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HٺQ@11TH{HT$1Q@ED$E8H{HT$ Q@D$ =E$UH=> MF@191QH{HT$Q@D$=} F@1H > #E@V1~H = *XF@*1RH = 7F@1&H = 'F@1kH U= &0F@1:AUAATAUSHdH%(HD$1ExOA~+AAu$D$@a`>@ED$Ht$DHt>t$~6E1fD9|#AHA9tDA9u9huH@]A tA@AtAude`D9|,HH=f`t 9u9htHH=f`uf1HL$dH3 %(H[]A\A]D$c`f9|HH=@c`p9u9hu:D$`b`E1AHA99u9hu9"5 D$9-5 H5 .@D$b`@D$a`st@AWAe`AVAAUAATAQ@U1SHxdH%(HD$h1t$ @Q@Ht$DHKDAOTMGA6R@1AETIH„HMAAGHStHv9tNKLC16R@D$D$MH{DK5LC1R@AE5It$V҉T$1%HK1OR@D$D$gM1@IOA1OR@A 4096 or 252 (for MODE SENSE 6) bytes) --page=PG|-p PG page code to fetch (def: 63) --page=PG,SPG|-p PG,SPG page code and subpage code to fetch (defs: 63,0) --raw|-r output response in binary to stdout -R mode page response to stdout, a byte per line in ASCII hex (same result as '--raw --raw') --six|-6 use MODE SENSE(6), by default uses MODE SENSE(10) --verbose|-v increase verbosity --old|-O use old interface (use as first option) --version|-V output version string then exit Performs a SCSI MODE SENSE (10 or 6) command. To access and possibly change mode page fields see the sdparm utility.Usage: sg_modes [-a] [-A] [-c=PC] [-d] [-D] [-e] [-f] [-h] [-H] [-l] [-L] [-m=LEN] [-p=PG[,SPG]] [-r] [-subp=SPG] [-v] [-V] [-6] [DEVICE] where: -a get all mode pages supported by device -A get all mode pages and subpages supported by device -c=PC page control (def: 0 [current], 1 [changeable], 2 [default], 3 [saved]) -d disable block descriptors (DBD field in cdb) -D disable block descriptor output -e examine pages # 0 through to 0x3e, note if found -f be flexible, cope with MODE SENSE 6/10 response mixup -h output page number and header in hex -H output page number and header in hex (same as '-h') -l list common page codes for device peripheral type, if no device given then assume disk type -L set Long LBA Accepted (LLBAA field in mode sense 10 cdb) -m=LEN max response length (allocation length in cdb) (def: 0 -> 4096 or 252 (for MODE SENSE 6) bytes) -p=PG page code in hex (def: 3f) -p=PG,SPG both in hex, (defs: 3f,0) -r mode page output to stdout, a byte per line in ASCII hex -subp=SPG sub page code in hex (def: 0) -v verbose -V output version string -6 Use MODE SENSE(6), by default uses MODE SENSE(10) -N|--new use new interface -? output this usage message Performs a SCSI MODE SENSE (10 or 6) commandBad second value in argument to '--page=' unrecognised option code %c [0x%x] Unexpected extra argument: %s Bad page control after 'c=' option Bad argument after 'm=' option Bad page code value after 'p=' option Bad sub page code value after 'p=' option Bad page code, subpage code sequence after 'p=' option Bad sub page code after 'subp=' option too many arguments, got: %s, not expecting: %s Attached enclosure services processor Attached medium changer device Assume peripheral device type: disk peripheral device type: %s can't give '-e' and a page number LLBAA not defined for MODE SENSE 6, try without '-L' For Mode Sense (6) maxlen cannot exceed 255 Unable to malloc maxlen=%d bytes %s doesn't respond to a SCSI INQUIRY %.8s %.16s %.4s peripheral_type: %s [0x%x] >>>>>> try again without the '-6' switch for a 10 byte MODE SENSE command MODE SENSE (6) failed, device not ready >>>>>> try again with a '-6' switch for a 6 byte MODE SENSE command MODE SENSE (10) failed, device not ready '-R' requires a specific (sub)page, not all '-r' requires a specific (sub)page, not all invalid field in cdb (perhaps subpages not supported) invalid field in cdb (perhaps page control (PC) not supported) invalid field in cdb (perhaps page 0x%x not supported) >>> msense(10) but resp[0]=%d and not msense(6) response so fix length Mode parameter header from MODE SENSE(%s): >>> Mode parameter header from MODE SENSE(%s), decoded as %s byte response: Invalid block descriptor length=%d, ignore Mode data length=%d, medium type=0x%.2x, WP=%d, DpoFua=%d, longlba=%d Mode data length=%d, medium type=0x%.2x, specific param=0x%.2x, longlba=%d Only fetched %d bytes of response, truncate output > longlba direct access device block descriptors:> Direct access device block descriptors:> General mode parameter block descriptors:Unexpectedly received extra mode page responses, ignore >>> Seen 3 unit attention pages (only one should be at end) and mpage length=%d, looks malformed, try '-f' option >> page_code=0x%x, subpage_code=0x%x, page_control=%d >> page_code=0x%x, page_control=%d >>> page length (%d) > 256 bytes, unlikely trim Try '-f' option >> page_code: %s, page_control: %s Protocol specific logical unit (SAS)Phy control and discover (SAS)Saved training configuration valueCD device parameters (obsolete)Fault/failure reporting control (mmc)MM capabilities and mechanical status (obsolete)Device configuration extensionInformational exceptions control (tape version)Rigid disk geometry (obsolete)Medium types supported (obsolete)Notch and partition (obsolete)Power condition (obsolete, moved to 0x1a)Unit Attention condition [vendor specific format]Informational exceptions control[yields all supported pages and subpages]6aAc:dDefhHlLm:NOp:rRsvVbad argument to '--control=' bad argument to '--maxlen=' Bad argument to '--page=' m=%d%x,%xsubp=-oldUnrecognized option: %s c=Page[,subpage] Name===================== 0x%02x,0x%02x * %s 0x%02x * %s 0x%02x,0x%02x %s 0x%02x %s Transport protocol: %s 610SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS1.42 20130604Version string: %s No DEVICE argument given sg_set_binary_modeerror opening file: %s: %s Discovered mode pages: [0x%x] device not ready unit attention aborted command %02x Block descriptor length=%d Density code=0x%x 0x%x, subpage_code: 0x%x>> %s, page_control: %s currentchangeabledefaultsavedTarget deviceDT device primary portLogical unitProtocol specific luProtocol specific portProtocol specific port (SAS)Shared port control (SAS)Enhanced phy control (SAS)LU controlPort control short formatMargin controlNegotiated settingsReport transfer capabilitiesPort controlTarget device serial numberRBC device parametersEnclosure services managementLUN mappingElement address assignmentTransport geometry parametersDevice capabilitiesExtended device capabilitiesRead-Write error recoveryMRWWrite parametersVerify error recoveryCachingCD audioPower condition (mmc)Timeout and protectControl data protectionData CompressionDevice configurationMedium Partition [1]Medium Partition [2]Medium Partition [3]Medium Partition [4]Medium configurationFormat (obsolete)Flexible geometry (obsolete)Application tagParallel ATA control (SAT)Reserved (SATA control) (SAT)XOR controlATA Power conditionBackground controlLogical block provisioningDisconnect-ReconnectPeripheral device (obsolete)ControlControl extensionExtendedExtended device-type specificPower consumption[yields all supported pages]alldbddboutexamineflexiblehelphexlistllbaamaxlennewpagerawsixverboseversion;h Dt4T t$tl$TzRx *zRx $HFJ w?;*3$"D\8DSt@DSDHBBB D(C0G@Z 0A(A BBBA DBBB A(A0DP 0A(A BBBG <h,BED C(F@& (A ABBH L\XCBHH E(I0C8D 8A0A(B BBBI LBGB B(D0C8G%H 8A0A(B BBBA DeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBD0"@!@ @ 2@^`^`o@@@  `` @P @` o @oo@^` @ @ @ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@S@S@T@T@0T@N@GT@N@dT@~T@T@T@T@O@T@T@T@T@S@S@T@ U@'U@=U@@gU@U@U@AU@U@U@U@V@V@ @O@V@'V@`O@=V@*O@U@ QV@iV@zV@O@V@V@V@V@O@V@U@V@P@ W@V@V@ 'W@ 7W@ RW@ 0P@ XP@ xP@pW@|W@W@W@P@W@ W@ W@ W@ X@X@T@0T@W@1X@P@?CX@?Q@`X@atW@cdX@dhX@DnX@evX@fX@hX@HX@lX@LX@mX@NQ@OX@pX@rX@6X@vX@Vsg_modes.debugؒ7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓N ^ZD2m skN t-2S0w-bע7 'OP!ʩWfj,n1v)0ek[\ `O;pהmirUhD#`>Rv\D qT9rPJ"Ւf[ S+9 * Z,m*KD)F@9]Y5)w%jg[|#\@!C=UDJ/J޺Ɔo[&%̜RB{9ኺhkWmTΆڳ%g!C[jV8EhzΓ;}$ex[ ;&]5pJ3~o)]-%YyG9:zw=Fkbm;Mt; 99*[p6bXG_.íaa9=lF1qǮɧ<;y>[ĕW$ sx@8˥ U4~nKRJ s7t(inɳ$HZ}cbі,%/]6 E( u/\/N `ĕ!NwГV~4OQ+!Q0}(v1㐪x^ȯŎl~k{?j\BeD'XiѐdLL ŧ6̀Ӹ/ J c r~h @SFm+ ຼUQ8|fzYW;BxePǙ @F@No@P[o @ PjP @P `tB @ ~ @ y @ @$2@2 2@2% X@Xl(Y@(Y^`^^`^^`^^`^_`_``` a` a i`i iil