#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/clean_user_php_sessions Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::clean_user_php_sessions; use cPstrict; use Cpanel::PackMan (); use Cpanel::ProgLang::Supported::php::Ini (); use Cpanel::ProgLang (); if ( !caller() ) { exit main(@ARGV); } sub main (@args) { return help() if grep { my $arg = $_; grep { $_ eq $arg } qw{-h --help} } @args; my $regex = $args[0] // "sess_.*"; die "$0 is not intended to be run by non-root users." if $> != 0; # Get available PHP packages my @php_common_pkgs = Cpanel::PackMan->instance->list( prefix => "ea-php*-php-common" ); my @available_pkgs = map { my $p = $_; $p =~ s/-php-common.*$//; $p } @php_common_pkgs; # Get installed PHP packages my $php = get_cpanel_proglang(); my $installed_packages_aref = $php->get_installed_packages(); my %installed_pkgs = map { $_ => 1 } @$installed_packages_aref; foreach my $pkg (@available_pkgs) { $installed_pkgs{$pkg} ? clean_installed_pkg_sessions( $pkg, $regex ) : clean_uninstalled_pkg_sessions( $pkg, $regex ); } return 0; } my $php; sub get_cpanel_proglang () { $php ||= Cpanel::ProgLang->new( type => 'php' ); return $php; } sub clean_installed_pkg_sessions ( $pkg, $regex ) { my $php = get_cpanel_proglang(); my $ini = $php->get_ini( 'package' => $pkg ); my $directives = $ini->get_basic_directives(); my ( $path, $maxlifetime ); foreach my $directive ( @{$directives} ) { $maxlifetime = $directive->{'value'} if $directive->{'key'} eq 'session.gc_maxlifetime'; $path = $directive->{'value'} if $directive->{'key'} eq 'session.save_path'; } return clean_sessions( $path, $regex, $maxlifetime ); } sub clean_uninstalled_pkg_sessions ( $pkg, $regex ) { # We can only really clean up the default path in '/var/cpanel/php/sessions' at this point # since there is no way to know what the customer was really using as their session path my $path = $Cpanel::ProgLang::Supported::php::Ini::SESSION_SAVE_PATH . '/' . $pkg; return clean_sessions( $path, $regex ); } sub clean_sessions ( $path, $regex, $maxlife = undef ) { # session.save_path could be commented out, in which case we will let PHP handle garbage collection. return 0 if !defined $path || !-d $path; $maxlife = $Cpanel::ProgLang::Supported::php::Ini::SESSION_MAXLIFETIME if !defined $maxlife; # get_basic_directives can return values with leading/trailing whitespace. s/^\s+|\s+$//g for ( $path, $maxlife ); $maxlife = $Cpanel::ProgLang::Supported::php::Ini::SESSION_MAXLIFETIME if $maxlife !~ /^\d+$/; my $time = time; opendir( my $dh, $path ) or die "Could not open directory $path: $!"; while ( my $file = readdir $dh ) { next if $file !~ m/$regex/i; my $ctime = ( stat("$path/$file") )[10]; unlink "$path/$file" if $time - $ctime > $maxlife; } return 1; } sub help { print <