@=η H +ب@H +@1H`HHt%H ) 8@4}cHʾ``H+H= `p@1HH= HAغ@1" =V 1=1=Ƕ pD: El= l= _H 7Щ@&=l qH j }@V[@`1 H= @1H=ݻ c 5ڵ =ص ¾H@11= H *h@ H= Aغ @1v1=H X `@DLH 8 8@$7H= @1=\ 1< 1H HH- HEHs HHHXu˃= u 1Z&p =e uA&S Q D> E= qH=9 @18T H= @1oH H@H@L EE1=< H 2@H= @1H= @1H=< ˲ = DD 3 H=1 8@10 y H= @1 H !X@H i 3@1v: 7= 1# HT ذ@HHǹ?1'H g +8@S1<H ر 4Ь@,19H  =h@ 19=d H= DH@11_= =#  H -@j 11Q 1i? 1- }11 [1< @119 T1!װ 911 1 14 1(ą@ D  @D $1;Ā=ȯ h1H H@HH 8 O@"  zH= ٺ@1=N H ٽ (@1i1=| =p   w @1=8 Ӆ@Fi= = H= H 1 f=h H 4خ@ H ͼ .@Hu `Hx oH @ @=ҭ 1H @H= t @&= AH " /ز@!H=ڳ 1=; =P #H ۻ & @= @H (@= 1H3 `H8.qH R ;@@>= = = H 6H@H +@x=3 H '@݅@H (@{@\1I^HHPTI@~@H}@H0@Nf.?`UH-8`HHw]øHt]8`8`UH-8`HHHH?HHu]úHt]Hƿ8`=Y uUH~]F @H= tHtU`H]{sH@ALD$`dH%(HD$1uD$HL$dH3 %(uHÐuT$O[f.HE@LD$dH%(HD$1uD$HL$dH3 %(uHfDuT$OH V ( n  xH=a ~@1` : =[ u= H   Ā`(~F @ @a(@ | = [=t &=  C  xH=B f@1A ~H= x@1 i xH= @1 u2= u H@H ɶ p@HH= 8@1fDH= M@1 H=i `7@1cfDH=A `!@1;fDH= ` @1fDH= @1SH ѵ @"H @k f.H y @e; f.H I @5 yf.H  @ۦ @f.H @ f.H @{ f.H }@uK f.H Y o@E \f.H ) b@ #f.H V@ f.H ɳ H@ f.H 7@[ zf.H i &@U+ Af.H 9 @% f.H @ˤ f.H ٲ ~@H= `~@1ifDH= ~@19H=q ~@1pH=Q x~@1PH=1 `~@10f.AVAUATUSHH\$ L$H$@dH%(H$1HH HH LH HH H=y t$Dt$Dl$H=L H?@HHtEYH= LD@L]HtEH=ը HDU@H HtH Ѱ @H= Hٺ@1H= LӀ@1H= H@1|H e @QH$dH3%(qH[]A\A]A^f.Hnot provDŽ$HidedƄ$LH$@ fDHnot provDŽ$idedƄ$H$fDHnot provD$(idedD$,HD$ 8H ) 8@}Hread errƄ$JH$@orf$HdH 7@5Hread errorC HfKfDH 2Ј@Hread errorƄ$H$f$@AUAATAUSH8H= HdH%(HD$(1?H= yH$H8HH=@ RHt$A= \D$!<1H= HT$H|$WGDBLO1IIfDHL9I yuyuH\$(dH3%(H8[]A\A]H=s ; tCH$H<HHH=J t`Ht$H=7 ; uDD$9uD$D9u D$!9P1HfH @gH ٬ /p@H@f1f.H=h AT= US1۽gfffH=9 Aĉ؉)ʍ9u = uQeu= []A\Exu=z t[]A\H  9@H5 .H=ث 됐H ɫ @H= #@[]A\H !@H z $@ffD= Suf5 H= x@ 5 H= 85 H= T۸xC[f=a uW1[ J H= M@1wD=) tȉٺ@H= 11묐ȉ@H= uCH=L E11D$$A`#u,Hf.H 9 $@@%H= h@11fH=] uCH= E1D$$A` @t+xOHfH k@= tH C@HhH= @1^17H5 H= t= H@=q D_ H=Ġ 1D$$A`=' tH @D H=c 1D$$A`=5Ù H=( HH=A 0@1H:f.H= p@1fD=Y IH= @1@=) uH= 5 1fDH= @1@H=ݘ uCH=< E11D$$A`x,Hf.H ) H@H= h@1 1fH=M u[HTsH= E11D$$A`@Hʨ H#sHĨ gx(HfDH "@mH= Ȍ@1a1:f.H= uCH= E11D$$A`x,Hf.H @렀=4 u1H= (@1H= H=X E11D$$A`/tH= @1P= ugH= E1D$$A`uOHf.H &h@AH ɤ &ȍ@yH=A @11Df.H=ݕ uC D H=5 E1D$$A`p@x*HD  H=# 0@1"띀=q u1H= `@1@SH=< HPpH= A`E1 !D$$H ]H=V A`E1 !D$$Hx ?H= H= H= H73H/ H=Ӛ H=š H7;QH gH= VH= H4 QHɤ 4@H=i uH=S H73H IH=, H= H7;QHU H= H= H4 QH" DH= wuHmnH= H SH= BH={ H2):H H=Y þ xO=ڒ uH[H c H([@JH C '@/\= tH= H[Ȏ@1fH=] uCH= E1D$$A` @x)HH @H=$ @@11bfSHdH%(HD$1= fH= 1'H= HH<$tn1f.H<$G9}KH=ė yـ=J tH=ٟ A1ȏ@H<$G9|@HT$dH3%(H[@H=Q u-=ΐ VH Y @E6= )H=, AٺH@1&H -@EH x@zH -@@f.= Suv1H=H ~5 H= Zx^= u[@H ) @[Ð ʏ H= @1gD1ۀ=G tH=֝ @1뉐=! 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Reset USB device Device reset failed. Device was reset Change to alt setting %i ... Send Sierra control message Send Sequans control message OK, driver detached OK, configuration set Set up interface %d 55534243, status %d bus/device number matched found USB ID %04x:%04x vendor ID matched , product ID matched target class %02x matches count device Send Sony control message After %d seconds: device came back, proceed device still gone, abort OK, control message sent device seems to have switchedSet up Cisco interface %d ##stdin Read long config from stdin Read config file: %s TargetVendorTargetProductTargetProductListTargetClassDefaultVendorDefaultProductDetachStorageOnlyHuaweiModeHuaweiNewModeHuaweiAltModeSierraModeSonyModeGCTModeKobilModeSequansModeMobileActionModeCiscoModeQisdaModeQuantaModeOptionModeBlackberryModePantechModeStandardEjectNoDriverLoadingMessageEndpointMessageContentMessageContent2MessageContent3ReleaseDelayResponseEndpointResetUSBCheckSuccessInterfaceConfigurationAltSetting2.5.1%04xLook for target devices ... Look for default devices ... Use interface number %d with class %d usb_modeswitchok:busdevok:ok:no_dataok:%04x:%04x fail:helpversiondefault-vendordefault-producttarget-vendortarget-producttarget-classmessage-endpointmessage-contentmessage-content2message-content3release-delayresponse-endpointbus-numdevice-numdetach-onlyhuawei-modehuawei-new-modehuawei-alt-modesierra-modesony-modeqisda-modequanta-modekobil-modegct-modesequans-modemobileaction-modecisco-modeblackberry-modeoption-modepantech-modestd-ejectneed-responsereset-usbconfig-fileverbosequietsysmodeinquirestdinputfind-mbimlong-configcheck-successinterfaceconfigurationaltsettingSuccess check enabled, max. wait time %d seconds System integration mode enabled Error: could not get description string "manufacturer" Error: could not get description string "product" Error: could not get description string "serial number" Libusb could not access USB. AbortFound device, search for MBIM configuration... Device handle empty, skip USB reset Could not claim interface (error %d). Skip AltSetting Change to alt setting returned error %d. Try to continue Send old Huawei control message ... Error: Huawei control message failed (error %d). Abort communication with device stopped. May have switched modes anyway Error: Sierra control message failed (error %d). Abort Could not claim interface (error %d). Skip GCT sequence Send GCT control message 1 ... type (should be 161/0xA1): %d GCT control message 1 failed (error %d), continue anyway ... Send GCT control message 2 ... GCT control message 2 failed (error %d). Abort Send Kobil control message ... Error: Kobil control message failed (error %d). Abort Sending Qisda control message ... Error: Qisda control message failed (error %d). Abort Send Quanta control message ... Error: Quanta control message failed (error %d). Abort Send Blackberry control message 1 ... Error: Blackberry control message 1 failed (result %d) Send Blackberry control message 2 ... Error: Blackberry control message 2 failed (result %d). Abort Send Pantech control message, wValue %d ... Error: Pantech control message failed (error %d). Abort Send MobileAction control sequence ... MobileAction control sequence did not complete Last error was %d MobileAction control sequence complete Error: Sequans request failed (error %d). Abort Looking for active drivers ... Can't do driver detection on this platform. Failed to check driver status for interface %d (error %d) Try to continue Can't do driver detaching on this platform. Driver detach failed for interface %d (error %d). Try to continue Change configuration to %i ... Resetting the configuration failed (error %d). Try to continue Changing the configuration failed (error %d). Try to continue OK, message successfully sent Device seems to have vanished right after sending. Good. Sending the message returned error %d. Try to continue Response successfully read (%d bytes) Device seems to have vanished after reading. Good. Response reading failed (error %d)Error: MessageContent %d hex string has uneven length. Skipping ... Error: MessageContent %d %s is not a hex string. Skipping ... Trying to send message %d to endpoint 0x%02x ... Could not claim interface (error %d). Skip message sending Use endpoint 0x%02x for message sending ... Read the response to message %d (CSW) ... Endpoint stalled. Resetting ... Reset response endpoint 0x%02x Could not reset endpoint (probably harmless): %d Reset message endpoint 0x%02x Wait for %d ms before releasing interface ... Device is gone, skip any further commands Libusb failed to get USB access!Error: entry in product ID list has wrong length: %s. Ignored Error: entry in product ID list is not a hex string: %s. Ignored device not counted, target class reached device class %02x not matching target Error: Sony control message failed (error %d). Abort OK, control message sent, wait for device to return ... Error: could not get handle on device Send Sony control message again ... Error: Sony control message (2) failed (error %d) Check for mode switch (max. %d times, once per second) ... Wait for original device to vanish ... Original device can't be accessed anymore. Good. Original device still present after the timeout Mode switch most likely failed. Bye! Search for target devices ... Found target device %03d on bus %03d Target device description data Found correct target device Mode switch succeeded. Bye! No new devices in target mode or class found Mode switch has failed. Bye! (For a better success check provide target IDs or class) Original device vanished after switching Mode switch most likely succeeded. Bye! switched to %04x:%04x on %03d/%03dProgram cancelled by system. Bye! Could not claim interface (error %d). Abort Read the CSW for bulk message %d (attempt %d) ... Device returned error %d, skip further commands Get the current device configuration ... Determining the active configuration failed (error %d). Abort Read long config from command line Error: Could not find file %s. Abort Error reading parameters from file %s - Missing end quote: %s Error reading parameters from file %s - Missing variable name: %s Error reading parameter from file %s - Missing value: %s Warning: TargetProductList overrides TargetProduct! Usage: usb_modeswitch [] [-c filename] -h, --help this help -e, --version print version information and exit -j, --find-mbim return config no. with MBIM interface, exit -v, --default-vendor NUM vendor ID of original mode (mandatory) -p, --default-product NUM product ID of original mode (mandatory) -V, --target-vendor NUM target mode vendor ID (optional) -P, --target-product NUM target mode product ID (optional) -C, --target-class NUM target mode device class (optional) -b, --bus-num NUM system bus number of device (for hard ID) -g, --device-num NUM system device number (for hard ID) -m, --message-endpoint NUM direct the message transfer there (optional) -M, --message-content message to send (hex number as string) -2, --message-content2 additional messages to send (-n recommended) -3, --message-content3 additional messages to send (-n recommended) -w, --release-delay NUM wait NUM ms before releasing the interface -n, --need-response obsolete, no effect (always on) -r, --response-endpoint NUM read response from there (optional) -K, --std-eject send standard EJECT sequence -d, --detach-only detach the active driver, no further action -H, --huawei-mode apply a special procedure -J, --huawei-new-mode apply a special procedure -X, --huawei-alt-mode apply a special procedure -S, --sierra-mode apply a special procedure -O, --sony-mode apply a special procedure -G, --gct-mode apply a special procedure -N, --sequans-mode apply a special procedure -A, --mobileaction-mode apply a special procedure -T, --kobil-mode apply a special procedure -L, --cisco-mode apply a special procedure -B, --qisda-mode apply a special procedure -E, --quanta-mode apply a special procedure -F, --pantech-mode NUM apply a special procedure, pass NUM through -Z, --blackberry-mode apply a special procedure -U, --option-mode apply a special procedure -R, --reset-usb reset the device after all other actions -Q, --quiet don't show progress or error messages -W, --verbose print all settings and debug output -D, --sysmode specific result and syslog message -s, --check-success switching result check with timeout -I, --inquire obsolete, no effect -c, --config-file load long configuration from file -t, --stdinput read long configuration from stdin -f, --long-config get long configuration from string -i, --interface NUM select initial USB interface (default 0) -u, --configuration NUM select USB configuration -a, --altsetting NUM select alternative USB interface setting * usb_modeswitch: handle USB devices with multiple modes * Version %s (C) Josua Dietze 2017 * Based on libusb1/libusbx ! PLEASE REPORT NEW CONFIGURATIONS ! hejWQDndKHJSOBEGTNALZUXF:RItv:p:V:P:C:m:M:2:3:w:r:c:i:u:a:s:f:b:g:Take all parameters from the command line No default vendor/product ID given. Abort MessageContent hex string has uneven length. Abort MessageContent %s is not a hex string. Abort Use given bus/device number: %03d/%03d ... Note: No target parameter given; success check limited Error: Failed to initialize libusb. %s (%d) Found devices in target mode or class (%d) No devices in target mode or class found Found devices in default mode (%d) No devices in default mode found. Nothing to do. Bye! No bus/device match. Is device connected? Abort Access device %03d on bus %03d Error opening the device. Abort Current configuration number is %d Error: Could not get class of interface %d. Does it exist? Abort Bogus Class/InterfaceClass: 0x%02x/0x08 Error: can't use storage command in MessageContent with interface %d; interface class is %d, expected 8. Abort Error: message endpoint not given or found. Abort Error: response endpoint not given or found. Abort Use endpoints 0x%02x (out) and 0x%02x (in) USB description data (for identification) Multiple special modes selected; check configuration. Abort Warning: MessageContent/StandardEject ignored; can't combine with special mode Warning: MessageContent2/3 ignored; only one allowed with StandardEject Warning: no switching method given. See documentation switch device %04x:%04x on %03d/%03dDetach storage driver as switching method ... You may want to remove the storage driver manually Waiting for auto-switch of Pantech modem ... Note: CheckSuccess ignored; Sony mode does separate checks Sending standard EJECT sequence 5553424387654321000000000000061e0000000000000000000000000000005553424397654321000000000000061b0000000200000000000000000000005553424387654321000000000001061e0000000000000000000000000000005553424397654321000000000001061b000000020000000000000000000000Using standard Huawei switching message 55534243123456780000000000000011062000000101000100000000000000Using alternative Huawei switching message 55534243123456780000000000000011063000000000010000000000000000Using standard Option switching message 55534243123456780000000000000601000000000000000000000000000000The configuration was set successfully Changing the configuration has failed Target configuration %d already active. Nothing to do. Bye! switched S.E. MD400 to modem mode-> device should be stable now. Bye! -> switching was probably not completed. Bye! -> Run lsusb to note any changes. Bye!  \&3l{@{@|@|@|@|@|@|@|@|@|@|@|@|@|@{@{@h{@X{@@{@{@{@z@w@z@z@z@`z@Pz@@z@z@z@y@y@y@y@y@xy@`y@|@Hy@|@|@|@|@|@|@ y@x@x@x@x@Xx@0x@w@w@w@|@|@w@w@|@|@|@|@h|@P|@(|@|@z@;|.`dvw0xx0 XpЅ0X0x@(HPh0P8` pP@H`(Xx `p 8 @P zRx )u*zRx $^FJ w?;*3$"DueD J B dv]D } G $XvD E Z F D|LBGB A(A0G 0A(A BBBK <BED C(D` (A ABBA L4:PHA \ ABH Q AB\ QAB$HN J L D @D A K $D I C C E $HD g E  L Y O D A K <PD ] G \D A K |`D  K `D F F 4AD o AA K FO tCD D H $AD  AE $<HS E ^ B $dO] D N B $O] D M C $X~ A C exF {4$WBFI l AGK AAD<\@BDA [ ABK \ AGD dEBBA A(D0x (C ABBF  (C ABBE  (C ABBJ LؕBBE B(D0D8Gv 8A0A(B BBBF $TXsAD0 AE ,|!AAD@ AAE Hs E A ODX-D<pBfY F(N03 (A ABBB <ЪDI C d\P1BBB E(D0A8D@ 8C0A(B BBBA { 8E0A(B BBBA <(AFG : AAF f AAH DȸvBBB A(C0D@ 0A(A BBBA $L[)BAI K`tؾDeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB -@-@ @ D~@``o@ @@ o `@@x o(@oo@`6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@@h@e @v@p,@V:@PI@CV@mg@Mw@2@3@w@r@b@ğ@d؆@H@J@X@S@O@B%@E1@T<@GE@NR@Ad@Lo@Z@U@F@K@n@R@cƇ@W·@Qԇ@D܇@I@t@j@f@s@i@u)@ausb_modeswitch.debug7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓ND*Jx:7 D?ga Y̵1 ǭO}^KVvu*eK,8ƭD 5D '%c`Y -򷟙/NR8 A)pZbZg@Ãd3]r;'4<7=yb n&䒷݉Ԝ?gjJcn68ݵ5f2]MV/DR3Yqn_*G=!l0×t#pG϶ok#c)H3,,Jt&|,uUjF4.|^Ц_9v-(=6vkHG6O0o> `Q/NY u:'q 9;ZK) ?sY8Ӵ\,0|A[rˋ_q6 rL/<%,^"y(LyoHX&2ZI #PcT~<@fn2 BF\@KQeȷgB{0lM`Rk^%>F{]H<+;S-Rd9‘lƍlv5f<` c O/Q"k`599Kgt0 j9F"RO_#}`I ϳ P`(Qy® #po7> RfO+ GXUP#7jq+ms JhSF8 cn<6T"')Ĩ.6yGQU> 8\ʨ<nV51/A<%90)AQX Q*j=AgnHMReCvBQINEl@p 3,Ց`qݴaɮڋ {8`%i\€ף"niΪ>;x-SEZ9e[؋=~:;mZyc!jg-6V\^y=ART( r4 kOnN0Px-v q~+''lQj I+`3ۯ7.  &^ԠrPtLlHt' @8F @ oNo@[o(@(`j@xtB@ ~@y @ 0@0dD~@D~ P~@P~@7@|@4`````` `  @`8( 8T