v_c@s(dZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZejjadZejjadZddlZddlmZmZddlZddlZddlZddlm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#ddl$m%Z%ddl&Zddl'Z'ddl(Z(dd l)m*Z*ddl+Z+dd l,m-Z-m.Z.ddl/Z/ddl0Z0dd l1m2Z2m3Z3dd l4m5Z5dd l6m7Z7m8Z8m9Z9ddl:Z:ddl;Z;ddl<Z<ddl=Z=ddl>Z>ddl?Zddl@Zddl@mAZAmBZBddlCZddlDZDddlEZEeEjFdejGddlHmIZImJZJddlHmKZKmLZLmMZMddlHmNZNmOZOddlPTddlQmRZRmSZSddlmTZTmUZUmVZVddlWmXZXmYZYddlZZZddl[m\Z[ddl1m]Z]dZ^e_ge^j`dD]Zaebea^qZce]jdjede^7_edd$dYZfdd%dYZgd d&d!YZhd"e:jifd#YZjdS('s The Yum RPM software updater. iNcCsXttdsdSy6tgtjD]}t|^q#}||kSWndSXdS(s Check if rpm is at least the current vertup. Can return False/True/None as rpm hasn't had version info for a long time. t__version_info__N(thasattrtrpmtNonettupleRtint(tvertuptnumtvi((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_rpm_ver_atleasts(cOs t||S(N(t_wrap_yum_i18n__(targstkwargs((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_5scOs t||S(N(t_wrap_yum_i18n_P_(R R ((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytP_8s(t ParsingErrort ConfigParser(tarchDifferencet canCoinstallt ArchStoragetisMultiLibArch(t compareEVR(t RepoStorage(tConfigPreProcessort varReplace(t URLGrabbert URLGrabError(t format_number(tpackagesNewestByNametpackagesNewestByNameArchtListPackageSack(t LibLVMErrort lvmerr2strtignore(t parsePackagest comparePoEVR(tYumAvailablePackagetYumLocalPackagetYumInstalledPackage(t YumUrlPackagetYumNotFoundPackage(t*(tRPMTransactiontSimpleCliCallBack(t to_unicodetto_strt exception2msg(t DeltaInfot DeltaPackage(tproxy(tdefault_grabbers3.4.3t.s yum/t_YumPreBaseConfcBseZdZdZRS(sDThis is the configuration interface for the :class:`YumBase` configuration. To change configuration settings such as whether plugins are on or off, or the value of debuglevel, change the values here. Later, when :func:`YumBase.conf` is first called, all of the options will be automatically configured. cCsd|_d|_t|_tjf|_d|_d|_ d|_ d|_ d|_ d|_ d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_dS(Ns/etc/yum/yum.conft/(tfntroottTruet init_pluginstpluginst TYPE_COREt plugin_typesRt optparsert debuglevelt errorleveltdisabled_pluginstenabled_pluginst syslog_identtsyslog_facilityt syslog_devicetarcht releasevertuuid(tself((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt__init__zs             (t__name__t __module__t__doc__RJ(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR5sst_YumPreRepoConfcBseZdZdZRS(s#This is the configuration interface for the repos configuration configuration. To change configuration settings such what callbacks are used, change the values here. Later, when :func:`YumBase.repos` is first called, all of the options will be automatically configured. cCs^d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ dS(N( Rt progressbartmulti_progressbartcallbacktfailure_callbacktinterrupt_callbackt confirm_functgpg_import_functgpgca_import_functcachedirtcache(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRJs         (RKRLRMRJ(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRNst_YumCostExcludecBs eZdZdZdZRS(sW This excludes packages that are in repos. of lower cost than the passed repo. cCs"t||_t||_dS(N(tweakreftrepot_repos(RIR[trepos((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRJscCsMxF|jjD]5}|j|jjkr/Pn||jjkrtSqWtS(N(R\t listEnabledtcostR[tsackt _pkgtup2pkgsR9tFalse(RItpkgtupR[((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt __contains__s (RKRLRMRJRd(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRYs tYumBasec BsP eZdZdZdZdZdZddZddee j fe e e d Z d Z e e d d Zd Ze e dZdZdZdZe e e e e e dZdZdZdZdZe dZe edZdZe e dZe e dZdZdZ dZ!dZ"d Z#d!Z$d"Z%d#Z&d$Z'd%Z(d&Z)e*d'd(d)d*d+d,d-d.Z+e*d'd/d)d0d+d1d-d2Z,e*d'd3d)d4d+d5d-d6Z-e*d'd7d)d8d+d9d-d:Z.e*d'd;d)d<d+d=d-d>Z/e*d'd?d+d@d-dAZ0e*d'dBd)dCd+dDd-dEZ1e*d'dFd)dGd+dHd-dIZ2e*d'dJd)dKd+dLd-dMZ3e*d'dNd)dOd+dPd-dQZ4e*d'dRd)dSd+dTd-dUZ5e*d'dVd)dWd+dXd-dYZ6e*d'dZd)d[d+d\d-d]Z7d^Z8d_Z9ed`Z:edaZ;dbZ<dcZ=ie ddZ>ie deZ?dfZ@dgZAdhZBdiZCdjZDdkZEdlZFdmZGdnZHdoZIe ee e gdpZJdqZKe e drZLdsZMe dtZNduZOePdvZQe dwZReSdxdydzZTeSd{ZUeSd|ZVd}ZWd~ZXe e dZYdZZdZ[dZ\dZ]dZ^dZ_dZ`dZadZbdZcdZddZedZfde e ee dZgdZheeeedZidZje dZke edZldZmdZne edZode eedZpdZqdZrdZsge ee dZtedZuge edZvedZwedZxdZydZzdZ{dZ|dZ}dZ~e dZe ee dZdZdZdZedZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZe dZdZe dZdZdZdZe e edZe dZe edZe dZe dZe dZdZe dZeSdZdZeedZdZdZe edZddZe e dZee dZe dZe dZdZe e e dZdZdZdZe dZe dZdZge dZee eddZdZdZdZe edZdZe e e dZdZdZRS(sThis is a primary structure and base class. It houses the objects and methods needed to perform most things in yum. It is almost an abstract class in that you will need to add your own class above it for most real use. cCsbtjj|d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ d|_ d|_ d|_ d|_d|_d|_g|_i|_i|_tjd|_tjd|_tjd|_t|_t||_i|_|jg|_d|_ t!|_"t#|_$t%|_&t'|_(g|_)d|_*i|_+dS(Ns yum.YumBasesyum.verbose.YumBasesyum.filelogging.YumBasei(,tdepsolvetDepsolveRJRt_conft_tsInfot_rpmdbt_upt_compst_historyt_igroupst_pkgSackt _lockfilet_tagst_upinfot_fssnapt _ts_save_filetskipped_packagest _not_found_at _not_found_itloggingt getLoggertloggertverbose_loggert file_loggerRbt_override_sigchecksRR\t repo_setoptstdisablePluginst localPackagest mediagrabberRRFR5tpreconfRNt prerepoconftsettrun_with_package_namest_cleanupt exit_codetupdateinfo_filters(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRJsB                           cCsy=|j|j|jx|jD] }|q+WWnBtjk r}|jjdt|t ||j fnXdS(NsException %s %s in %s ignored( tcloset closeRpmDBtdoUnlockRtErrorst RepoErrorR{tdebugtreprtstrt__del__(RItcbte((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs   cCs[|jdk r|jjn|jdk r>|jjn|jrW|jjndS(s#Close the history and repo objects.N(RmRthistoryRRntigroupsR\(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs  cCs tjS(s/Factory method returning TransactionData object(ttransactioninfotTransactionData(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_transactionDataFactorysicCst|j_||j_dS(s Do a default setup for all the normal or necessary yum components. This function is really just a shorthand for testing purposes. :param cache: whether to run in cache only mode, which will run only from the system cache N(RbRR:tconfRX(RIRX((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytdoGenericSetups s/etc/yum/yum.confR6cCstjtdtjddt|dr||j_||j_||j_ ||j_ ||j_ ||j_ ||j_ n|jS(sQDeprecated. Perform configuration setup. :param fn: the name of the configuration file to use :param root: the root directory to use :param init_plugins: whether to initialize plugins before running yum :param plugin_types: a tuple containing the types to plugins to load :param optparser: the option parser to use for configuration :param debuglevel: the minimum debug logging level to output messages from :param errorlevel: the minimum error logging level to output messages from s9doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. t stackleveliR(twarningstwarnR RtYumFutureDeprecationWarningRRR7R8R:R=R>R?R@R(RIR7R8R:R=R>R?R@((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt doConfigSetup s      c KsH|rtjdn|jr&|jStj}|rrx7dD],}||kr?t|j|||q?q?Wn|jj}|jj}|jj}|jj }|jj }|jj } |jj } |jj } |jj} |jj} |jj}|jj}|jj}|jj}|jj}|r?|jj|n |jj}|d krstjj| rsd }ntj|||}||_|jj|_|r||_n|jrtjj a!tjj"a#n| dkr| |_ n| dkr| |_ n| dkr| |_n|dkr6||_n|dkrN||_n|d kr|j%d krrd}qtjj&d |j'}n|dkr||_n|j(|j |j |j|j|j|r|j)r|j*|||j+|j,| | ntj-||_|jj.}|dkr:|t/j0_.n|jj1dt/j0_2|`x$|j3j4D]}|j5j6|qcW|j)j7d|j3j8|_8tj9|j3_:tjj;d|j3j<|j8j=dd|j8j=ddf|j3_>|j?|j3j:|j3j@|jAjBdtj||j)j7d|jS(s Parse and load Yum's configuration files and call hooks initialise plugins and logging. Uses self.preconf for pre-configuration, configuration. s2Use .preconf instead of passing args to _getConfigR7R8R:R=R>R?R@RARBs/etc/yum/yum.confs /etc/yum.confR6is /timedhostst postconfigs%s/repos/%s/%s/tbasearchs $basearchRGs $releaseversConfig time: %0.3ftinit( sfnsroots init_pluginss plugin_typess optparsers debuglevels errorlevelsdisabled_pluginssenabled_pluginsN(CRRRhttimetsetattrRR7R8R:R=R>R?R@RARBRCRDRERGRFRHt setup_archt canonarchtostpathtexiststconfigtreadStartupConfigRt gaftonmodetyumti18nt dummy_wrapperR tdummyP_wrapperRRt installroott _getsysvert distroverpkgtdoLoggingSetupR;t doPluginSetupt pluginpathtpluginconfpathtreadMainConfigtmax_connectionsR3toptsRWt timedhostsRthistory_record_packagesRtaddtruntyumvartgeteuidtuidtnormpatht persistdirtgett_repos_persistdirtdoFileLogSetuptlogfileR{R(RIR tconf_sttargR7R8R:R=R>R?R@RARBRCRDRERGRFRHt startupconftmctpkgname((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _getConfig,s    !                                       "s/dev/logcCstj|||||dS(sPerform logging related setup. :param debuglevel: the minimum debug logging level to output messages from :param errorlevel: the minimum error logging level to output messages from :param syslog_ident: the ident of the syslog to use :param syslog_facility: the name of the syslog facility to use :param syslog_device: the syslog device to use N(t logginglevelsR(RIR?R@RCRDRE((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs cCstj|||jdS(sSet up the logging file. :param uid: the user id of the current user :param logfile: the name of the file to use for logging N(Rt setFileLogR(RIRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRsc Cs||dkr"tj|d}nt|d|jj}t}y|j|Wn(tk r~}t j t |nXx|j D]}|d krqnt j|}|r|jjd|||j|fqny|j||} Wn2t jt j fk r/}|jj|qn"X|| _|| _|jj| _xt|jD]} t j| s|qantj| j| raxp|j| jD][} t| | sd} |jj| | j| fnt| | t |j| | qWqaqaW| j|jkrxv|j| jjD]^} t| | sid} |jj| | j| fnt| | t |j| j| q.Wn|r||  rqn| j!r7x| j"| j#| j$fD]b} | sqntj%| tj&sd} | j'r$|jj| | j| fnt(| _)qqWny|j*j+| Wqt jk rs}|jj|qXqWdS( sRead in repositories from a config .repo file. :param repofn: a string specifying the path of the .repo file to read :param repo_age: the last time that the .repo file was modified, in seconds since the epoch itvarstmaint installeds!Bad id for repo: %s, byte = %s %ds-Repo %s did not have a %s attr. before setopts2Repo %s forced skip_if_unavailable=True due to: %sN(smains installed(,RRtstatRRRRtreadfpRRt ConfigErrorR/tsectionstmisctvalidate_repoidRztwarningtfindtreadRepoConfigRtrepo_config_agetrepofileRtbase_persistdirtsortedR~tre_globtfnmatchtidtitemsRRtgetattrtssl_check_cert_permissionst sslcacertt sslclientcertt sslclientkeytaccesstR_OKtenabledR9tskip_if_unavailableR\R(RItrepofntrepo_agetvalidatet confpp_objtparserRtsectiontbadtthisrepotitopttmsgR7((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytgetReposFromConfigFilesn       + *    cCs4|jj}|j|jj|x |jjD]}tjj|jjd|rl|jjd|}ntjj |}tjj |r/xt t j d|D]{}tj |tjs|jjtdt|qntj|d}||kr|}n|j|d|qWq/q/WdS(s Read in repositories from the main yum conf file, and from .repo files. The location of the main yum conf file is given by self.conf.config_file_path, and the location of the directory of .repo files is given by self.conf.reposdir. R6s %s/*.repos!Skipping unreadable repository %siRN(Rtconfig_file_ageRtconfig_file_pathtreposdirRRRRRtisdirRtglobRRRzRR RR(RIRRRt thisrepo_age((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytgetReposFromConfigs     cCstj|}y|j|||jWn5tk r`}td||f}tj|nX|js||_|j j td|nt |j|_t |dd|_ |jj|_|jj|jj||_|j|_|S(s Parse an INI file section for a repository. :param parser: :class:`ConfigParser` or similar object to read INI file values from :param section: INI file section to read :return: :class:`yum.yumRepo.YumRepository` instance s'Repository %r: Error parsing config: %ss8Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using idt _old_cachedirt(tyumRepot YumRepositorytpopulateRt ValueErrorR RRtnameRzterrorR-Rtold_base_cache_dirRWt basecachedirRtupdatetcfgtasynct_async(RIRRR[RR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR9s"     cCstj|_dS(sDisable yum plugins.N(R;tDummyYumPlugins(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRXscCsRt|jtjr*ttdntj||||||||_dS(sInitialise and enable yum plugins. Note: _getConfig() will also initialise plugins if instructed to. Only call this method directly if not calling _getConfig() or calling doConfigSetup(init_plugins=False). :param optparser: the :class:`OptionParser` instance to use for this run :param plugin_types: a sequence specifying the types of plugins to load. This should be a sequence containing one or more of the yum.plugins.TYPE_... constants. If None (the default), all plugins will be loaded :param searchpath: a list of directories to look in for plugins. A default will be used if no value is specified :param confpath: a list of directories to look in for plugin configuration files. A default will be used if no value is specified :param disabled_plugins: a list of plugins to be disabled :param enabled_plugins: a list plugins to be enabled splugins already initialisedN(t isinstanceR;t YumPluginst RuntimeErrorR (RIR>R=t searchpathtconfpathRARB((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR]scCs)tjtdtjdd|jS(s%Deprecated. Set up the rpm database.s8doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. Ri(RRR RRt _getRpmDB(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt doRpmDBSetupyscCs|jdkrtj}|jjtjtdtj d|j j d|j j dd|j j |_|jjdtj|n|jS(s@sets up a holder object for important information from the rpmdbsReading Local RPMDBR8RGRsrpmdb time: %0.3fN(RjRRR{tlogRtDEBUG_4R trpmsacktRPMDBPackageSackRRRRR(RItrpmdb_st((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs  !cCse|jdk r+d|j_|jjnd|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_dS(s6Closes down the instances of rpmdb that could be open.N( RjRttstdropCachedDatat_tsRiRktcompsR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs      cCs|`d|_dS(N(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _deleteTsscCs/tjtdtjdd|j|tS(sDeprecated. Set up the yum repositories. :param thisrepo: the repository to set up. If None, all repositories will be set up :return: the set up repos s7doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. Ri(RRR RRt _getReposR9(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt doRepoSetupscCst|drm|j|jjdkr`t|d r`t|jj}|jj||_n|jnt|drS|j}|`|jj |j |j |j |j_ |jj |j|jj|j|j|j_|j|j_|j|j_|jdk r+|jj|jn|jdk rS|jj|jqSn|rtj}|jj||jjdtj|n|jS(sB For each enabled repository set up the basics of the repository. RR6Rsrepo time: %0.3fN(RRRtlenRWRRRR]tsetProgressBarRORPRQtsetFailureCallbackRRtsetInterruptCallbackRSRTRURVRt setCacheDirRXtsetCacheRR\tdoSetupR{R(RIRR(tirRtrepo_st((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR s6    !cCs|`t||_dS(N(R\R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _delReposscCs5tjtdtjdd|jd|d|S(s4Deprecated. Populate the package sacks with information from our repositories. :param archlist: a list of the names of archs to include. If None, all arches are set up :param thisrepo: the repository to use. If None, all enabled repositories are used s7doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. RitarchlistR(RRR RRt _getSacks(RIR,R((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt doSackSetups cCs|jdk r"|dkr"|jS|dkr7d}n|jj|}|jjtdtj}|s|jj }ni}x|D]}d|||jqtjtdtdt j ddqWdS(szreset the package sacks back to zero - making sure to nuke the ones in the repo objects, too - where it matterst _resetSacks2repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method s%therefore this repo cannot be reset. RiN( RRoR]tvaluesRR<RRR RR(RIR[((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _delSacks!s   cCs)tjtdtjdd|jS(s}Deprecated. Set up the update object in the base class and populate the updates, obsoletes, and other lists. s9doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. Ri(RRR RRt _getUpdates(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt doUpdateSetup2scCs@|jr|jS|jjtdtj}tjj|jj |j j |_|j j dkr}d|j_nt |dr|jj|j_|`nT|j jrtj}|j jdt|j_|jjdtj|n|jj|j_|jj|j_|jj|j_|jj|j_|j j|j_|j j|j_tj}|jj|jjdtj||j jrtj}|jj|jjdtj|ntj}|jj |jjd tj||jjd tj||jS( snsetups up the update object in the base class and fills out the updates, obsoletes and others listssBuilding updates objectiit _up_obs_hacktnewestsup:Obs Init time: %0.3fsup:simple updates time: %0.3fsup:obs time: %0.3fsup:condense time: %0.3fsupdates time: %0.3f(!RkR{RR RtrpmUtilstupdatestUpdatestrpmdbt simplePkgListtpkgSackRR?RRAt rawobsoletest obsoletestreturnObsoletesR9RFRtmyarchtmultilibt _is_multilibR,t _archlistt compatarchest_multilib_compat_archest exactarcht exactarchlistt doUpdatest doObsoletestcondenseUpdates(RItup_sttobs_inittup_pr_sttobs_stt cond_up_st((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR?;s@  *   !     !  cCs2tjtdtjddd|_|jS(s2Deprecated. Create and populate the groups object.s8doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. RiN(RRR RRRRt _getGroups(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt doGroupSetupks cCsK|dkr>|jr>x#|jjD]}t|_q%Wq>n||_dS(N(RR\tsortRbt groups_addedRl(RItvalR[((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _setGroupsts   c Cs |jr|jStj}|jjtjtdg}|jx|jj D]w}|j rw|j |qUn|j st jd|ny|j}Wnt jk r}qUX|j |qUW|jj}tjd||_|jjdkr|jjd7_xI|jjD];}tj}||_|_t|_|jj|q"WxL|jjD];} tj } | | _| _!t| _|jj"| qnWnx|D]}|j rqn|jjtjtd||j#} | s#td|} |j$j%| qny|jj&| WnKt j't j(fk r}td|t)|f} |j$j%| qXt|_ qW|jjd krt j'td n|jjdkr|jj*|j+j,n|jj-d tj||jS( screate the groups object that will store the comps metadata finds the repos with groups, gets their comps data and merge it into the group objectsGetting group metadatasRepository '%s' not yet setuptoverwrite_groupstobjectsis%Adding group file from repository: %ss0Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %ss1Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %sis%No Groups Available in any repositorysgroup time: %0.3f(.RlRR{RRRR RHR]tlistGroupsEnabledR_tappendtreadyRRtgetGroupLocationt RepoMDErrorRRbRtCompst group_commandt compscountRtgroupstGroupRtgroupidR9t_weakt add_groupt environmentst Environmentt environmentidtadd_environmentt getGroupsRztcriticalRt GroupsErrortCompsExceptionR/tcompileRFRGR( RItgroup_sttreposWithGroupsR[t groupremoteRt overwritetgidtgrptevgidtenvt groupfileR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR\sl               cCsWtj}|jjtjtd|jdkr2tj j |_x|j j D]}d|j jkrzqYn|jjtjtd|yD|jd}tj|dd|j}|jj|j|WqYtjtjfk r*}td|t|f}|jj|qYXqYWn|jjdtj||jS( sT create the tags object used to search/report from the pkgtags metadatasGetting pkgtags metadatatpkgtagssAdding tags from repository: %sspkgtags.sqlitetcacheds.Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %sstags time: %0.3fN(RR{RRRR RqRRt pkgtag_dbt PackageTagsR]R^trepoXMLt fileTypest retrieveMDRtrepo_gen_decompressRXRRRRt PkgTagsErrorR/RzRvR(RIttag_stR[ttag_mdt tag_sqliteRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_getTagss*    cCsLtj}|jjtjtd|jd kr'tj d}tj d}t j d|d||_|j x|j jD]}d|jjkrqn|jjtjtd|y|jj|Wqtjk r}td|t|f}|jj|qXqWn|jjd tj||jS( sX create the Update Info object used to search/report the updateinfo metadatasGetting updateinfo metadatas yum.update_mdsyum.verbose.update_mdRztvloggert updateinfos&Adding Update Info from repository: %ss1Failed to add Update Info for repository: %s - %ssupdateinfo time: %0.3fN(RR{RRRR RrRRxRyt update_mdtUpdateMetadataRHR]R^RRRRRhR/RzRvR(RItupi_stRzRR[RR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_getUpdateinfos,    cCs]|jdkrV|jjd}tjjd|jjd|d|jjd|_n|jS(seauto create the history object that to access/append the transaction history information. s/historyR8tdb_pathRGN( RmRRRRRt YumHistoryRR(RItpdb_path((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _getHistorys cCsR|jdkrK|jj}tjjd|jjd|d|j|_n|jS(s: create the fssnap object used to query/create snapshots. R8tdevicesRzN( RsRRtfssnap_devicesRt fssnapshotst_FSSnapRR|(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _getFSsnaps  cCsA|jdkr:|jjd}tjjd||_n|jS(skauto create the installed groups object that to access/change the installed groups information. s/groupsRN(RnRRRRRtInstalledGroups(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _getIGroups&stfgetcCs |jS(N(R (RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt/stfsetcCst|d|S(NR\(R(RItvalue((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR0stfdelcCs |jS(N(R+(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR1stdocs0Repo Storage object - object of yum repositoriescCs |jS(N(R-(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR3scCst|d|S(NRo(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR4scCs |jS(N(R>(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR5ss3Package sack object - object of yum package objectscCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR7scCst|d|S(NRh(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR8scCst|ddS(NRh(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR9ssYum Config ObjectcCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR;scCst|d|S(NRj(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR<scCst|ddS(NRj(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR=ssRpmSack objectcCs |jS(N(t _getTsInfo(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR?scCs |j|S(N(t _setTsInfo(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR@scCs |jS(N(t _delTsInfo(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRAss"Transaction Set information objectcCs |jS(N(t _getActionTs(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRCscCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRDssTransactionSet objectcCs |jS(N(R?(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRFscCst|d|S(NRk(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRGscCst|ddS(NRk(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRHssUpdates ObjectcCs |jS(N(R\(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRJscCs |j|S(N(Ra(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRKscCst|ddS(NRl(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRLssYum Component/groups objectcCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRNscCst|d|S(NRm(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyROscCst|ddS(NRm(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRPssYum History ObjectcCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRSscCst|d|S(NRn(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRTscCst|ddS(NRn(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRUssYum Installed Groups ObjectcCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRXscCst|d|S(NRq(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRYscCst|ddS(NRq(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRZssYum Package Tags ObjectcCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR]scCst|d|S(NRr(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR^scCst|ddS(NRr(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR_ssYum Update Info ObjectcCs |jS(N(R(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRbscCst|d|S(NRs(R(RIR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRcscCst|ddS(NRs(RR(RI((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRdssYum FS snapshot ObjectcCst}|jrixW|jjD]C}||jjkr\d|jj|krSqqbt}qt}qWn|rtd}|jj t j ||jj ddndS(sConvenience function to populate the repositories with the filelist metadata, and emit a log message only if new information is actually populated. t filelistss)Importing additional filelist informationtmdtypeN( RbRHR]R^R`taddedR9R R{RRtINFO_2R4(RIt necessaryR[R((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytdoSackFilelistPopulategs    cCsy|jjddrdSd \}}t|drX|jjd|jjd}}n|td|j|dS( sOutput a message that the given tool requires the yum-utils package, if it not installed. :param func: the function to output the message :param prog: the name of the tool that requires yum-utils Rs yum-utilsNRttermtboldtnormals1The program %s is found in the yum-utils package.(RR(RFtcontainsRRtMODER t _try_bold(RItfunctprogthibegthiend((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt yumUtilsMsgs  $c Cst|_|ritjd|jjritd}|jj||j |jjdt j dn|j j dt j }|j\}}|j|jjr|jjtjtd|jnd}|dkr|jjrtj|jj}nd|j_|j||\}}|j j dd |d ||jjr|j|d k\}}|j||d t\}}n|jjdk r|jj j!n|d k|_g}|dkr |jj"r |j#j$r |jj%dt&}ni}xe|D]]} |j'| j(r8qn| j)|kr`| j(g|| j)dkr|j'|j(r|j?|j(rPqqqWn|jj@dt j |||fS(s'Go through the packages in the transaction set, find them in the packageSack or rpmdb, and pack up the transaction set accordingly. :param unfinished_transactions_check: whether to check for unfinished transactions before building the new transaction t yumlibpaths/There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction, or "yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only" and "yum history redo last", first to finish them. If those don't work you'll have to try removing/installing packages by hand (maybe package-cleanup can help).syum-complete-transactionit preresolves*--> Finding unneeded leftover dependenciesit postresolvetrescodetrestringit clear_skippedis%Protected multilib versions: %s != %ss Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root cause is something else and multilib version checking is just pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.: 1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error message showing the root cause of the problem. 2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but yum can only see an upgrade for one of those architectures. If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you can remove the one with the missing update and everything will work. 3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already. You can use "yum check" to get yum show these errors. ...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing much more problems). Rs)Trying to remove "%s", which is protectedtautoRsDepsolve time: %0.3fN(ARbt_depsolving_failedRtfind_unfinished_transactionsRRR RzRvRRtsleepR;Rt resolveDepst_limit_installonly_pkgstclean_requirements_on_removeR{RRRt_remove_old_depsRtprotected_packagestget_running_kernel_pkgtupRFt readOnlyTSRt _doSkipBrokenttsInfotchangedRoRHRtprotected_multilibRFRMtgetMembersWithStatetTS_INSTALL_STATEStallowedMultipleInstallstpoRReR"t searchNamesRctTS_REMOVE_STATEStverEQt TS_OBSOLETEDtTS_ERASERtkeyst matchNaevrt output_stateRt autosavetstsave_tsR9RtRPMPROB_FILTER_OLDPACKAGEtprobFilterFlagst getMemberstts_statet_enable_oldpackage_flagR(RItunfinished_transactions_checkRtds_stRRt kern_pkgtupttxmbrstversttxmbrtfinet xrestringRtpkgtfirsttothertbigmsgtprotect_statest protectedtbad_togotipkgtm((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytbuildTransactions        !$             !cCs|jjry|dkry|r*g|_ntj}|j||\}}|j|jjdtj|n||fS(s! do skip broken if it is enabled isSkip-Broken time: %0.3f(Rt skip_brokenRuRt_skipPackagesWithProblemst_printTransactionR{R(RIRRRtsb_st((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRYs   !csfd}fdd}t}t|}d}xtjdkr|dkr|d7}jjd_jjd||dkrjjdPnj j }tj } t} xRjD]G\} } } j j | j s.|| || q|| || qWxc| D][} j| }xC|D];}|j||kre|jdkre|qeqeWqIW| s|d7}|d krPqjjd j jd tnjtd t\}}tj }| |tkrk|d7}|d krEPqqjjd j jd tnd}|dkrKjjdj jd tjjj\}}qKqKW|dkr{jjd|jjtdg|D] }|^q }|jx@|D]8} tdt| | jjf}jj|q,Wjj|njjdd|fS||fS(s= Remove the packages with depsolve errors and depsolve again cs+|s dSj||||dS(N(t_getPackagesToRemove(RtdepTreettoRemove(t_remove_from_sackRI(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_removekscsj|}xw|D]o}|jdk r|krjjdt|jj|jj|jj |qqWdS(NRs.SKIPBROKEN: removing %s from pkgSack & updates( t_getPackagesToRemoveAllArchtrepoidR{RRRHt delPackagetupRcR(RtpkgsR(tremoved_from_sackRI(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRrs iis1SKIPBROKEN: ########### Round %i ################isSKIPBROKEN: Too many loops RisESKIPBROKEN: resetting already resolved packages (no packages to skip)thardtskipping_brokensISKIPBROKEN: resetting already resolved packages (transaction not changed)s0SKIPBROKEN: sanity check the current transactionsSKIPBROKEN: took %i rounds s1 Packages skipped because of dependency problems:s %s from %ss$Skip-broken could not solve problemsN(RR"tpo_with_problemsRFttransactionResetRtinstalledFileRequiresR{RRt _buildDepTreeRRRct_skipFromTransactionRRt resetResolvedR9Rt_checkMissingObsoletedt_checkUpdatedLeftoverstinfoR R^RR[RRutextend(RIRRRtcountt skipped_pot orig_restringtloopingRtstartTsRRtwpoterrtskippedtskiptendTstpt skipped_listR((RRRIs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRhs|  $                    " cCsG|r dS|d|d|d|d|df}d|krCdS|S(NRRFtepochtversiontrelease(R(RIRt nevra_dictRc((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_add_not_founds  cCsN|dkr'|r'|j||}n|dkr7dSt||j|sitallsmissing requirestrequiressinstalled conflictt conflictsR<tprovides(sallRO(sallRP(salls obsoleted(sallsprovides(RRzRR ttypeRt intersectionRFtcheck_dependenciesRRctproblemR9RVRbReRtinstallonlypkgstcheck_duplicatest duplicatetcheck_obsoletedt obsoletertcheck_providesR"R(RIRRRtchkcmdtheadert ignore_pkgstignore_pkgtupstrctprobstprob2uitprobtfoundtrestiopkgs((RRRs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_rpmdb_warn_checks{sl    ' c!sqtfd}jjs*jjrjj rtd}jjd-krptj ddd|qj j |njjr:jjsjjr:jj r:t}yjj }Wn5tk r}j jt|t}g}nXt|dd d t}d }d }g} xd|D]\} |d 7}|| dkrn| d}d }q8n|jj kr8| j| dq8q8Wyjjd| }Wn5tk r}j jt|t}g}nXt|rj jtdt|q:|r:j jtdq:njjrrjjtj rrjjrr|njjdx4jjD]#} | j rj!j"dPqqWjj# sjjtjrj$j%} nt&j!} j'j(d| }j'j)dtd }j*j+}|d.k rQ|j-}ng}|d.kso||krj$j.d.t/}g|D]}|j0^q}|d.k }j1d|d|}nd.}t2drj3rdj4j3}n-t2dr'j5r'dj4j5}nj$j%} j*j6||t&j$j7||j8t2drj9njjdj'j:| j;d.k rt<j;dj=}j*j>d|yt?j@j;WqtAtBfk r}qXnd._;jjCrft?jDd }|rfyt?jD| Wqcd }qcXqfnjj|jEd }jjCryt?jD|WqqXntFjG}d |_H|d.krnt|d krtd!}j j|d |_Hnjj#ryjjtj ryg|D]}tItJ|^q/}jjd"j*jK|d#d|njLj td$x"|D]}jLj |d qWtj dtd%d|jjtjsjMnxvd/D]n}t2||rtN||}ytFjO|WqitAtBfk re}jLj td(|qiXqqWjjtjs|jHrj'jPnj'jQt&j$jjd)jjtjs/d.} t2|d*r|jR} njS|| jjTd+kr/jUjVq/njjrmjjtj rmjjrm|d,tn|S(0sOPerform the transaction. :param cb: an rpm callback object to use in the transaction :return: a :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder` containing information about the results of the transaction :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.YumRPMTransError` if there is a transaction cannot be completed cstd|rdnd}yjjjj}Wn/tk ri}tdt|}t}nX|s| rjjdkrt j ddd |qj j |nid gd 6}td }y"jj jjd |}Wn-tk r$}|dt|7}g}nX|sr| r_jjdkr_t j ddd |qrj j |nx4|D],\}}j jtd||fqyWdS(s<Create the pre or post trans snapshot if we have free space.s=Not enough space on logical volumes to create %s FS snapshot.s post transspre.s3Could not determine free space on logical volumes: ssnapshot-failuretanyRsAborting transactionterrorssreason=automaticR*sFailed to create snapshotttagss: s(Created snapshot from %s, results is: %sN(ssnapshot-failuresany(ssnapshot-failuresany(R tfssnapt has_spaceRtfssnap_percentageR R!Rbtfssnap_abort_on_errorsRtYumRPMTransErrorR{RvtsnapshotR(tpostRRrRRptsnapstodevtndev(RI(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytcreate_snapshots0  " sSnapshot support not available.s broken-setupRnRsAborting transaction.RotkeycSs|d|dfS(Ntctimet origin_dev((tx((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRstreversesiiR~tdevRsDeleted %u snapshots.s3Skipping the cleanup of old snapshots due to errorstpretranssyum-metadata-parsertpatternst main_onlyRRdR t tcmdst_shell_history_writet historybeginR/tsaved_txRsIWarning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction.t historyendisTransaction couldn't start:sCould not run transaction.t ts_all_fnt ts_done_fns$Failed to remove transaction file %st posttranst verify_txmbrRcRw(s broken-setupsanyN(RR(WRbRtfssnap_automatic_pretfssnap_automatic_postRqR>R RtRRuR{Rvtfssnap_automatic_keept old_snapshotsR RR!R9RRet del_snapshotsR"RRRt isTsFlagSetRtRPMTRANS_FLAG_TESTR;RR]R^t_xml2sqlite_localRRthistory_recordRtfutureRpmDBVersiontlistRFtreturnPackagest simpleVersionRtlastRtend_rpmdbversionRRRRmRR tjoinRtbegRut_store_config_in_historyRttransactionResultVersionRttopentreadtwrite_addon_dataRtunlinktIOErrortOSErrort reset_nicetniceRQRt GenericHoldert return_codeR-R.tendRztcleanUsedHeadersPackagesRtunlink_fRtdropCachedDataPostTransactionRtverifyTransactionRjRtsave(!RIRR{Rt cleanup_failRxRRRttodeltsnapR[tfrpmdbvtusing_pkgs_patst using_pkgstrpmdbvtlastdbvtrpmdb_problemsRRRdt output_warntcmdlinet savetx_msgtoniceRot resultobjectt errstringRtherrorsRR7tvTcb((RIs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytrunTransactions %          #                   "%    %    csfd}|jj}|s3tjd}n|dkrHd}n'|rodjt|jd}ntj}|jj dd}x|j D]}|j t kr|j jd|js|jjtd |jt|_ |||}qn|||}|j|j}|j} | j|j_|j|j_|jjd |j_xk|jjD]]} | d krqnn| d krqnn| d krqnnt|jd | |jj| qnW|r||j_nd|jjkrd|j_nd|jjkr&d|j_ nd|jjkrGd|j_!nd|jjkrhd|j_"nt#|dr|j$rdj|j$|j_%n3t#|dr|j&rdj|j&|j_%n| j'} | d#k rt)| d|j_*t)| d|j_+nt,| t-ry[t.j/| j0} t)t1| j2} t)t1| j3}| |j_4||j_5WqqXn| j6d#k r| j6|j_7nt#| j8dr| j8j9}|r|j:d#k rt)|j:|j_4n|rt)|j;|j_5qnt#|dr:|j<|j_<nt=j>}|j?sa|j@sa|jAr|j?rz|j?d}n|j@r|j@d}n|}d|jkr|jjB|j_Bnd|jkr|jj<|j_<n|d#k r&t)||j_Cq&n!|d#k r&t)||j_Bn|jjDrH|jEjF|qHqqWx |j D]}|j t krnqV|j tGkr(|j jd|jr|j jHd|jdt s|jjtd|jt|_ |||}qVqn|||}|j jIjJd|j}|jKqV|||}|jLjMtNjOd|jqVW|jj d|j jPdtQd}|jjDr|jRjStjT rd }|d#k r|jU}n|jj d!|jEjV||n|j jW|jLjXd"tj|d#S($sCheck that the transaction did what was expected, and propagate external yumdb information. Output error messages if the transaction did not do what was expected. :param resultobject: the :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder` object returned from the :func:`runTransaction` call that ran the transaction :param txmbr_cb: the callback for the rpm transaction members cs*dk r&|d7}||n|S(Ni(R(RR(ttxmbr_cb(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_call_txmbr_cbs  s%_install_langsRTRt:tpreverifytransiRs+%s was supposed to be installed but is not!RGRRFtvar_t nocontextsttruetnodocst noscriptst notriggersR RRiRt group_membert installed_byRct output_statess)%s was supposed to be removed but is not!sWhat is this? %stpostverifytransRiRsVerifyTransaction time: %0.3fN(YRtoverride_install_langsRt expandMacroRRtsplitRR;RRRRRFRRRzRvR t TS_FAILEDtgetInstalledPackageObjectRcRt yumdb_infot from_repotreasonRRGRtts_install_langsttsflagsttsflag_nocontextst tsflag_nodocsttsflag_noscriptsttsflag_notriggersRR t command_lineRt returnIdSumRRt checksum_typet checksum_dataRR&RRtlocalPkgRtst_ctimetst_mtimetfrom_repo_revisiontfrom_repo_timestamptxattr_origin_urlt origin_urlR[Rtrevisiont timestampRRt getloginuidRDt downgradest reinstallRt changed_byRRt sync_alldbRRtyumdbt get_packagetcleanR{RRRERR9RRRRRRR(RIRRRtoiltvt_stRRRtrpotvartcsumtsttlp_ctimetlp_mtimetmdtloginuidtopot yumdb_itemRtret((Rs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs   !       %              !"   c Csi}x3|jjD]"}|j|jgj|qWt|dkrRdSt}d}g}xwt|D]i}|rxC||D]4}t||j}|j j |j |d|qWn|j ||t }qqWdS(sCreate an excluder for repositories with higher costs. For example, if repo-A:cost=1 and repo-B:cost=2, this function will set up an excluder on repo-B that looks for packages in repo-B. iNsyum.costexcludessexclude.pkgtup.in(R]R^R3R_ReR"RbRRYR`taddPackageExcluderRRR9( RItcostsR/tdonetexidtoreposR_R[tyce((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR9Cs  cCsd|jjkrdS|sMd|jjkr2dS|jj}d}d}n8|j|jjkrfdS|j}|j}d|}d}xA|D]9}|d7}d||f}|jj||d |qWdS( sRemove packages from packageSacks based on global exclude lists, command line excludes and per-repository excludes. :param repo: a repo object to use. If not given, all repositories are used RTNRsyum.excludepkgssyum.excludepkgs.iis%s.%us exclude.match(Rtdisable_excludesR0RRtgetExcludePkgListRHR(RIR[t excludelistRtexid_begRtmatchR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR5]s$       cCsx<t|jdgD]%}|dks7||jkrdSqW|j}t|dkradSd}|jj|j|dd}xD|D]<}|d7}dd |f}|jj|j|d |qWd }|jj|j|d dS( sRemove packages from packageSacks based on list of packages to include. :param repo: the repository to use tdisable_includesRTNisyum.includepkgs.1s mark.washedis%s.%usyum.includepkgs.2s wash.matchsyum.includepkgs.3sexclude.marked(RRRtgetIncludePkgListR"RHR(RIR[tdit includelistRRR ((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR7}s    cCsK|jjdkrC|jjr"dS|jj}tjj|}n |jj}|d|}tjj|}t tj }xt r|j ||d}|rPn|j |}|s|j|qn|tj krd}Pntd||f}tjd||qW|dkr,dS|dks>t||_dS(sAcquire the yum lock. :param lockfile: the file to use for the lock :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.LockError` iNR6iis4Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s.i(RRRXRWRRtbasenameRRRtgetpidR9t_lockt _get_lockert_unlockR Rt LockErrortAssertionErrorRp(RItlockfileR8tmypidRtoldpidR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytdoLocks4      cCst|drdS|jjdkr.d}n|dk rW|jj}|d|}n|jdkrjdS|j}|j|d|_dS(sRelease the yum lock. :param lockfile: the lock file to use. If not given, the file that was given as a parameter to the :func:`doLock` call that closed the lock is used RNiR6(RRRRRRpR(RIRR8((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs      RicCstjj|}yatjj|s+dStj|tjtjBtjB|}tj||tj |dSWnct k r}|j t j kst d|t|f}tj|j |t|ndSXdS(Niis Could not create lock at %s: %s i(RRtdirnameRRtO_EXCLtO_CREATtO_WRONLYtwriteRRterrnotEEXISTR R/RRR(tfilenametcontentstmodetlockdirtfdRterrmsg((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs& !cCstj|dS(N(RR(R#((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRscCs:yt|d}WnDttfk rY}td||f}tjtj|nXyt|j }Wnt k rdSXy4td|j }|j ddkrdSWnztk r5yt j|dWq6tk r1}|dtjkrdStd|}tjtj||q6XnX|S(NR/sCould not open lock %s: %ss /proc/%d/statitZis#Unable to check if PID %s is active(RRRR RRR!tEPERMRtreadlineRRRRtkilltESRCH(RR'RRRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs,   c Cs/t}t|tjkr'|j}n||jkrE||_n|jsZt}n3t |j j |}|j |j krt}n|r+t j|d}t|j}||kr|jj r|j|jjrt j|qn|r$td|jj}td|q+tSntS(sCheck that the checksum of a remote package matches what we expect it to be. If the checksum of the package file is wrong, and the file is also larger than expected, it cannot be redeemed, so delete it. :param fo: the file object of the package :param po: the package object to verify :param raiseError: if *raiseError* is 1, and the package does not check out, a :class:`URLGrabError will be raised. Defaults to 0 :return: True if the package is verified successfully. Otherwise, False will be returned, unless *raiseError* is 1, in which case a :class:`URLGrabError` will be raised :raises: :class:`URLGrabError` if verification fails, and *raiseError* is 1 is\Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadatai(RbRXttypest InstanceTypeR#Rt localpathtverifyLocalPkgR9R&RFRRcRRtlongtsizeR[RXt startswithtpkgdirRR RR( RItfoRt raiseErrortfailedtylptcursizettotsizeR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt verifyPkg s*     cCslytj||}Wn+tjk rC}tdtdnX||krhtdtdndS(sVerify that the checksum of the given file matches the given checksum. :param fo: the file object to verify the checksum of :param checksumType: the type of checksum to use :parm csum: the checksum to check against :return: 0 if the checksums match :raises: :class:`URLGrabError` if there is an error performing the checksums, or the checksums do not match isCould not perform checksumisPackage does not match checksumi(RtchecksumRt MiscErrorRR (RIR6t checksumTypeRtfilesumR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytverifyChecksumO s  csd}ifdjjjjdd|ttjdtg}dfd}g}x[|D]S}t|dr|j d krqn||rqnrS|j |qWt |d} } xv|D]n}t |t r^||r>j|q n| |j7} | |jj7} n|j ||j7q W| rjjtd t| t| d | d | nrtd rlx|D]}|jjjjsqn|jtjj} ytj|jj| Wqytj|jj| WqeqeXqXqWnjjjj nt!j!} |} }x9t"r|j#|tt$j%drt|dkrt$j%j&nd}dgttt$j'd}x,|D]$}|d7}|fd}tj(j)|j*}i}|r|j+j,r|fd|dj?nS( sDownload the packages specified by the given list of package objects. :param pkglist: a list of package objects specifying the packages to download :param callback: unused :param callback_total: a callback to output messages about the download operation :return: a dictionary containing errors from the downloading process :raises: :class:`URLGrabError` cSs|j}|j}|dkr^|dkr^tt|tt|tp]t||S|dkrndS|dkr~dS||krdS||krdSdS(Niii(t getDiscNumRtcmpRR1(tapotbpoR-tb((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt mediasortp s      csBj|gj||jjdr>tj|jndS(Ns.tmp(R3ReR0tendswithRR(RR(Ro(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytadderror st predownloadtpkglistt downloadonlyicsF|j}|kr6jjtd|tSj|rotjj| ro|j j |ntjj|rj ||t rjj td|tS|j jr|td|j jt SnrB|jdtj7_ytj||jWntk r-nX|j|jnt S(Nsignoring a dupe of %ssusing local copy of %ss4package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %ss.%d.tmp(RR{RR R9RRRRR[t_preload_pkg_from_system_cacheR<RbRRXRR0RtrenameRRtbasepath(Rtlocal(RIt beenthereRLRI(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt verify_local s0       tpkgtypeRPs3Delta RPMs reduced %s of updates to %s (%d%% saved)idgY@Rttext_meter_total_sizeit parallel_waitcs9j||d|jjdr]|jjddd}tj|j|||_ndc|j7RRtextrass distro-extrasRJtrecentiQN(3RRtshowdupesfromreposRRRFRtfilter_pkgs_repoidRcRRFtverGTR=RHtsackstreturnNewestByNameArchRtPackageSackErrorReR+RRtgetUpdatesListR"R{RRtDEBUG_1R R#RR9RRGRRRJtgetObsoletesTuplesRRRRRtfiletimeRR>treinstall_availablet old_availableRDtobsoletesTuplesR(+RIt pkgnarrowRtshowdupsRRtyghRR>RRRDRJRRRtictdinsttndinstRR|tavailRtipkgsR,R-RR.R/tmatchest exactmatchR0t unmatchedtlatestRctinstTupRtinstpotmatched_obsoletestnobsoletesTuplestfilttnowt recentlimit((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytdoPackageListsb sn            %                  -                         c Csi}x|D]}i||<|j}|j||}xo|D]g}|\}}} |jdrkqAng} x*|j||| D]} | j| qW| || siiti(tsumR"RR(R(R(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR scs|d |d kS(Ni((RR(t sort_func(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR sR|N(Ret RPM_TO_SQLITERRR3RHRR=Rt"searchPrimaryFieldsMultipleStringsRFR9RtsearchPackageTagsR"Rtuniquetoperatort itemgettertreversedRRRRF(%RIRtcriteriaRRt searchtagst searchrpmdbt sql_fieldsRRRt real_critt critweightRR`Rtresults_by_pkgRRt matchkeyst tagresultsR ttaglistRtkR.ttotkeysttotvalstduptyieldedR`Rtsl_valsRtkstvstna((RRRRRs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytsearchGenerator s               "       /     c Csi}x|D]}|j}|jj|}xu|jD]g\}}|jjd|}|skq>n|d}||krg||Wq W|S(s Search for and return a list packages that have tags matching the given criteria. :param criteria: a list of strings specifying the criteria to search for :return: a list of package objects that have tags matching the given criteria Ri(RRt search_tagsRRHR+Re( RIRRtcRkRR RR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR: s      cCstjtdtjddi}|j||}xT|D]L\}}|r`|||n||kryg||W|S(sDeprecated. Search the specified fields for packages that match the given criteria, and return a list of the results. :param fields: the fields to search :param criteria: a list of strings specifying the criteria to search for :param callback: a function to print out the results as they are found. *callback* should have the form callback(po, matched values list) sosearchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum. Use searchGenerator() instead. Ri(RRR RRRR(RIRRRQRt match_genRtmatched_strings((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytsearchPackagesR s   c Csed}i}xf|D]^}t|}||\}}|sXt} |j|} nt} |jj|} |jjtj t ddt | t | xt | D]} |jjtj td| g} | r| j|n| r |r | j|n|r{|r{|jjtj tdxD| j| j| jD](} tj| |rL| j| qLqLWn|jjtj tdx| jD]v\}}\}}}tj|||||ff}| stj||stj||r| j|qqqWt | dkr|rc| rS|rS|| | |qc|| | n| || (installed, available, backlisted-installed, blacklisted-available). RctpackagesR>sblacklisted-availableRRRsblacklisted-installed(RRjRnRRlt pkg_namesRRRR R:RFRRR(RItgroupRR;t all_pkg_namestpkg_nameRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_groupInstalledData s0     cCsi}| s|jjdkr#|Si}|j|jjkr]|jj|j}|j}ntt|}t |dr|j |j nx|D]}}|jjj |}||kr| rd|| (installed, available, backlisted-installed, blacklisted-available). Rct allgroupsR>sblacklisted-availableRsblacklisted-installed(RRjRsRRlRqt grp_namesRRRR R@Rt environment(RItevgroupRRAt all_grp_namestgrp_nametigrp((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_groupInstalledEnvDatas,     c Cs$d}d}|dkr|jj}|jjdkrK|jjj}n|jj}|jjdkr~|jjj}n||||fSg}g}xn|D]f} | jdr|j | dq| jdr|j | dq|j | |j | qWdj |}dj |}| } |jj |d| }|jjdkr|ddj g|D]} | j ^qn}|jj |d| }n|jj |d| }|jjdkr|ddj g|D]} | j^q}|jj |d| }n||||fS(NRcs@^it@it,tcase_sensitive(RRRlRRjRR=RqR4ReRt return_groupsRntreturn_environmentsRs( RIRRtigrpstievgrpstgrpstevgrpstgpatstepatstpattcsR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_groupReturnGroups7s>     --cCsLg}g}g}g}|jjdkr?tjtdn|j||\} } } } | dk ri} x| D]}|| |j|j rK|j |qKq}|j |q|rp|j r}|j |q}q|j |qWxk| D]c}| dkr|j }n"|j | k}|r| |j =n|r|j |q|j |qW| dkri} n| dkri} n| s&t| s3txo| jD]a}tj}|j|_ t|_ |j |_x|jD]}d|j|t einstalledt eavailableRMRORNRPtdigrpsRFtievgrpRt grp_installedtevgrptevgrp_installedR>((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt doGroupLists_s                               c Csg}|jj|}|s=tjtdt|nx|D]}|j|}t|_|j }|j }xv|D]n}||kr||dkrq{n|j d|dt} |j | x| D]} | j j|qWq{W|rD|jj|qDqDW|S(s Mark all the packages in the given group to be removed. :param grpid: the name of the group containing the packages to mark for removal :return: a list of transaction members added to the transaction set by this function sNo Group named %s existsRRtsilence_warnings(RRKRRwR R-R?R9ttoremoveR:RnR'RRlReRt del_group( RItgrpidt txmbrs_usedt thesegroupst thisgroupt igroup_dataRR~RRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt groupRemoves&       c Cs+|jj|}|s7tjtdt|nx|D]}t|_|j}x|jD]}x|j D]}|j j |krp|j j t krpy|jj|Wn9tk r|jjtjtd|j |qpnXt|jdkr|j j|j jqqpqpWq`Wq>WdS(sUnmark any packages in the given group from being removed. :param grpid: the name of the group to unmark the packages of sNo Group named %s existss%package %s was not marked in group %siN(RRKRRwR R-RbRdR:RRRRGRRlR'RR{RRRR"Rc(RIRfRhRiRRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt groupUnremoves$   $ c Csg}|jj|}|s=tjtdt|nx|D]}|j|}|j}|j}xm|D]e}||kr||dkrqrn|j |} |j | x| D]} | j j |qWqrW|rD|j j|qDqDW|S(sMark all the packages in the given group to be removed. :param evgrpid: the name of the environment containing the groups to mark for removal :return: a list of transaction members added to the transaction set by this function sNo Environment named %s existsR(RRLRRwR R-RGR@RsRkRRqReRtdel_environment( RItevgrpidRgRhRiRjRORRRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytenvironmentRemove s$      c Csg}|jj|}|s=tjtdt|n|jj}|rX|}n|jjdkrst }nx|D]} | j rqznt | _ |} g} d|kr| j | j nd|kr| j | jnd|kr| j | jn|j| } d} | rl| j|jjkrM|jj| j} t } ql|jj| j| j|nx.| D]&}| |dkrs| j|qsqsWt|}x| D]}|jjdkr-|| kst|| ks| |jdr-td }|jjtj||| jqq-n|jjtjtd || j| dk r}| jj |t |j_!ng}y| r|jjd ks| r| |dkr|j"d |d d}ni| r| |dkrnP|j#d |d d}x5|D]-}| j|_$| r+| |_%q| |_&qWWn/tj'k rj}|jj(td|qX|j |x!|D]}|jj| jqWqW|jj)}|dk r|}nd}| r|rx| j*j+D]\}}|j,|ry|j#d |}Wntj'k r.qn&X||j-j.krTg|j-j.|WdS(s@Unmark the groups in the given environment group from being installed. :param evgrpid: the name of the environment group containing the groups to unmark from installation :param force: if True, force remove all the packages in the given groups from the transaction sNo Environment named %s existsRIN( RRLRhRRwR R-RRRlR(RIRnRRPR`RO((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytdeselectEnvironment;s  cCsx$|jD]}|j|kr |Sq W|jj|}t|dkr|j|d||rhdStjt dt |nt|dkr|d}n |d}|S(sReturn a package object that corresponds to the given package tuple. :param pkgtup: the package tuple specifying the package object to return :param allow_missing: If no package corresponding to the given package tuple can be found, None is returned if *allow_missing* is True, and a :class:`yum.Errors.DepError` is raised if *allow_missing* is False. :return: a package object corresponding to the given package tuple :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.DepError` if no package corresponding to the given package tuple can be found, and *allow_missing* is False iRcs2Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesackiN( RRcRHtsearchPkgTupleR"R"RRtDepErrorR R(RIRct allow_missingRRR^((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytgetPackageObjectMs  cCsd|jj|}t|dkrV|j|d|tjtdt|n|d}|S(s=Return a :class:`yum.packages.YumInstalledPackage` object that corresponds to the given package tuple. This function should be used instead of :func:`searchPkgTuple` if you are assuming that the package object exists. :param pkgtup: the package tuple specifying the package object to return :return: a :class:`yum.packages.YumInstalledPackage` object corresponding to the given package tuple :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.RpmDBError` if the specified package object cannot be found iRcs,Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb(RFRR"R#Rt RpmDBErrorR R(RIRcRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRts  cCs|jjd}tjj|r&dStjjd|jj}|j t j t j B|j dd}|j}~~|dkrdStjj|}tjj|stj|nt|d}|j~dSdS( sChecks for the presence of GPG keys in the rpmdb. :return: 0 if there are no GPG keys in the rpmdb, and 1 if there are keys s/.gpgkeyschecked.yumiR8Rs gpg-pubkeyitwN(RRWRRRRCt transactiontinitReadOnlyTransactionRt pushVSFlagsRt_RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURESt_RPMVSF_NODIGESTStdbMatchRRRRR(RItgpgkeyscheckedtmytstidxRtmydirR6((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt gpgKeyChecks$   cCs|s gSt|tjkr1|\}}}n|}d}d}|ddkr|j}t|dkr|\}}}|tkrtjt dt |nt|}qn|dkr|j j |S|j j |||jS(sReturn a list of package objects that provide the given dependencies. :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return the packages that fulfil :return: a list of packages that fulfil the given dependency iR6isInvalid version flag from: %sN(RXR.t TupleTypeRRR"t SYMBOLFLAGSRt YumBaseErrorR RRHR!t getProvidesR(RIt depstringtdepnametdepflagstdepvert dep_splitt flagsymbol((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR s"   cCs|}t|tjkr*t|}ny|j|}Wn*tjk ritjtd|nXt|}|j |j d|}|dkrtjtd|n|S(sReturn the best, or first, package object that provides the given dependencies. :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return the package that fulfils :return: the best, or first, package that fulfils the given dependency :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if no packages that fulfil the given dependency can be found sNo Package found for %sRN( RXR.t StringTypesRR RRR Rt_bestPackageFromListRR(RIRRRKtpsR^((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytreturnPackageByDeps    cCs|s gSt|tjkr1|\}}}n|}d}d}|ddkr|j}t|dkr|\}}}|tkrtjt dt |nt|}qn|dkr|j j |S|j j |||jS(s&Return a list of installed package objects that provide the given dependencies. :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return the packages that fulfil :return: a list of installed packages that fulfil the given dependency iR6isInvalid version flag from: %sN(RXR.RRRR"RRRR RRFR!RR(RIRRRRRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR%s"    cCs|}t|tjkr*t|}ny|j|}Wn*tjk ritjtd|nXt|}|j |j d|}|dkrtjtd|n|S(sReturn the best, or first, installed package object that provides the given dependencies. :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return the package that fulfils :return: the best, or first, installed package that fulfils the given dependency :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if no packages that fulfil the given dependency can be found sNo Package found for %sRN( RXR.RRR%RRR RRRR(RIRRRKRR^((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytreturnInstalledPackageByDeps    cCsWt|dkrdSt|dkr0|dS|j|ddd|}|ddS(stake list of package objects and return the best package object. If the list is empty, return None. Note: this is not aware of multilib so make sure you're only passing it packages of a single arch group. :param pkglist: the list of packages to return the best packages from :param req: the requirement from the user :return: a list of the best packages from *pkglist* iitreqpoRN(R"Rt_compare_providers(RIRKRtbestlist((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR,s cCsg}|jj|}g}g}g} xq|D]i} | j|krLq1q1| jdkrk| j| q1td| jr|j| q1|j| q1W|j|d|} |j|d|} |j| d|} |r | r | r | j| jkr d} n| dkrE| r,|j| n| r|j| qn| r|j| | gd|}|jdkr|j| q| r|j| n| r|j| qn]| r|j| | gd|}|jdkr|j| q|j| n |j| |S(s,Return the best packages from a list of packages. This function is multilib aware, so that it will not compare multilib to singlelib packages. :param pkglist: the list of packages to return the best packages from :param arch: packages will be selected that are compatible with the architecture specified by *arch* :param single_name: whether to return a single package name :param req: the requirement from the user :return: a list of the best packages from *pkglist* RyRFRN(RFt get_arch_listReRRRR(RIRKRFt single_nameRt returnlisttcompatArchListtmultiLibt singleLibRyRtmultitsingletnoRx((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytbestPackagesFromListCsL $   c sSjd k r*jjjg}njjs:d Stdstj}t j j gg}j j dt|_jjdtj||_njjjg}j|krO|j}g}x4|D],}tj|ds|j|qqW|r,|}nt|dkrx|d}g|D] } |d| dkrO| ^qO}nt|dkrd} |j| |d}g|D]} | || s| ^q}nt|dkrdfd} |j| nx3|D]+} j| d t} | d k r| SqWd Sd S( s Given a package return the package it's obsoleted by and so we should install instead. Or None if there isn't one. RARBsObs Init time: %0.3fiic SsI|\}}}}}|\}}} } } t|||f| | | fS(N(R( RRtn1ta1te1tv1tr1tn2ta2te2tv2tr2((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _sort_verscSs:t||}|sdSt||}|s2dS||S(Ni(R(tcarchRRtres1tres2((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _sort_arch_isc se|\}}}}}|\}}} } } j||} | rI| Sjj||} | S(N(RFtbestarch( RRRRRRRRRRRRR(RRRI(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _sort_archsRN(RkRRtcheckForObsoleteRcRRJRRRCRDRERHRKR9RIR{RRARRFReR"R^R( RIRtthispkgobsdictRXRR=t oobsoletingtopkgtupRRcRRR((RRRIs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _pkg2obspkgsP         #       cCs|}t}x{tr||}|dkr8| r8dS|dkrH|S||}|dkrd|St}||}||krdSqWdS(s Generic comp. sci. test for looping, walk the list with two pointers moving one twice as fast as the other. If they are ever == you have a loop. If loop we return None, if no loop the last element. N(RbR9R(RItnodet next_functslowRtnext((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _test_loops       cCs8t|dr4d|jjd||jjdfS|S(s1Attempt to make the string look bold in terminal.Rs%s%s%sRR(RRR(RItstring_((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs%c Cs?|ddkst|d}g}y |j}Wn*tjjk r_}|jj||SXt}|r|ddkr|d}x|j|D]1}t }|j |j d|} |j | qWnExB|j |D]1} t }|j| jd|} |j | qW|s;tjtd|j|n|S(s= Do groupinstall via. leading @ on the cmd line, for install.iRHit^RsGroup %s does not exist.(RRRRRwRzRRbRLR9RRsRRKRRntGroupInstallErrorR R( RItpatternRt group_stringt tx_returnRRRjtenv_grpRR<((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_at_groupinstalls.    "cCs`y|j|dtSWnBtjk r[}|jjtd||jjrUgSnXdS(s= Do group upgrade via. leading @ on the cmd line, for update.Rs Warning: %sN( RR9RRRzRR Rtskip_missing_names_on_update(RIRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_at_groupupgrade s cCs|ddkst|d}g}|r|ddkr|d}y|j|}Wn0tjjk r|jjtd|nX|j||Sy|j |}Wn0tjjk r|jjtd|nX|j||S(s; Do groupremove via. leading @ on the cmd line, for remove.iRHiRs-Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist.sNo group named %s exists( RRoRRRwRzRvR RRk(RIRRRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_at_groupremoves"    cCs|ddkst|d}|jj|}|sWtjtdt|nt}x|D]}|j|j qgW|j j |S(s8 Do downgrade of a group via. leading @ on the cmd line.iRHisNo Group named %s exists( RRRKRRwR R-RR R:RHR(RIRRfRhtpkgnamesRi((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_at_groupdowngrade/s   cCs|ddkst|dj}|rR|jdrR|d}|j|S|r|ddkr|d}|j|S|jj|S(s5 Remove things from the transaction, like kickstart. it-is@^iRH(RtstripR4RRRtdeselect(RIRRS((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_minus_deselect>s    ccs|jjsdSt|tsqxn|jjd|jD]2\}}|j|kr8|j|}|Vq8q8Wnx|j |D] }|VqWdS(s; Return the pkgs. that are obsoleted by the po we pass in. NR( RRJRR&RtgetObsoletersTuplesRRcRt_find_obsoletees_direct(RIRtobstuptinst_tupt installed_pkgR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_find_obsoleteesMs %ccsRxK|jD]@}x7|jjd|D] }|j|gr&|Vq&q&Wq WdS(s< Return the pkgs. that are obsoleted by the po we pass in. This works directly on the package data, for two reasons: 1. Consulting .up. has a slow setup for small/fast ops. 2. We need this work even if obsoletes are turned off, because rpm will be doing it for us. RN(tobsoletes_namesRFR+t obsoletedBy(RIRtobs_nR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR[scGs=x6|D].}||jjkr|jjj|qqWdS(sB Add all of the passed flags to the tsInfo.probFilterFlags array. N(RRRe(RItflagstflag((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_add_prob_flagsfs cCs`xY|jjd|jD]?}|j|rt|j|j r|jtjt SqWt S(s9Add RPMPROB_FILTER_OLDPACKAGE if the package requires it.R( RFR+RRRRFRRRR9Rb(RIRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRls %cCstr(|jdk r(|j|jjkS|j|r;tSx|D]y}|j|r]qBn|j|jkrst Sd|j|jfkrt S|jj st St |j|jrqBnt SWtS(sh See if po is an upgradeable version of an installed pkg. Non-compat. arch differences mean no. RyN( RbRkRRcRt updating_dictRtverLERFR9RMR(RIRRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_install_is_upgradets"  cCs|s!|jj|jg}n|}xB|jj|jD]+}|jtkrYq>n|j|jq>Wxy|D]q}|j |j krqtn|j |sqtnt |j |j rqtn|j j tjtd||tSWtS(sj See if we can install this arch of package, mainly for i386 vs. i586 or ppc64 vs. ppc64 etc. s&Package: %s - can't co-install with %s(RFRRRRRRReRRFRRR{RRRR RbR9(RIRRRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_valid_install_archs$ cCsX|jj s|jjdkr#tS|jdksA|jdkrEtS|j|jjkS(syReturn whether this obsoleter meets multilib_policy in case we are dealing with the noarch->arch obsoletion case.RxRy(RFRMRRR9R(RIR`t obsoletee((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_valid_obsoleter_archs c so |jdd}fd}i|d6jjd6}||krPd}n||}g}t}|rt|tst|tr|j|q tj t dnq|stj t dnd|kr'|dr|dd d krj |dS|dr4|dd d kr4j |dSd)}d |krS|d }nt}|dg} jjd | d |dt} |j| | s|d} jjt d| j| } |rtj| |} ntj| sj| dtd| } n|j| qn{j|} jjd| dd| dd| dd| dd| d}j|| tj||jd }|r jjr|s| d rjjdkri} g}g}jj}|jdxG|D]?}|j|kr;d| |j <|j|q |j|q Wx-|D]%}|j | krS|j|qSqSW|}qqnt!|}i}xD|D]<}|j |kr|g||j t=j?t=j@j%jA|j'PqqWjB|tCjD|}|rH xe|D];}j%jE||}j%jF|||j|q WqAj%jG|}|j|qAW|S(*sfMark the specified item for installation. If a package object is given, mark it for installation. Otherwise, mark the best package specified by the key word arguments for installation. :param po: a package object to install :param kwargs: if *po* is not specified, these keyword arguments will be used to find the best package to install :return: a list of the transaction members added to the transaction set by this function :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.InstallError` if there is a problem installing the package Rvtflibblecsjjtj||dS(N(R{RRRE(R R (RI(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_dbg2sRwRs0Package Object was not a package object instancesNothing specified to installRiRRHRRRs3Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %sRRRRRFRRRHRRxRyis=Checking for installed virtual provide or file-provide for %sRcs&Package %s installed and not availables"No package(s) available to installs)Package: %s - already in transaction setRtlimits8Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installedt provides_forsWPackage %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for requirementss;Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s insteads/Package %s already installed and latest versions;Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update.N(HRR{RRbRR%R&ReRRR RRRR9RHRRRR RRRRt_nevra_kwarg_parseR+R"RFRMRRRRRR=RFR%RRRcRRRRRRRRR RRJRRRRR9RRRRRRtRPMPROB_FILTER_REPLACEPKGtRPMPROB_FILTER_REPLACENEWFILEStRPMPROB_FILTER_REPLACEOLDFILESR'RRRt addObsoletingR%t addInstall(RIRR tpkg_warnRt level2funcRt was_patternRtpatstmypkgsRR t pkgs_by_nameRt not_addedRxRt pkgbynametlstRRRtobsoleting_pkgt already_obsRjRtobs_pkgsRR((RIs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR9sH                                  !          (!  (    c Cst|jd}t|jd}g}x|j|D]}|jj|}x|D]y}xp||D]d} |jd| sp|j|jf} x3|jj | D]}|j |j d|qWPqpqpWq_Wq@W|S(s Check for any difference in the provides of the old and new update that is needed by the transaction. If so we "update" those pkgs too, to the latest version. RWR( Rt returnPrcot differenceRt getRequirest inPrcoRangeRRFRHRRR ( RItopkgtnpkgtoprovstnprovsRR2RRRtnaTup((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_check_new_update_providess c Cst}x|jj|tgD]}d}x|jD]z}|j|rW|d7}q5xU|jj|jD]>}|jj|j j|j |j |} |j | qmWq5W|rt }q|jj|j jqW|S(s We return True if there is a newer package already in the transaction. If there is an older one, we remove it (and update any deps. that aren't satisfied by the newer pkg) and return False so we'll update to this newer pkg. ii( RbRRR)R*RRRcR'RR#RR9( RIRct available_pkgRRjRRRtntxmbrR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_newer_update_in_transs    cCs\|jj||}|r+|j|nd|jkrX|jjdkrXd|_n|S(NRR4(Rt addUpdatetsetAsDepRR(RIt requiringPotupkgRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _add_up_txmbrs ! c, s |jdd}fd}i|d6jjd6}||krPd}n||}g}| r| rjjtjtdjj} j j rjj dd} ng} x| D]\} } j | d t } | d'krqnj| }j| |s$qnj| j}|d'k rN|} njj| |}jj|| |r|j|n|j|qWx| D]\}}jjd |rjjtjtd |qj |d t }|d'krqn|jjd |qWj jd krj jrx.jjD] }|jjd|qWWx1jj D] }|jjd|qWn|Sg}g}t }|r|j!dkr|j|q|j|nd|kr|dr5|dddkr5j"|dS|drd|dddkrdj|dS|d}|sj#j$d|g}t%j&||jd}n'j'j$d|gd|jd}| r| rg}y+|rj(|}nj)|}Wn3t*j+j,k rE}j-j.td|nXt%j&||jd}|rw|j|q|j|nyz|rg}ng|jdr|dg}j'j/|d}|j0d|}n"|dg}j'j0d|}Wnt+j1k rg}nX|j|| r}| r}j-j.tdt2|j j3s}t+j4tdq}nd|dk}nj5|}j#j6d|dd|dd|dd|dd|d }|sj'j6d|dd|dd|dd|dd|d }j7||t8|dkrpj9||}t:d!|}q|s|td"j;|qnj j rQx|D]}jj<j|j=g}g}xb|D]Z} j | d t } | d'krqn| r&j| | r&qn|j| qWx-t>|D]} |jj?d | qDWqWx|D]}!xj@|!D]}"| rj|!|" rqn|"j=}#jj|!|"}|r|j|n|j|jj|#r$jjtjtd#|#qjj|"|!}|j|qWqrWnx|D]z}xqjjAj|j=gD]T}$j |$d t }|d'krqznjj|j=rjjtjtd |j=qz|j=jjBd|jCkr~ xj@|D]d}%jjD||}|rD |j|njj||%jj|%||j|q WqzjjE|j=tFr jjG|j=njH|||}|j|qzWqXWx0|D](}!jI|!s q ntJ|!tKr |!jC}&xmj#jL|&D]Y}'|'j=}(jjE|(tFrZ jjG|(njH||!|'}|j|q# Wq nj|!j} | d'k r |jdr | j!|jdkr q njjtjtd$|!|jjd | q nxjjMj|!j=gD]}(jj|(ri jjtjtd |(q. jN|(|!|r jjtjtd%|(q. j|(}'jjE|(tFr jjG|(njH||!|'}|j|q. Wj#j6d|!jCd|!jO})|)rG jP|!rG tQ|)d&})nx|)D]}*jj|*j=r jjtjtd |*j=qN jN|*j=|!|r jjtjtd%|*j=qN |*jR|!rN jH||!|*}|j|qN qN Wq Wxq|D]i}x`j#j6d|jCD]F}+|+|jSkr/ jT|jU|+ru jjV|+|jUqu q/ q/ Wq W|S((sOMark the specified items to be updated. If a package object is given, mark it. Else, if a package is specified by the keyword arguments, mark it. Finally, if nothing is given, mark all installed packages to be updated. :param po: the package object to be marked for updating :param requiringPo: the package object that requires the upgrade :param update_to: if *update_to* is True, the update will only be run if it will update the given package to the given version. For example, if the package foo-1-2 is installed,:: updatePkgs(["foo-1-2"], update_to=False) will work identically to:: updatePkgs(["foo"]) but:: updatePkgs(["foo-1-2"], update_to=True) will do nothing :param kwargs: if *po* is not given, the names or wildcards in *kwargs* will be used to find the packages to update :return: a list of transaction members added to the transaction set by this function RvRcsjjtj||dS(N(R{RRRE(R R (RI(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRsRwRsUpdating EverythingRBiRRcs>Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%sRRcs@^RHRRiRRRs%ssNo Match for argument: %ss1Not tolerating missing names on update, stopping.R4RRRFRRRHRcSs|dS(Ni((R((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRss!No package matched to upgrade: %ss,Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%ss*Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %ss<Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%siN(WRR{RRRRER RtgetUpdatesTuplesRRJRRR9RRRRRRR R%R(Ret isObsoletedRR Rjtupgrade_group_objects_upgradeRRqRRlRRRFRRRRHR R%RRRRzRvRRRR-RtUpdateMissingNameErrorRR+R"R"Rtmapt_ui_nevra_dicttobsoleted_dictRcRR9Rt updatesdicttgetObsoletesListRR'RRR'R+RRR&treturnNewestByNameRR&RFRRtverLTRDt_does_this_updateRt addUpdated(,RIRR)t update_toR RRRRRDRJR=RRRttopkgRtnewtoldR^RFtinstpkgst availpkgstarch_specifiedRt depmatchesRRRR tobs_tupsRRcR$t obsoleted_pkgR<tupdatingRR,t updated_pkgR?t pot_updatedRti_pkg((RIs0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR s!             !           "      !   # " !         "        !   $c Ks| r| rtjdng}g}|r;|g}nYd|kr|drv|dddkrv|j|dS|dr|dddkr|j|dS|jj|dg\}}}d|krtj||d}tj||d}n|j||j||rg}|d} y|j | }Wn3t jj k rz}|j j td|nXd|krtj||d}n|st| } |j j tdt| q|j|qn|j|} |jjd | d d | d d | d d | d d| d}|j|| t|dkr|jdts|j jtd|j| qn|jj} tj| } x|D]}|jjr|j| kr|j jtd|qn|jj|jr_xM|jj|j D]3} |j j!td| |jj"| jq%Wn|jj#|} |j$| qW|S(sZMark the specified packages for removal. If a package object is given, mark it for removal. Otherwise, mark the package specified by the keyword arguments. :param po: the package object to mark for installation :param kwargs: If *po* is not given, the keyword arguments will be used to specify a package to mark for installation :return: a list of the transaction members that were added to the transaction set by this method :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.RemoveError` if nothing is specified to mark for removal sNothing specified to removeRiRRHRs%ssNo Match for argument: %sRRRFRRRHRRcs No package matched to remove: %ssSkipping the running kernel: %ss Removing %s from the transaction(%Rt RemoveErrorRRRFtmatchPackageNamesRRRR%RRRzRvR R-RR+R#R"RRbRR1RRRRRcRRRRRR'taddEraseRe(RIRR RRRRRR@RR RRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR'Dsj   "       #( cCsg}g}g}g}|sy1t|d|jjd|dtjj}Wn.tjk r|jj t d||SX|j j t jt d|j|n|jddkr|jj t d||S|j|jjkr|jj t d ||j|S|jjrg|j|jj|j}|rg|jj t d ||d |Sn|jjd |j} t| d kr|r|jjt d |j|S|j|nxj| D]b} |j| rO| j|jjkr|j| jkr|j|q0|j|r9|j|q0|j|| fq|j| r|j| jkrt |jst | jr|r|jjt d|j|jq|j|q0|j|q|j|r#|r|jjt d|j|jq0|j|q|j|qW|g|D]} | d ^q>} |j!|| r|j j"t d||SxY|D]Q}|j j t jt d|j|j#j||j$|j%d|qWxh|D]`\}} |j j t jt d|j| |j#j||j&d|}|j$|qWx0|D](}|j j t jt d|jqRWx|D]x}|j'jr|j rxY|j(|j'D]B}|j)j*||j'|jj||j)j+|j'|qWqqW|S(s|Mark a package on the local filesystem (i.e. not from a repository) for installation. :param pkg: a string specifying the path to an rpm file in the local filesystem to be marked for installation :param po: a :class:`yum.packages.YumLocalPackage` :param updateonly: if True, the given package will only be marked for installation if it is an upgrade for a package that is already installed. If False, this restriction is not enforced :return: a list of the transaction members added to the transaction set by this method RturltuasCannot open: %s. Skipping.sExamining %s: %st payloadformattdrpms+Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping.sGCannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %ssBCannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %siRsRPackage %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.sUPackage %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.s Excluding %ssMarking %s to be installedRsMarking %s as an update to %ss&%s: does not update installed package.(,R(RFRR3Rt user_agentRR>RzRvR R{RRRR0RRFR,RRJRtsearchObsoletesRR+R"RReRRSRRRt_is_local_excludeRRRR9R RRRR%R (RIRRt updateonlyRt installpkgst updatepkgst donothingpkgst obsoleterstinstalledByKeyRRt check_pkgstoldpoRRtobs_pkg((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt installLocals   %%!   !cCs |sy1t|d|jjd|dtjj}Wn.tjk rg|jj t d|gSX|j j t jt d|j|n|j|jjkr|jj t d||jgS|j||gr|j jt d|gS|jd|S( sMark a package on the local filesystem (i.e. not from a repository) for reinstallation. :param pkg: a string specifying the path to an rpm file in the local filesystem to be marked for reinstallation :param po: a :class:`yum.packages.YumLocalPackage` :return: a list of the transaction members added to the transaction set by this method RRJRKsCannot open file: %s. Skipping.sExamining %s: %ssGCannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %ss Excluding %sR(R(RFRR3RRNRR>RzRvR R{RRRR0RFR,RPRR(RIRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytreinstallLocals c Ks|jtjtjtjg}|rG|j|jd|jn|j|j||sxtj t dnt |}g}g}g}x|D]}|j j } t|j _ t|trd|kr|jd|} n$|jd|jd|jd} | |j _ t | dkrz|jj|j|j||jt|j|j|jqn|j| qW|r| rtjt ddj|d |n|j||S( sMark the given package for reinstallation. This is accomplished by setting problem filters to allow a reinstall take place, then calling :func:`install`. :param po: the package object to mark for reinstallation :param kwargs: if po is not given, the keyword will be used to specify a package for reinstallation :return: a list of the transaction members added to the transaction set by this method :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.ReinstallRemoveError` or :class:`yum.Errors.ReinstallInstallError` depending the nature of the error that is encountered Rcs2Problem in reinstall: no package matched to removeRRtrepoid_installis6Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to installs, t failed_pkgs(RRR R R RR'RcRtReinstallRemoveErrorR R"RRJRbRR&R9RRReRRtReinstallInstallErrorR( RIRR ttx_mbrsttemplent new_membersR8R]Rt old_conf_obstmembers((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR:s@        + cCs |sy1t|d|jjd|dtjj}Wn.tjk rg|jj t d|gSX|j j t jt d|j|n|j|jjkr|jj t d||jgS|j||gr|j jt d|gS|jd|S( sMark a package on the local filesystem (i.e. not from a repository) to be downgraded. :param pkg: a string specifying the path to an rpm file in the local filesystem to be marked to be downgraded :param po: a :class:`yum.packages.YumLocalPackage` :return: a list of the transaction members added to the transaction set by this method RRJRKsCannot open file: %s. Skipping.sExamining %s: %ssGCannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %ss Excluding %sR(R(RFRR3RRNRR>RzRvR R{RRRR0RFR,RPRt downgrade(RIRR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytdowngradeLocalws cCsd|jjks$d|jjkr(tSg}t|jjdkrwt||jjdd\}}}||}n||krtStS(s0returns True if the local pkg should be excludedRTRiRi(RRRbR"R0R#R9(RIRRKttoexcRR0R((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRPs$  c Ks| r| rtjdnt}|r5|g}nud|krJ|drp|dddkrp|j|dS|dr|dddkr|j|d}t}q|jjd|dgdt}|s|d}|jj t d|y|j |}WqGt jj k rC}|jjt d t|qGXqn`|j|}|jjd |d d |d d |d d |dd|d}|j|||s.g}d|kr|jjd|dgdt}nd |kr|jjd |d }n|rgStjt dnt} g} x|D]} |j| r| j| jf| krt d| } |jjtj| n| j| j| jfqDn| j| qDW| }t} x|D]} | j| jqW|jjt| }i}i}xt |D]} | j|ksZ| j!|| jdrm| g|| j((R R,RR.R/R-tevr((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyR1?s*         cCsi}d|kra|d\}}}}}||d<||d<||d<||d<||d<|S|jd|d<|jd|d<|jd|d<|jd|d<|ddkr|jd|dGPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %ss,GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)tmultiplesInvalid GPG Key from %s: %stkeyidRtuseridt fingerprinttraw_keys2GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %sthexkeyidt valid_sigthas_sigN(Rs timestampsuseridRR(!RbRR R{RRRRtto_utf8Rt_default_graboptsRRWturlreadRmRRRR/tgpgcakeytgetCAKeyForRepoRTturlopentvalid_detached_sigtStringIOtgpgcadirR9t getgpgkeyinfoRt keyIdToRPMVertuppertboolRe(RItkeyurlR[tgetSigt key_installedRRRJRRftrawkeyRtsigfileRt keys_infoRtkeyinfotthiskeyR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_retrievePublicKeysh          %      tGPGc Csd}|jdr|td}|jj|}|rt|d}td||dt|dtj |||j |j ddf}qn|dkrtd||dt|dtj ||j ddf}n|j j d |dS( Nsfile:isaImporting %s key 0x%s: Userid : "%s" Fingerprint: %s Package : %s (%s) From : %sRRsfile://RsKImporting %s key 0x%s: Userid : "%s" Fingerprint: %s From : %ss%s(RR4R"RFt searchFilesRR R-Rtgpgkey_fingerprint_asciit ui_from_repoRRzRv(RIRRtkeytypeRtfnameR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_getKeyImportMessagebs"      c s|jjjj}t}fd}t}x|D]}|j|} x| D]} |jj} tj | | d| ddkr|j j t d|| dfqbnj r| dr| drt}n|j| |t} |jjrt} n|jjr*t} nr|ry|id 6| d d 6| dd6|d 6| d d 6| dd6} n#|r|| d | d} n| st}qbn|jj} | jtj| d } | dkr t d| }tj||n|j j t dt}qbWqCW| rP|rPtjt dn|s~t dj}tj||n|j\} }| dkrt d}|j j |t|}tj||ndS(sRetrieve a key for a package. If needed, use the given callback to prompt whether the key should be imported. :param po: the package object to retrieve the key of :param askcb: Callback function to use to ask permission to import a key. The arguments *askck* should take are the package object, the userid of the key, and the keyid :param fullaskcb: Callback function to use to ask permission to import a key. This differs from *askcb* in that it gets passed a dictionary so that we can expand the values passed. :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if there are errors retrieving the keys cs*|tddjjf7}|S(Ns; Failing package is: %s GPG Keys are configured as: %s s, (R RR(R(RR[(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_prov_key_datas RRis)GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installedRRRRRRRRsKey import failed (code %d)sKey imported successfullysDidn't install any keyssThe GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package. Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.s+Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?N(R]RRRRbRRFRRt keyInstalledRzRR RR9RRtassumenot assumeyestpgpImportPubkeyt procgpgkeyRRRR[R-(RIRtaskcbt fullaskcbtkeyurlsRRt user_cb_failRRRRRfR^RR(((RR[s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pytgetKeyForPackage|sf   #              c sat}fd}t}xD]} |j| d } x| D]} tt| ddd!jtj|kr|jjt d| | dft }qNnr9j d} d } g}y(t | d j }|jd }Wnttfk rnXt| d|kret }qen,d } jre| d re| dret }n|s|j| | | t}|jjrt}nd|jjrt }nO|r|id6| dd6| dd6| d6| dd6| dd6}n|st }qNqntj| d| dd|}|sat d| d}tj||n|jjt dt }rN|rN| d|krt | d}y-|j| dd |j|jWqttfk rqXqqNqNWq(W| r/|r/t d}tj||n|s]t dj}tj||ndS(sL Retrieve a key for a repository If needed, prompt for if the key should be imported using callback @param repo: Repository object to retrieve the key of. @param destdir: destination of the gpg pub ring @param keyurl_list: list of urls for gpg keys @param is_cakey: bool - are we pulling in a ca key or not @param callback: Callback function to use for asking for permission to import a key. This is verification, but also "choice". Takes a dictionary of key info. csKtd}r!td}n|td|djf7}|S(NtNotYessD CA Key: %s Failing repo is: %s GPG Keys are configured as: %s s, (R R(Rtcakeytxt(tis_cakeyt keyurl_listR[(s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs   RRiis(GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already importedRs/imported_cakeystCAR/s RRRR[RRRRRtgpgdirsKey %s import failedsKey imported successfullyR-s#Didn't install any keys for repo %ssThe GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are already installed but they are not correct. Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.N(RbRthexRRRtreturn_keyids_from_pubringRzRR R9RRRRRRRRRRRRtimport_key_to_pubringRRR tflushRR(RIR[tdestdirRRRQRRRRRRtikfRtcakeystcakeys_dRfR^Rtikfo((RRR[s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt_getAnyKeyForRepos|   2               cCs)|j||j|jdtd|dS(s-Retrieve a key for a repository. If needed, use the given callback to prompt whether the key should be imported. :param repo: repository object to retrieve the key of :param callback: callback function to use for asking for verification of key information RRQN(RRRRb(RIR[RQ((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt getKeyForRepoDscCs)|j||j|jdtd|dS(s-Retrieve a key for a repository. If needed, use the given callback to prompt whether the key should be imported. :param repo: repository object to retrieve the key of :param callback: callback function to use for asking for verification of key information RRQN(RRRR9(RIR[RQ((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRNscCs!d}|jjdkrdS|jjr/dSg}|jj}tj|\}}i}x|jjD]~}|j dkrqon|j rqon|j |j sqon|j |kr|j g||j Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction.Nsyum_save_tx.%ss%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M.Rs.yumtxtprefixRs%s Ris1 is %s:%s:%s s%s:%s RRs&Could not save transaction file %s: %s(&Rt_unresolvedMembersRzRvR RRRtstrftimettempfiletmkstempRtfdopenRRtRFRR9Rt getTsFlagsRoRR"R]R^RR`RRRRt_dumpR RRRRR/( RIR#RRR'RRR/RR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyRs<  $0   )cCsyt|dj}Wn&ttfk rA}t|d fSX|sXtdd fS|ddkr|ddkr|dd!}q|dd !}nd |fS( s* Load the file into a simple data format. R/sFile is empty.is saved_tx: ishistory addon-info iiiN(Rt readlinesRRR/RR (RIR#RR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.pyt _load_ts_datasc! Csf|j|}|dd&k rEtjtd||dfn|d}|d&krj|jj}n|d&kr|jj}n|d&kr|jj}n|rt }n|dj }|t |j j dt dkrAtd}|r|td7}|jjt|qA|td7}tj|nyt|dj }Wn4ttfk r} td}tj|nX|jj|t|d j } g} d | } d&} xk|d | !D]\}|j jd }|r+|dd kr+d |d|d f} qn| j|qWt|| j }| d}d}t}d&}t}x||D]}|j}|jdr3|r|jj|||jjkr| r|jjj|qnt}|jd dj jd\}}t|j }t|j jd}y_|tkrd|j |}n=|t!kr|j"|}ntd|}tj|Wnftjk r } t }tdt ||f}|stj|q0t }|jj|q3X|d7}t#j$|}||_%qn|j }|jd d\}}|j&}|d'kr|j j'}|dkrt(||tqT|dkrTt(||t qTn|dkrt(||t|j ng|dkr|j)j*|jdn?|d(krx0|j jdD]}|jd \}}yO|d!kr|j t|jd}n|j"t|jd}WnHtjk r} td"t ||f}|jj|t }q7Xt+||}|j|t(|||q7Wn5|d#kr>x&|jdD]}|jd \}} |jd \}}yO|d!kr|j t|jd}n|j"t|jd}WnHtjk r} td"t ||f}|jj|t }q;Xt+||}|j|| ft(|||q;Wnt(|||j |rt }qqW|jj|||jjkr|jjj|n||krt }n|rtd$}|rt }|td%7}|jj|q|td7}tj|nt,|j|kr5d&} n| d&k rY|| |f|j_-n|jj.S()s,Load a transaction from a .yumtx file. :param filename: the name of the file to load the transaction from :param ignorerpm: whether to ignore starting rpmdb version mismatch. :param ignoremissing: whether to ignore that there may be transaction members missing :param ignorenewrpm: whether to ignore ending rpmdb version mismatch. :return: the members of the loaded transaction :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if there are problems loading the transaction is/Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %siRs/rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,s ignoring, as requested.s aborting.s+cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer.iiRRs%s:%ssmbr:RRIs(Found txmbr in unknown current state: %ss$Could not find txmbr: %s in state %stisDepRtfalseRRRlR*R&t downgraded_byRRDRJR2RHRs(Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %sRFsCTransaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,s- ignoring, as requested. 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