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18SZah^"5;BPWelsz 7>ELSZahov} %,3:AHOV]dkryow #)/5;BIPWels %+18?FMT[bipw~ %+18?FMT[bipw~ #)/5;BIPWelsz 7>ELSZahov %4CRap~$5C$5CLYfs #)/5;BIPWels #)/  #)/5;BIPWelszMISC: interrupt status 0 is not 0.MISC_REG_INT_STSMISC_REG_INT_MASKAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_1 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_1_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_2 is not 0x90MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_2_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_4 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_4_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_5 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_5_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_6 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_6_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_7 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_7_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_8 is not 0x34000000MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_8_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: IGU: AFTER_INVERT_9 is not 0x60MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_9_IGUMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_1 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_1_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_2 is not 0x90MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_2_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_4 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_4_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_5 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_5_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_6 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_6_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_7 is not 0MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_7_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_8 is not 0x34000000MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_8_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STAEU: MCP AFTER_INVERT_9 is not 0x60MISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC_REG_AEU_AFTER_INVERT_9_MCPMISC_REG_ATTN_NUM_STMISC: system kill occurred;MISC_REG_AEU_SYS_KILL_OCCURREDMISCS: interrupt status 0 is not 0.MISCS_REG_INT_STS_0MISCS_REG_INT_MASK_0MISCS: pcie_rst_b was asserted without perst assertionMISCS_REG_PCIE_HOT_RESETDMAE: command 0 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C0DMAE: command 1 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C1DMAE: command 2 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C2DMAE: command 3 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C3DMAE: command 4 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C4DMAE: command 5 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C5DMAE: command 6 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C6DMAE: command 7 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C7DMAE: command 8 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C8DMAE: command 9 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C9DMAE: command 10 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C10DMAE: command 11 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C11DMAE: command 12 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C12DMAE: command 13 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C13DMAE: command 14 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C14DMAE: command 15 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C15DMAE: command 16 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C16DMAE: command 17 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C17DMAE: command 18 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C18DMAE: command 19 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C19DMAE: command 20 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C20DMAE: command 21 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C21DMAE: command 22 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C22DMAE: command 23 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C23DMAE: command 24 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C24DMAE: command 25 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C25DMAE: command 26 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C26DMAE: command 27 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C27DMAE: command 28 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C28DMAE: command 29 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C29DMAE: command 30 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C30DMAE: command 31 go is not 0DMAE_REG_GO_C31GRC: GRC_REG_TRACE_FIFO_VALID_DATA = 1, the trace FIFO contains at least one valid data.GRC_REG_TRACE_FIFO_VALID_DATAGRC: GRC_REG_INT_STS_0, one of the interrupts is set, bits 3:0: path_isolation_error, global_reserved_address, timeout_event, address_error.GRC: There is an interrupt on register 0GRC_REG_INT_STS_0GRC_REG_INT_MASK_0GRC: Parity status is not 0GRC_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0GRC_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0DORQ: Interrupt Status is not 0DORQ: There is an interrupt on register 0DORQ_REG_INT_STSDORQ_REG_INT_MASKDORQ: Parity status is not 0DORQ_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0DORQ_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0DORQ: Credit to XCM is different than default valueDORQ: There are pending messages in DORQ->XCM interfaceDORQ_REG_XCM_MSG_INIT_CRDDORQ: Credit to TCM is different than default valueDORQ: There are pending messages in DORQ->TCM interfaceDORQ_REG_TCM_MSG_INIT_CRDDORQ: Credit to UCM is different than default valueDORQ: There are pending messages in DORQ->UCM interfaceDORQ_REG_UCM_MSG_INIT_CRDDORQ: Credit to PBF is different than default valueDORQ: There are pending messages in DORQ->PBF interfaceDORQ_REG_PBF_CMD_INIT_CRDDORQ: PF Usage counter is not 0DORQ: There are currently doorbells pending on the PFDORQ_REG_PF_USAGE_CNTDORQ: VF Usage counter is not 0DORQ: There are currently doorbells pending on the VFDORQ_REG_VF_USAGE_CNTDORQ: CFC load request FIFO current fill level is not 0DORQ: There are pending messages in DORQ->CCFC interfaceDORQ_REG_CFC_LD_REQ_FIFO_FILL_LVLDORQ: DORQ FIFO is not emptyDORQ: There are currently doorbells pendingDORQ_REG_DORQ_FIFO_FILL_LVLDORQ: Doorbell drops counter is not 0DORQ: there were doorbell dropsDORQ_REG_DB_DROP_CNTDORQ_REG_DB_DROP_DETAILSDORQ_REG_DB_DROP_DETAILS_REASONDORQ: Doorbell aborts counter is not 0DORQ: there were doorbell abortsDORQ_REG_DPM_ABORT_CNTDORQ_REG_DPM_ABORT_REASONDORQ_REG_DPM_ABORT_DETAILS_REASONDORQ: DPM Table current fill level is not 0DORQ: There are DPMs currently in processDORQ_REG_DPM_TBL_FILL_LVLIGU: CAM Parity status is not 0IGU_REG_PRTY_STSIGU_REG_PRTY_MASKIGU attention message write done pending is not emptyIGU: attention write done pendingIGU_REG_ATTN_WRITE_DONE_PENDINGIGU: block is not in idle. Some interrupts are assertedIGU_REG_INTERRUPT_STATUSIGU: some unauthorized commands arrived to the IGU. Use igu_dump_fifo utility for more details.IGU_REG_ERROR_HANDLING_DATA_VALIDSome messages were not executed in the IGU.IGU: Commands were droppedIGU_REG_SILENT_DROPIGU: block is not in idle. SB_CTRL_FSM should be zero in idle stateIGU_REG_SB_CTRL_FSMIGU: block is not in idle. INT_HANDLE_FSM should be zero in idle stateIGU_REG_INT_HANDLE_FSMIGU: block is not in idle. SB_ATTN_FSM should be zero or two in idle stateIGU_REG_ATTN_FSMIGU: block is not in idle. SB_CTRL_FSM should be zero in idle stateIGU_REG_CTRL_FSMIGU: block is not in idle. SB_ARB_FSM should be zero in idle stateIGU_REG_PXP_ARB_FSMCAU: Parity status is not 0CAU_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0CAU_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0CAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Pending IGU RequestCAU_REG_IGU_REQ_CREDIT_STATUSCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Pending IGU CommandCAU_REG_IGU_CMD_CREDIT_STATUSCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: FIFOs are not emptyCAU_REG_DEBUG_FIFO_STATUSCAU: Fatal unauthorized command arrived from PXPInvalid command arrived to CAU from PXP switchCAU_REG_ERROR_PXP_REQCAU: Fatal. CAU arrived to invalid FSM line.CAU_REG_ERROR_FSM_LINE_PRECAU_REG_ERROR_FSM_LINECAU_REG_ERROR_FSM_LINE_PRECAU: Fatal parity error occurred in CAUCAU_REG_PARITY_LATCH_STATUSCAU: Fatal unauthorized cleanup command arrived from GRCCAU_REG_ERROR_CLEANUP_CMD_REGCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Agg Unit is not in idleCAU_REG_AGG_UNITS_0TO15_STATECAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Agg Unit is not in idleCAU_REG_AGG_UNITS_16TO31_STATECAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Agg Unit is not in idleCAU_REG_AGG_UNITS_32TO47_STATECAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Agg Unit is not in idleCAU_REG_AGG_UNITS_48TO63_STATECAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Not all WDones were received from IGUCAU_REG_REQ_COUNTERCAU_REG_WDONE_COUNTERCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Not all ACKs were received from IGUCAU_REG_REQ_COUNTERCAU_REG_ACK_COUNTERCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Main FSM is not idleCAU_REG_MAIN_FSM_STATUSCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: Var Read FSM is not idleCAU_REG_VAR_READ_FSM_STATUSCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: IGU DMA FSM is not idleCAU_REG_IGU_DMA_FSM_STATUSCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: IGU CQE AMD FSM is not idleCAU_REG_IGU_CQE_CMD_FSM_STATUSCAU: Block is not in idleCAU: IGU CQE AGG FSM is not idleCAU_REG_IGU_CQE_AGG_FSM_STATUSPRS: Interrupt Status is not 0PRS: Fatal errorPRS_REG_INT_STS_0PRS_REG_INT_MASK_0PRS_REG_MINI_CACHE_FAILED_RESPONSEPRS_REG_MINI_CACHE_ENTRYGRC_REG_TRACE_FIFO_VALID_DATAPRS: CAM Parity status is not 0PRS_REG_PRTY_STSPRS_REG_PRTY_MASKPRS: The number of available packets waiting for Parser processing is not 0There are available packets waiting for PRS processing. 16:8 - Loopback TCs, 7:0 - main TCsPRS_REG_QUEUE_PKT_AVAIL_STATUSPRS: There are traffic-classes that are backpressured by the STORMPRS: There are traffic-classes that are blocked by the STORM. Each set bit represents a blocked TC (7-0) from MSDM, TSDM, and USDM, respectively.PRS_REG_STORM_BKPRS_STATUSPRS: BRB has asserted Stop Parsing indication to PRSPRS: The number of outstanding packets in the pipeline is above a threshold so PRS stopped processing new packetsPRS_REG_STOP_PARSING_STATUSPRS: CCFC Search Credit Count is not 0 PRS: There are CCFC search requests that were not ACKedPRS_REG_CCFC_SEARCH_CURRENT_CREDITPRS: TCFC Search Credit Count is not 0 PRS: There are TCFC search requests that were not ACKedPRS_REG_TCFC_SEARCH_CURRENT_CREDITPRS: CCFC Load Credit Count is not 0 PRS: There are CCFC load requests that were not ACKedPRS_REG_CCFC_LOAD_CURRENT_CREDITPRS: TCFC Load Credit Count is not 0 PRS: There are TCFC load requests that were not ACKedPRS_REG_TCFC_LOAD_CURRENT_CREDITPRS: The number of outstanding CCFC search requests is not 0 PRS: There are outstanding CCFC search requestsPRS_REG_CCFC_SEARCH_REQ_CTPRS: The number of outstanding TCFC search requests is not 0 PRS: There are outstanding TCFC search requestsPRS_REG_TCFC_SEARCH_REQ_CTPRS: The number of outstanding CCFC load requests is not 0 PRS: There are outstanding CCFC load requestsPRS_REG_CCFC_LOAD_REQ_CTPRS: The number of outstanding TCFC load requests is not 0 PRS: There are outstanding TCFC load requestsPRS_REG_TCFC_LOAD_REQ_CTPRS: The number of outstanding BRB SOP requests is not 0 PRS: There are outstanding BRB SOP requestsPRS_REG_SOP_REQ_CTPRS: The number of outstanding BRB EOP requests is not 0 PRS: There are outstanding BRB EOP requestsPRS_REG_EOP_REQ_CTPRM: Interrupt status is not 0PRM_REG_INT_STSPRM_REG_INT_MASKRSS: RSS_INIT_DONE is not 1RSS: Block is not initializedRSS_REG_RSS_INIT_DONERSS: Interrupt status is setRSS_REG_INT_STSRSS_REG_INT_MASKRSS: RSS-TMLD interface credits != 0x20RSS: Pending messages in RSS-TMLD interfaceRSS_REG_TMLD_CREDITPSWRQ2: rq_rbc_done is not 1PSWRQ2: Block is not initializedPSWRQ2_REG_RBC_DONEPSWRQ2: rq_cfg_done is not 1PSWRQ2: Block is not initializedPSWRQ2_REG_CFG_DONEPSWRQ2: Interrupt status is not 0PSWRQ2_REG_INT_STSPSWRQ2_REG_INT_MASKPSWRQ2: Parity status is not 0PSWRQ2_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PSWRQ2_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PSWRQ2: VQ is not emptyPSWRQ2_REG_VQ0_ENTRY_CNTPSWRQ2: There are used credits on PSWRQ - PGLUE request interface.PSWRQ2_REG_BW_CREDITPSWRQ2: TREQ FIFO is not emptyPSWRQ2_REG_TREQ_FIFO_FILL_LVLPSWRQ2: ICPL FIFO is not emptyPSWRQ2_REG_ICPL_FIFO_FILL_LVLPSWRQ: L2P error. Address(31:0) is not 0PSWRQ2_REG_L2P_ERR_ADD_31_0PSWRQ: L2P error. Address(63:23) is not 0PSWRQ2_REG_L2P_ERR_ADD_63_32PSWRQ: L2P error. Error details register is not 0. (12:0) - Length in bytes. (16:13) - PFID. (17) - VF_VALID. (25:18) - VFID. PSWRQ2_REG_L2P_ERR_DETAILSPSWRQ: L2P error. Error details register 2 is not 0. (15:0) - Request ID. (20:16) - client ID. (21) - Error type - 0 - rq_l2p_vf_err; 1 - rq_elt_addr. (22) - w_nr - 0 - read; 1 - write.(27:23) - VQID. (28) - valid bit. PSWRQ2_REG_L2P_ERR_DETAILS2PSWRQ2: There are more than four used SRsPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNTPSWRQ2_REG_SR_NUM_CFGPSWRQ2: sr_cnt is not equal to sr_num_cfgPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNTPSWRQ2_REG_SR_NUM_CFGPSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq0 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_0PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ0PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq1 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_1PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ1PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq2 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_2PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ2PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq3 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_3PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ3PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq4 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_4PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ4PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq5 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_5PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ5PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq6 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_6PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ6PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq9 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_9PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ9PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq11 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_11PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ11PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq12 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_12PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ12PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq15 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_15PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ15PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq16 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_16PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ16PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq17 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_17PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ17PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq18 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_18PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ18PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq19 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_19PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ19PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq21 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_21PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ21PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq22 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_22PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ22PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq23 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_23PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ23PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq24 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_24PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ24PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq26 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_26PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ26PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq28 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_28PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ28PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq29 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_29PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ29PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq30 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_30PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ30PSWRQ2: There are more than eight used blocksPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNTPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_NUM_CFGPSWRQ2: blk_cnt is not equal to blk_num_cfgPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNTPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_NUM_CFGPSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq0 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_0PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ0PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq1 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_1PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ1PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq2 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_2PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ2PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq3 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_3PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ3PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq4 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_4PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ4PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq5 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_5PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ5PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq6 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_6PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ6PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq9 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_9PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ9PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq11 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_11PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ11PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq12 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_12PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ12PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq15 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_15PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ15PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq16 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_16PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ16PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq17 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_17PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ17PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq18 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_18PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ18PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq19 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_19PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ19PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq21 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_21PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ21PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq22 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_22PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ22PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq23 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_23PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ23PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq24 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_24PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ24PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq26 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_26PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ26PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq28 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_28PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ28PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq29 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_29PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ29PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq30 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_30PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ30PSWRQ2: L2P close the gate is assertedPSWRQ2_REG_L2P_CLOSE_GATE_STSPSWRQ2: MISC close the gate is assertedPSWRQ2_REG_MISC_CLOSE_GATE_STSPSWRQ2: MISC stall mem is assertedPSWRQ2_REG_MISC_STALL_MEM_STSPSWRQ: Interrupt status is not 0PSWRQ_REG_INT_STSPSWRQ_REG_INT_MASKPSWWR: Interrupt status is not 0PSWWR_REG_INT_STSPSWWR_REG_INT_MASKPSWWR: Details of first request that triggered any of the 3 EOP interrupts: [4:0] - client ID. [7:5] - (sum1[5:3] + 1) or (sum1[5:4] + 1) according to the definition in the spec. [10:8] - number_of_valid_64bit_words[2:0] or number_of_valid_128bit_words[1:0] according to the definition in the spec. [13:11] - The type of interrupt the logging corresponds to: [11] - pglue_eop_error; [12] - pglue_lsr_error; [13] - pglue_eop_error_in_line. [14] - valid - indicates if there was a request that triggered EOP interrupt since this register was cleared.PSWWR2_REG_PGLUE_EOP_ERR_DETAILSPSWWR: PRM payload FIFO is not empty.PSWWR2_REG_PRM_CURR_FILL_LEVELPSWWR: CDU payload FIFO is not empty.PSWWR2_REG_CDU_CURR_FILL_LEVELPSWWR2: Interrupt status is not 0PSWWR2_REG_INT_STSPSWWR2_REG_INT_MASKPSWRD: Full is asserted from at least one client.PSWRD_REG_FIFO_FULL_STATUSPSWRD: Interrupt status is not 0PSWRD_REG_INT_STSPSWRD_REG_INT_MASKPSWRD2: rd_start_init is not 1PSWRD2 Block is not initializedPSWRD2_REG_START_INITPSWRD2: rd_init_done is not 1PSWRD2: Block is not initializedPSWRD2_REG_INIT_DONEPSWRD2: Completion received with error. Error details register is not 0. (15:0) - ECHO. (28:16) - Sub Request length minus 1. (29) - first SR. (30) - last SR.PSWRD2_REG_CPL_ERR_DETAILSPSWRD2: Completion received with error. Error details 2nd register is not 0. (4:0) - VQ ID. (9:5) - client ID. (10) - valid bit.PSWRD2_REG_CPL_ERR_DETAILS2PSWRD2: P0 All delivery ports are not idlePSWRD2_REG_PORT_IS_IDLE_0PSWRD2: P1 All delivery ports are not idlePSWRD2_REG_PORT_IS_IDLE_1PSWRD2: rd_almost_full is not 0PSWRD2_REG_ALMOST_FULL_0PSWRD2: Interrupt status is not 0PSWRD2_REG_INT_STSPSWRD2_REG_INT_MASKPSWRD2: Parity status 0 is not 0PSWRD2_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PSWRD2_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PSWRD2: Parity status 1 is not 0PSWRD2_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1PSWRD2_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1PSWRD2: PSWRD inputs are disabledPSWRD2_REG_DISABLE_INPUTSPSWHST2: HST header FIFO status is not 0PSWHST2_REG_HEADER_FIFO_STATUSPSWHST2: HST data FIFO status is not 0PSWHST2_REG_DATA_FIFO_STATUSPSWHST2: Interrupt status is not 0PSWHST2_REG_INT_STSPSWHST2_REG_INT_MASKPSWHST: HST Close the gates: Discarding internal writesPSWHST_REG_DISCARD_INTERNAL_WRITES_STATUSPSWHST: HST Close the gates: Discarding doorbellsPSWHST_REG_DISCARD_DOORBELLS_STATUSPSWHST: HST arbiter is not idlePSWHST_REG_ARB_IS_IDLEPSWHST: Incorrect transaction took placePSWHST_REG_INCORRECT_ACCESS_DATA;PSWHST_REG_INCORRECT_ACCESS_LENGTH;PSWHST_REG_INCORRECT_ACCESS_ADDRESSPSWHST_REG_INCORRECT_ACCESS_VALIDPSWHST_REG_INCORRECT_ACCESS_DATAPSWHST_REG_INCORRECT_ACCESS_LENGTHPSWHST_REG_INCORRECT_ACCESS_ADDRESSPSWHST: Zone A permission violation occurredPSWHST_REG_PER_VIOLATION_DATAPSWHST_REG_PER_VIOLATION_VALIDPSWHST_REG_PER_VIOLATION_DATAPSWHST: HST: not all credits available from internal write sources. (1:0) usdm; (3:2) xsdm; (5:4) msdm; (7:6) ysdm; (9:8) psdm; (11:10) tsdm; (13:12) pbf; (16:14) qm; (18:17) nigPSWHST_REG_SOURCE_CREDITS_AVAILPSWHST: HST: Internal write source client consumed more credits than it is allowed. 0 TSDM; 1 MSDM; 2 USDM; 3 XSDM; 4 YSDM; 5 PSDM; 6 TSDM; 7 PBF; 8 QM; 9 NIG.PSWHST_REG_SOURCE_CREDIT_VIOL_DATAPSWHST_REG_SOURCE_CREDIT_VIOL_VALIDPSWHST_REG_SOURCE_CREDIT_VIOL_DATAPSWHST: HST: not all credits available to internal write destinations. (1:0) usdm; (3:2) xsdm; (5:4) msdm; (7:6) ysdm; (9:8) psdm; (11:10) tsdm; (13:12) igu; (15:14) cauPSWHST_REG_DEST_CREDITS_AVAILPSWHST: HST: Is in drain mode (after target timeout).PSWHST_REG_IS_IN_DRAIN_MODEPSWHST: HST: Target Timeout details. (29:24) - length in DWs; (23:16) - byte enable; (15:13) - pfid; (12:6) - vfid; (5) - vf_valid; (4:1) - client (0 TSDM; 1 MSDM; 2 USDM; 3 XSDM; 4 YSDM; 5 PSDM; 6 HC; 7 GRC; 8 DQ; 9 ATC; 10 RESERVED SPACE); (0) - 0 - read 1 - write.PSWHST_REG_TIMEOUT_DATAPSWHST_REG_TIMEOUT_VALIDPSWHST_REG_TIMEOUT_DATAPSWHST: HST: Target Timeout address.PSWHST_REG_TIMEOUT_ADDRESSPSWHST_REG_TIMEOUT_VALIDPSWHST_REG_TIMEOUT_ADDRESSPSWHST: Each entry contains a bit mask for PSWHST source arbiter clients. '1' means this client is waiting for the arbiter. Each entry refers to a different source arbiter. Entry decoding: (0 TSDM; 1 MSDM; 2 USDM; 3 XSDM; 4 YSDM; 5 PSDM; 6 IGU; 7 CAU). Bit mask decoding: (0 TSDM; 1 MSDM; 2 USDM; 3 XSDM; 4 YSDM; 5 PSDM; 6 PBF; 7 QM; 8 NIG; 9 HOST WR; 10 HOST RD)PSWHST_REG_CLIENTS_WAITING_TO_SOURCE_ARBPSWHST: Interrupt status is not 0PSWHST_REG_INT_STSPSWHST_REG_INT_MASKPGLUE_B: Interrupt status & 0x01BC01 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_INT_STSPGLUE_B: Interrupt status & 0x76417C is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_INT_STSPGLUE_B: pgl_write_blocked is not 0PGLUE_B: PCI was closed for write requests while a request arrived (might happen in DrvSim due to Timers)PGLUE_B_REG_PGL_WRITE_BLOCKEDPGLUE_B: pgl_read_blocked is not 0PGLUE_B: PCI was closed for read requests while a request arrived (might happen in DrvSim due to Timers)PGLUE_B_REG_PGL_READ_BLOCKEDPGL TX Read FIFO is not empty.PGLUE_B_REG_READ_FIFO_OCCUPANCY_LEVELBit 0 - Target memory read with a correctable error. Bit 1 - Target memory read with an uncorrectable error. Bit 2 - Configuration RW with a correctable error. Bit 3 - Configuration RW with an uncorrectable error. Bit 4 - Target memory write or MSGD with a correctable error. Bit 5 - Target memory write or MSGD with an uncorrectable error. Bit 6 - Master completion with a correctable error. Bit 7 - Master completion with an uncorrectable error.PGLUE_B_REG_RX_LEGACY_ERRORSPGLUE_B: There is data which is readyPGLUE_B_REG_PGL_TXW_CDTSPGL: Cfg-Space A request is setPGLUE_B_REG_CFG_SPACE_A_REQUESTPGL: Cfg-Space B request is setPGLUE_B_REG_CFG_SPACE_B_REQUESTPGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 31-0PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_31_0PGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 63-32PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_63_32PGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 95-64PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_95_64PGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 127-96PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_127_96PGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 159-128PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_159_128PGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 191-160PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_191_160PGL: FLR request is set for PF addresses 7-0PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_PF_31_0PGL: SR-IOV disable request is set PGLUE_B_REG_SR_IOV_DISABLED_REQUESTPGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 0-31 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_31_0PGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 32-63 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_63_32PGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 64-95 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_95_64PGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 96-127 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_127_96PGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 128-159 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_159_128PGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 160-191 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_191_160PGLUE_B: was_error for PFs 0-15 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_PF_31_0PGLUE_B: Completion received with error. (3:0) - PFID. (4) - VF_VALID. (12:5) - VFID. (14:13) - Error code : 0 - Completion Timeout ; 1 - Unsupported Request; 2 - Completer Abort. (15) - valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_RX_ERR_DETAILSPGLUE_B: ATS TCPL received with error. (3:0) - PFID. (4) - VF_VALID. (12:5) - VFID. (14:13) - Error code : 0 - Completion Timeout ; 1 - Unsupported Request; 2 - Completer Abort. (19:15) - OTB Entry ID. (20) - valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_RX_TCPL_ERR_DETAILSPGLUE_B: Error in master write. Address(31:0) is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_WR_ADD_31_0PGLUE_B: Error in master write. Address(63:32) is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_WR_ADD_63_32PGLUE_B: Error in master write. Error details register is not 0. (4:0) VQID. (17:5) - Length in bytes. (19) - VF_VALID. (23:20) - PFID. (31:24) - VFID.PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_WR_DETAILSPGLUE_B: Error in master write. Error details 2nd register is not 0. (15:0) Request ID. (20:16) client ID. (21) - was_error set; (22) - BME cleared; (23) - FID_enable cleared; (24) - VF with parent PF FLR_request or IOV_disable_request. (25) - last SR. (26) - valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_WR_DETAILS2PGLUE: Error in master read address(31:0) is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_RD_ADD_31_0PGLUE_B: Error in master read address(63:32) is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_RD_ADD_63_32PGLUE_B: Error in master read Error details register is not 0. (4:0) VQID. (5) Is TREQ. (18:6) - Length in bytes. (19) - VF_VALID. (23:20) - PFID. (31:24) - VFID.PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_RD_DETAILSPGLUE_B: Error in master read Error details 2nd register is not 0. (15:0) Request ID. (20:16) client ID. (21) - was_error set; (22) - BME cleared; (23) - FID_enable cleared; (24) - VF with parent PF FLR_request or IOV_disable_request. (25) last SR. (26) valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_TX_ERR_RD_DETAILS2PGLUE_B: Target VF length violation access. (12:0) Address in DWs (bits (14:2) of byte address). (14:13) BAR. (22:15) VFID. (26:23) - PFID. PGLUE_B_REG_VF_LENGTH_VIOLATION_DETAILSPGLUE_B: Target VF length violation access. (5:0) - Length in DWs. (6) valid bit. PGLUE_B_REG_VF_LENGTH_VIOLATION_DETAILS2PGLUE_B: Target VF GRC space access failed permission check. (14:0) Address. (15) w_nr: 0 - Read; 1 - Write. (23:16) VFID. (27:24) - PFID. (28) - valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_VF_GRC_SPACE_VIOLATION_DETAILSPGLUE: Address(31:0) of first master read request with length equals to 0.PGLUE_B_REG_MASTER_ZLR_ERR_ADD_31_0PGLUE: Address(63:32) of first master read request with length equals to 0.PGLUE_B_REG_MASTER_ZLR_ERR_ADD_63_32Details of first read request with length = 0. (4:0) VQID. (5) Is TREQ. (9:6) - PFID. (10) - VF_VALID. (18:11) - VFID. (23:19) client ID. (24) - last SR. (25) valid.PGLUE_B_REG_MASTER_ZLR_ERR_DETAILSDetails of first target Read Write access to the admin window that have a length bigger than 1DW or first byte enable != 0xf . (9:0) Address in DWs (bits (11:2) of byte address). (13:10) BE first. (17:14) BE last. (21:18) - PFID. (27:22) - Length in DWs. (28) valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_ADMIN_WINDOW_VIOLATION_DETAILSDetails of first target Read/Write access where pretend register contains an out of range function. (3:0) - original PFID. (7:4) Pretend PFID. (15:8) Pretend VFID. (16) Pretend vf_valid. (20:17) Pretend register: 0-11 - One of the PF windows pretend. 12 - global pretend register. (21) valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_OUT_OF_RANGE_FUNCTION_IN_PRETEND_DETAILSAddress of first target Read Write access where pretend register contains an out of range function.PGLUE_B_REG_OUT_OF_RANGE_FUNCTION_IN_PRETEND_ADDRESSPGL TX Write FIFO is not empty.PGLUE_B_REG_WRITE_FIFO_OCCUPANCY_LEVELPGLUE_B: Illegal address in master flow. Address(31:0).PGLUE_B_REG_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS_ADD_31_0PGLUE_B: Illegal address in master flow. Address(63:32).PGLUE_B_REG_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS_ADD_63_32PGLUE_B: Illegal address in master flow. (4:0) VQID. (5) - first SR. (18:6) - Length in bytes. (19) - VF_VALID. (23:20) - PFID. (31:24) - VFID.PGLUE_B_REG_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS_DETAILSPGLUE_B: Illegal address in master flow. (15:0) Request ID. (20:16) client ID. (21) Illegal address cause: 0 - address was smaller than minimal_address_log; 1 - address was bigger than maximal_address_log. (22) - write_n_read: 0 - read; 1 - write. (23) last SR. (24) valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS_DETAILS2PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 0-31. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_31_0PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 32-63. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_63_32PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 64-95. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_95_64PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 96-127. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_127_96PGLUE_B: Transaction with VF ILT error was dropped. Logical address(31:0).PGLUE_B_REG_VF_ILT_ERR_ADD_31_0PGLUE_B: Transaction with VF ILT error was dropped. Logical address(63:32).PGLUE_B_REG_VF_ILT_ERR_ADD_63_32PGLUE_B: Transaction with VF ILT error was dropped. (4:0) VQID. (5) - first SR. (18:6) - Length in bytes. (19) - VF_VALID. (23:20) - PFID. (31:24) - VFID.PGLUE_B_REG_VF_ILT_ERR_DETAILSPGLUE_B: Transaction with VF ILT error was dropped. (15:0) Request ID. (20:16) client ID. (21) write_n_read: 0 - read; 1 - write. (22) last SR. (23) valid bit.PGLUE_B_REG_VF_ILT_ERR_DETAILS2TM: TM_REG_INT_STS_0 bit 31 is set, cload_res_loaderr_conn attention is assertedTM: A load response with error return from the CCFCTM_REG_INT_STS_0TM: TM_REG_INT_STS_0 bits 30:23 are set, one of the errored commands attentions is assertedTM: There is an interrupt on bits 23-30 of register 0TM_REG_INT_STS_0TM: TM_REG_INT_STS_0 bits 22:0 are set, one of the FIFOs overflow or underrun attentions is asserted (bit 0 - address error)TM: There is an interrupt on bits 0-22 of register 0TM_REG_INT_STS_0TM: TM_REG_INT_STS_1 bits 10,4:1 are set, one of cload_res_validerr_task, pxp_rd_data_eop_bvalid, context_wr_last, context_rd_last, cload_res_validerr_conn attentions is assertedTM: There is an interrupt on bits of register 1TM_REG_INT_STS_1TM: PXP_READ_DATA_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending messages in PXP->TM data interfaceTM_REG_PXP_READ_DATA_FIFO_STATUSTM: PXP_READ_CTRL_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending messages in TM->PXP control data interfaceTM_REG_PXP_READ_CTRL_FIFO_STATUSTM: CFC_LOAD_ECHO_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: load requests from the CCFC did not returnTM_REG_CFC_LOAD_ECHO_FIFO_STATUSTM: TM_REG_CLIENT_OUT_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending expirations waiting to be sent to clientsTM_REG_CLIENT_OUT_FIFO_STATUSTM: TM_REG_CLIENT_IN_PBF_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending messages in PBF->TM interfaceTM_REG_CLIENT_IN_PBF_FIFO_STATUSTM: TM_REG_CLIENT_IN_XCM_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending messages in XCM->TM interfaceTM_REG_CLIENT_IN_XCM_FIFO_STATUSTM: TM_REG_CLIENT_IN_TCM_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending messages in TCM->TM interfaceTM_REG_CLIENT_IN_TCM_FIFO_STATUSTM: TM_REG_CLIENT_IN_UCM_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending messages in UCM->TM interfaceTM_REG_CLIENT_IN_UCM_FIFO_STATUSTM: TM_REG_EXPIRATION_CMD_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending expirations waiting internally in TimersTM_REG_EXPIRATION_CMD_FIFO_STATUSTM: TM_REG_AC_COMMAND_FIFO_STATUS is not 0, FIFO is not emptyTM: There are pending AC return requests pendingTM_REG_AC_COMMAND_FIFO_STATUSTCFC: ll_init_done is not 1TCFC: LL is not initializedTCFC_REG_LL_INIT_DONETCFC: ac_init_done is not 1TCFC: AC is not initializedTCFC_REG_AC_INIT_DONETCFC: cam_init_done is not 1TCFC: CAM is not initializedTCFC_REG_CAM_INIT_DONETCFC: tidram_init_done is not 1TCFC: TIDRAM is not initializedTCFC_REG_TIDRAM_INIT_DONETCFC: Interrupt is setTCFC ErrorTCFC_REG_INT_STS_0TCFC_REG_INT_MASK_0TCFC_REG_ERROR_VECTORTCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA1TCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA2TCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA3TCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA4TCFC: There are LCIDs in ARRIVING stateTCFC_REG_LSTATE_ARRIVINGTCFC: There are LCIDs in LEAVING stateTCFC_REG_LSTATE_LEAVINGTCFC: CDU load credits number is different than reset valueTCFC_REG_CDULD_CREDITTCFC: CDU write back credits number is different than reset valueTCFC_REG_CDUWB_CREDITCCFC: ll_init_done is not 1CCFC: LL is not initializedCCFC_REG_LL_INIT_DONECCFC: ac_init_done is not 1CCFC: AC is not initializedCCFC_REG_AC_INIT_DONECCFC: cam_init_done is not 1CCFC: CAM is not initializedCCFC_REG_CAM_INIT_DONECCFC: tidram_init_done is not 1CCFC: TIDRAM is not initializedCCFC_REG_TIDRAM_INIT_DONECCFC: Interrupt is setCCFC ErrorCCFC_REG_INT_STS_0CCFC_REG_INT_MASK_0CCFC_REG_ERROR_VECTORCCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA1CCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA2CCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA3CCFC_REG_ERROR_DATA4CCFC: CAM Parity status is not 0CCFC_REG_PRTY_STSCCFC_REG_PRTY_MASKCCFC: There are LCIDs in ARRIVING stateCCFC_REG_LSTATE_ARRIVINGCCFC: There are LCIDs in LEAVING stateCCFC_REG_LSTATE_LEAVINGCCFC: CDU load credits number is different than reset valueCCFC_REG_CDULD_CREDITCCFC: CDU write back credits number is different than reset valueCCFC_REG_CDUWB_CREDITQM: Interrupt status is not 0QM: There is an interrupt on register 0QM_REG_INT_STSQM_REG_INT_MASKQM: Parity status for specific mems is not 0QM_REG_PRTY_STSQM_REG_PRTY_MASKQM: wrc_fifolvl is not 0 (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: There are pending messages in the input FIFOsQM_REG_WRC_FIFOLVL_0QM: CCFC load request buffer credit for TX PQ-s is not equal to the initial creditQM: CCFC credit on tx queues interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_OUTLDREQCRDCONNTXQM_REG_OUTLDREQSIZECONNTXQM: CCFC/TCFC load request buffer credit for Other PQ-s is not equal to the initial creditQM: CCFC/TCFC credit on other queues interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_OUTLDREQCRDCONNOTHERQM_REG_OUTLDREQSIZECONNOTHERQM: OVFQNUMTX is not 0QM_REG_OVFQNUMTXQM: OVFERRORTX is not 0QM: There is an overflow error on one of the tx queuesQM_REG_OVFERRORTXQM_REG_OVFQNUMTXQM: OVFQNUMOTHER is not 0QM: An o queuesQM_REG_OVFQNUMOTHERQM: OVFERROROTHER is not 0QM: There is an overflow error on one of the other queuesQM_REG_OVFERROROTHERQM_REG_OVFQNUMOTHERQM: CM credit on the pop interface #0 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on MCM sec pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_0QM_REG_CMINITCRD_0QM: CM credit on the pop interface #1 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on MCM pri pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_1QM_REG_CMINITCRD_1QM: CM credit on the pop interface #2 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on UCM sec pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_2QM_REG_CMINITCRD_2QM: CM credit on the pop interface #3 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on UCM pri pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_3QM_REG_CMINITCRD_3QM: CM credit on the pop interface #4 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on TCM sec pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_4QM_REG_CMINITCRD_4QM: CM credit on the pop interface #5 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on TCM pri pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_5QM_REG_CMINITCRD_5QM: CM credit on the pop interface #6 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on YCM sec pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_6QM_REG_CMINITCRD_6QM: CM credit on the pop interface #7 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on YCM pri pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_7QM_REG_CMINITCRD_7QM: CM credit on the pop interface #8 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on XCM sec pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_8QM_REG_CMINITCRD_8QM: CM credit on the pop interface #9 is not equal to init val (see qm_rf for cm idx enumeration)QM: CM credit on XCM pri pop interface is not equal to init valQM_REG_CMCRD_9QM_REG_CMINITCRD_9RDIF: interrupt status 0 is not 0RDIF: There is an interrupt on register 0RDIF_REG_INT_STSRDIF_REG_INT_MASKTDIF: interrupt status 0 is not 0TDIF: There is an interrupt on register 0TDIF_REG_INT_STSTDIF_REG_INT_MASKBRB: Interrupt status 0 is setBRB: Fatal BRB errorBRB_REG_INT_STS_0BRB_REG_INT_MASK_0BRB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBRB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQBRB: Interrupt status 1 is setBRB: Fatal BRB errorBRB_REG_INT_STS_1BRB_REG_INT_MASK_1BRB: Interrupt status 2 is setBRB: Fatal BRB errorBRB_REG_INT_STS_2BRB_REG_INT_MASK_2BRB: Interrupt status 3 is setBRB: Fatal BRB errorBRB_REG_INT_STS_3BRB_REG_INT_MASK_3BRB: Interrupt status 4 is set to values differ from 0x20_0000BRB: Fatal BRB errorBRB_REG_INT_STS_4BRB_REG_INT_MASK_4BRB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBRB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQBRB: Write client bandwidth full IF is not 0BRB: Global full to write clients is asserted (should be temporary due to big RAM BW limitations)BRB_REG_WC_BANDWIDTH_IF_FULLBRB: Read packet client IF full is not 0BRB: One of the read clients asserted full to BRBBRB_REG_RC_PKT_IF_FULLBRB: Read packet client FIFOs are not emptyBRB: Read packet client 0 FIFOs are not emptyBRB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_0BRB: Read SOP client FIFOs are not emptyBRB: Read SOP client FIFOs are not emptyBRB_REG_RC_SOP_EMPTYBRB: Link list arbiter is not emptyBRB: Link list arbiter is not emptyBRB_REG_LL_ARB_EMPTYBRB: Stop packet counter status is not 0BRB: The number of packets in the pipeline (from EOP read request to release)BRB_REG_STOP_PACKET_COUNTERBRB: Stop byte counter status is not 0BRB: The number of bytes in the pipeline (from EOP read request to release)BRB_REG_STOP_BYTE_COUNTERBRB: Read packet client state machines are not idleBRB: Read packet client state machines are not idleBRB_REG_RC_PKT_STATETC 0 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 0BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_0TC 1 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 1BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_1TC 2 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 2BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_2TC 3 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 3BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_3TC 4 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 4BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_4TC 5 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 5BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_5TC 6 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 6BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_6TC 7 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 7BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_7TC 8 in MAC 0 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 0 traffic-class 8BRB_REG_MAC0_TC_OCCUPANCY_8TC 0 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 0BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_0TC 1 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 1BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_1TC 2 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 2BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_2TC 3 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 3BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_3TC 4 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 4BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_4TC 5 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 5BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_5TC 6 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 6BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_6TC 7 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 7BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_7TC 8 in MAC 1 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 1 traffic-class 8BRB_REG_MAC1_TC_OCCUPANCY_8XYLD : Pending Message counter to External event1 is not 0XYLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_1_CTRXYLD : Pending Message counter to External event2 is not 0XYLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_2_CTRXYLD : Pending Message counter to External event3 is not 0XYLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_3_CTRXYLD : Pending Message counter to External event4 is not 0XYLD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from XSDMXYLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_4_CTRXYLD : Pending Message counter to External event5 is not 0XYLD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from XCMXYLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_5_CTRXYLD: XYLD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITS is not XYLD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSXYLD: YCM didn't ACK all the message cycles sent by XYLDXYLD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITSXYLD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSXYLD : Pending Message counter is not 0XYLD:There are outstanding PCI read requestsXYLD_REG_PCI_PENDING_MSG_CTRXYLD : CCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0XYLD:There are outstanding CCFC load requestsXYLD_REG_DBG_PENDING_CCFC_REQXYLD : TCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0XYLD:There are outstanding TCFC load requestsXYLD_REG_DBG_PENDING_TCFC_REQTMLD : Pending Message counter to External event1 is not 0TMLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_1_CTRTMLD : Pending Message counter to External event2 is not 0TMLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_2_CTRTMLD : Pending Message counter to External event3 is not 0TMLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_3_CTRTMLD : Pending Message counter to External event4 is not 0TMLD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from TSDMTMLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_4_CTRTMLD : Pending Message counter to External event5 is not 0TMLD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from TCMTMLD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_5_CTRTMLD: TMLD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITS is not TMLD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSTMLD: MCM didn't ACK all the message cycles sent by TMLDTMLD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITSTMLD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSTMLD : CCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0TMLD:There are outstanding CCFC load requestsTMLD_REG_DBG_PENDING_CCFC_REQTMLD : TCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0TMLD:There are outstanding TCFC load requestsTMLD_REG_DBG_PENDING_TCFC_REQMULD : Pending Message counter to External event1 is not 0MULD: There are outstanding messages waiting for short 'done' indication from PRMMULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_1_CTRMULD : Pending Message counter to External event2 is not 0MULD: There are outstanding messages waiting for long 'done' indication from PRMMULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_2_CTRMULD : Pending Message counter to External event3 is not 0MULD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from MCMMULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_3_CTRMULD : Pending Message counter to External event4 is not 0MULD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from YCMMULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_4_CTRMULD : Pending Message counter to External event5 is not 0MULD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from XCMMULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_5_CTRMULD: MULD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITS is not MULD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSMULD: UCM didn't ACK all the message cycles sent by MULDMULD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITSMULD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSMULD: BD Pending Message counter is not 0MULD:There are outstanding BD fetch requestsMULD_REG_BD_PENDING_MSG_CTRMULD: SGE Pending Message counter is not 0MULD:There are outstanding SGE fetch requestsMULD_REG_SGE_PENDING_MSG_CTRMULD : Pending Message counter is not 0MULD:There are outstanding PCI read requestsMULD_REG_PCI_PENDING_MSG_CTRMULD : CCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0MULD:There are outstanding CCFC load requestsMULD_REG_DBG_PENDING_CCFC_REQMULD : TCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0MULD:There are outstanding TCFC load requestsMULD_REG_DBG_PENDING_TCFC_REQNIG: Error in FIFOs or accessed address.NIG: Fatal NIG errorNIG_REG_INT_STS_0NIG_REG_INT_MASK_0NIG: Error in SOPQs.NIG: Fatal NIG errorNIG_REG_INT_STS_1NIG_REG_INT_MASK_1NIG: Error in FIFOs accesses for port 0.NIG: Fatal NIG errorNIG_REG_INT_STS_2NIG_REG_INT_MASK_2NIG: Pause too long interrupt occurred in port 0.NIG: PAUSE / PFC was asserted for more than a pre-defined time on port #0NIG_REG_INT_STS_3NIG_REG_INT_MASK_3NIG_REG_FLOWCTRL_MODENIG_REG_RX_FLOWCTRL_STATUSNIG: Error in FIFOs accesses for port 1.NIG: Fatal NIG errorNIG_REG_INT_STS_4NIG_REG_INT_MASK_4NIG: Pause too long interrupt occurred in port 1.NIG: PAUSE / PFC was asserted for more than a pre-defined time on port #1NIG_REG_INT_STS_5NIG_REG_INT_MASK_5NIG_REG_FLOWCTRL_MODENIG_REG_RX_FLOWCTRL_STATUSNIG: Parity status 0 is not 0NIG_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0NIG_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0NIG: Parity status 1 is not 0NIG_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1NIG_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1NIG: Parity status 2 is not 0NIG_REG_PRTY_STS_H_2NIG_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_2NIG: Parity status 3 is not 0NIG_REG_PRTY_STS_H_3NIG_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_3NIG: LB SOPQs are not emptyNIG: LB SOP descriptor queues are not emptyNIG_REG_LB_SOPQ_EMPTYNIG: TX SOPQs are not emptyNIG: TX SOP descriptor queues are not emptyNIG_REG_TX_SOPQ_EMPTYNIG: TX MAC FIFO for the port is not emptyNIG: TX FIFO for transmitting data to MAC is not emptyNIG_REG_TX_MACFIFO_EMPTYNIG: RX LLH RFIFO for the port is not emptyNIG: RX LLH result FIFO is not emptyNIG_REG_RX_LLH_RFIFO_EMPTYNIG: Error in BTB FIFO for LB path for the port .NIG: LB BTB FIFO is not emptyNIG_REG_LB_BTB_FIFO_EMPTYNIG: LB LLH RFIFO for the port is not emptyNIG: LB LLH result FIFO is not emptyNIG_REG_LB_LLH_RFIFO_EMPTYNIG: TS MSB in the MAC is out of sync.NIG: PTP TS value errorNIG_REG_RX_PTP_TS_MSB_ERRNIG_REG_RX_PTP_ENNIG: Error in BTB FIFO for TX path for the port .NIG: TX BTB FIFO is not emptyNIG_REG_TX_BTB_FIFO_EMPTYNIG: Debug FIFO is not emptyNIG: Debug traffic FIFO is not emptyNIG_REG_DEBUG_FIFO_EMPTYPTU: PXP ERROR CTR is not 0PTU: There were errors returned from the PXPPTU_REG_PXP_ERR_CTRPTU: INV ERROR CTR is not 0PTU: There were translation requests during invalidationPTU_REG_INV_ERR_CTRPTU: PBF FILL is not 0PTU: There are pending messages in PBF->PTU interfacePTU_REG_PBF_FILL_LEVELPTU: PRM FILL is not 0PTU: There are pending messages in PRM->PTU interfacePTU_REG_PRM_FILL_LEVELPTU: INT STS Register is not 0PTU: There is an interrupt on register 0PTU_REG_INT_STSPTU_REG_INT_MASKCDU: Interrupt Status is not 0CDU ErrorCDU_REG_INT_STSCDU_REG_INT_MASKCDU_REG_CCFC_CVLD_ERROR_DATACDU_REG_TCFC_CVLD_ERROR_DATACDU_REG_CCFC_LD_L1_NUM_ERROR_DATACDU_REG_TCFC_LD_L1_NUM_ERROR_DATACDU_REG_CCFC_WB_L1_NUM_ERROR_DATACDU_REG_TCFC_WB_L1_NUM_ERROR_DATAPBF: Data was received with 'error' indication from PXP/TDIFPBF: Data was received with error indication from PXP/TDIFPBF_REG_NUM_PKTS_RECEIVED_WITH_ERRORPBF: Packet/s were sent to BTB with 'error' indicationPBF: Packet/s were sent to BTB with 'error' indicationPBF_REG_NUM_PKTS_SENT_WITH_ERROR_TO_BTBPBF: Packet/s were sent to BTB with 'drop' indicationPBF: Packet/s were sent to BTB with 'drop' indicationPBF_REG_NUM_PKTS_SENT_WITH_DROP_TO_BTBPBF: Y command queue of VOQ0 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #0PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ0PBF: Y command queue of VOQ0 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #0PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ0PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ0PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #0PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ0PBF: Y command queue of VOQ1 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #1PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ1PBF: Y command queue of VOQ1 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #1PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ1PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ1PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #1PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ1PBF: Y command queue of VOQ2 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #2PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ2PBF: Y command queue of VOQ2 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #2PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ2PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ2PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #2PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ2PBF: Y command queue of VOQ3 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #3PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ3PBF: Y command queue of VOQ3 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #3PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ3PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ3PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #3PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ3PBF: Y command queue of VOQ4 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #4PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ4PBF: Y command queue of VOQ4 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #4PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ4PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ4PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #4PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ4PBF: Y command queue of VOQ5 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #5PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ5PBF: Y command queue of VOQ5 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #5PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ5PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ5PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #5PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ5PBF: Y command queue of VOQ6 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #6PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ6PBF: Y command queue of VOQ6 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #6PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ6PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ6PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #6PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ6PBF: Y command queue of VOQ7 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #7PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ7PBF: Y command queue of VOQ7 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #7PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ7PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ7PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #7PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ7PBF: Y command queue of VOQ8 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #8PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ8PBF: Y command queue of VOQ8 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #8PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ8PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ8PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #8PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ8PBF: Y command queue of VOQ9 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #9PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ9PBF: Y command queue of VOQ9 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #9PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ9PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ9PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #9PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ9PBF: Y command queue of VOQ10 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #10PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ10PBF: Y command queue of VOQ10 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #10PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ10PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ10PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #10PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ10PBF: Y command queue of VOQ11 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #11PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ11PBF: Y command queue of VOQ11 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #11PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ11PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ11PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #11PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ11PBF: Y command queue of VOQ12 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #12PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ12PBF: Y command queue of VOQ12 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #12PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ12PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ12PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #12PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ12PBF: Y command queue of VOQ13 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #13PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ13PBF: Y command queue of VOQ13 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #13PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ13PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ13PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #13PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ13PBF: Y command queue of VOQ14 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #14PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ14PBF: Y command queue of VOQ14 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #14PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ14PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ14PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #14PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ14PBF: Y command queue of VOQ15 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #15PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ15PBF: Y command queue of VOQ15 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #15PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ15PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ15PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #15PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ15PBF: Y command queue of VOQ16 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #16PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ16PBF: Y command queue of VOQ16 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #16PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ16PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ16PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #16PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ16PBF: Y command queue of VOQ17 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #17PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ17PBF: Y command queue of VOQ17 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #17PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ17PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ17PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #17PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ17PBF: Y command queue of VOQ18 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #18PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ18PBF: Y command queue of VOQ18 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #18PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ18PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ18PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #18PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ18PBF: Y command queue of VOQ19 has commands which have not been processedPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #19PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_CMD_CNT_VOQ19PBF: Y command queue of VOQ19 is not emptyPBF: There are outstanding command in the command queue of traffic-class #19PBF_REG_YCMD_QS_OCCUPANCY_VOQ19PBF: There are allocated blocks in BTB for VOQ19PBF: There are packets in BTB belonging to traffic-class #19PBF_REG_BTB_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS_VOQ19BTB: Interrupt status 1 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_1BTB_REG_INT_MASK_1BTB: Interrupt status 2 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_2BTB_REG_INT_MASK_2BTB: Interrupt status 3 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_3BTB_REG_INT_MASK_3BTB: Duplicated Write client FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Duplicated Write client FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_WC_DUP_EMPTYBTB: Duplicated Write client status is not 0BTB: Duplicated Write client status is not 0BTB_REG_WC_DUP_STATUSBTB: Write client 0 FIFOs are not empty (value != 0x1ffe)BTB: Write client FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_WC_EMPTY_0BTB: Write client bandwidth full IF is not 0BTB: Global full to write clients is asserted (should be temporary due to big RAM BW limitations)BTB_REG_WC_BANDWIDTH_IF_FULLBTB: Read packet client IF full is not 0BTB: One of the read clients asserted full to BTBBTB_REG_RC_PKT_IF_FULLBTB: Read packet client 0 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet main port #0 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_0BTB: Read packet client 1 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet LB port #0 client 1 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_1BTB: Read packet client 2 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet main port #1 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_2BTB: Read packet client 3 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet LB port #1 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_3BTB: Read SOP client FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read SOP client FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_SOP_EMPTYBTB: Link list arbiter is not emptyBTB: Link list arbiter is not emptyBTB_REG_LL_ARB_EMPTYBTB: Blocks occupancy > 46BTB: Blocks occupancy > 46BTB_REG_BLOCK_OCCUPANCYBTB: Read packet client state machines are not idleBTB: Read packet client state machines are not idleBTB_REG_RC_PKT_STATEBTB: Write client status is not 2BTB: Write client status is not 2BTB_REG_WC_STATUS_0XSDM: Interrupt 0 is setXSDM: Fatal XSDM errorXSDM_REG_INT_STSXSDM_REG_INT_MASKXSDM_REG_INP_QUEUE_ERR_VECTXSDM: Parity status is not 0XSDM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0XSDM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0XSDM: QM asserts FULL to XSDMXSDM: FULL from QM is assertedXSDM_REG_QM_FULLXSDM: Interface to BRB is fullXSDM: FULL to BRB is assertedXSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_IF_FULLXSDM: Interface from PXP is fullXSDM: FULL to PXP is assertedXSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_IF_FULLXSDM: Interface from PXP is fullXSDM: FULL from PXP is assertedXSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IF_FULLXSDM: internal ram IF is fullXSDM: FULL from internal RAM is assertedXSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_IF_FULLXSDM: passive buffer IF is fullXSDM: FULL from passive-buffer is assertedXSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_IF_FULLXSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTY= 0XSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyXSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTYXSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTY= 0XSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyXSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM input queues are not all emptyXSDM: XSDM input queues are not all emptyXSDM_REG_QUEUE_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The input delay FIFO is not emptyXSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds data from PXP is not emptyXSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds BRB data is not emptyXSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds data from internal RAM is not emptyXSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTY = 0XSDM: There are outstanding BRB requestsXSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTY = 0XSDM: There are outstanding internal RAM requestsXSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTYXSDM: Immediate FIFO to PXP DST is not emptyXSDM: The queue that holds immediate data intended to PXP is not emptyXSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IMMED_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds data intended to PXP is not emptyXSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0XSDM: There are outstanding PXP requestsXSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds BRB source parameters is not emptyXSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds BRB source address parameters is not emptyXSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The PXP requests linked-list is not emptyXSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds data intended to internal RAM is not emptyXSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds data intended to passive buffer is not emptyXSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds the non-CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyXSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds the CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyXSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTY = 0XSDM: The queue that holds completion parameters is not emptyXSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTYXSDM: CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY = 0XSDM: There are outstanding CCFC load requestsXSDM_REG_CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYXSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY= 0XSDM: There are outstanding TCFC load requestsXSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYXSDM: XSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTY = 0XSDM: There are pending async messagesXSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTYXSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTY= 0XSDM: There are pending PRM completionsXSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTYYSDM: Interrupt 0 is setYSDM: Fatal YSDM errorYSDM_REG_INT_STSYSDM_REG_INT_MASKYSDM_REG_INP_QUEUE_ERR_VECTYSDM: Parity status is not 0YSDM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0YSDM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0YSDM: QM asserts FULL to YSDMYSDM: FULL from QM is assertedYSDM_REG_QM_FULLYSDM: Interface to BRB is fullYSDM: FULL to BRB is assertedYSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_IF_FULLYSDM: Interface from PXP is fullYSDM: FULL to PXP is assertedYSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_IF_FULLYSDM: Interface from PXP is fullYSDM: FULL from PXP is assertedYSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IF_FULLYSDM: internal ram IF is fullYSDM: FULL from internal RAM is assertedYSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_IF_FULLYSDM: passive buffer IF is fullYSDM: FULL from passive-buffer is assertedYSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_IF_FULLYSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTY= 0YSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyYSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTYYSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTY= 0YSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyYSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM input queues are not all emptyYSDM: YSDM input queues are not all emptyYSDM_REG_QUEUE_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The input delay FIFO is not emptyYSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds data from PXP is not emptyYSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds BRB data is not emptyYSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds data from internal RAM is not emptyYSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTY = 0YSDM: There are outstanding BRB requestsYSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTY = 0YSDM: There are outstanding internal RAM requestsYSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTYYSDM: Immediate FIFO to PXP DST is not emptyYSDM: The queue that holds immediate data intended to PXP is not emptyYSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IMMED_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds data intended to PXP is not emptyYSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0YSDM: There are outstanding PXP requestsYSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds BRB source parameters is not emptyYSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds BRB source address parameters is not emptyYSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The PXP requests linked-list is not emptyYSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds data intended to internal RAM is not emptyYSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds data intended to passive buffer is not emptyYSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds the non-CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyYSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds the CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyYSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTY = 0YSDM: The queue that holds completion parameters is not emptyYSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTYYSDM: CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY = 0YSDM: There are outstanding CCFC load requestsYSDM_REG_CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYYSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY= 0YSDM: There are outstanding TCFC load requestsYSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYYSDM: YSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTY = 0YSDM: There are pending async messagesYSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTYYSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTY= 0YSDM: There are pending PRM completionsYSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTYPSDM: Interrupt 0 is setPSDM: Fatal PSDM errorPSDM_REG_INT_STSPSDM_REG_INT_MASKPSDM_REG_INP_QUEUE_ERR_VECTPSDM: Parity status is not 0PSDM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PSDM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PSDM: QM asserts FULL to PSDMPSDM: FULL from QM is assertedPSDM_REG_QM_FULLPSDM: Interface to BRB is fullPSDM: FULL to BRB is assertedPSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_IF_FULLPSDM: Interface from PXP is fullPSDM: FULL to PXP is assertedPSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_IF_FULLPSDM: Interface from PXP is fullPSDM: FULL from PXP is assertedPSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IF_FULLPSDM: internal ram IF is fullPSDM: FULL from internal RAM is assertedPSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_IF_FULLPSDM: passive buffer IF is fullPSDM: FULL from passive-buffer is assertedPSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_IF_FULLPSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTY= 0PSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyPSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTYPSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTY= 0PSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyPSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM input queues are not all emptyPSDM: PSDM input queues are not all emptyPSDM_REG_QUEUE_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The input delay FIFO is not emptyPSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds data from PXP is not emptyPSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds BRB data is not emptyPSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds data from internal RAM is not emptyPSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTY = 0PSDM: There are outstanding BRB requestsPSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTY = 0PSDM: There are outstanding internal RAM requestsPSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTYPSDM: Immediate FIFO to PXP DST is not emptyPSDM: The queue that holds immediate data intended to PXP is not emptyPSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IMMED_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds data intended to PXP is not emptyPSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0PSDM: There are outstanding PXP requestsPSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds BRB source parameters is not emptyPSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds BRB source address parameters is not emptyPSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The PXP requests linked-list is not emptyPSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds data intended to internal RAM is not emptyPSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds data intended to passive buffer is not emptyPSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds the non-CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyPSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds the CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyPSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTY = 0PSDM: The queue that holds completion parameters is not emptyPSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTYPSDM: CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY = 0PSDM: There are outstanding CCFC load requestsPSDM_REG_CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYPSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY= 0PSDM: There are outstanding TCFC load requestsPSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYPSDM: PSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTY = 0PSDM: There are pending async messagesPSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTYPSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTY= 0PSDM: There are pending PRM completionsPSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTYTSDM: Interrupt 0 is setTSDM: Fatal TSDM errorTSDM_REG_INT_STSTSDM_REG_INT_MASKTSDM_REG_INP_QUEUE_ERR_VECTTSDM: Parity status is not 0TSDM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0TSDM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0TSDM: QM asserts FULL to TSDMTSDM: FULL from QM is assertedTSDM_REG_QM_FULLTSDM: Interface to BRB is fullTSDM: FULL to BRB is assertedTSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_IF_FULLTSDM: Interface from PXP is fullTSDM: FULL to PXP is assertedTSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_IF_FULLTSDM: Interface from PXP is fullTSDM: FULL from PXP is assertedTSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IF_FULLTSDM: internal ram IF is fullTSDM: FULL from internal RAM is assertedTSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_IF_FULLTSDM: passive buffer IF is fullTSDM: FULL from passive-buffer is assertedTSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_IF_FULLTSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTY= 0TSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyTSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTYTSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTY= 0TSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyTSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM input queues are not all emptyTSDM: TSDM input queues are not all emptyTSDM_REG_QUEUE_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The input delay FIFO is not emptyTSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds data from PXP is not emptyTSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds BRB data is not emptyTSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds data from internal RAM is not emptyTSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTY = 0TSDM: There are outstanding BRB requestsTSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTY = 0TSDM: There are outstanding internal RAM requestsTSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTYTSDM: Immediate FIFO to PXP DST is not emptyTSDM: The queue that holds immediate data intended to PXP is not emptyTSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IMMED_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds data intended to PXP is not emptyTSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0TSDM: There are outstanding PXP requestsTSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds BRB source parameters is not emptyTSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds BRB source address parameters is not emptyTSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The PXP requests linked-list is not emptyTSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds data intended to internal RAM is not emptyTSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds data intended to passive buffer is not emptyTSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds the non-CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyTSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds the CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyTSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTY = 0TSDM: The queue that holds completion parameters is not emptyTSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTYTSDM: CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY = 0TSDM: There are outstanding CCFC load requestsTSDM_REG_CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYTSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY= 0TSDM: There are outstanding TCFC load requestsTSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYTSDM: TSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTY = 0TSDM: There are pending async messagesTSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTYTSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTY= 0TSDM: There are pending PRM completionsTSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTYMSDM: Interrupt 0 is setMSDM: Fatal MSDM errorMSDM_REG_INT_STSMSDM_REG_INT_MASKMSDM_REG_INP_QUEUE_ERR_VECTMSDM: Parity status is not 0MSDM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0MSDM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0MSDM: QM asserts FULL to MSDMMSDM: FULL from QM is assertedMSDM_REG_QM_FULLMSDM: Interface to BRB is fullMSDM: FULL to BRB is assertedMSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_IF_FULLMSDM: Interface from PXP is fullMSDM: FULL to PXP is assertedMSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_IF_FULLMSDM: Interface from PXP is fullMSDM: FULL from PXP is assertedMSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IF_FULLMSDM: internal ram IF is fullMSDM: FULL from internal RAM is assertedMSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_IF_FULLMSDM: passive buffer IF is fullMSDM: FULL from passive-buffer is assertedMSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_IF_FULLMSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTY= 0MSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyMSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTYMSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTY= 0MSDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyMSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM input queues are not all emptyMSDM: MSDM input queues are not all emptyMSDM_REG_QUEUE_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The input delay FIFO is not emptyMSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds data from PXP is not emptyMSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds BRB data is not emptyMSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds data from internal RAM is not emptyMSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTY = 0MSDM: There are outstanding BRB requestsMSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTY = 0MSDM: There are outstanding internal RAM requestsMSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTYMSDM: Immediate FIFO to PXP DST is not emptyMSDM: The queue that holds immediate data intended to PXP is not emptyMSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IMMED_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds data intended to PXP is not emptyMSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0MSDM: There are outstanding PXP requestsMSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds BRB source parameters is not emptyMSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds BRB source address parameters is not emptyMSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The PXP requests linked-list is not emptyMSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds data intended to internal RAM is not emptyMSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds data intended to passive buffer is not emptyMSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds the non-CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyMSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds the CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyMSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTY = 0MSDM: The queue that holds completion parameters is not emptyMSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTYMSDM: CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY = 0MSDM: There are outstanding CCFC load requestsMSDM_REG_CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYMSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY= 0MSDM: There are outstanding TCFC load requestsMSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYMSDM: MSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTY = 0MSDM: There are pending async messagesMSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTYMSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTY= 0MSDM: There are pending PRM completionsMSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTYUSDM: Interrupt 0 is setUSDM: Fatal USDM errorUSDM_REG_INT_STSUSDM_REG_INT_MASKUSDM_REG_INP_QUEUE_ERR_VECTUSDM: Parity status is not 0USDM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0USDM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0USDM: QM asserts FULL to USDMUSDM: FULL from QM is assertedUSDM_REG_QM_FULLUSDM: Interface to BRB is fullUSDM: FULL to BRB is assertedUSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_IF_FULLUSDM: Interface from PXP is fullUSDM: FULL to PXP is assertedUSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_IF_FULLUSDM: Interface from PXP is fullUSDM: FULL from PXP is assertedUSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IF_FULLUSDM: internal ram IF is fullUSDM: FULL from internal RAM is assertedUSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_IF_FULLUSDM: passive buffer IF is fullUSDM: FULL from passive-buffer is assertedUSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_IF_FULLUSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTY= 0USDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyUSDM_REG_INT_CMPL_PEND_EMPTYUSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTY= 0USDM: The queue that holds internal write completion parameters is not emptyUSDM_REG_INT_CPRM_PEND_EMPTYUSDM: USDM input queues are not all emptyUSDM: USDM input queues are not all emptyUSDM_REG_QUEUE_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTY = 0USDM: The input delay FIFO is not emptyUSDM_REG_DELAY_FIFO_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds data from PXP is not emptyUSDM_REG_RSP_PXP_RDATA_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds BRB data is not emptyUSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_RDATA_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds data from internal RAM is not emptyUSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_RDATA_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTY = 0USDM: There are outstanding BRB requestsUSDM_REG_RSP_BRB_PEND_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTY = 0USDM: There are outstanding internal RAM requestsUSDM_REG_RSP_INT_RAM_PEND_EMPTYUSDM: Immediate FIFO to PXP DST is not emptyUSDM: The queue that holds immediate data intended to PXP is not emptyUSDM_REG_DST_PXP_IMMED_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds data intended to PXP is not emptyUSDM_REG_DST_PXP_DST_PEND_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0USDM: There are outstanding PXP requestsUSDM_REG_DST_PXP_SRC_PEND_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds BRB source parameters is not emptyUSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_PEND_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds BRB source address parameters is not emptyUSDM_REG_DST_BRB_SRC_ADDR_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTY = 0USDM: The PXP requests linked-list is not emptyUSDM_REG_DST_PXP_LINK_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds data intended to internal RAM is not emptyUSDM_REG_DST_INT_RAM_WAIT_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds data intended to passive buffer is not emptyUSDM_REG_DST_PAS_BUF_WAIT_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds the non-CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyUSDM_REG_SH_DELAY_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds the CM direct message completion parameters is not emptyUSDM_REG_CM_DELAY_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTY = 0USDM: The queue that holds completion parameters is not emptyUSDM_REG_CMSG_QUE_EMPTYUSDM: CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY = 0USDM: There are outstanding CCFC load requestsUSDM_REG_CCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYUSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTY= 0USDM: There are outstanding TCFC load requestsUSDM_REG_TCFC_LOAD_PEND_EMPTYUSDM: USDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTY = 0USDM: There are pending async messagesUSDM_REG_ASYNC_HOST_EMPTYUSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTY= 0USDM: There are pending PRM completionsUSDM_REG_PRM_FIFO_EMPTYXCM: Interrupt status 0 is not 0XCM: There is an interrupt on register 0XCM_REG_INT_STS_0XCM_REG_INT_MASK_0XCM: Interrupt status 1 is not 0XCM: There is an interrupt on register 1XCM_REG_INT_STS_1XCM_REG_INT_MASK_1XCM: Interrupt status 2 is not 0XCM: There is an interrupt on register 2XCM_REG_INT_STS_2XCM_REG_INT_MASK_2XCM_REG_QM_ACT_ST_CNT_ERR_DETAILSXCM: Input violation in message first descriptorXCM_REG_FI_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEXCM: Aggregation Connection IA part buffer is not emptyXCM_REG_IA_AGG_CON_PART_FILL_LVLXCM: STORM Connection IA part buffer is not emptyXCM_REG_IA_SM_CON_PART_FILL_LVLXCM: Transparent part buffer is not emptyXCM_REG_IA_TRANS_PART_FILL_LVLXCM: XX_FREE_CNT is different than reset valueXCM: There are messages in the XX RAMXCM_REG_XX_FREE_CNTXCM: XX protection CAM is not emptyXCM: XX CAM has active lcidsXCM_REG_XX_LCID_CAM_FILL_LVLXCM: there is locked LCID in XXXCM: has locked lcids in xxLockXCM_REG_XX_LOCK_CNTXCM: XX Connection bypass table is not emptyXCM_REG_XX_CBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLXCM: Aggregation Connection FIC buffer is not emptyXCM_REG_AGG_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLXCM: STORM Connection FIC buffer is not emptyXCM_REG_SM_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLXCM: In-process table is not emptyXCM_REG_IN_PRCS_TBL_FILL_LVLXCM: CCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueXCM: There are pending messages in XCM->CCFC interfaceXCM_REG_CCFC_INIT_CRDXCM: XQM_INIT_CRD0 is different than reset valueXCM: There are pending messages in XCM->QM interfaceXCM_REG_QM_INIT_CRD0XCM: XQM_INIT_CRD1 is different than reset valueXCM: There are pending messages in XCM->QM interfaceXCM_REG_QM_INIT_CRD1XCM: TM_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueXCM: There are pending messages in XCM->TM interfaceXCM_REG_TM_INIT_CRDXCM: FIC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueXCM: There are pending messages in XCM->XSEM interfaceXCM_REG_FIC_INIT_CRDXCM: XSDM declared message length unequal to actualXCM_REG_XSDM_LENGTH_MISXCM: YSDM declared message length unequal to actualXCM_REG_YSDM_LENGTH_MISXCM: DORQ declared message length unequal to actualXCM_REG_DORQ_LENGTH_MISXCM: PBF declared message length unequal to actualXCM_REG_PBF_LENGTH_MISXCM: QM_P input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in QM(primary)->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_QM_P_FILL_LVLXCM: QM_S input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in QM(secondary)->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_QM_S_FILL_LVLXCM: TM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in TM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_TM_FILL_LVLXCM: Local STORM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in XSEM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_STORM_FILL_LVLXCM: XSDM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in XSDM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_XSDM_FILL_LVLXCM: YSDM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in YSDM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_YSDM_FILL_LVLXCM: MSEM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in MSEM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_MSEM_FILL_LVLXCM: USEM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in USEM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_USEM_FILL_LVLXCM: DORQ input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in DORQ->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_DORQ_FILL_LVLXCM: PBF input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in PBF->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_PBF_FILL_LVLYCM: Interrupt status 0 is not 0YCM: There is an interrupt on register 0YCM_REG_INT_STS_0YCM_REG_INT_MASK_0YCM: Interrupt status 1 is not 0YCM: There is an interrupt on register 1YCM_REG_INT_STS_1YCM_REG_INT_MASK_1YCM: Input violation in message first descriptorYCM_REG_FI_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEYCM: Input violation in message second descriptorYCM_REG_SE_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEYCM: STORM Connection IA part buffer is not emptyYCM_REG_IA_SM_CON_PART_FILL_LVLYCM: Aggregation Task IA part buffer is not emptyYCM_REG_IA_AGG_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLYCM: STORM Task IA part buffer is not emptyYCM_REG_IA_SM_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLYCM: Transparent part buffer is not emptyYCM_REG_IA_TRANS_PART_FILL_LVLYCM: XX_FREE_CNT is different than reset valueYCM: There are messages in the XX RAMYCM_REG_XX_FREE_CNTYCM: XX protection CAM is not emptyYCM: XX CAM has active lcidsYCM_REG_XX_LCID_CAM_FILL_LVLYCM: there is locked LCID in XXYCM: has locked lcids in xxLockYCM_REG_XX_LOCK_CNTYCM: XX Connection bypass table is not emptyYCM_REG_XX_CBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLYCM: XX Task bypass table is not emptyYCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLYCM: XX Tbypass Table is not emptyYCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLYCM: STORM Connection FIC buffer is not emptyYCM_REG_SM_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLYCM: Aggregation Task FIC buffer is not emptyYCM_REG_AGG_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLYCM: STORM Task FIC buffer is not emptyYCM_REG_SM_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLYCM: In-process table is not emptyYCM_REG_IN_PRCS_TBL_FILL_LVLYCM: CCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueYCM: There are pending messages in YCM->CCFC interfaceYCM_REG_CCFC_INIT_CRDYCM: TCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueYCM: There are pending messages in YCM->TCFC interfaceYCM_REG_TCFC_INIT_CRDYCM: QM_INIT_CRD0 is different than reset valueYCM: There are pending messages in YCM->QM interfaceYCM_REG_QM_INIT_CRD0YCM: FIC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueYCM: There are pending messages in YCM->YSEM interfaceYCM_REG_FIC_INIT_CRDYCM: YSDM declared message length unequal to actualYCM_REG_YSDM_LENGTH_MISYCM: PBF declared message length unequal to actualYCM_REG_PBF_LENGTH_MISYCM: XYLD declared message length unequal to actualYCM_REG_XYLD_LENGTH_MISYCM: QM_P input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in QM(primary)->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_QM_P_FILL_LVLYCM: QM_S input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in QM(secondary)->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_QM_S_FILL_LVLYCM: Local STORM input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in YSEM->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_STORM_FILL_LVLYCM: YSDM input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in YSDM->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_YSDM_FILL_LVLYCM: XYLD input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in XYLD->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_XYLD_FILL_LVLYCM: MSEM input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in MSEM->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_MSEM_FILL_LVLYCM: USEM input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in USEM->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_USEM_FILL_LVLYCM: PBF input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in PBF->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_PBF_FILL_LVLPCM: Interrupt status 0 is not 0PCM: There is an interrupt on register 0PCM_REG_INT_STS_0PCM_REG_INT_MASK_0PCM: Interrupt status 1 is not 0PCM: There is an interrupt on register 1PCM_REG_INT_STS_1PCM_REG_INT_MASK_1PCM: Input violation in message first descriptorPCM_REG_FI_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEPCM: STORM Connection IA part buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_IA_SM_CON_PART_FILL_LVLPCM: Transparent part buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_IA_TRANS_PART_FILL_LVLPCM: XX_FREE_CNT is different than reset valuePCM: There are messages in the XX RAMPCM_REG_XX_FREE_CNTPCM: XX protection CAM is not emptyPCM: XX CAM has active lcidsPCM_REG_XX_LCID_CAM_FILL_LVLPCM: there is locked LCID in XXPCM: has locked lcids in xxLockPCM_REG_XX_LOCK_CNTPCM: STORM Connection FIC buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_SM_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLPCM: In-process table is not emptyPCM_REG_IN_PRCS_TBL_FILL_LVLPCM: CCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valuePCM: There are pending messages in PCM->CCFC interfacePCM_REG_CCFC_INIT_CRDPCM: FIC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valuePCM: There are pending messages in PCM->PSEM interfacePCM_REG_FIC_INIT_CRDPCM: Local STORM input stage buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_IS_STORM_FILL_LVLTCM: Interrupt status 0 is not 0TCM: There is an interrupt on register 0TCM_REG_INT_STS_0TCM_REG_INT_MASK_0TCM: Interrupt status 1 is not 0TCM: There is an interrupt on register 1TCM_REG_INT_STS_1TCM_REG_INT_MASK_1TCM: Input violation in message first descriptorTCM_REG_FI_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATETCM: Input violation in message second descriptorTCM_REG_SE_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATETCM: Aggregation Connection IA part buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_IA_AGG_CON_PART_FILL_LVLTCM: STORM Connection IA part buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_IA_SM_CON_PART_FILL_LVLTCM: Aggregation Task IA part buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_IA_AGG_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLTCM: STORM Task IA part buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_IA_SM_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLTCM: Transparent part buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_IA_TRANS_PART_FILL_LVLTCM: XX_FREE_CNT is different than reset valueTCM: There are messages in the XX RAMTCM_REG_XX_FREE_CNTTCM: XX protection CAM is not emptyTCM: XX CAM has active lcidsTCM_REG_XX_LCID_CAM_FILL_LVLTCM: there is locked LCID in XXTCM: has locked lcids in xxLockTCM_REG_XX_LOCK_CNTTCM: XX Connection bypass table is not emptyTCM_REG_XX_CBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLTCM: XX Tbypass Table is not emptyTCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLTCM: XX Task bypass table is not emptyTCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLTCM: Aggregation Connection FIC buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_AGG_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLTCM: STORM Connection FIC buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_SM_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLTCM: Aggregation Task FIC buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_AGG_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLTCM: STORM Task FIC buffer is not emptyTCM_REG_SM_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLTCM: In-process table is not emptyTCM_REG_IN_PRCS_TBL_FILL_LVLTCM: CCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueTCM: There are pending messages in TCM->CCFC interfaceTCM_REG_CCFC_INIT_CRDTCM: TCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueTCM: There are pending messages in TCM->TCFC interfaceTCM_REG_TCFC_INIT_CRDTCM: QM_INIT_CRD0 is different than reset valueTCM: There are pending messages in TCM->QM interfaceTCM_REG_QM_INIT_CRD0TCM: TM_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueTCM: There are pending messages in TCM->TM interfaceTCM_REG_TM_INIT_CRDTCM: FIC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueTCM: There are pending messages in TCM->TSEM interfaceTCM_REG_FIC_INIT_CRDTCM: DORQ declared message length unequal to actualTCM_REG_DORQ_LENGTH_MISTCM: PBF declared message length unequal to actualTCM_REG_PBF_LENGTH_MISTCM: QM_P input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in QM(primary)->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_QM_P_FILL_LVLTCM: QM_S input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in QM(secondary)->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_QM_S_FILL_LVLTCM: TM input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in TM->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_TM_FILL_LVLTCM: Local STORM input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in TSEM->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_STORM_FILL_LVLTCM: MSEM input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in MSEM->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_MSEM_FILL_LVLTCM: DORQ input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in DORQ->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_DORQ_FILL_LVLTCM: PBF input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in PBF->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_PBF_FILL_LVLMCM: Interrupt status 0 is not 0MCM: There is an interrupt on register 0MCM_REG_INT_STS_0MCM_REG_INT_MASK_0MCM: Interrupt status 1 is not 0MCM: There is an interrupt on register 1MCM_REG_INT_STS_1MCM_REG_INT_MASK_1MCM: Input violation in message first descriptorMCM_REG_FI_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEMCM: Input violation in message second descriptorMCM_REG_SE_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEMCM: Aggregation Connection IA part buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_IA_AGG_CON_PART_FILL_LVLMCM: STORM Connection IA part buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_IA_SM_CON_PART_FILL_LVLMCM: Aggregation Task IA part buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_IA_AGG_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLMCM: STORM Task IA part buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_IA_SM_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLMCM: Transparent part buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_IA_TRANS_PART_FILL_LVLMCM: XX_FREE_CNT is different than reset valueMCM: There are messages in the XX RAMMCM_REG_XX_FREE_CNTMCM: XX protection CAM is not emptyMCM: XX CAM has active lcidsMCM_REG_XX_LCID_CAM_FILL_LVLMCM: there is locked LCID in XXMCM: has locked lcids in xxLockMCM_REG_XX_LOCK_CNTMCM: XX Connection bypass table is not emptyMCM_REG_XX_CBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLMCM: XX Tbypass Table is not emptyMCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLMCM: XX Task bypass table is not emptyMCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLMCM: Aggregation Connection FIC buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_AGG_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLMCM: STORM Connection FIC buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_SM_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLMCM: Aggregation Task FIC buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_AGG_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLMCM: STORM Task FIC buffer is not emptyMCM_REG_SM_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLMCM: In-process table is not emptyMCM_REG_IN_PRCS_TBL_FILL_LVLMCM: CCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueMCM: There are pending messages in MCM->CCFC interfaceMCM_REG_CCFC_INIT_CRDMCM: TCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueMCM: There are pending messages in MCM->TCFC interfaceMCM_REG_TCFC_INIT_CRDMCM: QM_INIT_CRD0 is different than reset valueMCM: There are pending messages in MCM->QM interfaceMCM_REG_QM_INIT_CRD0MCM: FIC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueMCM: There are pending messages in MCM->MSEM interfaceMCM_REG_FIC_INIT_CRDMCM: YSDM declared message length unequal to actualMCM_REG_YSDM_LENGTH_MISMCM: USDM declared message length unequal to actualMCM_REG_USDM_LENGTH_MISMCM: PBF declared message length unequal to actualMCM_REG_PBF_LENGTH_MISMCM: TMLD declared message length unequal to actualMCM_REG_TMLD_LENGTH_MISMCM: QM_P input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in QM(primary)->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_QM_P_FILL_LVLMCM: QM_S input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in QM(secondary)->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_QM_S_FILL_LVLMCM: Local STORM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in MSEM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_STORM_FILL_LVLMCM: YSDM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in YSDM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_YSDM_FILL_LVLMCM: USDM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in USDM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_USDM_FILL_LVLMCM: TMLD input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in TMLD->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_TMLD_FILL_LVLMCM: USEM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in USEM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_USEM_FILL_LVLMCM: PBF input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in PBF->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_PBF_FILL_LVLUCM: Interrupt status 0 is not 0UCM: There is an interrupt on register 0UCM_REG_INT_STS_0UCM_REG_INT_MASK_0UCM: Interrupt status 1 is not 0UCM: There is an interrupt on register 1UCM_REG_INT_STS_1UCM_REG_INT_MASK_1UCM: Input violation in message first descriptorUCM_REG_FI_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEUCM: Input violation in message second descriptorUCM_REG_SE_DESC_INPUT_VIOLATEUCM: Aggregation Connection IA part buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_IA_AGG_CON_PART_FILL_LVLUCM: STORM Connection IA part buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_IA_SM_CON_PART_FILL_LVLUCM: Aggregation Task IA part buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_IA_AGG_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLUCM: STORM Task IA part buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_IA_SM_TASK_PART_FILL_LVLUCM: Transparent part buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_IA_TRANS_PART_FILL_LVLUCM: XX_FREE_CNT is different than reset valueUCM: There are messages in the XX RAMUCM_REG_XX_FREE_CNTUCM: XX protection CAM is not emptyUCM: XX CAM has active lcidsUCM_REG_XX_LCID_CAM_FILL_LVLUCM: there is locked LCID in XXUCM: has locked lcids in xxLockUCM_REG_XX_LOCK_CNTUCM: XX Connection bypass table is not emptyUCM_REG_XX_CBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLUCM: XX Task bypass table is not emptyUCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLUCM: XX Tbypass Table is not emptyUCM_REG_XX_TBYP_TBL_FILL_LVLUCM: Aggregation Connection FIC buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_AGG_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLUCM: STORM Connection FIC buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_SM_CON_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLUCM: Aggregation Task FIC buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_AGG_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLUCM: STORM Task FIC buffer is not emptyUCM_REG_SM_TASK_FIC_BUF_FILL_LVLUCM: In-process table is not emptyUCM_REG_IN_PRCS_TBL_FILL_LVLUCM: CCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueUCM: There are pending messages in UCM->CCFC interfaceUCM_REG_CCFC_INIT_CRDUCM: TCFC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueUCM: There are pending messages in UCM->TCFC interfaceUCM_REG_TCFC_INIT_CRDUCM: QM_INIT_CRD0 is different than reset valueUCM: There are pending messages in UCM->QM interfaceUCM_REG_QM_INIT_CRD0UCM: TM_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueUCM: There are pending messages in UCM->TM interfaceUCM_REG_TM_INIT_CRDUCM: FIC_INIT_CRD is different than reset valueUCM: There are pending messages in UCM->USEM interfaceUCM_REG_FIC_INIT_CRDUCM: YSDM declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_YSDM_LENGTH_MISUCM: USDM declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_USDM_LENGTH_MISUCM: DORQ declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_DORQ_LENGTH_MISUCM: PBF declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_PBF_LENGTH_MISUCM: RDIF declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_RDIF_LENGTH_MISUCM: TDIF declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_TDIF_LENGTH_MISUCM: MULD declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_MULD_LENGTH_MISUCM: QM_P input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in QM(primary)->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_QM_P_FILL_LVLUCM: QM_S input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in QM(secondary)->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_QM_S_FILL_LVLUCM: TM input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in TM->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_TM_FILL_LVLUCM: Local STORM input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in USEM->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_STORM_FILL_LVLUCM: YSDM input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in YSDM->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_YSDM_FILL_LVLUCM: USDM input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in USDM->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_USDM_FILL_LVLUCM: RDIF input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in RDIF->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_RDIF_FILL_LVLUCM: TDIF input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in TDIF->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_TDIF_FILL_LVLUCM: MULD input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in MULD->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_MULD_FILL_LVLUCM: DORQ input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in DORQ->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_DORQ_FILL_LVLUCM: PBF input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in PBF->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_PBF_FILL_LVLXSEM: interrupt status 0 is not 0XSEM: Fatal XSEM errorXSEM_REG_INT_STS_0XSEM_REG_INT_MASK_0XSEM: interrupt status 1 is not 0XSEM: Fatal XSEM errorXSEM_REG_INT_STS_1XSEM_REG_INT_MASK_1XSEM: SEM FAST Parity status is not 0XSEM_REG_PRTY_STSXSEM_REG_PRTY_MASKXSEM: PF error vector is not zeroXSEM: Error was returned for one or more PF/sXSEM_REG_PF_ERR_VECTORXSEM: FOC1 credit is not fullXSEM: Not all credits from XY-Loader interface were returnedXSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITXSEM: FOC0 credit is not fullXSEM: Not all credits from XCM interface were returnedXSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITXSEM: External passive is not emptyXSEM: The FIFO which stores request from SDM to passive buffer is not emptyXSEM_REG_EXT_PAS_EMPTYXSEM: FIC is not emptyXSEM: FIC FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_FIC_EMPTYXSEM: Slow ext store fifo is not emptyXSEM: External store FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_STORE_EMPTYXSEM: Slow ext load fifo is not emptyXSEM: External load FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_LOAD_EMPTYXSEM: Slow ram read fifo is not emptyXSEM: RAM read FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_RD_EMPTYXSEM: Slow ram write fifo is not emptyXSEM: RAM write FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_WR_EMPTYXSEM: SYNC DBG fifo is not emptyXSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SYNC_DBG_EMPTYXSEM: External store IF is fullXSDM: FULL from XSDM on external store interface is assertedXSEM_REG_EXT_STORE_IF_FULLXSEM: RAM IF is fullXSEM: FULL to XSDM on RAM R/W interface is assertedXSEM_REG_RAM_IF_FULLYSEM: interrupt status 0 is not 0YSEM: Fatal YSEM errorYSEM_REG_INT_STS_0YSEM_REG_INT_MASK_0YSEM: interrupt status 1 is not 0YSEM: Fatal YSEM errorYSEM_REG_INT_STS_1YSEM_REG_INT_MASK_1YSEM: SEM FAST Parity status is not 0YSEM_REG_PRTY_STSYSEM_REG_PRTY_MASKYSEM: PF error vector is not zeroYSEM: Error was returned for one or more PF/sYSEM_REG_PF_ERR_VECTORYSEM: FOC5 credit is not fullYSEM: Not all credits from PBF interface were returnedYSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITYSEM: FOC4 credit is not fullYSEM: Not all credits from YCM interface were returnedYSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITYSEM: FOC3 credit is not fullYSEM: Not all credits from XCM interface were returnedYSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITYSEM: FOC2 credit is not fullYSEM: Not all credits from YU-Loader interface were returnedYSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITYSEM: FOC1 credit is not fullYSEM: Not all credits from MCM interface were returnedYSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITYSEM: FOC0 credit is not fullYSEM: Not all credits from TCM interface were returnedYSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITYSEM: External passive is not emptyYSEM: The FIFO which stores request from SDM to passive buffer is not emptyYSEM_REG_EXT_PAS_EMPTYYSEM: FIC is not emptyYSEM: FIC FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_FIC_EMPTYYSEM: Slow ext store fifo is not emptyYSEM: External store FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_STORE_EMPTYYSEM: Slow ext load fifo is not emptyYSEM: External load FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_LOAD_EMPTYYSEM: Slow ram read fifo is not emptyYSEM: RAM read FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_RD_EMPTYYSEM: Slow ram write fifo is not emptyYSEM: RAM write FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_WR_EMPTYYSEM: SYNC DBG fifo is not emptyYSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SYNC_DBG_EMPTYYSEM: External store IF is fullYSDM: FULL from YSDM on external store interface is assertedYSEM_REG_EXT_STORE_IF_FULLYSEM: RAM IF is fullYSEM: FULL to YSDM on RAM R/W interface is assertedYSEM_REG_RAM_IF_FULLPSEM: interrupt status 0 is not 0PSEM: Fatal PSEM errorPSEM_REG_INT_STS_0PSEM_REG_INT_MASK_0PSEM: interrupt status 1 is not 0PSEM: Fatal PSEM errorPSEM_REG_INT_STS_1PSEM_REG_INT_MASK_1PSEM: SEM FAST Parity status is not 0PSEM_REG_PRTY_STSPSEM_REG_PRTY_MASKPSEM: PF error vector is not zeroPSEM: Error was returned for one or more PF/sPSEM_REG_PF_ERR_VECTORPSEM: FOC1 credit is not fullPSEM: Not all credits from PBF interface were returnedPSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITPSEM: FOC0 credit is not fullPSEM: Not all credits from PCM interface were returnedPSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITPSEM: External passive is not emptyPSEM: The FIFO which stores request from SDM to passive buffer is not emptyPSEM_REG_EXT_PAS_EMPTYPSEM: FIC is not emptyPSEM: FIC FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_FIC_EMPTYPSEM: Slow ext store fifo is not emptyPSEM: External store FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_STORE_EMPTYPSEM: Slow ext load fifo is not emptyPSEM: External load FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_LOAD_EMPTYPSEM: Slow ram read fifo is not emptyPSEM: RAM read FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_RD_EMPTYPSEM: Slow ram write fifo is not emptyPSEM: RAM write FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_WR_EMPTYPSEM: SYNC DBG fifo is not emptyPSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SYNC_DBG_EMPTYPSEM: External store IF is fullPSDM: FULL from PSDM on external store interface is assertedPSEM_REG_EXT_STORE_IF_FULLPSEM: RAM IF is fullPSEM: FULL to PSDM on RAM R/W interface is assertedPSEM_REG_RAM_IF_FULLTSEM: interrupt status 0 is not 0TSEM: Fatal TSEM errorTSEM_REG_INT_STS_0TSEM_REG_INT_MASK_0TSEM: interrupt status 1 is not 0TSEM: Fatal TSEM errorTSEM_REG_INT_STS_1TSEM_REG_INT_MASK_1TSEM: SEM FAST Parity status is not 0TSEM_REG_PRTY_STSTSEM_REG_PRTY_MASKTSEM: PF error vector is not zeroTSEM: Error was returned for one or more PF/sTSEM_REG_PF_ERR_VECTORTSEM: FOC1 credit is not fullTSEM: Not all credits from TM-Loader interface were returnedTSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITTSEM: FOC0 credit is not fullTSEM: Not all credits from TCM interface were returnedTSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITTSEM: External passive is not emptyTSEM: The FIFO which stores request from SDM to passive buffer is not emptyTSEM_REG_EXT_PAS_EMPTYTSEM: FIC is not emptyTSEM: FIC FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_FIC_EMPTYTSEM: Slow ext store fifo is not emptyTSEM: External store FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_STORE_EMPTYTSEM: Slow ext load fifo is not emptyTSEM: External load FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_LOAD_EMPTYTSEM: Slow ram read fifo is not emptyTSEM: RAM read FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_RD_EMPTYTSEM: Slow ram write fifo is not emptyTSEM: RAM write FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_WR_EMPTYTSEM: SYNC DBG fifo is not emptyTSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SYNC_DBG_EMPTYTSEM: External store IF is fullTSDM: FULL from TSDM on external store interface is assertedTSEM_REG_EXT_STORE_IF_FULLTSEM: RAM IF is fullTSEM: FULL to TSDM on RAM R/W interface is assertedTSEM_REG_RAM_IF_FULLMSEM: interrupt status 0 is not 0MSEM: Fatal MSEM errorMSEM_REG_INT_STS_0MSEM_REG_INT_MASK_0MSEM: interrupt status 1 is not 0MSEM: Fatal MSEM errorMSEM_REG_INT_STS_1MSEM_REG_INT_MASK_1MSEM: SEM FAST Parity status is not 0MSEM_REG_PRTY_STSMSEM_REG_PRTY_MASKMSEM: PF error vector is not zeroMSEM: Error was returned for one or more PF/sMSEM_REG_PF_ERR_VECTORMSEM: FOC2 credit is not fullMSEM: Not all credits from MU-Loader interface were returnedMSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITMSEM: FOC3 credit is not fullMSEM: Not all credits from XCM interface were returnedMSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITMSEM: FOC4 credit is not fullMSEM: Not all credits from YCM interface were returnedMSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITMSEM: FOC5 credit is not fullMSEM: Not all credits from PRM interface were returnedMSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITMSEM: FOC1 credit is not fullMSEM: Not all credits from MCM interface were returnedMSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITMSEM: FOC0 credit is not fullMSEM: Not all credits from TCM interface were returnedMSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITMSEM: External passive is not emptyMSEM: The FIFO which stores request from SDM to passive buffer is not emptyMSEM_REG_EXT_PAS_EMPTYMSEM: FIC is not emptyMSEM: FIC FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_FIC_EMPTYMSEM: Slow ext store fifo is not emptyMSEM: External store FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_STORE_EMPTYMSEM: Slow ext load fifo is not emptyMSEM: External load FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_LOAD_EMPTYMSEM: Slow ram read fifo is not emptyMSEM: RAM read FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_RD_EMPTYMSEM: Slow ram write fifo is not emptyMSEM: RAM write FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_WR_EMPTYMSEM: SYNC DBG fifo is not emptyMSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SYNC_DBG_EMPTYMSEM: External store IF is fullMSDM: FULL from MSDM on external store interface is assertedMSEM_REG_EXT_STORE_IF_FULLMSEM: RAM IF is fullMSEM: FULL to MSDM on RAM R/W interface is assertedMSEM_REG_RAM_IF_FULLUSEM: interrupt status 0 is not 0USEM: Fatal USEM errorUSEM_REG_INT_STS_0USEM_REG_INT_MASK_0USEM: interrupt status 1 is not 0USEM: Fatal USEM errorUSEM_REG_INT_STS_1USEM_REG_INT_MASK_1USEM: SEM FAST Parity status is not 0USEM_REG_PRTY_STSUSEM_REG_PRTY_MASKUSEM: PF error vector is not zeroUSEM: Error was returned for one or more PF/sUSEM_REG_PF_ERR_VECTORUSEM: FOC4 credit is not fullUSEM: Not all credits from PRM interface were returnedUSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITUSEM: FOC2 credit is not fullUSEM: Not all credits from XCM interface were returnedUSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITUSEM: FOC3 credit is not fullUSEM: Not all credits from YCM interface were returnedUSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITUSEM: FOC1 credit is not fullUSEM: Not all credits from UCM interface were returnedUSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITUSEM: FOC0 credit is not fullUSEM: Not all credits from MCM interface were returnedUSEM_REG_FOC_CREDITUSEM: External passive is not emptyUSEM: The FIFO which stores request from SDM to passive buffer is not emptyUSEM_REG_EXT_PAS_EMPTYUSEM: FIC is not emptyUSEM: FIC FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_FIC_EMPTYUSEM: Slow ext store fifo is not emptyUSEM: External store FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_STORE_EMPTYUSEM: Slow ext load fifo is not emptyUSEM: External load FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SLOW_EXT_LOAD_EMPTYUSEM: Slow ram read fifo is not emptyUSEM: RAM read FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_RD_EMPTYUSEM: Slow ram write fifo is not emptyUSEM: RAM write FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SLOW_RAM_WR_EMPTYUSEM: SYNC DBG fifo is not emptyUSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SYNC_DBG_EMPTYUSEM: External store IF is fullUSDM: FULL from USDM on external store interface is assertedUSEM_REG_EXT_STORE_IF_FULLUSEM: RAM IF is fullUSEM: FULL to USDM on RAM R/W interface is assertedUSEM_REG_RAM_IF_FULLPCIE: Parity status is not 0PCIE_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0IGU: block is not in idle. There are pending MSI/MSIX messagesIGU_REG_PENDING_BITS_STATUSIGU MSI/MSIX message write done pending is not emptyIGU: MSI/MSIX write done pendingIGU_REG_WRITE_DONE_PENDINGCNIG: Interrupt detectedCNIG: Interrupt detectedCNIG_REG_INT_STSCNIG_REG_INT_MASKCNIG_REG_CNIG_DBG_FIFO_ERRORCNIG:Parity error detected.CNIG_REG_PRTY_STSCNIG_REG_PRTY_MASKPSWHST: Access to disabled VF took place. (0) - 0 - read 1 - write. (4:1) - client (0 TSDM; 1 MSDM; 2 USDM; 3 XSDM; 4 YSDM; 5 PSDM; 6 HC; 7 GRC; 8 DQ; 9 ATC; 10 RESERVED SPACE). (5) vf_valid. (12:6) vfid. (15:13) pfid.PSWHST_REG_VF_DISABLED_ERROR_DATAPSWHST_REG_VF_DISABLED_ERROR_VALIDPSWHST_REG_VF_DISABLED_ERROR_DATAPGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 223-192PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_223_192PGL: FLR request is set for VF addresses 255-224PGLUE_B_REG_FLR_REQUEST_VF_255_224PGLUE_B: Packet received from PCIe not according to the rules.PGLUE_B_REG_INCORRECT_RCV_DETAILSPGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 192-223 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_223_192PGLUE_B: was_error for VFs 224-255 is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_255_224PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 128-159. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_159_128PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 160-191. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_191_160PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 192-223. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_223_192PGLUE_B: There are outstanding read requests for tags 224-255. Not all completions have arrived for read requests on tags that are marked with 0PGLUE_B_REG_TAGS_255_224QM: Other PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equalQM: There are pending tasks in other queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLOTHERQM: Other PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equal for 128 other queuesQM: There are pending tasks in other queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLOTHERQM: QSTATUSTX reg is not 0. QM_REG_QSTATUSTX_0QM: QSTATUSOTHER reg is not 0. QM_REG_QSTATUSOTHER_0QM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit on NW queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit on LB queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit on LB queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit on NW queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: TX PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equalQM: There are pending tasks in tx queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLTXQM: TX PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equal for 512 queuesQM: There are pending tasks in tx queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLTXBRB: Write client FIFOs are not empty (value != 0x1ffe)BRB: Write client FIFOs are not empty (value != 0x1ffe)BRB_REG_WC_EMPTY_0BRB: Read EOP clients FIFOs are not emptyBRB: Read EOP clients FIFOs are not emptyBRB_REG_RC_EOP_EMPTYBRB: Write client status is not 0BRB: Write client status is not 0BRB_REG_WC_STATUS_0NIG: Data path parity error occurred.NIG: Data path parity error occurred.NIG_REG_PRTY_STSNIG_REG_PRTY_MASKNIG_REG_RX_PARITY_ERRNIG_REG_TX_PARITY_ERRNIG_REG_LB_PARITY_ERRBTB: Interrupt status 0 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_0BTB_REG_INT_MASK_0BTB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBTB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQBTB: Interrupt status 4 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_4BTB_REG_INT_MASK_4BTB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBTB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQXCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualXCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISXCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLXCM: YSEM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in YSEM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_YSEM_FILL_LVLXCM: QM Active State Counter is not 0XCM_REG_QM_ACT_ST_CNTYCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualYCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISYCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLPCM: PSDM declared message length unequal to actualPCM_REG_PSDM_LENGTH_MISPCM: PSDM input stage buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_IS_PSDM_FILL_LVLTCM: TSDM declared message length unequal to actualTCM_REG_TSDM_LENGTH_MISTCM: TSDM input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in TSDM->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_TSDM_FILL_LVLMCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualMCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISMCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLMCM: YSEM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in YSEM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_YSEM_FILL_LVLXSEM: VF error vector is not zeroXSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sXSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORYSEM: VF error vector is not zeroYSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sYSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORPSEM: VF error vector is not zeroPSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sPSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORTSEM: VF error vector is not zeroTSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sTSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORMSEM: VF error vector is not zeroMSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sMSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORUSEM: VF error vector is not zeroUSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sUSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORPCIE: Parity status is not 0PCIE_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PCIE_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0IGU: block is not in idle. There are pending MSI/MSIX messagesIGU_REG_PENDING_BITS_STATUSIGU MSI/MSIX message write done pending is not emptyIGU: MSI/MSIX write done pendingIGU_REG_WRITE_DONE_PENDINGPSWHST: Access to disabled VF took place. (0) - 0 - read 1 - write. (4:1) - client (0 TSDM; 1 MSDM; 2 USDM; 3 XSDM; 4 YSDM; 5 PSDM; 6 HC; 7 GRC; 8 DQ; 9 ATC; 10 RESERVED SPACE). (5) vf_valid. (13:6) vfid. (17:14) pfid.PSWHST_REG_VF_DISABLED_ERROR_DATAPSWHST_REG_VF_DISABLED_ERROR_VALIDPSWHST_REG_VF_DISABLED_ERROR_DATAQM: QSTATUSTX reg is not 0. QM_REG_QSTATUSTX_0QM: QSTATUSOTHER reg is not 0. QM_REG_QSTATUSOTHER_0QM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit on LB queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit on NW queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit on NW queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit on LB queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEBRB: Write client FIFOs are not empty (value != 0x1ffe)BRB: Write client FIFOs are not empty (value != 0x1ffe)BRB_REG_WC_EMPTY_0BRB: Write client status is not 0BRB: Write client status is not 0BRB_REG_WC_STATUS_0BTB: Interrupt status 0 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_0BTB_REG_INT_MASK_0BTB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBTB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQBTB: Interrupt status 4 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_4BTB_REG_INT_MASK_4BTB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBTB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQXCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualXCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISXCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLXCM: YSEM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in YSEM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_YSEM_FILL_LVLYCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualYCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISYCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLPCM: PSDM declared message length unequal to actualPCM_REG_PSDM_LENGTH_MISPCM: PSDM input stage buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_IS_PSDM_FILL_LVLTCM: TSDM declared message length unequal to actualTCM_REG_TSDM_LENGTH_MISTCM: TSDM input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in TSDM->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_TSDM_FILL_LVLMCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualMCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISMCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLMCM: YSEM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in YSEM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_YSEM_FILL_LVLPSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq7 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_7PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ7PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq8 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_8PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ8PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq10 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_10PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ10PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq13 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_13PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ13PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq14 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_14PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ14PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq20 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_20PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ20PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq25 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_25PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ25PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq27 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_27PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ27PSWRQ2: SR_CNT_per_vq31 is not equal to MAX_SRS_vqPSWRQ2_REG_SR_CNT_PER_VQ_31PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_SRS_VQ31PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq7 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_7PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ7PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq8 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_8PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ8PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq10 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_10PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ10PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq13 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_13PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ13PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq14 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_14PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ14PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq20 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_20PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ20PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq25 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_25PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ25PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq27 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_27PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ27PSWRQ2: blk_cnt_per_vq31 is not equal to max_blks_vqPSWRQ2_REG_BLK_CNT_PER_VQ_31PSWRQ2_REG_MAX_BLKS_VQ31TM: TM_REG_INT_STS_1 bits 9,8,7,6,5,0 are set, one of cload_res_loadcancel_task, cload_res_loaderr_task, pxp_rd_data_eop_error, pend_task_scan, pend_conn_scan, cload_res_loadcancel_conn attentions is assertedTM: There is an interrupt on bits of register 1TM_REG_INT_STS_1TM: TM_REG_INT_STS_1 bits 9,8,7,0 are set, one of cload_res_loadcancel_task, cload_res_loaderr_task, pxp_rd_data_eop_error, cload_res_loadcancel_conn attentions is assertedTM: There is an interrupt on bits of register 1TM_REG_INT_STS_1PCIE: ucorr_err_status - Flow Control Protocol ErrorPGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_UNCORR_ERR_STATUS_OFFPCIE: ucorr_err_status - Unsupported request errorPGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_UNCORR_ERR_STATUS_OFFPCIE: ucorr_err_status is not 0PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_UNCORR_ERR_STATUS_OFFPCIE: error packet header is not 0PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_HDR_LOG_0_OFFPGL: Underflow in TX sync FIFO. Bit0: TX completion FIFO. Bit1: TXR header FIFO. Bit2: TXW header FIFO. Bit3: TXW data FIFO.PGL: Underflow in TX sync FIFOPGLCS_REG_SYNCFIFO_POP_UNDERFLOWPGL: Overflow in RX sync FIFO. Bit0: RX NP FIFO. Bit1: RX posted header FIFO. Bits 5:2: RX posted data FIFOs.PGL: Overflow in RX sync FIFOPGLCS_REG_SYNCFIFO_PUSH_OVERFLOWPGL: There are entries in TX sync FIFOs. Bits 4:0: TX completion FIFO. Bits 9:5: TXR header FIFO. Bit14:10: TXW header FIFO. Bit19:14: TXW data FIFO.PGL: There are entries in TX sync FIFOsPGLCS_REG_TX_SYNCFIFO_POP_STATUSPCIE: HW status & 0xE001 is not 0PCIE_REG_INT_STSCNIG: Interrupt detectedCNIG: Interrupt detectedCNIG_REG_INT_STSCNIG_REG_INT_MASKCNIG_REG_CNIG_DBG_FIFO_ERRORCNIG:Parity error detected.CNIG_REG_PRTY_STSCNIG_REG_PRTY_MASKPGL: Overflow in TX sync FIFO. Bit0: TX completion FIFO. Bit1: TXR header FIFO. Bit2: TXW header FIFO. Bit3: TXW data FIFO.PGL: Overflow in TX sync FIFOPGLUE_B_REG_SYNCFIFO_PUSH_OVERFLOWPGL: Underflow in RX sync FIFO. Bit0: RX NP FIFO. Bit1: RX posted header FIFO. Bits 5:2: RX posted data FIFOs.PGL: Underflow in RX sync FIFOPGLUE_B_REG_SYNCFIFO_POP_UNDERFLOWPGL: There are entries in RX sync FIFOs. Bits 8:0: RX NP FIFO. Bits 17:9: RX posted header FIFO.PGL: There are entries in RX sync FIFOsPGLUE_B_REG_RXH_SYNCFIFO_POP_STATUSPGL: There are entries in RX sync FIFOs. Bits 6:0: RX posted data FIFO 0. Bits 13:7: RX posted data FIFO 1. Bits 20:14: RX posted data FIFO 2. Bits 27:21: RX posted data FIFO 3.PGL: There are entries in RX sync FIFOsPGLUE_B_REG_RXD_SYNCFIFO_POP_STATUSPGLUE_B_REG_RXH_SYNCFIFO_POP_STATUSQM: Other PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equal for 128 other queuesQM: There are pending tasks in other queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLOTHERQM: Other PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equalQM: There are pending tasks in other queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLOTHERQM: TX PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equalQM: There are pending tasks in tx queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLTXQM: TX PQ-s pointer table - read and write variables not equal for 512 queuesQM: There are pending tasks in tx queuesQM_REG_PTRTBLTXBRB: Read EOP clients FIFOs are not emptyBRB: Read EOP clients FIFOs are not emptyBRB_REG_RC_EOP_EMPTYTC 0 in MAC 2 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 2 traffic-class 0BRB_REG_MAC2_TC_OCCUPANCY_0TC 1 in MAC 2 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 2 traffic-class 1BRB_REG_MAC2_TC_OCCUPANCY_1TC 2 in MAC 2 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 2 traffic-class 2BRB_REG_MAC2_TC_OCCUPANCY_2TC 3 in MAC 2 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 2 traffic-class 3BRB_REG_MAC2_TC_OCCUPANCY_3TC 4 in MAC 2 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 2 traffic-class 4BRB_REG_MAC2_TC_OCCUPANCY_4TC 0 in MAC 3 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 3 traffic-class 0BRB_REG_MAC3_TC_OCCUPANCY_0TC 1 in MAC 3 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 3 traffic-class 1BRB_REG_MAC3_TC_OCCUPANCY_1TC 2 in MAC 3 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 3 traffic-class 2BRB_REG_MAC3_TC_OCCUPANCY_2TC 3 in MAC 3 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 3 traffic-class 3BRB_REG_MAC3_TC_OCCUPANCY_3TC 4 in MAC 3 occupancy is not 0x0There are packets in BRB belonging to MAC 3 traffic-class 4BRB_REG_MAC3_TC_OCCUPANCY_4NIG: Error in FIFOs accesses for port 2.NIG: Fatal NIG errorNIG_REG_INT_STS_6NIG_REG_INT_MASK_6NIG: Pause too long interrupt occurred in port 2.NIG: PAUSE / PFC was asserted for more than a pre-defined time on port #2NIG_REG_INT_STS_7NIG_REG_INT_MASK_7NIG_REG_FLOWCTRL_MODENIG_REG_RX_FLOWCTRL_STATUSNIG: Error in FIFOs accesses for port 3.NIG: Fatal NIG errorNIG_REG_INT_STS_8NIG_REG_INT_MASK_8NIG: Pause too long interrupt occurred in port 3.NIG: PAUSE / PFC was asserted for more than a pre-defined time on port #3NIG_REG_INT_STS_9NIG_REG_INT_MASK_9NIG_REG_FLOWCTRL_MODENIG_REG_RX_FLOWCTRL_STATUSNIG: Data path parity error occurred.NIG: Data path parity error occurred.NIG_REG_PRTY_STSNIG_REG_PRTY_MASKNIG_REG_RX_PARITY_ERRNIG_REG_TX_PARITY_ERRNIG_REG_LB_PARITY_ERRNWS: CM1_OK_0 is 0 : No 10Gb clockNWS_REG_COMMON_STATUSNWS: CM0_OK_0 is 0 : No 25Gb clockNWS_REG_COMMON_STATUSNWS: Interrupt status is not 0 : Address ErrorNWS_REG_INT_STS_0NWS: Parity status 0 is not 0NWS_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0NWS_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0NWS: ln0_ok is not 1NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN0_TOP_PHY_IF_STATUSNWS_REG_COMMON_CONTROLNWS: ln1_ok is not 1NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN1_TOP_PHY_IF_STATUSNWS_REG_COMMON_CONTROLNWS: ln2_ok is not 1NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN2_TOP_PHY_IF_STATUSNWS_REG_COMMON_CONTROLNWS: ln3_ok is not 1NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN3_TOP_PHY_IF_STATUSNWS_REG_COMMON_CONTROLNWM: Interrupt status is not 0 : Address ErrorNWM_REG_INT_STSNWM: Interrupt status is not 0 : TX Fifo underflow or overflow setNWM_REG_INT_STSNWM: Parity status 0 is not 0NWM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0NWM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0NWM: Parity status 1 is not 0NWM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1NWM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1NWM: Parity status 2 is not 0NWM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_2NWM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_2BTB: Read packet client 4 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet main port #2 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_4BTB: Read packet client 5 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet LB port #2 client 1 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_5BTB: Read packet client 6 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet main port #3 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_6BTB: Read packet client 7 FIFOs are not emptyBTB: Read packet LB port #3 client 1 FIFOs are not emptyBTB_REG_RC_PKT_EMPTY_7XCM: QM Active State Counter is not 0XCM_REG_QM_ACT_ST_CNTXSEM: VF error vector is not zeroXSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sXSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORYSEM: VF error vector is not zeroYSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sYSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORPSEM: VF error vector is not zeroPSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sPSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORTSEM: VF error vector is not zeroTSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sTSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORMSEM: VF error vector is not zeroMSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sMSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORUSEM: VF error vector is not zeroUSEM: Error was returned for one or more VF/sUSEM_REG_VF_ERR_VECTORPCIE: ucorr_err_status is not 0PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_UC_ERR_STATUSPCIE: ucorr_err_status - Unsupported request errorPGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_UC_ERR_STATUSPCIE: ucorr_err_status - Flow Control Protocol ErrorPGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_UC_ERR_STATUSPCIE: error packet header is not 0PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_HEADER_LOG1PCIE: TTX_BRIDGE_FORWARD_ERR - Received master request while BME was 0.PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_TL_CTRLSTAT_5PCIE: Func 0 1: attentions register is not 0x2040902PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_TL_CTRLSTAT_5PCIE: Func 2 3 4: attentions register is not 0x10240902PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_TL_FUNC345_STATPCIE: Func 5 6 7: attentions register is not 0x10240902PGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_TL_FUNC678_STATPCIE: Overflow in DLP2TLP bufferPGLCS_REG_PGL_CS_DLATTN_VECMISCS: interrupt status 1 is not 0.MISCS_REG_INT_STS_1MISCS_REG_INT_MASK_1IGU: Parity status 1 is not 0IGU_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1IGU_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1NIG: RX MAC FIFO for the port is not emptyNIG: RX FIFO for receiving data from MAC is not emptyNIG_REG_RX_MACFIFO_EMPTYIGU: block is not in idle. There are pending MSI/MSIX messagesIGU_REG_PENDING_BITS_STATUSIGU MSI/MSIX message write done pending is not emptyIGU: MSI/MSIX write done pendingIGU_REG_WRITE_DONE_PENDINGQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit on LB queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ line credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ line credit on NW queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDLINEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDLINEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit on LB queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit on NW queues is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM: VOQ byte credit is not equal to init creditQM_REG_VOQCRDBYTEQM_REG_VOQINITCRDBYTEMISC_REG_PORT_MODEBTB: Interrupt status 0 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_0BTB_REG_INT_MASK_0BTB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBTB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQBTB: Interrupt status 4 is setBTB: Fatal BTB errorBTB_REG_INT_STS_4BTB_REG_INT_MASK_4BTB_REG_STOPPED_RD_REQBTB_REG_STOPPED_RLS_REQXCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualXCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISXCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLXCM: YSEM input stage buffer is not emptyXCM: There are pending messages in YSEM->XCM interfaceXCM_REG_IS_YSEM_FILL_LVLYCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualYCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISYCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyYCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->YCM interfaceYCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLPCM: PSDM declared message length unequal to actualPCM_REG_PSDM_LENGTH_MISPCM: PSDM input stage buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_IS_PSDM_FILL_LVLTCM: TSDM declared message length unequal to actualTCM_REG_TSDM_LENGTH_MISTCM: TSDM input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in TSDM->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_TSDM_FILL_LVLMCM: MSDM declared message length unequal to actualMCM_REG_MSDM_LENGTH_MISMCM: MSDM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in MSDM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_MSDM_FILL_LVLMCM: YSEM input stage buffer is not emptyMCM: There are pending messages in YSEM->MCM interfaceMCM_REG_IS_YSEM_FILL_LVLDMAE: Parity status is not 0DMAE_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0DMAE_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0DBG: Parity status is not 0DBG_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0DBG_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0OPTE: Parity status is not 0OPTE_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0OPTE_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0IGU: Parity status 0 is not 0IGU_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0IGU_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PRS: Parity status 0 is not 0PRS_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PRS_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PRS: Parity status 1 is not 0PRS_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1PRS_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1PRS: The number of packets in the parser pipeline is not 0PRS: There are outstanding packets in the PRS pipelinePRS_REG_PRS_PKT_CTPRS: TCM Credit Count is not 0 PRS: There are TCM messages that were not ACKedPRS_REG_TCM_CURRENT_CREDITPRM: Parity status is not 0PRM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PRM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0RSS: Parity status is not 0RSS_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0RSS_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0RSS: FIFOS are not emptyRSS_REG_EMPTY_STATUSRSS: FIFOS are fullRSS_REG_FULL_STATUSRSS: Counters are not 0RSS_REG_COUNTERS_STATUSRSS: State machines are not in reset stateRSS_REG_STATE_MACHINESPSWWR2: Parity status 0 is not 0PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PSWWR2: Parity status 1 is not 0PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1PSWWR2: Parity status 2 is not 0PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_STS_H_2PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_2PSWWR2: Parity status 3 is not 0PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_STS_H_3PSWWR2_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_3PSWHST: Parity status is not 0PSWHST_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PSWHST_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PGLUE_B: Parity status is not 0PGLUE_B_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PGLUE_B_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0TM: Parity status is not 0TM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0TM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0TCFC: Parity status is not 0TCFC_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0TCFC_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0CCFC: Parity status is not 0CCFC_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0CCFC_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0QM: Parity status 0 is not 0QM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0QM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0QM: Parity status 1 is not 0QM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1QM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1QM: Parity status 2 is not 0QM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_2QM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_2TDIF: Parity status is not 0TDIF_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0TDIF_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0BRB: Parity status 0 is not 0BRB_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0BRB_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0BRB: Parity status 1 is not 0BRB_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1BRB_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1XYLD: Parity status is not 0XYLD_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0XYLD_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0YULD : Pending Message counter to External event1 is not 0YULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_1_CTRYULD : Pending Message counter to External event2 is not 0YULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_2_CTRYULD : Pending Message counter to External event3 is not 0YULD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from MCMYULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_3_CTRYULD : Pending Message counter to External event4 is not 0YULD: There are outstanding messages waiting for 'done' indication from YCMYULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_4_CTRYULD : Pending Message counter to External event5 is not 0YULD_REG_PENDING_MSG_TO_EXT_EV_5_CTRYULD: YULD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITS is not YULD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSYULD: UCM didn't ACK all the message cycles sent by YULDYULD_REG_FOC_REMAIN_CREDITSYULD_REG_FOCI_FOC_CREDITSYULD : CCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0YULD:There are outstanding CCFC load requestsYULD_REG_DBG_PENDING_CCFC_REQYULD : TCFC REQ Pending Message counter is not 0YULD:There are outstanding TCFC load requestsYULD_REG_DBG_PENDING_TCFC_REQYULD: Parity status is not 0YULD_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0YULD_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0TMLD: Parity status is not 0TMLD_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0TMLD_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0MULD: Parity status is not 0MULD_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0MULD_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PTU: Parity status is not 0PTU_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PTU_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0CDU: Parity status is not 0CDU_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0CDU_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PBF: Parity status 0 is not 0PBF_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PBF_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PBF: Parity status 1 is not 0PBF_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1PBF_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1BTB Parity status is not 0BTB_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0BTB_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0XCM: Parity status 0 is not 0XCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0XCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0XCM: Parity status 1 is not 0XCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1XCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1YCM: Parity status 0 is not 0YCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0YCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0YCM: Parity status 1 is not 0YCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1YCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1PCM: Parity status is not 0PCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PCM: PBF declared message length unequal to actualPCM_REG_PBF_LENGTH_MISPCM: PBF input stage buffer is not emptyPCM_REG_IS_PBF_FILL_LVLTCM: Parity status 0 is not 0TCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0TCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0TCM: Parity status 1 is not 0TCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1TCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1TCM: PRS declared message length unequal to actualTCM_REG_PRS_LENGTH_MISTCM: PRS input stage buffer is not emptyTCM: There are pending messages in PRS->TCM interfaceTCM_REG_IS_PRS_FILL_LVLMCM: Parity status 0 is not 0MCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0MCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0MCM: Parity status 1 is not 0MCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1MCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1UCM: Parity status 0 is not 0UCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0UCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0UCM: Parity status 1 is not 0UCM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1UCM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1UCM: YULD declared message length unequal to actualUCM_REG_YULD_LENGTH_MISUCM: YULD input stage buffer is not emptyUCM: There are pending messages in YULD->UCM interfaceUCM_REG_IS_YULD_FILL_LVLXSEM: Parity status is not 0XSEM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0XSEM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0XSEM: Thread error vector is not zeroXSEM: There are threads with 'thread error' bit setXSEM_REG_THREAD_ERRORXSEM: Some threads are readyXSEM: There are threads with 'thread ready' bit setXSEM_REG_THREAD_RDYXSEM: some threads are validXSEM: There are valid threads sleeping in the passive bufferXSEM_REG_THREAD_VALIDXSEM: DRA is not emptyXSEM: There is data to DRA on the FOC interfaceXSEM_REG_DRA_EMPTYXSEM: Slow dbg fifo is not emptyXSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SLOW_DBG_EMPTYXSEM: Slow dra fin fifo is not emptyXSEM: There are outstanding FIN requests in the FIN FIFOXSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_FIN_EMPTYXSEM: Slow dra read fifo is not emptyXSEM: DRA read FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_RD_EMPTYXSEM: Slow dra write fifo is not emptyXSEM: DRA write FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_WR_EMPTYXSEM: Thread fifo is not emptyXSEM: The thread FIFO is not emptyXSEM_REG_THREAD_FIFO_EMPTYXSEM: Passive IF is fullXSEM: FULL to XSDM on passive buffer interface is assertedXSEM_REG_PAS_IF_FULLXSEM: Thread overrun vector is not zeroXSEM: There are threads which are active for more than a pre-defined intervalXSEM_REG_THREAD_ORUN_NUMXSEM: DBG IF is fullXSDM: FULL from DBG is assertedXSEM_REG_DBG_IF_FULLYSEM: Parity status is not 0YSEM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0YSEM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0YSEM: Thread error vector is not zeroYSEM: There are threads with 'thread error' bit setYSEM_REG_THREAD_ERRORYSEM: Some threads are readyYSEM: There are threads with 'thread ready' bit setYSEM_REG_THREAD_RDYYSEM: some threads are validYSEM: There are valid threads sleeping in the passive bufferYSEM_REG_THREAD_VALIDYSEM: DRA is not emptyYSEM: There is data to DRA on the FOC interfaceYSEM_REG_DRA_EMPTYYSEM: Slow dbg fifo is not emptyYSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SLOW_DBG_EMPTYYSEM: Slow dra fin fifo is not emptyYSEM: There are outstanding FIN requests in the FIN FIFOYSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_FIN_EMPTYYSEM: Slow dra read fifo is not emptyYSEM: DRA read FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_RD_EMPTYYSEM: Slow dra write fifo is not emptyYSEM: DRA write FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_WR_EMPTYYSEM: Thread fifo is not emptyYSEM: The thread FIFO is not emptyYSEM_REG_THREAD_FIFO_EMPTYYSEM: Passive IF is fullYSEM: FULL to YSDM on passive buffer interface is assertedYSEM_REG_PAS_IF_FULLYSEM: Thread overrun vector is not zeroYSEM: There are threads which are active for more than a pre-defined intervalYSEM_REG_THREAD_ORUN_NUMYSEM: DBG IF is fullYSDM: FULL from DBG is assertedYSEM_REG_DBG_IF_FULLPSEM: Parity status is not 0PSEM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0PSEM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0PSEM: Thread error vector is not zeroPSEM: There are threads with 'thread error' bit setPSEM_REG_THREAD_ERRORPSEM: Some threads are readyPSEM: There are threads with 'thread ready' bit setPSEM_REG_THREAD_RDYPSEM: some threads are validPSEM: There are valid threads sleeping in the passive bufferPSEM_REG_THREAD_VALIDPSEM: DRA is not emptyPSEM: There is data to DRA on the FOC interfacePSEM_REG_DRA_EMPTYPSEM: Slow dbg fifo is not emptyPSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SLOW_DBG_EMPTYPSEM: Slow dra fin fifo is not emptyPSEM: There are outstanding FIN requests in the FIN FIFOPSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_FIN_EMPTYPSEM: Slow dra read fifo is not emptyPSEM: DRA read FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_RD_EMPTYPSEM: Slow dra write fifo is not emptyPSEM: DRA write FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_WR_EMPTYPSEM: Thread fifo is not emptyPSEM: The thread FIFO is not emptyPSEM_REG_THREAD_FIFO_EMPTYPSEM: Passive IF is fullPSEM: FULL to PSDM on passive buffer interface is assertedPSEM_REG_PAS_IF_FULLPSEM: Thread overrun vector is not zeroPSEM: There are threads which are active for more than a pre-defined intervalPSEM_REG_THREAD_ORUN_NUMPSEM: DBG IF is fullPSDM: FULL from DBG is assertedPSEM_REG_DBG_IF_FULLTSEM: Parity status is not 0TSEM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0TSEM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0TSEM: Thread error vector is not zeroTSEM: There are threads with 'thread error' bit setTSEM_REG_THREAD_ERRORTSEM: Some threads are readyTSEM: There are threads with 'thread ready' bit setTSEM_REG_THREAD_RDYTSEM: some threads are validTSEM: There are valid threads sleeping in the passive bufferTSEM_REG_THREAD_VALIDTSEM: DRA is not emptyTSEM: There is data to DRA on the FOC interfaceTSEM_REG_DRA_EMPTYTSEM: Slow dbg fifo is not emptyTSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SLOW_DBG_EMPTYTSEM: Slow dra fin fifo is not emptyTSEM: There are outstanding FIN requests in the FIN FIFOTSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_FIN_EMPTYTSEM: Slow dra read fifo is not emptyTSEM: DRA read FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_RD_EMPTYTSEM: Slow dra write fifo is not emptyTSEM: DRA write FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_WR_EMPTYTSEM: Thread fifo is not emptyTSEM: The thread FIFO is not emptyTSEM_REG_THREAD_FIFO_EMPTYTSEM: Passive IF is fullTSEM: FULL to TSDM on passive buffer interface is assertedTSEM_REG_PAS_IF_FULLTSEM: Thread overrun vector is not zeroTSEM: There are threads which are active for more than a pre-defined intervalTSEM_REG_THREAD_ORUN_NUMTSEM: DBG IF is fullTSDM: FULL from DBG is assertedTSEM_REG_DBG_IF_FULLMSEM: Parity status is not 0MSEM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0MSEM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0MSEM: Thread error vector is not zeroMSEM: There are threads with 'thread error' bit setMSEM_REG_THREAD_ERRORMSEM: Some threads are readyMSEM: There are threads with 'thread ready' bit setMSEM_REG_THREAD_RDYMSEM: some threads are validMSEM: There are valid threads sleeping in the passive bufferMSEM_REG_THREAD_VALIDMSEM: DRA is not emptyMSEM: There is data to DRA on the FOC interfaceMSEM_REG_DRA_EMPTYMSEM: Slow dbg fifo is not emptyMSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SLOW_DBG_EMPTYMSEM: Slow dra fin fifo is not emptyMSEM: There are outstanding FIN requests in the FIN FIFOMSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_FIN_EMPTYMSEM: Slow dra read fifo is not emptyMSEM: DRA read FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_RD_EMPTYMSEM: Slow dra write fifo is not emptyMSEM: DRA write FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_WR_EMPTYMSEM: Thread fifo is not emptyMSEM: The thread FIFO is not emptyMSEM_REG_THREAD_FIFO_EMPTYMSEM: Passive IF is fullMSEM: FULL to MSDM on passive buffer interface is assertedMSEM_REG_PAS_IF_FULLMSEM: Thread overrun vector is not zeroMSEM: There are threads which are active for more than a pre-defined intervalMSEM_REG_THREAD_ORUN_NUMMSEM: DBG IF is fullMSDM: FULL from DBG is assertedMSEM_REG_DBG_IF_FULLUSEM: Parity status is not 0USEM_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0USEM_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0USEM: Thread error vector is not zeroUSEM: There are threads with 'thread error' bit setUSEM_REG_THREAD_ERRORUSEM: Some threads are readyUSEM: There are threads with 'thread ready' bit setUSEM_REG_THREAD_RDYUSEM: some threads are validUSEM: There are valid threads sleeping in the passive bufferUSEM_REG_THREAD_VALIDUSEM: DRA is not emptyUSEM: There is data to DRA on the FOC interfaceUSEM_REG_DRA_EMPTYUSEM: Slow dbg fifo is not emptyUSEM: The debug FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SLOW_DBG_EMPTYUSEM: Slow dra fin fifo is not emptyUSEM: There are outstanding FIN requests in the FIN FIFOUSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_FIN_EMPTYUSEM: Slow dra read fifo is not emptyUSEM: DRA read FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_RD_EMPTYUSEM: Slow dra write fifo is not emptyUSEM: DRA write FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_SLOW_DRA_WR_EMPTYUSEM: Thread fifo is not emptyUSEM: The thread FIFO is not emptyUSEM_REG_THREAD_FIFO_EMPTYUSEM: Passive IF is fullUSEM: FULL to USDM on passive buffer interface is assertedUSEM_REG_PAS_IF_FULLUSEM: Thread overrun vector is not zeroUSEM: There are threads which are active for more than a pre-defined intervalUSEM_REG_THREAD_ORUN_NUMUSEM: DBG IF is fullUSDM: FULL from DBG is assertedUSEM_REG_DBG_IF_FULLMCP2: ROM Parity status is not 0MCP2_REG_PRTY_STSMCP2_REG_PRTY_MASKNCSI: Parity status is not 0NCSI_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0NCSI_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0UMAC: Interrupt status is not 0 : Address ErrorUMAC_REG_INT_STSUMAC: Interrupt status is not 0 : TX_OVERFLOWUMAC_REG_INT_STSNWS: ERR_CTRL0 is not 0 : An error ocurredNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_ERR_CTRL0NWS: ERR_CTRL1 is not 0 : err_code_7_0NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_ERR_CTRL1NWS: ERR_CTRL2 is not 0 : err_code_15_8NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_ERR_CTRL2NWS: REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0 is not 0 : err_type[0:1](1=err_ack;2=timeout) : transfer_rw[2](1=write;0=read)NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0NWS: REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0 is not 0 : register err_ackNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0NWS: REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0 is not 0 : register timeoutNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0NWS: REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0 is not 0 : error was on register writeNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS0NWS: REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS1 is not 0 : errored register transfer address lsbNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS1NWS: REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS2 is not 0 : errored register transfer address msbNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS2NWS: REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS3 is not 0 : errored register transfer write dataNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_PHY0_TOP_REGBUS_ERR_INFO_STATUS3NWS: CMU0 cmu_ok is not 1NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_LC0_TOP_PHY_IF_STATUSNWS: CMU0 ERR_CTRL1 is not 0 : err_code_7_0NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_LC0_TOP_ERR_CTRL1NWS: CMU0 ERR_CTRL2 is not 0 : err_code_15_8NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_LC0_TOP_ERR_CTRL2NWS: CMU0 ERR_CTRL3 is not 0 : A critical error occurred preventing cm0_ok_o from assertingNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_LC0_TOP_ERR_CTRL3NWS: CMU1 cmu_ok is not 1NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_R0_TOP_PHY_IF_STATUSNWS: CMU1 ERR_CTRL1 is not 0 : err_code_7_0NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_R0_TOP_ERR_CTRL1NWS: CMU1 ERR_CTRL2 is not 0 : err_code_15_8NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_R0_TOP_ERR_CTRL2NWS: CMU1 ERR_CTRL3 is not 0 : A critical error occurred preventing cm1_ok_o from assertingNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_CMU_R0_TOP_ERR_CTRL3NWS: ln0 ERR_CTRL1 is not 0 : err_code_7_0NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN0_TOP_ERR_CTRL1NWS: ln0 ERR_CTRL2 is not 0 : err_code_15_8NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN0_TOP_ERR_CTRL2NWS: ln0_error is not 0 : lane_errNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN0_TOP_ERR_CTRL3NWS: ln1 ERR_CTRL1 is not 0 : err_code_7_0NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN1_TOP_ERR_CTRL1NWS: ln1 ERR_CTRL2 is not 0 : err_code_15_8NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN1_TOP_ERR_CTRL2NWS: ln1_error is not 0 : lane_errNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN1_TOP_ERR_CTRL3NWS: ln2 ERR_CTRL1 is not 0 : err_code_7_0NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN2_TOP_ERR_CTRL1NWS: ln2 ERR_CTRL2 is not 0 : err_code_15_8NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN2_TOP_ERR_CTRL2NWS: ln2_error is not 0 : lane_errNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN2_TOP_ERR_CTRL3NWS: ln3 ERR_CTRL1 is not 0 : err_code_7_0NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN3_TOP_ERR_CTRL1NWS: ln3 ERR_CTRL2 is not 0 : err_code_15_8NWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN3_TOP_ERR_CTRL2NWS: ln3_error is not 0 : lane_errNWS_REG_NWS_CMU_LN3_TOP_ERR_CTRL3BMB: Parity status 0 is not 0BMB_REG_PRTY_STS_H_0BMB_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_0BMB: Parity status 1 is not 0BMB_REG_PRTY_STS_H_1BMB_REG_PRTY_MASK_H_1IPC: Parity status is not 0IPC_REG_PRTY_STSIPC_REG_PRTY_MASKMCP2: Parity status is not 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