ó ö 5Xc@sdZddlZddlmZddlmZmZmZmZmZddgZ dZ dZ d Z d Z d Zd Zeaaaad „Zd„ZejdƒZd„Zd„Zd„Zd„ZedddƒZd„Zd„Zddd„Z ddd„Z!dS(s£passlib.crypto.des -- DES block encryption routines History ======= These routines (which have since been drastically modified for python) are based on a Java implementation of the des-crypt algorithm, found at ``_. The copyright & license for that source is as follows:: UnixCrypt.java 0.9 96/11/25 Copyright (c) 1996 Aki Yoshida. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for non-commercial or commercial purposes and without fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. --- Unix crypt(3C) utility @version 0.9, 11/25/96 @author Aki Yoshida --- modified April 2001 by Iris Van den Broeke, Daniel Deville --- Unix Crypt. Implements the one way cryptography used by Unix systems for simple password protection. @version $Id: UnixCrypt2.txt,v 2005/09/13 22:20:13 christos Exp $ @author Greg Wilkins (gregw) The netbsd des-crypt implementation has some nice notes on how this all works - http://fxr.googlebit.com/source/lib/libcrypt/crypt.c?v=NETBSD-CURRENT iÿÿÿÿN(texc(tjoin_byte_valuestbyte_elem_valuetirangeRt int_typestexpand_des_keytdes_encrypt_blockiÿÿÿIÿÿÿÿÿÿÿlÿÿÿÿlþ~ý}û{÷wIlÿÿósçgcGCsfdîdïdðdñdòdódôdõdöd÷dødùdúdûdüdýf}dþdÿdddddddddd d d d d f}ddddddddddddddddf}||f||f||f||f||f||f||f||ffaddd d!d"d#d$d%fad&d'd(d)d*d+d,d-fad.d/d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9d:d;d<d=fadíS(>s3delay loading tables until they are actually neededii i i ii$i i $I II I€I€ I€I€ II II I€I€ I€I€ i@i i@ i i@ i i@ IIIIII I I@I@IHIHIAIAIIIIiIIiiIII@II@I€I@€I€I@€I€I€@I€I€@I€€I€@€I€€I€@€iiii@iPi@iPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi€ii€i€i€€iˆi€ˆiI I III I I I I I I0I0I 0I 0i@ii@ii@ii@i€I@I€@I@I€@I@@I€@@lllllllli@ii@ii@ii@IIIIIIII I I!I!I I 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tj|ƒS(N(t_uint64_structtpack(tvalue((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyt_pack64JscCstj|ƒdS(Ni(Rtunpack(R((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyt _unpack64MscCstj|ƒdS(Ni(RR(R((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyt_pack56PscCstjd|ƒdS(Nti(RR(R((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyt _unpack56Ssi1iùÿÿÿcsºtˆtƒr3tˆƒdkr”tdƒ‚q”natˆtƒrˆdksZˆtkritdƒ‚ntttˆƒƒƒSt j ˆddƒ‚t ˆƒ‰t ‡fd†t DƒƒS(sDconvert DES from 7 bytes to 8 bytes (by inserting empty parity bits)iskey must be 7 bytes in sizeis'key must be 56-bit non-negative integers bytes or inttkeyc3s!|]}ˆ|?d@d>VqdS(iiN((t.0tshift(R(s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pys us(t isinstancetbytestlent ValueErrorRt INT_56_MASKRRRRtExpectedTypeErrorRRt _EXPAND_ITER(R((Rs6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyRcs cCsçt|tƒrFt|ƒdkr0tdƒ‚nttt|ƒƒƒSt|tƒr|dksm|tkr”tdƒ‚q”nt j |ddƒ‚|dL}d}d}x6|dkrâ||d @|>O}|dL}|d 7}q­W|S( sGconvert DES key from 8 bytes to 7 bytes (by discarding the parity bits)iskey must be 8 bytes in sizeis'key must be 64-bit non-negative integers bytes or intRii8ii( R R!R"R#Rtshrink_des_keyRRt INT_64_MASKRR%(Rtresulttoffset((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyR'ws   iicCsèt|tƒr`t|ƒdkr0t|ƒ}n!t|ƒdkrQtdƒ‚nt|ƒ}ntj|ddƒ‚t|tƒr´t|ƒdkr¥tdƒ‚nt|ƒ}ntj|ddƒ‚t||||ƒ}t |ƒS(s£encrypt single block of data using DES, operates on 8-byte strings. :arg key: DES key as 7 byte string, or 8 byte string with parity bits (parity bit values are ignored). :arg input: plaintext block to encrypt, as 8 byte string. :arg salt: Optional 24-bit integer used to mutate the base DES algorithm in a manner specific to :class:`~passlib.hash.des_crypt` and its variants. The default value ``0`` provides the normal (unsalted) DES behavior. The salt functions as follows: if the ``i``'th bit of ``salt`` is set, bits ``i`` and ``i+24`` are swapped in the DES E-box output. :arg rounds: Optional number of rounds of to apply the DES key schedule. the default (``rounds=1``) provides the normal DES behavior, but :class:`~passlib.hash.des_crypt` and its variants use alternate rounds values. :raises TypeError: if any of the provided args are of the wrong type. :raises ValueError: if any of the input blocks are the wrong size, or the salt/rounds values are out of range. :returns: resulting 8-byte ciphertext block. iiskey must be 7 or 8 bytesR!Rsinput block must be 8 bytestinput( R R!R"RR#RRR%tdes_encrypt_int_blockR(RR+tsalttroundsR)((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyRs!c Csœ|dkrtdƒ‚n|dks3|tkrBtdƒ‚nt|tƒsitj|ddƒ‚n'|dks|tkrtdƒ‚nt|tƒs·tj|ddƒ‚n'|dksÏ|tkrÞtd ƒ‚ntd$krôt ƒnt \}}}}}} } } d „} t | |ƒƒ} |d @d >|d @d>B|d@d?B|d@d?B}|dkrxd}}nN|d?d@|d@B}t |t ƒ}|d?d@|d?d@B}t |t ƒ}x”|r\|d8}xp| D]h\}}|d?|A|@}|d>|A|A|A}|||d?d @||d?d @A||d?d @A||d?d @A||d ?d @A| |d?d @A| |d?d @A| |d?d @AN}|d?|A|@}|d>|A|A|A}|||d?d @||d?d @A||d?d @A||d?d @A||d ?d @A| |d?d @A| |d?d @A| |d?d @AN}qàW||}}qÉW|d?d@|d>d @B|d!?d"@B|d>d#@B}t |tƒS(%s­encrypt single block of data using DES, operates on 64-bit integers. this function is essentially the same as :func:`des_encrypt_block`, except that it operates on integers, and will NOT automatically expand 56-bit keys if provided (since there's no way to detect them). :arg key: DES key as 64-bit integer (the parity bits are ignored). :arg input: input block as 64-bit integer :arg salt: optional 24-bit integer used to mutate the base DES algorithm. defaults to ``0`` (no mutation applied). :arg rounds: optional number of rounds of to apply the DES key schedule. defaults to ``1``. :raises TypeError: if any of the provided args are of the wrong type. :raises ValueError: if any of the input blocks are the wrong size, or the salt/rounds values are out of range. :returns: resulting ciphertext as 64-bit integer. isrounds must be positive integeris(salt must be 24-bit non-negative integertintRs'key must be 64-bit non-negative integerR+s)input must be 64-bit non-negative integercssLxEtD]=\}}t||ƒ}t||ƒ}|t@|t@fVqWdS(sCgiven 64-bit key, iterates over the 8 (even,odd) key schedule pairsN(RRt_KS_MASK(tks_oddtp_eventp_oddtks_even((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyt_iter_key_schedule si?iiÀi iðiiüiiIªªªªiUUUUi i:i2i*i"ii iIi!lÀC‡i#iIððððN(R#t INT_24_MASKR RRR%R(RtNoneRR tlistRRR (RR+R-R.tSPE0tSPE1tSPE2tSPE3tSPE4tSPE5tSPE6tSPE7R5tks_listtLtRR4R1tktBtC((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyR,ÇsP"    #    ƒ‡ #("t__doc__tstructtpasslibRtpasslib.utils.compatRRRRt__all__R6R$R(t _KDATA_MASKt _KPARITY_MASKR0R7RRR R RRtStructRRRRRR&RR'RR,(((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/crypto/des.pyt&s2 (  ÿé       8