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To turn bell off: -b b off b 0 To set bell volume, pitch and duration: b [vol [pitch [dur]]] b on To disable bug compatibility mode: -bc To enable bug compatibility mode: bc To turn keyclick off: -c c off c 0 To set keyclick volume: c [0-100] c on To control Energy Star (DPMS) features: -dpms Energy Star features off +dpms Energy Star features on dpms [standby [suspend [off]]] force standby force suspend force off force on (also implicitly enables DPMS features) a timeout value of zero disables the mode To set the font path: fp= path[,path...] To restore the default font path: fp default To have the server reread font databases: fp rehash To remove elements from font path: -fp path[,path...] fp- path[,path...] To prepend or append elements to font path: +fp path[,path...] fp+ path[,path...] To set LED states off or on: -led [1-32] led off led [1-32] led on -led named 'name' led off led named 'name' led on To set mouse acceleration and threshold: m [acc_mult[/acc_div] [thr]] m default To set pixel colors: p pixel_value color_name To turn auto-repeat off or on: -r [keycode] r off r [keycode] r on r rate [delay [rate]] For screen-saver control: s [timeout [cycle]] s default s on s blank s noblank s off s expose s noexpose s activate s reset For status information: q To print version: -version usage: %s [-display host:dpy] option ... %sFailed to set led named %s %s Server does not have the XKB Extension%s: unable to open display "%s" server does not have extension for bc option server does not have extension for -bc option missing argument to -led namedserver does not have extension for +dpms option server does not have extension for -dpms option illegal combination of values standby time of %d is greater than suspend time of %d suspend time of %d is greater than off time of %d standby time of %d is greater than off time of %d missing argument to dpms forceserver does not have extension for dpms option server does not have extension for "r rate" option auto repeat: %s key click percent: %d LED mask: %08lx auto repeat delay: %d repeat rate: %d bell percent: %d bell pitch: %d bell duration: %d acceleration: %d/%d threshold: %d default colormap: 0x%lx BlackPixel: 0x%lx WhitePixel: 0x%lx Bug Mode: compatibility mode is enabledBug Mode: compatibility mode is disabled Standby: %d Suspend: %d Off: %d Unrecognized response from server Display is not capable of DPMS Server does not have the DPMS Extension%s: Can't get visual for visualID 0x%x %s: unknown visual class type %d %s: cannot set pixel values in read-only %s visuals %s: pixel value %ld out of colormap range 0 through %ld (@(@(@(@(@(@;(h3:gXx@xH8 hzRx *zRx $FJ w?;*3$"Dh\D@~ F dxWD@R$|AGz AE 4,BDD F@ AAB-DDj B L$XBBE B(D0D8DD 8A0A(B BBBA tAG<BEA D(GP(A ABB,xsBAC S ABD -Ak4$ȼ#BBB B(A0C8JID\peBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBD@D@ `@ M@m`m`o@ @@ M p`X@(@0 o@oo@m`@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@xset.debugϫ\7zXZִF!t/g]?Eh=ڊ̓NH䷧>TQnx A"1;2 ZʼNncˠFXiC4e]Lp*uzP=rzFԃ$ Ǩ1 mg't_y* 7&,~"4q{1_X^ι>gɩr|1"n [4~6ˡud28ĭ3]4ow4/^bFc刑/ktGL6P-#H&nz]1pKq^ cHf9/{ C]Z'5j7HOC$yw|X&)˰*dkzy 3EՋځۺbE[<; Mj (w#EO `Y~Y/o]|D1cAh"\pϦ=I$2@ ^ɘlC~bwUTFWDZw(ٰ(秴KPy٩}꣭U4k-__Jon&mv0\ |K@$iCݴye.T3 č5ޗI r 23׸stͰ#}ɤr)p-rX70C20d(? 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