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Usage: %s [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2] Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input, writing to standard output. -c, -C, --complement use the complement of SET1 -d, --delete delete characters in SET1, do not translate -s, --squeeze-repeats replace each input sequence of a repeated character that is listed in SET1 with a single occurrence of that character -t, --truncate-set1 first truncate SET1 to length of SET2 --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit SETs are specified as strings of characters. Most represent themselves. Interpreted sequences are: \NNN character with octal value NNN (1 to 3 octal digits) \\ backslash \a audible BEL \b backspace \f form feed \n new line \r return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab CHAR1-CHAR2 all characters from CHAR1 to CHAR2 in ascending order [CHAR*] in SET2, copies of CHAR until length of SET1 [CHAR*REPEAT] REPEAT copies of CHAR, REPEAT octal if starting with 0 [:alnum:] all letters and digits [:alpha:] all letters [:blank:] all horizontal whitespace [:cntrl:] all control characters [:digit:] all digits [:graph:] all printable characters, not including space [:lower:] all lower case letters [:print:] all printable characters, including space [:punct:] all punctuation characters [:space:] all horizontal or vertical whitespace [:upper:] all upper case letters [:xdigit:] all hexadecimal digits [=CHAR=] all characters which are equivalent to CHAR Translation occurs if -d is not given and both SET1 and SET2 appear. -t may be used only when translating. SET2 is extended to length of SET1 by repeating its last character as necessary. Excess characters of SET2 are ignored. Only [:lower:] and [:upper:] are guaranteed to expand in ascending order; used in SET2 while translating, they may only be used in pairs to specify case conversion. -s uses SET1 if not translating nor deleting; else squeezing uses SET2 and occurs after translation or deletion. http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/Report %s translation bugs to For complete documentation, run: info coreutils '%s invocation' Two strings must be given when both deleting and squeezing repeats.Two strings must be given when translating.Only one string may be given when deleting without squeezing repeats.the [c*] repeat construct may not appear in string1only one [c*] repeat construct may appear in string2[=c=] expressions may not appear in string2 when translatingwhen translating, the only character classes that may appear in string2 are 'upper' and 'lower'misaligned [:upper:] and/or [:lower:] constructold_s1_len >= s1->length && old_s2_len >= s2->lengthwhen not truncating set1, string2 must be non-emptywhen translating with string1 longer than string2, the latter string must not end with a character classwhen translating with complemented character classes, string2 must map all characters in the domain to onethe [c*] construct may appear in string2 only when translating8.22%s: %sA NULL argv[0] was passed through an exec system call. /.libs/lt-’'"e‘`literalshellshell-alwaysc-maybeescapeclocale0p000, 4%s (%s) %s %s %s (C)Written by %s. Written by %s and %s. Written by %s, %s, and %s. Report bugs to: %s bug-coreutils@gnu.org%s home page: <%s> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and others. General help using GNU software: hX8Copyright %s %d Free Software Foundation, Inc.memory exhaustedlib/xstrtol.c0 <= strtol_base && strtol_base <= 36n;O4n;$xstrtoumax/usr/lib64ASCIICHARSETALIASDIR%50s %50s;W8(oȕX88PhHXH0`ȶ0عHx(@`h0x8X 0 x    ( @ X p X  P h h x  8 P h H h  H (0hXpXx((@X(`zRx ʟ*zRx $ FJ w?;*3$"Dh4\gBEH c ABK cABLeBLB B(A0D8DP 8A0A(B BBBG 8uDz B LBEB B(A0A8D@ 8A0A(B BBBG <T~BIB D(A0U (A BBBB 4XfAID R DAK pDA4ADG } DAB NCA5As$ H,<[ACL j AAA Ll@ BBB B(A0D8Gg 8A0A(B BBBK ,pGBDD yABLUBDI E(G0C8A@+8A0A(B BBB$<0BBA C(D04dh BBB E(A0A8J`X,PAAD } AAA i8+AZ E J4HL@"FNlPD{ A DPz A <PBGG F(D0Q (D ABBD L BEE E(A0A8J 8A0A(B BBBG L<BEB B(A0A8Gm 8D0A(B BBBB ,2BAD gAB68@4Kc A D<`BLE E(A0A8G`S8A0A(B BBBLBIE E(D0A8G8A0A(B BBB8 ,0BND jAL4 L d 4|WBDC D`@  AABA <ZBED C(Dp| (A ABBA   4$BLD D`  AABA \0t(  <BED C(Dp (A ABBA   x, D x \ p t h 4 `^BED A(G0A(D ABB BBB B(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBE  8A0A(B BBBB b 8G0A(B BBBV ^ 8G0A(M BBBO b 8P0A(B BBBU t x  Dp} A  G A  A} AN A  [$ $< 8DS I M A d #^| b] xMH AQ DN A $ (AGG IGA AP4 8KLL lBBE B(A0A8D`| 8A0A(B BBBI D vBAD p ABF W ABF RABL 85BGB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA 44 (xBAA F ABC `ABl p@DR J [, eAG N DF CAD eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB&@&@j@c'j@d.j@s>j@tLj@~Qj@}Yj@_j@ej@kj@j@qj@wj@}j@j@j@j@j@|@!|@'|@ @4|@<|@Ni@C|@ X@ lh@H`P`o@0 @@  ` @ @ o @oo$ @`@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@{@p``tr.debug'7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓N Uǝ|c;T̕H:̾~ b :)Km*[O^"6\ =lRϑf@`?vHwA6d9.3lU5m;~}#{"Hz]")l6h!<`!jAe+ Ph۬cp*~VUmQ{y3&98KYɷvr3Qbfas+\rcN]lv`bsQTsm&xU@WOz dil^z':cfB57iu]F~ln(ٳ?a bӆ0$z&QJk E5$+ FXAtekUcLs][IYHaUjyBЛad˧GK|p*&`#Wkj!H{H ؒjKaa_!N\̉h}_^ ~F\$1-&K&UgK 1l'W6GM(HuqKJD/A9&Z36kU|~S%p;.P!{O?G2i )Γ'usm\Σ.+nr>HVj$ʙp]7F0|bGr8q&e!y.6m(Rs)qC:RUw/[nI W#z6&IU|RkzXX="\ne ɢ) u;\.qb"O_@ R_Fhn1Yq@^!^Pm&o(̃Q)ZP<4LSFמVŸȝf߃F$\N[=Zr|*ʼn6vL [`_~Tw=~ 9\ װ3a >;]^5҅EEЙ R4_q` /qlp<_Oo?ۍ%@Dʨ&r6竳zԔXx  *ImH6kF @xF0 @0 No$ @$ [o @ `j @ tB @ ~X@Xy@P@PQlh@lh h@h H@H@dH`HP`PX`X``` ``8`` `$  Dԩ