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и#I}پAUI}پAU?I}پAUI}پAU1111Wf.AUATIUSHHH9>H]HcH@HnDDA/HHSHHtpDHHLueD01T/wA9sTHH=uۋUHDEEwLHH[]A\A]Hn3@HTtHSHtHDuE0EwLH;@HnHHuhDMEcHEA$HID$肯EHnII)DME9EBEt.E8Ar1fTH:TH9uE9HwDHHDEEA$HLnAU31LA8uuDH@8ptN9ujfLnAUX31LA8uuDH@8pt>9u*fHHSIt,|@H1[]A\A]HHSHIttԉHHAtAU9AULL@HA|}AU9AUbL蒭A$MHV6LD$PLD$AA$#I}AUI}AU8I}iAUI}UAUS1111f.UHSH(HHt@HXHh H[]fSHWHwpH[釬f.ATIUHSHHHHM[]A\HDHSHwHHHjt+[ÐSHHwHHLD$D$dH %(HL$1HHD$t)HL$dH3 %(uH[t@UHHSHH1H9t H[]t!uH@HHEf.H@HE뽐UHHSHHH9Iы8tNt H[]DLXH)A;[st, A8KuڍSE1fDGTIG:uI9uHHHp[]SHwHHHT$D$dH%(HD$1t+ DD$D9tH'H1YH81R1HL$dH3 %(uH[DHHWw1Hf.fAWIAVAUATUSHH(H|$H~HHT$DD$ 葳HItYLh MMtM1A}u&fIFHt78LItI~Hu܋T$ tTH([]A\A]A^A_ËD$ ttMt;H|$肶HtqHXIT$ HPID$ HtVIFHEHt$H|$bHIt.IGH|$ID$'HID$ tM|$Mg1VM9t AE?IEHuHHwHGt;HFHt.HtHBHGHz@HHPHuHH~Huf.UHSH袱HHtZH貭HTHHHt HH[]Ð諾L1ɺL F'H5X1A1ƐL1ɺATIUHSHHtH@ H@LHHH[]A\ATIHLUHSHHt#H蛴HHC tL`H[]A\1ff.ATIHLUHS[HHt#HKHHC tL`H[]A\1ff.AWAVIAUE1ATIUSHHH4$DHCL8M=L$HHpI~L茺HIxHL)A}%Estr.Invalid NULL handle passed to library function.lvm_misc.cskip_zeropvmetadatacopiespvmetadatasizedata_alignment_offset2.02.187(2)-RHEL7 (2020-03-24)Internal error: Unable to convert uuidlvm_base.cliblvmUnable to create LV without size.Internal error: Segtype striped not found.Unable to activate LV with in-progress lvconvertActivating logical volume "%s" exclusivelyActivating logical volume "%s"Deactivating logical volume "%s"Memory allocation fail for lvm_lvseg_list.Unable to create LV thin pool without size.Invalid discard argument %d for thin pool creation.Origin is not thin, specify size of snapshotUnable to create thin LV without size.Invalid lv_create_params parameterlvm_lv.cstripedUnable to activate locked LVActivate exclusive failed.Activate failed.Deactivate failed.Invalid UUID string lengthInvalid UUID format.LV rename failed.LV resize failed.Invalid metadata sizepool_name invalidInvalid chunk_sizethin-poolsnap_name invalidSegtype snapshot not found.Segtype thin not found.lvname invalidsegtype parameter is NULLSize not a multiple of 512lvm_pv.c#orphansCan't get lock for orphan PVsInvalid pv_name#globalUnable to obtain global lock.PV re-size failed!Memory allocation fail for pv list.Not a correct pvlist structureMemory allocation fail for lvm_pvseg_list.Invalid pv_create_params parameterlvm_vg.cInvalid VG open modehistorical %sLV name exists in VGMemory allocation fail for lvm_pv_list.activate/activate.c%s-%s-missing_%u_0No host tag matches %stpoolreal%s/lvm/globalGetting driver versionGetting target version for %sFound %s target v%u.%u.%u./usr/sbin/modprobe%smodule/dm_%sModule directory %s exists.dm-%s (no device driver) andnot %s is %sactive%s%s%s%sLogical volume %s in use.idleChecking device id for LV %s.Counted %d open LVs in VG %s.Found active component LV %s.MonitoredUnmonitored%s %s for events [Test mode: skipping this]Not mSkipping %smonitor of %s.%s%s already monitored.Monitoring %s with %s.%s%s already not monitored.Not monitoring %s with %s%s (reverting) pool only thin only if activeSkipping: Resuming %s%s%s.Resuming LV %s%s%s%s.resumedResuming LVID %s reading VG temporary noscanSkipping: Activating %s.Activating %s%s%s%s%s.LV %s is already active. origin without snapshotsVolume group "%s" is exportedSkipping: Suspending %s%s.already suspendedRequiring flush for LV %s.suspendingsuspend_lvslv_list alloc failed.failed suspendSkipping: Deactivating %s.deactivatingdeactivatedFound active holder LV %s.%s configuration setting defined: Checking the list to match %s.No item supplied in %s configuration setting matches %s.Ignoring invalid string in config file %s.Ignoring empty string in config file %s.Ignoring empty tag in config file %sactivation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking only host tags for %s.LVM1 proc global snprintf failedmodule string allocation failedsnap_seg module string allocation failedactivation/auto_activation_volume_list configuration setting not defined: All logical volumes will be auto-activated.Activation enabled. Device-mapper kernel driver will be used.WARNING: Activation disabled. No device-mapper interaction will be attempted.Activation disabled. No device-mapper interaction will be attempted.Failed to get %s target versionmodule_present module name too long: %sInternal error: Target present version called when activation is disabled.Cannot determine activation status of %s%s.WARNING: Unable to determine exclusivity of %s.Found suspended LV %s in critical section().Found suspended layered LV %s in critical section().Snapshot merge is in progress, querying status of %s instead.Logical volume %s is used by another device.Logical volume %s contains a filesystem in use.Retrying open_count check for %s.Checking transient status for LV %s.Checking snapshot percent for LV %s.Checking mirror percent for LV %s.Checking raid data offset and dev sectors for LV %s/%sChecking raid device health for LV %s.Checking raid device count for LV %s/%sChecking raid mismatch count for LV %s.Checking raid sync_action for LV %s.Thin pool data or metadata volume must be specified. (E.g. "%s_tdata")%s must be a RAID logical volume to perform this action.Unable to send message to an inactive logical volume.Failed to retrieve status of %s.Kernel driver does not support this action: %s"%s" is not a supported sync operation.%s state is currently "%s". Unable to switch to "%s".Internal error: Cannot check status for unused cache pool %s.Cannot check status for deleted cache volume %s.Cannot check status for locally inactive cache volume %s.Checking status for cache volume %s.Checking thin %sdata percent for LV %s.Checking thin percent for LV %s.Checking thin-pool transaction id for LV %s.Counted %d active LVs in VG %sRAID module does not support RAID4. Cache pool activation for clearing only.Skipping unmonitor of opened %s (open:%d)Skipping monitor of snapshot larger then origin %s.WARNING: Failed to %smonitor %s.WARNING: %s: segment unmonitoring failed.WARNING: %s: %s segment monitoring function failed.%s %smonitoring still pending: waiting...WARNING: %sonitoring %s failed.Internal error: Requested resume of unindentified resource!Resuming LVID %s found saved vg seqno %d %sResuming LVID %s found saved LV %sResuming LVID %s did not find saved LVResuming LVID %s did not find saved VGResuming LVID %s failed to read VGInternal error: Trying non-exlusive activation of %s with a volume type %s requiring exclusive activation.Not activating %s since it does not pass activation filter.Refusing activation of partial LV %s. Use '--activationmode partial' to override.Refusing activation of partial LV %s. Try '--activationmode degraded'.Refusing activation of LV %s containing an unrecognised segment.Shared cluster mirrors are not available.Refusing activation of RAID LV %s with visible SubLVs.lv_suspend did not find saved_vg %.8s so readinglv_suspend could not read vgid %.8slv_suspend using read vg %s %d %plv_suspend using saved_vg %s %d %plv_suspend did not find pre saved_vg %.8s so readinglv_suspend could not read pre vgid %.8slv_suspend using pre read vg %s %d %plv_suspend using pre saved_vg %s %d %plv_suspend could not find lv %p lv_pre %p vg %p vg_pre %p vgid %sInternal error: LV %s missing from preload metadata.Internal error: LV %s (%s) missing from preload metadata.LV %s has open %d snapshot(s), not deactivating.Failed to remove temporary SubLVs from %sDeactivated volume is still %s present.Releasing activation in critical section.Cannot deactivate logical volume %s.Cannot deactivate subvolume %s of logical volume %s.lvmcache: no saved_vg for vgid "%s"lvmcache: inval saved_vg %s old %plvmcache: inval saved_vg %s new pre %p_lvmcache_update: vgid hash insertion failed: %slvmcache %s: VG %s: set VGID to %.32s.lvmcache: free saved_vg old %s %.8s %d old %plvmcache: free saved_vg_to_free %s %.8s %d %plvmcache: free saved_vg pre %s %.8s %d %plvmcache: failed to insert saved_vg %slvmcache: saved old vg %s seqno %d %plvmcache: saved pre vg %s seqno %d %plvmcache: failed to save pre %d vg %slvmcache: get old saved_vg %d %s %plvmcache: get old saved_vg %d %s %p new is %d %plvmcache: get new saved_vg %d %s %plvmcache: get new saved_vg %d %s %p old is %d %plvmcache: inval saved_vg_old %d %p for new %d %p %slvmcache_get_saved_vg pre %d wanted new but only have old %d %slvmcache_get_saved_vg pre %d wanted old but only have new %d %slvmcache: get_latest old saved_vg %d %s %plvmcache: get_latest old saved_vg %d %s %p new is %d %plvmcache: get_latest new saved_vg %d %s %plvmcache: get_latest new saved_vg %d %s %p old is %d %plvmcache: no saved vg latest %sInternal error: VG lock %s hits NULL.Internal error: VG lock %s must be requested before %s, not after.device_list element allocation failedInternal error: Internal cache cannot lookup vgid.lvmcache has no info for vgid "%s"Internal error: Internal lvmcache is no yet initialized.lvmcache has no info for vgname "%s"%s%.32s.lvmcache has not found vgname "%s"%s%.32s.Internal error: Attempt to unlock unlocked VG %s.Internal error: Nested locking attempted on VG %s._vgname_hash re-insertion for %s failedlvmcache_update_vgname: list alloc failedcache vgname alloc failed for %sCache: Duplicate VG name %s: Existing %s takes precedence over exported %sCache: Duplicate VG name %s: %s takes precedence over exported %sCache: Duplicate VG name %s: Existing %s (created here) takes precedence over %sCache: Duplicate VG name %s: %s (with creation_host) takes precedence over %sCache: Duplicate VG name %s: %s (created here) takes precedence over %sCache: Duplicate VG name %s: Prefer existing %s vs new %scache_update: vg hash insertion failed: %slvmcache %s: now in VG %s%s%s%s%s.Ignoring lvmcache info for dev %s because dev %s was requested for PVID %s.Ignoring md component duplicate %sWARNING: Disabling lvmetad cache which does not support duplicate PVs.WARNING: found device with duplicate %svgnameid_list allocation failed.vgnameid_list member allocation failed.Couldn't find device with uuid %s.%s: Couldn't find device. Check your filters?label scan is missing full filterScan failed to refresh device filter.WARNING: PV %s on duplicate device %s not found in cache.Same duplicate device repeated %sPV %s compare duplicates: %s %u:%u. %s %u:%u.PV %s: wants size %llu. %s is %llu. %s is %llu.PV %s: %s was prev %s. %s was prev %s.PV %s: %s %s subsystem. %s %s subsystem.PV %s: %s %s mounted fs. %s %s mounted fs.PV %s: switching to device %s instead of device %s.PV %s: keeping current device %s.Drop duplicate device %s in lvmcacheRescan preferred device %s for lvmcacheWARNING: Not using device %s for PV %s.WARNING: PV %s prefers device %s because %s.vgnames list allocation failedVG info not dropped before rescan of %sVG info not found after rescan of %sInternal error: NULL vgname handed to cacheFailed to update VG %s info in lvmcache.lvmcache %s: VG %s: set seqno to %dScan of VG %s from %s found metadata seqno %d vs previous %d.lvmcache %s: VG %s: set mda_checksum to %x mda_size to %zuScan of VG %s from %s found mda_checksum %x mda_size %zu vs previous %x %zulvmcache %s: VG %s %s exported.cache creation host alloc failed for %s.lvmcache %s: VG %s: set creation host to %s.cache lock_type alloc failed for %slvmcache %s: VG %s: set lock_type to %s.cache system_id alloc failed for %slvmcache %s: VG %s: set system_id to %s.Internal error: Volume Group %s was not unlockedInternal error: _vginfos list should be emptyNo cached label for orphan PV %sMust be exactly one data area (found %d) on PV %sMust be at most one bootloader area (found %d) on PV %sPV %s is a different format (seqno %s)lvmcache_info allocation failedPV %s on %s was already found on %s.Changing pvid on dev %s from %s to %sChanging labeller on dev %s from %s to %sInternal error: lvmcache_get_mdas no vginfo %scache/lvmcache.clvmcache: %s: clearing VGIDlvmcache: no saved pre %d %s with VGID #orphans_lvm2#orphans_lvm1#orphans_poolCache locking failure for %s with %u mda(s)lvmcache: Initialised VG %s.DUPLICATESpvids list allocation failedstrlist allocation failedNo device with uuid %s.vgname allocation failednot chosenis inis not inis nothashas nois used foris not used fordevice was seen firstdevice is in subsystemdevice is in dm subsystemdevice has fs mounteddevice size is correctdevice is used by LVof previous preferenceFinding VG infoResolving duplicate devicesPV %s: %s %s dm. %s %s dm.PV %s: %s %s LV. %s %s LV.Found VG info for %d VGsvgids list allocation failedno longerDropping VG infoPV %s size is zero.Adding pvid to hash failed %sInternal error: _destroy_config: cmd config tree not destroyed fullyInternal error: Unable to find configuration for log/debug_classes.log/debug_classes contains a value which is not a string. Ignoring.Unrecognised value for log/debug_classes: %sSetting log debug classes to %d_init_profiles: dm_strncpy failedInvalid string in config file: global/format_librariesShared library %s does not contain format functions_init_formats: Default format (%s) not foundInvalid string in config file: global/segment_librariesWARNING: Shared lib %s has conflicting init fns. Using init_multiple_segtypes().init_multiple_segtypes() failed: Unloading shared library %s_init_hostname: dm_pool_strdup failed_init_hostname: dm_pool_strdup kernel_vsn failed_set_tag: str_list_add %s failedDM_DISABLE_UDEV environment variable set. Overriding configuration to use udev_rules=0, udev_sync=0, verify_udev_operations=1.Udev is running and DM_DISABLE_UDEV environment variable is set. Bypassing udev, LVM will %s.obtain device list by scanning device directoryInternal error: Unable to find configuration for devices/scan.Invalid string in config file: devices/scanNon standard udev dir %s, resetting devices/obtain_device_list_from_udev.Failed to add %s to internal device cacheInvalid string in config file: devices/loopfilesFailed to add loopfile %s to internal device cacheWARNING: Metadata changes will NOT be backed upInvalid tag in config file: %sInvalid hostname string for tag %sLVM_SYSTEM_DIR or tag was too longconfig_tree_list allocation failedWARNING: Empty system ID supplied.WARNING: Failed to allocate system ID.WARNING: Invalid system ID format: %sWARNING: system ID may not begin with the string "localhost".WARNING: Ignoring extra line(s) in system ID file %s.aAbBcCdDeFGghHIjklmMpPrRsStTuUVwWxXyYzZ%Unrecognised configuration setting for global/units: %sConfigured time format is empty string.Configured time format contains non-printable characters.Invalid time format "%s" supplied.Device directory given in config file too longInvalid external device info source specification.WARNING: proc dir %s not found - some checks will be bypassedNo proc filesystem found: skipping sysfs detectionFailed to create /proc/mounts string for sysfs detectionFailed to find sysfs mount pointInvalid readahead specificationmanage logical volume symlinks in device directoryWARNING: activation/missing_stripe_filler = "%s" is invalid,Falling back to "error" missing_stripe_filler.WARNING: activation/missing_stripe_filler = "%s" is not a block device.Ignoring invalid activation/mlock_filter entry in config fileIgnoring too small pv_min_size %ldKB, using default %dKB.WARNING: local/system_id is set, so should global/system_id_source be "lvmlocal" not "%s"?WARNING: Unrecognised system_id_source "%s".WARNING: No system ID found from system_id_source %s.Internal error: connections must be initialized before filtersFailed to create internal device filterFailed to create global regex device filterFailed to create regex device filterFailed to create lvm type filterFailed to create usabled device filterFailed to create partitioned device filterFailed to create regex device filter.Failed to create usable device filter.Failed to create persistent device filter.Failed to load existing device cache from %sDuplicate segment type %s: unloading shared library %sShared library %s does not contain segment type functionsWARNING: Not using lvmetad because locking_type is 3 (clustered).WARNING: Not using lvmetad because config setting use_lvmetad=0.WARNING: To avoid corruption, rescan devices to make changes visible (pvscan --cache).WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to device scanning.Internal error: lvmetad setup incorrectFailed to initialize lvmetad connection.LVM_SYSTEM_DIR environment variable is too long.Internal error: Unprocessed pending delete for %d devices.Failed to allocate command contextFailed to allocate line buffer.Failed to create LVM2 system dir for metadata backups, config files and internal cache.Set environment variable LVM_SYSTEM_DIR to alternative location or empty string.Library memory pool creation failedCommand memory pool creation failedcommands/toolcontext.callocationLogging initialised at %sprofile_params alloc failedinit_formatinit_multiple_segtypesinit_segtype_init_hostname%s%s%s failed: %sunameSetting host tag: %sFailed to create config treeDM_DISABLE_UDEV/dev/archive_init failed.backup_init failed.host_listhost_filterhost_filter not supported yet%s/lvm%s%s.conflocalhostWARNING: %s: fopen failed: %scCxXyYdeHImMSuUVwWynoneSet umask from %04o to %04o%s/LVM-%s/mounts_get_sysfs_dir fopensysfsfclose/dev/ioerror stat failed: %sunknown devicelvmlocalmachineid%s/machine-idLVM_ configuration invalid./run/lvm/lvmetad.socket/run/lvm/lvmpolld.socketLVM_LVMETAD_SOCKETLVM_LVMPOLLD_SOCKETLVM_SYSTEM_DIRLVM_RUN_BY_DMEVENTDpending_deleteReloading config filessetlocale failedsetvbuf@DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@/@DEFAULT_CACHE_SUBDIR@@DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@/@DEFAULT_BACKUP_SUBDIR@@DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@/@DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_SUBDIR@@DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@/@DEFAULT_PROFILE_SUBDIR@Couldn't create default backup path '%s/%s'.Couldn't create default archive path '%s/%s'.Couldn't create default profile path '%s/%s'.Internal error: Profile %s already added as %s type, but requested type is %s.Failed to create default empty array for %s._get_def_array_values: dm_strdup failedFailed to create default config array value for %s.Failed to duplicate token for default array value of %s.Internal error: Default array value malformed for "%s", value: "%s", token: "%s".Internal error: inconsistent state reached in _check_value_differs_from_defaultFailed to create default config setting node.Failed to create default config setting node value.Internal error: _add_def_node: unknown typeInternal error: couldn't determine missing config nodes - unknown status of last config check.Failed to create default config section node._log_array_value_used: failed to write node value%s not found in config: defaulting to %s_config_array_line: dm_pool_strdup failedInternal error: _cfg_def_make_path: supplied buffer too small for %s/%s_get_config_node_version: couldn't create version string%s# This configuration %s is advanced. %s# This configuration %s is not officially supported. %s# This configuration %s has variable name. %s# This configuration %s does not have a default value defined. %s# This configuration %s has an automatic default value. %s# Value defined in existing configuration has been used for this setting. %s# Available since version %s. %s# Deprecated since version %s. %s# This configuration %s is deprecated. Persistent cache directory name too long.WARNING: Configuration setting %s is disabled. Using default value.WARNING: Configuration setting "%s" has invalid type. Found%s but expected%s.Failed to construct path for configuration node %s.Configuration setting "%s" unknown.Configuration section "%s" unknown.Configuration setting "%s" invalid. Empty value not allowed.Configuration setting "%s" invalid. Found string value "%s", expected boolean value: 0/1, "y/n", "yes/no", "on/off", "true/false".Configuration setting "%s" invalid. It cannot be set to an empty value.Configuration %s "%s" is not customizable by a profile.Configuration %s "%s" is customizable by metadata profile only, not command profile.Configuration %s "%s" is customizable by command profile only, not metadata profile.Configuration %s "%s" is not allowed here.Failed to allocate config source.Failed to allocate config file.Internal error: config_file_check: expected file, special file or profile config source, found %s config source.Internal error: config_file_changed: expected file config source, found %s config source.Config file %s has disappeared!Failed to reload configuration filesConfiguration file %s is not a regular fileDetected config file change to %sFailed to allocate configuration check handle.Failed to allocate circular buffer.%s: Checksum error at offset %luInternal error: config_file_read_fd: expected file, special file or profile config source, found %s config source.Internal error: %s cfg tree element not declared as boolean.# This is an example configuration file for the LVM2 system. # It contains the default settings that would be used if there was no # @DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@/lvm.conf file. # # Refer to 'man lvm.conf' for further information including the file layout. # # Refer to 'man lvm.conf' for information about how settings configured in # this file are combined with built-in values and command line options to # arrive at the final values used by LVM. # # Refer to 'man lvmconfig' for information about displaying the built-in # and configured values used by LVM. # # If a default value is set in this file (not commented out), then a # new version of LVM using this file will continue using that value, # even if the new version of LVM changes the built-in default value. # # To put this file in a different directory and override @DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@ set # the environment variable LVM_SYSTEM_DIR before running the tools. # # N.B. Take care that each setting only appears once if uncommenting # example settings in this file. # This is a local configuration file template for the LVM2 system # which should be installed as @DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@/lvmlocal.conf . # # Refer to 'man lvm.conf' for information about the file layout. # # To put this file in a different directory and override # @DEFAULT_SYS_DIR@ set the environment variable LVM_SYSTEM_DIR before # running the tools. # # The lvmlocal.conf file is normally expected to contain only the # "local" section which contains settings that should not be shared or # repeated among different hosts. (But if other sections are present, # they *will* get processed. Settings in this file override equivalent # ones in lvm.conf and are in turn overridden by ones in any enabled # lvm_.conf files.) # # Please take care that each setting only appears once if uncommenting # example settings in this file and never copy this file between hosts. Configuration node %s not foundFailed to create default config tree.Failed to create temporary config tree while creating full tree.Failed to clone current config tree.Failed to merge default and current config tree.Internal error: add_profile: incorrect configuration source, expected %s or %s but %s requested%s: bad profile name, it contains '/'.Internal error: add_profile: loaded profile has incorrect type, expected %s but %s foundInternal error: trying to load profile %s in critical section.LVM_SYSTEM_DIR or profile name too longInternal error: _override_config_tree_from_command_profile: config cascade already contains a command profile config.Internal error: _override_config_tree_from_metadata_profile: config cascade already contains a metadata profile config.Internal error: override_config_tree_from_profile: incorrect profile source typeInternal error: %s cfg tree element not declared as string.Internal error: %s cfg tree element not declared to allow empty values.Persistent cache filename too long.Internal error: %s cfg tree element not declared as integer.Internal error: %s cfg tree element not declared as float.Failed to create configuration definition hash.Failed to insert configuration to hash.Configuration setting "%s" invalid. It's not part of any section._check_profile: profile check handle allocation failedInternal error: override_config_tree_from_string: config cascade already contains a string config.Failed to set overridden configuration entries.Ignoring invalid configuration string.Internal error: %s cfg tree element not declared as array.Failed to create default array node for %s.WARNING: Configured cache_pool_max_chunks value %lu is higher then recommended %lu.How LVM configuration settings are handled. How LVM selects space and applies properties to LVs. How LVM log information is reported. How LVM metadata is backed up and archived. In LVM, a 'backup' is a copy of the metadata for the current system, and an 'archive' contains old metadata configurations. They are stored in a human readable text format. Settings for running LVM in shell (readline) mode. Miscellaneous global LVM settings. LVM report command output formatting. Settings for the LVM event daemon. LVM settings that are specific to the local host. If enabled, any LVM configuration mismatch is reported. This implies checking that the configuration key is understood by LVM and that the value of the key is the proper type. If disabled, any configuration mismatch is ignored and the default value is used without any warning (a message about the configuration key not being found is issued in verbose mode only). Abort the LVM process if a configuration mismatch is found. Directory where LVM looks for configuration profiles. Directory in which to create volume group device nodes. Commands also accept this as a prefix on volume group names. Directories containing device nodes to use with LVM. Obtain the list of available devices from udev. This avoids opening or using any inapplicable non-block devices or subdirectories found in the udev directory. Any device node or symlink not managed by udev in the udev directory is ignored. This setting applies only to the udev-managed device directory; other directories will be scanned fully. LVM needs to be compiled with udev support for this setting to apply. Select an external device information source. Some information may already be available in the system and LVM can use this information to determine the exact type or use of devices it processes. Using an existing external device information source can speed up device processing as LVM does not need to run its own native routines to acquire this information. For example, this information is used to drive LVM filtering like MD component detection, multipath component detection, partition detection and others. # Accepted values: none No external device information source is used. udev Reuse existing udev database records. Applicable only if LVM is compiled with udev support. # #S^/dev/mpath/#S^/dev/mapper/mpath#S^/dev/[hs]dSelect which path name to display for a block device. If multiple path names exist for a block device, and LVM needs to display a name for the device, the path names are matched against each item in this list of regular expressions. The first match is used. Try to avoid using undescriptive /dev/dm-N names, if present. If no preferred name matches, or if preferred_names are not defined, the following built-in preferences are applied in order until one produces a preferred name: Prefer names with path prefixes in the order of: /dev/mapper, /dev/disk, /dev/dm-*, /dev/block. Prefer the name with the least number of slashes. Prefer a name that is a symlink. Prefer the path with least value in lexicographical order. # Example preferred_names = [ "^/dev/mpath/", "^/dev/mapper/mpath", "^/dev/[hs]d" ] # Limit the block devices that are used by LVM commands. This is a list of regular expressions used to accept or reject block device path names. Each regex is delimited by a vertical bar '|' (or any character) and is preceded by 'a' to accept the path, or by 'r' to reject the path. The first regex in the list to match the path is used, producing the 'a' or 'r' result for the device. When multiple path names exist for a block device, if any path name matches an 'a' pattern before an 'r' pattern, then the device is accepted. If all the path names match an 'r' pattern first, then the device is rejected. Unmatching path names do not affect the accept or reject decision. If no path names for a device match a pattern, then the device is accepted. Be careful mixing 'a' and 'r' patterns, as the combination might produce unexpected results (test changes.) Run vgscan after changing the filter to regenerate the cache. See the use_lvmetad comment for a special case regarding filters. # Example Accept every block device: filter = [ "a|.*/|" ] Reject the cdrom drive: filter = [ "r|/dev/cdrom|" ] Work with just loopback devices, e.g. for testing: filter = [ "a|loop|", "r|.*|" ] Accept all loop devices and ide drives except hdc: filter = [ "a|loop|", "r|/dev/hdc|", "a|/dev/ide|", "r|.*|" ] Use anchors to be very specific: filter = [ "a|^/dev/hda8$|", "r|.*/|" ] # Limit the block devices that are used by LVM system components. Because devices/filter may be overridden from the command line, it is not suitable for system-wide device filtering, e.g. udev and lvmetad. Use global_filter to hide devices from these LVM system components. The syntax is the same as devices/filter. Devices rejected by global_filter are not opened by LVM. This has been replaced by the devices/cache_dir setting. Directory in which to store the device cache file. The results of filtering are cached on disk to avoid rescanning dud devices (which can take a very long time). By default this cache is stored in a file named .cache. It is safe to delete this file; the tools regenerate it. If obtain_device_list_from_udev is enabled, the list of devices is obtained from udev and any existing .cache file is removed. A prefix used before the .cache file name. See devices/cache_dir. Enable/disable writing the cache file. See devices/cache_dir. List of additional acceptable block device types. These are of device type names from /proc/devices, followed by the maximum number of partitions. # Example types = [ "fd", 16 ] # Restrict device scanning to block devices appearing in sysfs. This is a quick way of filtering out block devices that are not present on the system. sysfs must be part of the kernel and mounted.) Scan LVM LVs for layered PVs, allowing LVs to be used as PVs. When 1, LVM will detect PVs layered on LVs, and caution must be taken to avoid a host accessing a layered VG that may not belong to it, e.g. from a guest image. This generally requires excluding the LVs with device filters. Also, when this setting is enabled, every LVM command will scan every active LV on the system (unless filtered), which can cause performance problems on systems with many active LVs. When this setting is 0, LVM will not detect or use PVs that exist on LVs, and will not allow a PV to be created on an LV. The LVs are ignored using a built in device filter that identifies and excludes LVs. Ignore devices that are components of DM multipath devices. Ignore devices that are components of software RAID (md) devices. Ignore devices that are components of firmware RAID devices. LVM must use an external_device_info_source other than none for this detection to execute. Align PV data blocks with md device's stripe-width. This applies if a PV is placed directly on an md device. Default alignment of the start of a PV data area in MB. If set to 0, a value of 64KiB will be used. Set to 1 for 1MiB, 2 for 2MiB, etc. Detect PV data alignment based on sysfs device information. The start of a PV data area will be a multiple of minimum_io_size or optimal_io_size exposed in sysfs. minimum_io_size is the smallest request the device can perform without incurring a read-modify-write penalty, e.g. MD chunk size. optimal_io_size is the device's preferred unit of receiving I/O, e.g. MD stripe width. minimum_io_size is used if optimal_io_size is undefined (0). If md_chunk_alignment is enabled, that detects the optimal_io_size. This setting takes precedence over md_chunk_alignment. Alignment of the start of a PV data area in KiB. If a PV is placed directly on an md device and md_chunk_alignment or data_alignment_detection are enabled, then this setting is ignored. Otherwise, md_chunk_alignment and data_alignment_detection are disabled if this is set. Set to 0 to use the default alignment or the page size, if larger. data_alignment_offset_detectionDetect PV data alignment offset based on sysfs device information. The start of a PV aligned data area will be shifted by the alignment_offset exposed in sysfs. This offset is often 0, but may be non-zero. Certain 4KiB sector drives that compensate for windows partitioning will have an alignment_offset of 3584 bytes (sector 7 is the lowest aligned logical block, the 4KiB sectors start at LBA -1, and consequently sector 63 is aligned on a 4KiB boundary). pvcreate --dataalignmentoffset will skip this detection. Ignore DM devices that have I/O suspended while scanning devices. Otherwise, LVM waits for a suspended device to become accessible. This should only be needed in recovery situations. Do not scan 'mirror' LVs to avoid possible deadlocks. This avoids possible deadlocks when using the 'mirror' segment type. This setting determines whether LVs using the 'mirror' segment type are scanned for LVM labels. This affects the ability of mirrors to be used as physical volumes. If this setting is enabled, it is impossible to create VGs on top of mirror LVs, i.e. to stack VGs on mirror LVs. If this setting is disabled, allowing mirror LVs to be scanned, it may cause LVM processes and I/O to the mirror to become blocked. This is due to the way that the mirror segment type handles failures. In order for the hang to occur, an LVM command must be run just after a failure and before the automatic LVM repair process takes place, or there must be failures in multiple mirrors in the same VG at the same time with write failures occurring moments before a scan of the mirror's labels. The 'mirror' scanning problems do not apply to LVM RAID types like 'raid1' which handle failures in a different way, making them a better choice for VG stacking. Number of I/O errors after which a device is skipped. During each LVM operation, errors received from each device are counted. If the counter of a device exceeds the limit set here, no further I/O is sent to that device for the remainder of the operation. Setting this to 0 disables the counters altogether. Allow use of pvcreate --uuid without requiring --restorefile. Minimum size in KiB of block devices which can be used as PVs. In a clustered environment all nodes must use the same value. Any value smaller than 512KiB is ignored. The previous built-in value was 512. Issue discards to PVs that are no longer used by an LV. Discards are sent to an LV's underlying physical volumes when the LV is no longer using the physical volumes' space, e.g. lvremove, lvreduce. Discards inform the storage that a region is no longer used. Storage that supports discards advertise the protocol-specific way discards should be issued by the kernel (TRIM, UNMAP, or WRITE SAME with UNMAP bit set). Not all storage will support or benefit from discards, but SSDs and thinly provisioned LUNs generally do. If enabled, discards will only be issued if both the storage and kernel provide support. allow_changes_with_duplicate_pvsAllow VG modification while a PV appears on multiple devices. When a PV appears on multiple devices, LVM attempts to choose the best device to use for the PV. If the devices represent the same underlying storage, the choice has minimal consequence. If the devices represent different underlying storage, the wrong choice can result in data loss if the VG is modified. Disabling this setting is the safest option because it prevents modifying a VG or activating LVs in it while a PV appears on multiple devices. Enabling this setting allows the VG to be used as usual even with uncertain devices. Allow PVs in the same VG with different logical block sizes. When allowed, the user is responsible to ensure that an LV is using PVs with matching block sizes when necessary. Advise LVM which PVs to use when searching for new space. When searching for free space to extend an LV, the 'cling' allocation policy will choose space on the same PVs as the last segment of the existing LV. If there is insufficient space and a list of tags is defined here, it will check whether any of them are attached to the PVs concerned and then seek to match those PV tags between existing extents and new extents. # Example Use the special tag "@*" as a wildcard to match any PV tag: cling_tag_list = [ "@*" ] LVs are mirrored between two sites within a single VG, and PVs are tagged with either @site1 or @site2 to indicate where they are situated: cling_tag_list = [ "@site1", "@site2" ] # Use a previous allocation algorithm. Changes made in version 2.02.85 extended the reach of the 'cling' policies to detect more situations where data can be grouped onto the same disks. This setting can be used to disable the changes and revert to the previous algorithm. Use blkid to detect existing signatures on new PVs and LVs. The blkid library can detect more signatures than the native LVM detection code, but may take longer. LVM needs to be compiled with blkid wiping support for this setting to apply. LVM native detection code is currently able to recognize: MD device signatures, swap signature, and LUKS signatures. To see the list of signatures recognized by blkid, check the output of the 'blkid -k' command. wipe_signatures_when_zeroing_new_lvsLook for and erase any signatures while zeroing a new LV. The --wipesignatures option overrides this setting. Zeroing is controlled by the -Z/--zero option, and if not specified, zeroing is used by default if possible. Zeroing simply overwrites the first 4KiB of a new LV with zeroes and does no signature detection or wiping. Signature wiping goes beyond zeroing and detects exact types and positions of signatures within the whole LV. It provides a cleaner LV after creation as all known signatures are wiped. The LV is not claimed incorrectly by other tools because of old signatures from previous use. The number of signatures that LVM can detect depends on the detection code that is selected (see use_blkid_wiping.) Wiping each detected signature must be confirmed. When this setting is disabled, signatures on new LVs are not detected or erased unless the --wipesignatures option is used directly. mirror_logs_require_separate_pvsMirror logs and images will always use different PVs. The default setting changed in version 2.02.85. Stripe across all PVs when RAID stripes are not specified. If enabled, all PVs in the VG or on the command line are used for raid0/4/5/6/10 when the command does not specify the number of stripes to use. This was the default behaviour until release 2.02.162. cache_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvsCache pool metadata and data will always use different PVs. This has been replaced by the allocation/cache_mode setting. Sets default metadata format for new cache. # Accepted values: 0 Automatically detected best available format 1 Original format 2 Improved 2nd. generation format # The default cache mode used for new cache. # Accepted values: writethrough Data blocks are immediately written from the cache to disk. writeback Data blocks are written from the cache back to disk after some delay to improve performance. # This setting replaces allocation/cache_pool_cachemode. The default cache policy used for new cache volume. Since kernel 4.2 the default policy is smq (Stochastic multiqueue), otherwise the older mq (Multiqueue) policy is selected. Settings for the cache policy. See documentation for individual cache policies for more info. Replace this subsection name with a policy name. Multiple subsections for different policies can be created. The minimal chunk size in KiB for cache pool volumes. Using a chunk_size that is too large can result in wasteful use of the cache, where small reads and writes can cause large sections of an LV to be mapped into the cache. However, choosing a chunk_size that is too small can result in more overhead trying to manage the numerous chunks that become mapped into the cache. The former is more of a problem than the latter in most cases, so the default is on the smaller end of the spectrum. Supported values range from 32KiB to 1GiB in multiples of 32. The maximum number of chunks in a cache pool. For cache target v1.9 the recommended maximumm is 1000000 chunks. Using cache pool with more chunks may degrade cache performance. thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvsThin pool metdata and data will always use different PVs. Thin pool data chunks are zeroed before they are first used. Zeroing with a larger thin pool chunk size reduces performance. The discards behaviour of thin pool volumes. # Accepted values: ignore nopassdown passdown # The chunk size calculation policy for thin pool volumes. # Accepted values: generic If thin_pool_chunk_size is defined, use it. Otherwise, calculate the chunk size based on estimation and device hints exposed in sysfs - the minimum_io_size. The chunk size is always at least 64KiB. performance If thin_pool_chunk_size is defined, use it. Otherwise, calculate the chunk size for performance based on device hints exposed in sysfs - the optimal_io_size. The chunk size is always at least 512KiB. # The minimal chunk size in KiB for thin pool volumes. Larger chunk sizes may improve performance for plain thin volumes, however using them for snapshot volumes is less efficient, as it consumes more space and takes extra time for copying. When unset, lvm tries to estimate chunk size starting from 64KiB. Supported values are in the range 64KiB to 1GiB. Default physical extent size in KiB to use for new VGs. Enable or disable LVM log reporting. If enabled, LVM will collect a log of operations, messages, per-object return codes with object identification and associated error numbers (errnos) during LVM command processing. Then the log is either reported solely or in addition to any existing reports, depending on LVM command used. If it is a reporting command (e.g. pvs, vgs, lvs, lvm fullreport), then the log is reported in addition to any existing reports. Otherwise, there's only log report on output. For all applicable LVM commands, you can request that the output has only log report by using --logonly command line option. Use log/command_log_cols and log/command_log_sort settings to define fields to display and sort fields for the log report. You can also use log/command_log_selection to define selection criteria used each time the log is reported. List of columns to sort by when reporting command log. See --logonly --configreport log -o help for the list of possible fields. log_seq_num,log_type,log_context,log_object_type,log_object_name,log_object_id,log_object_group,log_object_group_id,log_message,log_errno,log_ret_codeList of columns to report when reporting command log. See --logonly --configreport log -o help for the list of possible fields. !(log_type=status && message=success)Selection criteria used when reporting command log. You can define selection criteria that are applied each time log is reported. This way, it is possible to control the amount of log that is displayed on output and you can select only parts of the log that are important for you. To define selection criteria, use fields from log report. See also --logonly --configreport log -S help for the list of possible fields and selection operators. You can also define selection criteria for log report on command line directly using --configreport log -S which has precedence over log/command_log_selection setting. For more information about selection criteria in general, see lvm(8) man page. Controls the messages sent to stdout or stderr. Suppress all non-essential messages from stdout. This has the same effect as -qq. When enabled, the following commands still produce output: dumpconfig, lvdisplay, lvmdiskscan, lvs, pvck, pvdisplay, pvs, version, vgcfgrestore -l, vgdisplay, vgs. Non-essential messages are shifted from log level 4 to log level 5 for syslog and lvm2_log_fn purposes. Any 'yes' or 'no' questions not overridden by other arguments are suppressed and default to 'no'. Send log messages through syslog. Write error and debug log messages to a file specified here. Overwrite the log file each time the program is run. The level of log messages that are sent to the log file or syslog. There are 6 syslog-like log levels currently in use: 2 to 7 inclusive. 7 is the most verbose (LOG_DEBUG). Indent messages according to their severity. Display the command name on each line of output. A prefix to use before the log message text. (After the command name, if selected). Two spaces allows you to see/grep the severity of each message. To make the messages look similar to the original LVM tools use: indent = 0, command_names = 1, prefix = " -- " Log messages during activation. Don't use this in low memory situations (can deadlock). #Smemory#Sdevices#Sio#Sactivation#Sallocation#Slvmetad#Smetadata#Scache#Slocking#Slvmpolld#SdbusSelect log messages by class. Some debugging messages are assigned to a class and only appear in debug output if the class is listed here. Classes currently available: memory, devices, io, activation, allocation, lvmetad, metadata, cache, locking, lvmpolld. Use "all" to see everything. Maintain a backup of the current metadata configuration. Think very hard before turning this off! Location of the metadata backup files. Remember to back up this directory regularly! Maintain an archive of old metadata configurations. Think very hard before turning this off. Location of the metdata archive files. Remember to back up this directory regularly! Minimum number of archives to keep. Minimum number of days to keep archive files. Number of lines of history to store in ~/.lvm_history. The file creation mask for any files and directories created. Interpreted as octal if the first digit is zero. No on-disk metadata changes will be made in test mode. Equivalent to having the -t option on every command. Default value for --units argument. Distinguish between powers of 1024 and 1000 bytes. The LVM commands distinguish between powers of 1024 bytes, e.g. KiB, MiB, GiB, and powers of 1000 bytes, e.g. KB, MB, GB. If scripts depend on the old behaviour, disable this setting temporarily until they are updated. Display unit suffix for sizes. This setting has no effect if the units are in human-readable form (global/units = "h") in which case the suffix is always displayed. Enable/disable communication with the kernel device-mapper. Disable to use the tools to manipulate LVM metadata without activating any logical volumes. If the device-mapper driver is not present in the kernel, disabling this should suppress the error messages. Try running LVM1 tools if LVM cannot communicate with DM. This option only applies to 2.4 kernels and is provided to help switch between device-mapper kernels and LVM1 kernels. The LVM1 tools need to be installed with .lvm1 suffices, e.g. vgscan.lvm1. They will stop working once the lvm2 on-disk metadata format is used. The default metadata format that commands should use. The -M 1|2 option overrides this setting. # Accepted values: lvm1 lvm2 # Shared libraries that process different metadata formats. If support for LVM1 metadata was compiled as a shared library use format_libraries = "liblvm2format1.so" Location of /etc system configuration directory. Type of locking to use. # Accepted values: 0 Turns off locking. Warning: this risks metadata corruption if commands run concurrently. 1 LVM uses local file-based locking, the standard mode. 2 LVM uses the external shared library locking_library. 3 LVM uses built-in clustered locking with clvmd. This is incompatible with lvmetad. If use_lvmetad is enabled, LVM prints a warning and disables lvmetad use. 4 LVM uses read-only locking which forbids any operations that might change metadata. 5 Offers dummy locking for tools that do not need any locks. You should not need to set this directly; the tools will select when to use it instead of the configured locking_type. Do not use lvmetad or the kernel device-mapper driver with this locking type. It is used by the --readonly option that offers read-only access to Volume Group metadata that cannot be locked safely because it belongs to an inaccessible domain and might be in use, for example a virtual machine image or a disk that is shared by a clustered machine. # When disabled, fail if a lock request would block. Attempt to use built-in cluster locking if locking_type 2 fails. If using external locking (type 2) and initialisation fails, with this enabled, an attempt will be made to use the built-in clustered locking. Disable this if using a customised locking_library. Use locking_type 1 (local) if locking_type 2 or 3 fail. If an attempt to initialise type 2 or type 3 locking failed, perhaps because cluster components such as clvmd are not running, with this enabled, an attempt will be made to use local file-based locking (type 1). If this succeeds, only commands against local VGs will proceed. VGs marked as clustered will be ignored. Directory to use for LVM command file locks. Local non-LV directory that holds file-based locks while commands are in progress. A directory like /tmp that may get wiped on reboot is OK. Allow quicker VG write access during high volume read access. When there are competing read-only and read-write access requests for a volume group's metadata, instead of always granting the read-only requests immediately, delay them to allow the read-write requests to be serviced. Without this setting, write access may be stalled by a high volume of read-only requests. This option only affects locking_type 1 viz. local file-based locking. Search this directory first for shared libraries. The external locking library to use for locking_type 2. Abort a command that encounters an internal error. Treat any internal errors as fatal errors, aborting the process that encountered the internal error. Please only enable for debugging. detect_internal_vg_cache_corruptionNo operations that change on-disk metadata are permitted. Additionally, read-only commands that encounter metadata in need of repair will still be allowed to proceed exactly as if the repair had been performed (except for the unchanged vg_seqno). Inappropriate use could mess up your system, so seek advice first! The segment type used by the short mirroring option -m. The --type mirror|raid1 option overrides this setting. # Accepted values: mirror The original RAID1 implementation from LVM/DM. It is characterized by a flexible log solution (core, disk, mirrored), and by the necessity to block I/O while handling a failure. There is an inherent race in the dmeventd failure handling logic with snapshots of devices using this type of RAID1 that in the worst case could cause a deadlock. (Also see devices/ignore_lvm_mirrors.) raid1 This is a newer RAID1 implementation using the MD RAID1 personality through device-mapper. It is characterized by a lack of log options. (A log is always allocated for every device and they are placed on the same device as the image, so no separate devices are required.) This mirror implementation does not require I/O to be blocked while handling a failure. This mirror implementation is not cluster-aware and cannot be used in a shared (active/active) fashion in a cluster. # The segment type used by the -i -m combination. The --type raid10|mirror option overrides this setting. The --stripes/-i and --mirrors/-m options can both be specified during the creation of a logical volume to use both striping and mirroring for the LV. There are two different implementations. # Accepted values: raid10 LVM uses MD's RAID10 personality through DM. This is the preferred option. mirror LVM layers the 'mirror' and 'stripe' segment types. The layering is done by creating a mirror LV on top of striped sub-LVs, effectively creating a RAID 0+1 array. The layering is suboptimal in terms of providing redundancy and performance. # The segment type used by the -V -L combination. The --type snapshot|thin option overrides this setting. The combination of -V and -L options creates a sparse LV. There are two different implementations. # Accepted values: snapshot The original snapshot implementation from LVM/DM. It uses an old snapshot that mixes data and metadata within a single COW storage volume and performs poorly when the size of stored data passes hundreds of MB. thin A newer implementation that uses thin provisioning. It has a bigger minimal chunk size (64KiB) and uses a separate volume for metadata. It has better performance, especially when more data is used. It also supports full snapshots. # lvdisplay_shows_full_device_pathEnable this to reinstate the previous lvdisplay name format. The default format for displaying LV names in lvdisplay was changed in version 2.02.89 to show the LV name and path separately. Previously this was always shown as /dev/vgname/lvname even when that was never a valid path in the /dev filesystem. Use async I/O when reading and writing devices. Use lvmetad to cache metadata and reduce disk scanning. When enabled (and running), lvmetad provides LVM commands with VG metadata and PV state. LVM commands then avoid reading this information from disks which can be slow. When disabled (or not running), LVM commands fall back to scanning disks to obtain VG metadata. lvmetad is kept updated via udev rules which must be set up for LVM to work correctly. (The udev rules should be installed by default.) Without a proper udev setup, changes in the system's block device configuration will be unknown to LVM, and ignored until a manual 'pvscan --cache' is run. If lvmetad was running while use_lvmetad was disabled, it must be stopped, use_lvmetad enabled, and then started. When using lvmetad, LV activation is switched to an automatic, event-based mode. In this mode, LVs are activated based on incoming udev events that inform lvmetad when PVs appear on the system. When a VG is complete (all PVs present), it is auto-activated. The auto_activation_volume_list setting controls which LVs are auto-activated (all by default.) When lvmetad is updated (automatically by udev events, or directly by pvscan --cache), devices/filter is ignored and all devices are scanned by default. lvmetad always keeps unfiltered information which is provided to LVM commands. Each LVM command then filters based on devices/filter. This does not apply to other, non-regexp, filtering settings: component filters such as multipath and MD are checked during pvscan --cache. To filter a device and prevent scanning from the LVM system entirely, including lvmetad, use devices/global_filter. Number of seconds a command will wait for lvmetad update to finish. After waiting for this period, a command will not use lvmetad, and will revert to disk scanning. Use lvmlockd for locking among hosts using LVM on shared storage. Applicable only if LVM is compiled with lockd support in which case there is also lvmlockd(8) man page available for more information. Retry lvmlockd lock requests this many times. Applicable only if LVM is compiled with lockd support Size in MiB to extend the internal LV holding sanlock locks. The internal LV holds locks for each LV in the VG, and after enough LVs have been created, the internal LV needs to be extended. lvcreate will automatically extend the internal LV when needed by the amount specified here. Setting this to 0 disables the automatic extension and can cause lvcreate to fail. Applicable only if LVM is compiled with lockd support The full path to the thin_check command. LVM uses this command to check that a thin metadata device is in a usable state. When a thin pool is activated and after it is deactivated, this command is run. Activation will only proceed if the command has an exit status of 0. Set to "" to skip this check. (Not recommended.) Also see thin_check_options. (See package device-mapper-persistent-data or thin-provisioning-tools) The full path to the thin_dump command. LVM uses this command to dump thin pool metadata. (See package device-mapper-persistent-data or thin-provisioning-tools) The full path to the thin_repair command. LVM uses this command to repair a thin metadata device if it is in an unusable state. Also see thin_repair_options. (See package device-mapper-persistent-data or thin-provisioning-tools) #S-q#S--clear-needs-check-flagList of options passed to the thin_check command. With thin_check version 2.1 or newer you can add the option --ignore-non-fatal-errors to let it pass through ignorable errors and fix them later. With thin_check version 3.2 or newer you should include the option --clear-needs-check-flag. List of options passed to the thin_repair command. Features to not use in the thin driver. This can be helpful for testing, or to avoid using a feature that is causing problems. Features include: block_size, discards, discards_non_power_2, external_origin, metadata_resize, external_origin_extend, error_if_no_space. # Example thin_disabled_features = [ "discards", "block_size" ] # Features to not use in the cache driver. This can be helpful for testing, or to avoid using a feature that is causing problems. Features include: policy_mq, policy_smq, metadata2. # Example cache_disabled_features = [ "policy_smq" ] # The full path to the cache_check command. LVM uses this command to check that a cache metadata device is in a usable state. When a cached LV is activated and after it is deactivated, this command is run. Activation will only proceed if the command has an exit status of 0. Set to "" to skip this check. (Not recommended.) Also see cache_check_options. (See package device-mapper-persistent-data or thin-provisioning-tools) The full path to the cache_dump command. LVM uses this command to dump cache pool metadata. (See package device-mapper-persistent-data or thin-provisioning-tools) The full path to the cache_repair command. LVM uses this command to repair a cache metadata device if it is in an unusable state. Also see cache_repair_options. (See package device-mapper-persistent-data or thin-provisioning-tools) List of options passed to the cache_check command. With cache_check version 5.0 or newer you should include the option --clear-needs-check-flag. List of options passed to the cache_repair command. The full path to the fsadm command. LVM uses this command to help with lvresize -r operations. The method LVM uses to set the local system ID. Volume Groups can also be given a system ID (by vgcreate, vgchange, or vgimport.) A VG on shared storage devices is accessible only to the host with a matching system ID. See 'man lvmsystemid' for information on limitations and correct usage. # Accepted values: none The host has no system ID. lvmlocal Obtain the system ID from the system_id setting in the 'local' section of an lvm configuration file, e.g. lvmlocal.conf. uname Set the system ID from the hostname (uname) of the system. System IDs beginning localhost are not permitted. machineid Use the contents of the machine-id file to set the system ID. Some systems create this file at installation time. See 'man machine-id' and global/etc. file Use the contents of another file (system_id_file) to set the system ID. # The full path to the file containing a system ID. This is used when system_id_source is set to 'file'. Comments starting with the character # are ignored. Perform internal checks of libdevmapper operations. Useful for debugging problems with activation. Some of the checks may be expensive, so it's best to use this only when there seems to be a problem. Use lvmpolld to supervise long running LVM commands. When enabled, control of long running LVM commands is transferred from the original LVM command to the lvmpolld daemon. This allows the operation to continue independent of the original LVM command. After lvmpolld takes over, the LVM command displays the progress of the ongoing operation. lvmpolld itself runs LVM commands to manage the progress of ongoing operations. lvmpolld can be used as a native systemd service, which allows it to be started on demand, and to use its own control group. When this option is disabled, LVM commands will supervise long running operations by forking themselves. Applicable only if LVM is compiled with lvmpolld support. Enable D-Bus notification from LVM commands. When enabled, an LVM command that changes PVs, changes VG metadata, or changes the activation state of an LV will send a notification. The amount of memory in KiB that LVM allocates to perform disk io. LVM performance may benefit from more io memory when there are many disks or VG metadata is large. Increasing this size may be necessary when a single copy of VG metadata is larger than the current setting. This value should usually not be decreased from the default; setting it too low can result in lvm failing to read VGs. Use udev notifications to synchronize udev and LVM. The --nodevsync option overrides this setting. When disabled, LVM commands will not wait for notifications from udev, but continue irrespective of any possible udev processing in the background. Only use this if udev is not running or has rules that ignore the devices LVM creates. If enabled when udev is not running, and LVM processes are waiting for udev, run the command 'dmsetup udevcomplete_all' to wake them up. Use udev rules to manage LV device nodes and symlinks. When disabled, LVM will manage the device nodes and symlinks for active LVs itself. Manual intervention may be required if this setting is changed while LVs are active. Use extra checks in LVM to verify udev operations. This enables additional checks (and if necessary, repairs) on entries in the device directory after udev has completed processing its events. Useful for diagnosing problems with LVM/udev interactions. Retry failed LV deactivation. If LV deactivation fails, LVM will retry for a few seconds before failing. This may happen because a process run from a quick udev rule temporarily opened the device. Method to fill missing stripes when activating an incomplete LV. Using 'error' will make inaccessible parts of the device return I/O errors on access. Using 'zero' will return success (and zero) on I/O You can instead use a device path, in which case, that device will be used in place of missing stripes. Using anything other than 'error' with mirrored or snapshotted volumes is likely to result in data corruption. Use the linear target to optimize single stripe LVs. When disabled, the striped target is used. The linear target is an optimised version of the striped target that only handles a single stripe. Stack size in KiB to reserve for use while devices are suspended. Insufficent reserve risks I/O deadlock during device suspension. Memory size in KiB to reserve for use while devices are suspended. Insufficent reserve risks I/O deadlock during device suspension. Nice value used while devices are suspended. Use a high priority so that LVs are suspended for the shortest possible time. Only LVs selected by this list are activated. If this list is defined, an LV is only activated if it matches an entry in this list. If this list is undefined, it imposes no limits on LV activation (all are allowed). # Accepted values: vgname The VG name is matched exactly and selects all LVs in the VG. vgname/lvname The VG name and LV name are matched exactly and selects the LV. @tag Selects an LV if the specified tag matches a tag set on the LV or VG. @* Selects an LV if a tag defined on the host is also set on the LV or VG. See tags/hosttags. If any host tags exist but volume_list is not defined, a default single-entry list containing '@*' is assumed. # Example volume_list = [ "vg1", "vg2/lvol1", "@tag1", "@*" ] # Only LVs selected by this list are auto-activated. This list works like volume_list, but it is used only by auto-activation commands. It does not apply to direct activation commands. If this list is defined, an LV is only auto-activated if it matches an entry in this list. If this list is undefined, it imposes no limits on LV auto-activation (all are allowed.) If this list is defined and empty, i.e. "[]", then no LVs are selected for auto-activation. An LV that is selected by this list for auto-activation, must also be selected by volume_list (if defined) before it is activated. Auto-activation is an activation command that includes the 'a' argument: --activate ay or -a ay. The 'a' (auto) argument for auto-activation is meant to be used by activation commands that are run automatically by the system, as opposed to LVM commands run directly by a user. A user may also use the 'a' flag directly to perform auto-activation. Also see pvscan(8) for more information about auto-activation. # Accepted values: vgname The VG name is matched exactly and selects all LVs in the VG. vgname/lvname The VG name and LV name are matched exactly and selects the LV. @tag Selects an LV if the specified tag matches a tag set on the LV or VG. @* Selects an LV if a tag defined on the host is also set on the LV or VG. See tags/hosttags. If any host tags exist but volume_list is not defined, a default single-entry list containing '@*' is assumed. # Example auto_activation_volume_list = [ "vg1", "vg2/lvol1", "@tag1", "@*" ] # LVs in this list are activated in read-only mode. If this list is defined, each LV that is to be activated is checked against this list, and if it matches, it is activated in read-only mode. This overrides the permission setting stored in the metadata, e.g. from --permission rw. # Accepted values: vgname The VG name is matched exactly and selects all LVs in the VG. vgname/lvname The VG name and LV name are matched exactly and selects the LV. @tag Selects an LV if the specified tag matches a tag set on the LV or VG. @* Selects an LV if a tag defined on the host is also set on the LV or VG. See tags/hosttags. If any host tags exist but volume_list is not defined, a default single-entry list containing '@*' is assumed. # Example read_only_volume_list = [ "vg1", "vg2/lvol1", "@tag1", "@*" ] # This has been replaced by the activation/raid_region_size setting. Size in KiB of each raid or mirror synchronization region. Size in KiB of each raid or mirror synchronization region. The clean/dirty state of data is tracked for each region. The value is rounded down to a power of two if necessary, and is ignored if it is not a multiple of the machine memory page size. Return errors if a thin pool runs out of space. The --errorwhenfull option overrides this setting. When enabled, writes to thin LVs immediately return an error if the thin pool is out of data space. When disabled, writes to thin LVs are queued if the thin pool is out of space, and processed when the thin pool data space is extended. New thin pools are assigned the behavior defined here. Setting to use when there is no readahead setting in metadata. # Accepted values: none Disable readahead. auto Use default value chosen by kernel. # Defines how a device failure in a RAID LV is handled. This includes LVs that have the following segment types: raid1, raid4, raid5*, and raid6*. If a device in the LV fails, the policy determines the steps performed by dmeventd automatically, and the steps perfomed by the manual command lvconvert --repair --use-policies. Automatic handling requires dmeventd to be monitoring the LV. # Accepted values: warn Use the system log to warn the user that a device in the RAID LV has failed. It is left to the user to run lvconvert --repair manually to remove or replace the failed device. As long as the number of failed devices does not exceed the redundancy of the LV (1 device for raid4/5, 2 for raid6), the LV will remain usable. allocate Attempt to use any extra physical volumes in the VG as spares and replace faulty devices. # Defines how a device failure in a 'mirror' LV is handled. An LV with the 'mirror' segment type is composed of mirror images (copies) and a mirror log. A disk log ensures that a mirror LV does not need to be re-synced (all copies made the same) every time a machine reboots or crashes. If a device in the LV fails, this policy determines the steps perfomed by dmeventd automatically, and the steps performed by the manual command lvconvert --repair --use-policies. Automatic handling requires dmeventd to be monitoring the LV. # Accepted values: remove Simply remove the faulty device and run without it. If the log device fails, the mirror would convert to using an in-memory log. This means the mirror will not remember its sync status across crashes/reboots and the entire mirror will be re-synced. If a mirror image fails, the mirror will convert to a non-mirrored device if there is only one remaining good copy. allocate Remove the faulty device and try to allocate space on a new device to be a replacement for the failed device. Using this policy for the log is fast and maintains the ability to remember sync state through crashes/reboots. Using this policy for a mirror device is slow, as it requires the mirror to resynchronize the devices, but it will preserve the mirror characteristic of the device. This policy acts like 'remove' if no suitable device and space can be allocated for the replacement. allocate_anywhere Not yet implemented. Useful to place the log device temporarily on the same physical volume as one of the mirror images. This policy is not recommended for mirror devices since it would break the redundant nature of the mirror. This policy acts like 'remove' if no suitable device and space can be allocated for the replacement. # Defines how a device failure in a 'mirror' log LV is handled. The mirror_image_fault_policy description for mirrored LVs also applies to mirrored log LVs. This has been replaced by the activation/mirror_image_fault_policy setting. Define how a device failure affecting a mirror is handled. Auto-extend a snapshot when its usage exceeds this percent. Setting this to 100 disables automatic extension. The minimum value is 50 (a smaller value is treated as 50.) Also see snapshot_autoextend_percent. Automatic extension requires dmeventd to be monitoring the LV. # Example Using 70% autoextend threshold and 20% autoextend size, when a 1G snapshot exceeds 700M, it is extended to 1.2G, and when it exceeds 840M, it is extended to 1.44G: snapshot_autoextend_threshold = 70 # Auto-extending a snapshot adds this percent extra space. The amount of additional space added to a snapshot is this percent of its current size. # Example Using 70% autoextend threshold and 20% autoextend size, when a 1G snapshot exceeds 700M, it is extended to 1.2G, and when it exceeds 840M, it is extended to 1.44G: snapshot_autoextend_percent = 20 # thin_pool_autoextend_thresholdAuto-extend a thin pool when its usage exceeds this percent. Setting this to 100 disables automatic extension. The minimum value is 50 (a smaller value is treated as 50.) Also see thin_pool_autoextend_percent. Automatic extension requires dmeventd to be monitoring the LV. # Example Using 70% autoextend threshold and 20% autoextend size, when a 1G thin pool exceeds 700M, it is extended to 1.2G, and when it exceeds 840M, it is extended to 1.44G: thin_pool_autoextend_threshold = 70 # Auto-extending a thin pool adds this percent extra space. The amount of additional space added to a thin pool is this percent of its current size. # Example Using 70% autoextend threshold and 20% autoextend size, when a 1G thin pool exceeds 700M, it is extended to 1.2G, and when it exceeds 840M, it is extended to 1.44G: thin_pool_autoextend_percent = 20 # Do not mlock these memory areas. While activating devices, I/O to devices being (re)configured is suspended. As a precaution against deadlocks, LVM pins memory it is using so it is not paged out, and will not require I/O to reread. Groups of pages that are known not to be accessed during activation do not need to be pinned into memory. Each string listed in this setting is compared against each line in /proc/self/maps, and the pages corresponding to lines that match are not pinned. On some systems, locale-archive was found to make up over 80% of the memory used by the process. # Example mlock_filter = [ "locale/locale-archive", "gconv/gconv-modules.cache" ] # Use the old behavior of mlockall to pin all memory. Prior to version 2.02.62, LVM used mlockall() to pin the whole process's memory while activating devices. Monitor LVs that are activated. The --ignoremonitoring option overrides this setting. When enabled, LVM will ask dmeventd to monitor activated LVs. Check pvmove or lvconvert progress at this interval (seconds). When pvmove or lvconvert must wait for the kernel to finish synchronising or merging data, they check and report progress at intervals of this number of seconds. If this is set to 0 and there is only one thing to wait for, there are no progress reports, but the process is awoken immediately once the operation is complete. Set the activation skip flag on new thin snapshot LVs. The --setactivationskip option overrides this setting. An LV can have a persistent 'activation skip' flag. The flag causes the LV to be skipped during normal activation. The lvchange/vgchange -K option is required to activate LVs that have the activation skip flag set. When this setting is enabled, the activation skip flag is set on new thin snapshot LVs. How LVs with missing devices are activated. The --activationmode option overrides this setting. # Accepted values: complete Only allow activation of an LV if all of the Physical Volumes it uses are present. Other PVs in the Volume Group may be missing. degraded Like complete, but additionally RAID LVs of segment type raid1, raid4, raid5, radid6 and raid10 will be activated if there is no data loss, i.e. they have sufficient redundancy to present the entire addressable range of the Logical Volume. partial Allows the activation of any LV even if a missing or failed PV could cause data loss with a portion of the LV inaccessible. This setting should not normally be used, but may sometimes assist with data recovery. # Locking is started only for VGs selected by this list. The rules are the same as those for volume_list. Locking is auto-started only for VGs selected by this list. The rules are the same as those for auto_activation_volume_list. Check device sizes are not smaller than corresponding PV sizes. If device size is less than corresponding PV size found in metadata, there is always a risk of data loss. If this option is set, then LVM issues a warning message each time it finds that the device size is less than corresponding PV size. You should not disable this unless you are absolutely sure about what you are doing! When enabled, LVM keeps history records about removed LVs in metadata. The information that is recorded in metadata for historical LVs is reduced when compared to original information kept in metadata for live LVs. Currently, this feature is supported for thin and thin snapshot LVs only. Retention time in seconds after which a record about individual historical logical volume is automatically destroyed. A value of 0 disables this feature. Number of copies of metadata to store on each PV. The --pvmetadatacopies option overrides this setting. # Accepted values: 2 Two copies of the VG metadata are stored on the PV, one at the front of the PV, and one at the end. 1 One copy of VG metadata is stored at the front of the PV. 0 No copies of VG metadata are stored on the PV. This may be useful for VGs containing large numbers of PVs. # Number of copies of metadata to maintain for each VG. The --vgmetadatacopies option overrides this setting. If set to a non-zero value, LVM automatically chooses which of the available metadata areas to use to achieve the requested number of copies of the VG metadata. If you set a value larger than the the total number of metadata areas available, then metadata is stored in them all. The value 0 (unmanaged) disables this automatic management and allows you to control which metadata areas are used at the individual PV level using pvchange --metadataignore y|n. Approximate number of sectors to use for each metadata copy. VGs with large numbers of PVs or LVs, or VGs containing complex LV structures, may need additional space for VG metadata. The metadata areas are treated as circular buffers, so unused space becomes filled with an archive of the most recent previous versions of the metadata. Ignore metadata areas on a new PV. The --metadataignore option overrides this setting. If metadata areas on a PV are ignored, LVM will not store metadata in them. Directories holding live copies of text format metadata. These directories must not be on logical volumes! It's possible to use LVM with a couple of directories here, preferably on different (non-LV) filesystems, and with no other on-disk metadata (pvmetadatacopies = 0). Or this can be in addition to on-disk metadata areas. The feature was originally added to simplify testing and is not supported under low memory situations - the machine could lock up. Never edit any files in these directories by hand unless you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing! Use the supplied toolset to make changes (e.g. vgcfgrestore). # Example dirs = [ "/etc/lvm/metadata", "/mnt/disk2/lvm/metadata2" ] # Format of LVM command's report output. If there is more than one report per command, then the format is applied for all reports. You can also change output format directly on command line using --reportformat option which has precedence over log/output_format setting. Accepted values: basic Original format with columns and rows. If there is more than one report per command, each report is prefixed with report's name for identification. json JSON format. Do not print empty values for all report fields. If enabled, all fields that don't have a value set for any of the rows reported are skipped and not printed. Compact output is applicable only if report/buffered is enabled. If you need to compact only specified fields, use compact_output=0 and define report/compact_output_cols configuration setting instead. Do not print empty values for specified report fields. If defined, specified fields that don't have a value set for any of the rows reported are skipped and not printed. Compact output is applicable only if report/buffered is enabled. If you need to compact all fields, use compact_output=1 instead in which case the compact_output_cols setting is then ignored. Align columns in report output. Buffer report output. When buffered reporting is used, the report's content is appended incrementally to include each object being reported until the report is flushed to output which normally happens at the end of command execution. Otherwise, if buffering is not used, each object is reported as soon as its processing is finished. Show headings for columns on report. A separator to use on report after each field. A separator to use for list items when reported. Use a field name prefix for each field reported. Quote field values when using field name prefixes. Output each column as a row. If set, this also implies report/prefixes=1. Use binary values 0 or 1 instead of descriptive literal values. For columns that have exactly two valid values to report (not counting the 'unknown' value which denotes that the value could not be determined). Set time format for fields reporting time values. Format specification is a string which may contain special character sequences and ordinary character sequences. Ordinary character sequences are copied verbatim. Each special character sequence is introduced by the '%' character and such sequence is then substituted with a value as described below. # Accepted values: %a The abbreviated name of the day of the week according to the current locale. %A The full name of the day of the week according to the current locale. %b The abbreviated month name according to the current locale. %B The full month name according to the current locale. %c The preferred date and time representation for the current locale (alt E) %C The century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer. (alt E) %d The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31). (alt O) %D Equivalent to %m/%d/%y. (For Americans only. Americans should note that in other countries%d/%m/%y is rather common. This means that in international context this format is ambiguous and should not be used. %e Like %d, the day of the month as a decimal number, but a leading zero is replaced by a space. (alt O) %E Modifier: use alternative local-dependent representation if available. %F Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (the ISO 8601 date format). %G The ISO 8601 week-based year with century as adecimal number. The 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number (see %V). This has the same format and value as %Y, except that if the ISO week number belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. %g Like %G, but without century, that is, with a 2-digit year (00-99). %h Equivalent to %b. %H The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23). (alt O) %I The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12). (alt O) %j The day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366). %k The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 0 to 23); single digits are preceded by a blank. (See also %H.) %l The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 1 to 12); single digits are preceded by a blank. (See also %I.) %m The month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12). (alt O) %M The minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59). (alt O) %O Modifier: use alternative numeric symbols. %p Either "AM" or "PM" according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale. Noon is treated as "PM" and midnight as "AM". %P Like %p but in lowercase: "am" or "pm" or a corresponding string for the current locale. %r The time in a.m. or p.m. notation. In the POSIX locale this is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p. %R The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M). For a version including the seconds, see %T below. %s The number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC) %S The second as a decimal number (range 00 to 60). (The range is up to 60 to allow for occasional leap seconds.) (alt O) %t A tab character. %T The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M:%S). %u The day of the week as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1. See also %w. (alt O) %U The week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 00 to 53, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of week 01. See also %V and %W. (alt O) %V The ISO 8601 week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the new year. See also %U and %W. (alt O) %w The day of the week as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday being 0. See also %u. (alt O) %W The week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 00 to 53, starting with the first Monday as the first day of week 01. (alt O) %x The preferred date representation for the current locale without the time. (alt E) %X The preferred time representation for the current locale without the date. (alt E) %y The year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99). (alt E, alt O) %Y The year as a decimal number including the century. (alt E) %z The +hhmm or -hhmm numeric timezone (that is, the hour and minute offset from UTC). %Z The timezone name or abbreviation. %% A literal '%' character. # List of columns to sort by when reporting 'lvm devtypes' command. See 'lvm devtypes -o help' for the list of possible fields. devtype_name,devtype_max_partitions,devtype_descriptionList of columns to report for 'lvm devtypes' command. See 'lvm devtypes -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to report for 'lvm devtypes' command in verbose mode. See 'lvm devtypes -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting 'lvs' command. See 'lvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. lv_name,vg_name,lv_attr,lv_size,pool_lv,origin,data_percent,metadata_percent,move_pv,mirror_log,copy_percent,convert_lvList of columns to report for 'lvs' command. See 'lvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. lv_name,vg_name,seg_count,lv_attr,lv_size,lv_major,lv_minor,lv_kernel_major,lv_kernel_minor,pool_lv,origin,data_percent,metadata_percent,move_pv,copy_percent,mirror_log,convert_lv,lv_uuid,lv_profileList of columns to report for 'lvs' command in verbose mode. See 'lvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting 'vgs' command. See 'vgs -o help' for the list of possible fields. vg_name,pv_count,lv_count,snap_count,vg_attr,vg_size,vg_freeList of columns to report for 'vgs' command. See 'vgs -o help' for the list of possible fields. vg_name,vg_attr,vg_extent_size,pv_count,lv_count,snap_count,vg_size,vg_free,vg_uuid,vg_profileList of columns to report for 'vgs' command in verbose mode. See 'vgs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting 'pvs' command. See 'pvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. pv_name,vg_name,pv_fmt,pv_attr,pv_size,pv_freeList of columns to report for 'pvs' command. See 'pvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. pv_name,vg_name,pv_fmt,pv_attr,pv_size,pv_free,dev_size,pv_uuidList of columns to report for 'pvs' command in verbose mode. See 'pvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting 'lvs --segments' command. See 'lvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. lv_name,vg_name,lv_attr,stripes,segtype,seg_sizeList of columns to report for 'lvs --segments' command. See 'lvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. lv_name,vg_name,lv_attr,seg_start,seg_size,stripes,segtype,stripesize,chunksizeList of columns to report for 'lvs --segments' command in verbose mode. See 'lvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting 'pvs --segments' command. See 'pvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. pv_name,vg_name,pv_fmt,pv_attr,pv_size,pv_free,pvseg_start,pvseg_sizepv_name,vg_name,pv_fmt,pv_attr,pv_size,pv_free,pvseg_start,pvseg_size,lv_name,seg_start_pe,segtype,seg_pe_rangesList of columns to sort by when reporting 'pvs --segments' command in verbose mode. See 'pvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to report for lvm fullreport's 'vgs' subreport. See 'vgs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to report for lvm fullreport's 'vgs' subreport. See 'pvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to report for lvm fullreport's 'lvs' subreport. See 'lvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to report for lvm fullreport's 'pvseg' subreport. See 'pvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to report for lvm fullreport's 'seg' subreport. See 'lvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting lvm fullreport's 'vgs' subreport. See 'vgs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting lvm fullreport's 'vgs' subreport. See 'pvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting lvm fullreport's 'lvs' subreport. See 'lvs -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting for lvm fullreport's 'pvseg' subreport. See 'pvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. List of columns to sort by when reporting lvm fullreport's 'seg' subreport. See 'lvs --segments -o help' for the list of possible fields. Use brackets [] to mark hidden devices. Use the two words 'unknown device' in place of '[unknown]'. This is displayed when the device for a PV is not known. libdevmapper-event-lvm2mirror.soThe library dmeventd uses when monitoring a mirror device. libdevmapper-event-lvm2mirror.so attempts to recover from failures. It removes failed devices from a volume group and reconfigures a mirror as necessary. If no mirror library is provided, mirrors are not monitored through dmeventd. libdevmapper-event-lvm2raid.solibdevmapper-event-lvm2snapshot.soThe library dmeventd uses when monitoring a snapshot device. libdevmapper-event-lvm2snapshot.so monitors the filling of snapshots and emits a warning through syslog when the usage exceeds 80%. The warning is repeated when 85%, 90% and 95% of the snapshot is filled. libdevmapper-event-lvm2thin.soThe library dmeventd uses when monitoring a thin device. libdevmapper-event-lvm2thin.so monitors the filling of a pool and emits a warning through syslog when the usage exceeds 80%. The warning is repeated when 85%, 90% and 95% of the pool is filled. The plugin runs command with each 5% increment when thin-pool data volume or metadata volume gets above 50%. Command which starts with 'lvm ' prefix is internal lvm command. You can write your own handler to customise behaviour in more details. User handler is specified with the full path starting with '/'. The full path to the dmeventd binary. Create a host tag using the machine name. The machine name is nodename returned by uname(2). Replace this subsection name with a custom tag name. Multiple subsections like this can be created. The '@' prefix for tags is optional. This subsection can contain host_list, which is a list of machine names. If the name of the local machine is found in host_list, then the name of this subsection is used as a tag and is applied to the local machine as a 'host tag'. If this subsection is empty (has no host_list), then the subsection name is always applied as a 'host tag'. # Example The host tag foo is given to all hosts, and the host tag bar is given to the hosts named machine1 and machine2. tags { foo { } bar { host_list = [ "machine1", "machine2" ] } } # A list of machine names. These machine names are compared to the nodename returned by uname(2). If the local machine name matches an entry in this list, the name of the subsection is applied to the machine as a 'host tag'. Defines the local system ID for lvmlocal mode. This is used when global/system_id_source is set to 'lvmlocal' in the main configuration file, e.g. lvm.conf. When used, it must be set to a unique value among all hosts sharing access to the storage, e.g. a host name. # Example Set no system ID: system_id = "" Set the system_id to a specific name: system_id = "host1" # A list of extra VG system IDs the local host can access. VGs with the system IDs listed here (in addition to the host's own system ID) can be fully accessed by the local host. (These are system IDs that the host sees in VGs, not system IDs that identify the local host, which is determined by system_id_source.) Use this only after consulting 'man lvmsystemid' to be certain of correct usage and possible dangers. The lvmlockd sanlock host_id. This must be unique among all hosts, and must be between 1 and 2000. Applicable only if LVM is compiled with lockd support backupconfig/config.cSetting %s to %s#<%u.%u.%uoption%s# Configuration %s %s. %s# %s %s# %s string float integer boolean section array with values of type:%s%s%s%s%s%s - %s%s%s%s%s%s%s # Failed to duplicate filename.%s is not a regular file%s is emptyconfig_tree allocation failedLoading config file: %sFailed to load config file %sstdoutDumping configuration to %sFailure while writing to %scommand profilemetadata profileUndefined profile name.profile allocation failed%s/%s.profileIgnoring invalid %s %s.%s%s%s/%s.cache%s/%s/%s.cache(root)How LVM uses block devices. shellreportHost tag settings. checksabort_on_errorsprofile_dir#S/devloopfilesobtain_device_list_from_udevexternal_device_info_sourcepreferred_names#Sa|.*/|global_filterCache file path. cache_dircache_file_prefixwrite_cache_statesysfs_scanscan_lvsmultipath_component_detectionmd_component_detectionfw_raid_component_detectionmd_chunk_alignmentdefault_data_alignmentdata_alignment_detectionignore_suspended_devicesignore_lvm_mirrorsdisable_after_error_countrequire_restorefile_with_uuidpv_min_sizeissue_discardsallow_mixed_block_sizescling_tag_listmaximise_clinguse_blkid_wiping@DEFAULT_USE_BLKID_WIPING@raid_stripe_all_devicescache_pool_cachemodewritethroughCache mode. cache_metadata_formatcache_modepolicy_settingscache_pool_chunk_sizecache_pool_max_chunksthin_pool_zerothin_pool_discardsthin_pool_chunk_size_policygenericthin_pool_chunk_sizephysical_extent_sizereport_command_logcommand_log_sortlog_seq_numcommand_log_colscommand_log_selectionsilentsyslogoverwritelevelindentcommand_namesactivate_filedebug_classesbackup_dirarchive_dirretain_minretain_dayshistory_sizeumasktestunitssi_unit_consistencysuffixfallback_to_lvm1@DEFAULT_FALLBACK_TO_LVM1@format_librariessegment_libraries/procLocation of proc filesystem. /etc@CONFDIR@locking_typewait_for_locksfallback_to_clustered_lockingfallback_to_local_lockinglocking_dir/run/lock/lvm@DEFAULT_LOCK_DIR@prioritise_write_lockslibrary_dirlocking_libraryliblvm2clusterlock.soabort_on_internal_errorsNo longer used. metadata_read_onlymirror_segtype_defaultraid1@DEFAULT_MIRROR_SEGTYPE@raid10_segtype_defaultraid10@DEFAULT_RAID10_SEGTYPE@sparse_segtype_default@DEFAULT_SPARSE_SEGTYPE@use_aiouse_lvmetad@DEFAULT_USE_LVMETAD@lvmetad_update_wait_timeuse_lvmlockdlvmlockd_lock_retriessanlock_lv_extendthin_check_executable/usr/sbin/thin_check@THIN_CHECK_CMD@thin_dump_executable/usr/sbin/thin_dump@THIN_DUMP_CMD@thin_repair_executable/usr/sbin/thin_repair@THIN_REPAIR_CMD@thin_check_optionsthin_repair_options#Sthin_disabled_featurescache_disabled_featurescache_check_executable/usr/sbin/cache_check@CACHE_CHECK_CMD@cache_dump_executable/usr/sbin/cache_dump@CACHE_DUMP_CMD@cache_repair_executable/usr/sbin/cache_repair@CACHE_REPAIR_CMD@cache_check_optionscache_repair_optionsfsadm_executable/usr/sbin/fsadm@FSADM_PATH@system_id_sourcesystem_id_fileuse_lvmpolld@DEFAULT_USE_LVMPOLLD@notify_dbusio_memory_sizeudev_syncudev_rulesverify_udev_operationsretry_deactivationmissing_stripe_filleruse_linear_targetreserved_stackreserved_memoryprocess_priorityauto_activation_volume_listread_only_volume_listmirror_region_sizeraid_region_sizeerror_when_fullreadaheadraid_fault_policywarnmirror_image_fault_policymirror_log_fault_policyallocatemirror_device_fault_policysnapshot_autoextend_thresholdsnapshot_autoextend_percentthin_pool_autoextend_percentmlock_filteruse_mlockallmonitoringpolling_intervalauto_set_activation_skipactivation_modedegradedauto_lock_start_listcheck_pv_device_sizesrecord_lvs_historylvs_history_retention_timevgmetadatacopiespvmetadataignoredirsdisk_areasdisk_areastart_sectoroutput_formatbasiccompact_outputcompact_output_colsalignedbufferedheadingslist_item_separator,prefixesquotedcolumns_as_rowsbinary_values_as_numerictime_format%Y-%m-%d %T %zdevtypes_sortdevtype_namedevtypes_colsdevtypes_cols_verboselvs_sortvg_name,lv_namelvs_colslvs_cols_verbosevgs_sortvg_namevgs_colsvgs_cols_verbosepvs_sortpvs_colspvs_cols_verbosevg_name,lv_name,seg_startpvsegs_sortpv_name,pvseg_startpvsegs_colspvsegs_cols_verbosevgs_cols_fullvg_allpvs_cols_fullpv_alllvs_cols_fulllv_allpvsegs_cols_fullpvseg_all,pv_uuid,lv_uuidseg_all,lv_uuidvgs_sort_fullpvs_sort_fulllvs_sort_fullpvsegs_sort_fullpv_uuid,pvseg_startlv_uuid,seg_startmark_hidden_devicestwo_word_unknown_devicemirror_libraryraid_librarysnapshot_librarythin_librarythin_commandlvm lvextend --use-policies/usr/sbin/dmeventd@DMEVENTD_PATH@hosttagstagextra_system_idshost_idundefinedmerged filesspecial purposeHXDD4str_list allocation faileddatastruct/str_list.cstr_list_to_str: string allocation failed.str_to_str_list: string list allocation failed.str_to_str_list: string list item allocation failed.device/dev-cache.cfgetsblock/dm-disk/%s: %s failed: %slstat%s: Not available device node%sdev/block/%d:%d/dm/uuidfilename strdup failedFound dev %d:%d %s - new.%s: Not in udev db%s: New preferred nameIgnoring %s: %s.Ignoring %s: Not a directory.dir_list allocation failedexcluded by a filterdev_iter allocation failed%sdev/block/%d:%d/holders/opendir%sblock/%s/devclosedir%sdev/blockFailed to udev_enumerate_new.%s: Not a regular filenot found in configdev_cachestrdup dev_dir failed.preferred device name matcher%sdev/block/%d:%ddm_snprintf partition failed._get_sysfs_value: %s: no valuestruct device allocation failed_insert_sysfs_dev: %s: dm_snprintf failed_insert_sysfs_dev: %s: dm_pool_strdup failedCouldn't add alias to dev cache.Couldn't add device to binary tree of sysfs-only devices in dev cache.%s: failed to allocate device list for device cache index.%s: failed to insert device list to device cache index.%d:%d: dm_snprintf failed for path to sysfs dm directory.struct dm_str_list allocation failedFound dev %d:%d %s - exists. %.8sCouldn't insert device into binary tree.Failed to duplicate path string.Couldn't add name to hash in dev cache.Found dev %d:%d %s - new alias.Found dev %d:%d %s - new device, path was previously %d:%d.Found dev %d:%d %s - existing device, path was previously %d:%d.Found dev %d:%d %s - failed to use.%s: Symbolic link to directoryIgnoring %s: Not a regular file.dir_list allocation failed for file%s: dm_snprintf failed for path to holders directory.%s: path does not exist, skipping%s: dm_snprintf failed for holder %s device path._get_device_for_sysfs_dev_name_using_devno: %s: dm_snprintf failed_get_device_for_sysfs_dev_name_using_devno: %s: failed to get major and minor number%s: failed to allocate dev list item.%s: failed to find associated device structure for holder %s.dev_cache_index_devs: dm_snprintf failed._dev_cache_iterate_sysfs_for_index: %s: failed to get major and minor numberCreating list of system devices.Failed to udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem.Failed to udev_enumerate_scan_devices.udev failed to return a device for entry %s.udev failed to return a device node for entry %s.udev failed to return a symlink name for entry %s.%s: Failed to insert devices from udev-managed directory to device cache fully%s: Failed to insert devices to device cache fullyDevice '%s' has been left open (%d remaining references).Internal error: %d device(s) were left open and have been closed.Couldn't create binary tree for dev-cache.Couldn't create binary tree for sysfs-only devices in dev cache.devices/preferred_names %s: using built-in preferencespreferred_names patterns must be enclosed in quotesFailed to allocate preferred device name pattern list.Failed to allocate a preferred device name pattern.Preferred device name pattern matcher creation failed.Path %s no longer valid for device(%d,%d)Aborting - please provide new pathname for what used to be %sget device by name defer filter %sNo sysfs entry for %d:%d errno %d at %s.get device by number defer filter %sget device by iter defer filter %sdevice/dev-io.cClosed %s (test mode - suppressed)Read size too large: %lu%s: lseek %lu failed: %sRead Write O_EXCLRWRO%s: Not using O_NOATIME%s: Not using O_DIRECTOpened %s %s%s%sioctl BLKBSZGET%s: Block size is %u bytesioctl BLKPBSZGETBounce buffer malloc failed%s: size is %lu sectorsioctl BLKGETSIZE64ioctl BLKRAGET%s: read_ahead is %u sectorsRead from %s failedCircular read from %s failedWiping %s at %lu length %zudev signaturesPV labelsextra VG metadata headerextra VG metadata contentLVM1 metadatapool metadataLV contentloggingAttempt to read an unopened device (%s).%s: %s failed after %lu of %lu at %lu: %s%s %s:%8lu bytes (sync) at %lu%s (for %s)WARNING: Error counts reached a limit of %d. Device %s was disabledAttempt to close device '%s' which is not open.%s: Immediate close attempt while still referenced%s: Already opened read-only. Upgrading to read-write.dev_open(%s) called while suspended%s: fstat failed: Has device name changed?Discarding %lu bytes offset %lu bytes on %s. %s%s: BLKDISCARD ioctl at offset %lu size %lu failed: %s.%s: Physical block size is %u bytesWidening request for %lu bytes at %lu to %lu bytes at %lu on %s (for %s)%s: using cached size %lu sectorsInternal error: Attempted to write 0 bytes to %s at %luWiping %s at sector %lu length %zu sectorsdevice/dev-type.cAborted wiping of %s.Wiping %s on %s.Failed to wipe %s on %s.Failed to read %s.Failed to parse %s '%s'.%s/dev/block/%d:%d/%sdm_snprintf %s failed.%s/devicesblkextdrbddasdemcpowerVxDMPlooppower2device-mapperDMDRBDDASDEMCPOWERPOWER2VXDMPBLKEXTLOOPID_PART_TABLE_TYPEDEVTYPE%s/dev/block/%d:%d/partitiondm_snprintf partition failedreadlink%s/block/%s/devdm_snprintf dev failedsysfs file %s does not exist.Device %s: %s is %lu%s.LVM2_memberLVM1_memberDM_snapshot_cowSBMAGICPTTYPEPTMAGIC_OFFSETPTMAGICpartition tableUSAGELABELUUIDsoftware RAID md superblockswap signatureLUKS signatureSBMAGIC_OFFSETqueue/minimum_io_sizequeue/optimal_io_sizequeue/discard_max_bytesqueue/discard_granularityqueue/rotationalID_FS_TYPEmpath_memberDM_MULTIPATH_DEVICE_PATHlinux_raid_memberSCSI diskIDE diskMultiple Disk (MD/SoftRAID)Loop deviceRAM diskMapped devicePartitionable MDDAC960Network Block DeviceCompaq SMART2Compaq CCISS arrayATA RaidEMC Powerpathi2o Block DiskiSeries disksNetwork block deviceATA over EthernetXen virtual block devicePlayStation 3 internal diskVirtIO diskMMC block deviceExtended device partitionsFusion IOMicron PCIe SSDViolin MemorySTECbcache block device cacheNVM ExpressZFS ZvolsVeritas Dynamic MultipathingFatal error while trying to detect %s on %s.WARNING: %s detected on %s. Wipe it? [y/n]: WARNING: No udev context available to check if device %s is multipath component.WARNING: Failed to get udev device handler for device %s.Device %s not initialized in udev database (%u/%u, %u microseconds).WARNING: Device %s not initialized in udev database even after waiting %u microseconds.%sdev/block/%d:%d/loop/partscanSysfs path for partscan is too long.Failed to allocate device type register.No proc filesystem found: using all block device typesFailed to create /proc/devices stringWARNING: /proc/devices line: %s, replacing major with %d.Expecting string in devices/types in config fileMax partition count missing for %s in devices/types in config fileZero partition count invalid for %s in devices/types in config fileInternal error: Missing hook for partition table recognition using external device info source %ssysfs file %s not in expected MAJ:MIN format: %ssysfs file %s not in expected format: %sWARNING: Device %s: %s is %lu and is unexpectedly less than sector.Failed to create a new blkid probe for device %s.Failed to get offset of the %s signature on %s.WARNING: Failed to get offset of the %s signature on %s. Wiping skipped.Failed to get length of the %s signature on %s.WARNING: Failed to get length of the %s signature on %s. Wiping skipped.Found existing signature on %s at offset %s: LABEL="%s" UUID="%s" TYPE="%s" USAGE="%s"WARNING: %s signature detected on %s at offset %s. Wipe it? [y/n]: Failed to wipe %s signature on %s.Failed to step back blkid probe to check just wiped signature.%d existing signature%s left on the device.Device %s is multipath component based on blkid variable in udev db (%s="%s").Device %s is multipath component based on multipath variable in udev db (%s="%s").Device %s is md raid component based on blkid variable in udev db (%s="%s").DASD disk (IBM S/390, zSeries)User-mode virtual block deviceDistributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD)SUN's LDOM virtual block deviceStorage Class Memory (IBM S/390)Wiping %s signature on %s.device/dev-luks.cLUKSdevice/dev-dasd.cioctl BIODASDINFO2cling_by_tagsnext freedisplay/display.cclvm%.2fPercentage %d does not fit.--- Physical Segments ---Physical extent %u to %u: Logical volume %s%s/%s Logical extents %d to %d FREENEW (exported)(but full)--- %sPhysical volume ---PV Name %sVG Name %s%sPV Size %sAllocatable yes %sAllocatable NOPE Size %sPE Size (KByte) %uTotal PE %uFree PE %uAllocated PE %uPV UUID %sNOT PV Name %s Total PE / Free PE %u / %uread/writeread onlyINACTIVELV Name %s%sVG Name %sLV UUID %sLV Creation time %sLV Removal time %s--- Logical volume ---LV Name %sInternal LV Name %sLV Write Access %sLV Creation host, time %s, %sLV Pool name %sLV Thin origin name %sLV External origin name %sLV merging to %sLV merged with %sLV Pool metadata %sLV Pool data %sLV origin of Cache LV %sLV Cache pool name %sLV Cache origin name %s# open %uLV Size %sCache used blocks %s%%Cache metadata blocks %s%%Cache dirty blocks %s%%Cache demotions %luCache promotions %luAllocated pool data %s%%Allocated metadata %s%%Mapped size %s%%Current LE %uCOW-table size %sCOW-table LE %uAllocated to snapshot %s%%Snapshot chunk size %sMirrored volumes %uSegments %uAllocation %sRead ahead sectors autoRead ahead sectors 0Read ahead sectors %u- currently set to %uPersistent major %dPersistent minor %dBlock device %d:%dMissing%sPhysical volume %s%sPhysical extents %d to %d%sLogical volume %s%sLogical extents %d to %d%sUnassigned areaVirtualLogical--- Segments ---%s extents %u to %u: Type %s Monitoring %sexported/--- Volume group ---VG Name %sSystem ID %sFormat %sMetadata Areas %dMetadata Sequence No %dClustered yesShared %sMAX LV %uCur LV %uOpen LV %uMax PV %uCur PV %uAct PV %uVG Size %sAlloc PE / Size %u / %sFree PE / Size %u / %sVG UUID %sr/wName is zero length.WARNING: Invalid input '%s'.[n] Accepted input: [%c]NONEPVSORIGINUnrecognised allocation policy %sFull LV name "%s/%s" is too long.%s:%s:%lu:-1:%lu:%lu:-1:%u:%u:%u:%u:%sPV Size %s / not usable %sPV Status %sallocatable%s%s/%s:%s:%lu:%d:-1:%d:%lu:%d:-1:%d:%d:%d:%dread/write (activated read only)--- Historical Logical volume ---LV Name %s%s/%sLV Path %s%s/%sLV snapshot status source of %s%s/%s [%s] %s [%s]LV snapshot status %s destination for %s%s/%sLV snapshot status %s destination for %sLV Status suspendedLV Status %savailableCache read hits/misses %lu / %luCache wrt hits/misses %lu / %luLV type Mirror undergoing conversionVG Access %s%s%s%sVG Status %s%sresizable%s:%s:%lu:-1:%u:%u:%u:-1:%u:%u:%u:%lu:%u:%u:%u:%u:%s"%s" %-9s [%-9s used / %s free]Name cannot start with hyphen.Name starts with . or .. and has no following character(s).Name contains invalid character, valid set includes: [a-zA-Z0-9.-_+].Name length exceeds maximum limit of %d.Internal error: Unknown error %d on name validation.(Pxnoyescontiguouscclinglcling_by_tagstnormalnanywhereainheritierror/errseg.cerroInitialised segtype: %serror module string list allocation failedInternal error: Destroying composite filter while in use %u times.Composite filters allocation failed.filters/filter-composite.cComposite filter initialised.Internal error: Destroying persistent filter while in use %u times.%d:%d: filter cache skipping (no name)%s: filter cache skipping (cached bad)%s: filter cache using (cached good)Failed to hash alias to filter.Obtaining device list from udev. Removing obsolete %s.Loading persistent filter cache from %spersistent_filter_cache/valid_devicesCouldn't find %s array in '%s'Devices array contains a value which is not a string ... ignoringCouldn't add '%s' to filter ... ignoringLoaded persistent filter cache from %sInternal persistent device cache empty - not writing to %sDevice cache incomplete - not writing to %sDumping persistent device cache to %s# This file is automatically maintained by lvm. Allocation of persistent filter failed.Filename duplication for persistent filter failed.Couldn't create hash table for persistent filter.Allocation of device filter for persistent filter failed.Persistent filter initialised.filters/filter-persistent.cgoodbadfilter cache deferred %sfilter caching %s %s, valid_devices %s=[ "%s" ] unlink%s: stat failed: %sfstat%s.tmppersistent_filter_cache { } Internal error: Destroying regex filter while in use %u times.Filter patterns must be enclosed in quotes.Pattern must begin with 'a' or 'r'.Invalid separator at end of regex.filters/filter-regex.c%s: Skipping (regex)filter regexfilter dm_regexFailed to allocate regex.Failed to create bitset.Regex filter initialised.Invalid filter pattern "%s".Internal error: Destroying sysfs filter while in use %u times.sysfs path name too long: %s in %sIncorrect format for sysfs device file: %s.No proc filesystem found: skipping sysfs filterfilters/filter-sysfs.cEmpty sysfs device file: %s%u:%u%s: Skipping (sysfs)sysfs pool creation failedSysfs filter initialised.sysfs dev_set creation failedsubsystem/block/devicesclass/blockblockInternal error: Destroying md filter while in use %u times.md filter full %d excluding md component %s%s: Skipping md component device%s: Skipping md component device [%s:%p]%s: Skipping: error in md component detectionfilters/filter-md.cfilter md deferred %smd filter allocation failedMD filter initialised.Internal error: Destroying firmware RAID filter while in use %u times.%s: Firmware RAID detection is not supported by LVM natively. Skipping firmware raid detection. Internal error: Missing hook for firmware RAID recognition using external device info source %s%s: Skipping firmware RAID component device%s: Skipping firmware RAID component device [%s:%p]Firmware RAID filter allocation failedFirmware RAID filter initialised.filters/filter-fwraid.cInternal error: Destroying mpath filter while in use %u times.Sysfs path string is too long.Cannot find device name in sysfs path.%s: Device is a partition, using primary device %s for mpath component detectionCannot find '/' in device name.Failed to get primary device for %d:%d.Sysfs path to check mpath is too long.Failed to parse major minor from %sInternal error: Missing hook for mpath recognition using external device info source %s%s: Skipping mpath component device%s: Skipping mpath component device [%s:%p]No proc filesystem found: skipping multipath filtermpath filter allocation failedfilters/filter-mpath.c%s/dev/block/%d:%dDevice name is not valid.%s/block/%s/holdersPath %s is not a directory.mpath-mpath filter initialised.Internal error: Destroying partitioned filter while in use %u times.filter partitioned deferred %s%s: Skipping: Partition table signature found%s: Skipping: Partition table signature found [%s:%p]Partitioned filter allocation failedPartitioned filter initialised.filters/filter-partitioned.cInternal error: Destroying lvm_type filter while in use %u times.%s: Skipping: Unrecognised LVM device type %luLVM type filter allocation failedfilters/filter-type.cLVM type filter initialised.Internal error: Destroying usable device filter while in use %u times.%s: Skipping: dev_get_size failed%s: Skipping: failed to get size from sysfs [%s:%p]%s: Skipping: failed to parse size from sysfs [%s:%p]Internal error: Missing hook for PV min size check using external device info source %sUsable device filter allocation failedUsable device filter mode allocation failedUsable device filter initialised (scan_lvs %d).filters/filter-usable.c%s: Skipping unusable device.%s: Skipping: %sToo small to hold a PV%s: Skipping: %s [%s:%p]Internal error: Destroying internal filter while in use %u times.%s: Skipping for internal filtering.filters/filter-internal.cInternal filter initialised.*before**after*Failed to allocate desc.format_text/archiver.cCreated %s executing '%s'Failed to build desc.archive_params alloc failedbackup_params alloc failedFailed to find device for PV.Zeroing start of device %s%s not wiped: abortingTest mode: Skipping archiving of volume group.Cannot archive volume group metadata for %s to read-only filesystem.Archiving volume group "%s" metadata (seqno %u).Couldn't copy archive directory name.Couldn't copy backup directory name.Failed to generate backup filename (for removal).Couldn't create text format object.Failed to setup physical volume "%s".Failed to allocate PV list item for "%s".Set up physical volume for "%s" with %lu available sectors.Failed to allocate format instance.Deleting existing metadata for VG %s.Removal of existing metadata for VG %s failed.Failed to duplicate empty name.Failed to find cached info for PV %s.Failed to allocate structure for scheduled writing of PV '%s'.Format-specific setup for %s failed.Failed to wipe existing label on %sConsider using option --force to restore Volume Group %s with thin volumes.WARNING: Forced restore of Volume Group %s with thin volumes.Cannot restore Volume Group %s with %i PVs marked as missing.Failed to generate backup filename (for restore).Creating volume group backup "%s" (seqno %u).Couldn't create backup object.Internal error: No in use metadata areas to write.Failed to generate volume group metadata backup filename.WARNING: This metadata update is NOT backed up.Test mode: Skipping backup of volume group.Skipping backup of volume group on read-only filesystem.Backup of volume group %s metadata failed.Skipping check for current backup, since backup is disabled.WARNING: Failed to generate backup pathname %s/%s.Internal error: problem tracking indentationDoubling metadata output buffer to %u# Generated by LVM2 version %s: %scontents = "Text Format Volume Group"creation_host = "%s" # %s %s %s %s %screation_host_system_id = "%s"Could not allocate memory for string list buffer.Internal error: PV name for uuid %s missing from text metadata export hash table.pv device name size is out of bounds.Could not allocate memory for ancestor list buffer.Internal error: Missing PV for area %u of %s segment of LV %s.RAID segment has non-RAID areasInternal error: Invalid type for area %u of %s segment of LV %s.text_export buffer allocation failedCould not format metadata for VG %s.Error parsing metadata for VG %s.format_text/export.cuname failed: %sBuffer reallocation failed.Kilobytes# %g %s# Hint only%s = %lustatus = %sflags = %sversion = %ddescription = "%s"creation_time = %lu # %s%s = %s%s {creation_timecreation_host = "%s"lock_args = "%s"allocation_policy = "%s"profile = "%s"read_ahead = -1# Noneread_ahead = %umajor = %dminor = %dsegment_count = %usegment%u {start_extent = %uextent_count = %ureshape_count = %utype = "%s%s"}physical_volumes {device = "%s"dev_size = %lupe_start = %luba_start = %luba_size = %luseqno = %uformat = "%s"# informationalsystem_id = "%s"lock_type = "%s"extent_size = %umax_lv = %umax_pv = %umetadata_copies = %utext pv_namespv%dhistorical_logical_volumes {removal_timeorigin = "%s%s"descendants = %s%ss = ["%s", %u%s"%s", "%s"%sMegabytesGigabytesTerabytesPetabytesExabytes?@P?Internal error: Unknown flag set requested.Internal error: Metadata inconsistency: Not all flags successfully exported.Cannot duplicate segment string.WARNING: Unrecognised flag %s in segment type %s.format_text/flags.cStatus value is not a string.PARTIALUnknown status flag '%s'.READ+%sWRITEWRITE_LOCKEDFIXED_MINORVISIBLEPVMOVENOTSYNCEDREBUILDRESHAPE_DATA_OFFSETRESHAPE_DELTA_DISKS_PLUSRESHAPE_DELTA_DISKS_MINUSREMOVE_AFTER_RESHAPEWRITEMOSTLYACTIVATION_SKIPERROR_WHEN_FULLMETADATA_FORMATALLOCATABLEEXPORTEDMISSINGRESIZEABLECLUSTEREDSHAREDformat_text/format-text.cUnlinking %sCommitting %s metadata (%u)Renaming %s to %s%s: rename to %s failed: %sTest mode: Skipping renameFailed to read VG %s from %sRead volume group %s from %spe_startMDA1 startdisk sizeMDA0 endlabel scan sizeba_endpe_endPV %s missing from cachemda_context allocation failed LVM2 x[5A%r0N*>start = %ldignore = %ldfree_sectors = %ldfdopenWriting %s metadata to %sfsync(ignored) Pre-VG %s metadata writing failedFailed to read vg %s from %sVG %s not found on %sName too long %s/%sScanning independent dev %stextFailed to allocate dir_list_add_dir allocation failedCouldn't find device._add_raw allocation failedtext_orphanInitialised format: %sTest mode: Skipping committing %s metadata (%u)Renaming path %s is too long for VG %s.'%s' does not contain volume group '%s'.Creating metadata area on %s at sector %lu size %lu sectorsInternal error: can't remove metadata area with index %u from PV %s. Metadata layou not supported by %s format.Internal error: invalid index of value %u used while trying to add metadata area on PV %s. Metadata layout not supported by %s format.Internal error: metadata area with index %u already exists on PV %s and removal failed.Using limited metadata area size on %s with value %lu (limited by %s of %lu).Metadata area size too small: %lu bytes. It must be at least %u bytes.Failed to wipe new metadata area on %s at %llu len %llustruct metadata_area allocation failedstruct mda_context allocation failedNot enough space available for metadata area with index %u on PV %s.Failed to move metadata area with index 1 while resizing PV %s.PV %s too large for extent size %s.%s: invalid data alignment of %lu sectors (requested %lu sectors)%s: invalid data alignment offset of %lu sectors (requested %lu sectors)%s: pe_align (%lu sectors) must not be less than pe_align_offset (%lu sectors)%s: Data alignment must not exceed device size.%s: Bootloader area with data-aligned start must not exceed device size.%s: Bootloader area would overlap data area.Physical extents end beyond end of device %s.%s: Volume group filename may not end in .tmpCouldn't allocate text format context object.Reading mda header sector from %s at %lluFailed to read metadata area header on %s at %lluIncorrect checksum in metadata area header on %s at %lluWrong magic number in metadata area header on %s at %lluIncompatible version %u metadata area header on %s at %lluIncorrect start sector %llu in metadata area header on %s at %lluInternal error: mda_export_text_raw no mdcFailed to write mda header to %s fd %dText format failed to determine directory.Couldn't create temporary text file name.Failed to write metadata to %s.Random lvid creation failed for %s/%s.Failed to read metadata location vg %s at %lluMetadata on %s at %llu has wrong VG name "%s" expected %s.struct mda_header allocation failedWARNING: Removing metadata location on %s with bad mda header.WARNING: Removing metadata location on %s with bad metadata.Failed to write metadata area headerFound text metadata area: offset=%lu, size=%luFailed to read dev %s offset %llu size %lluFound LVM2 metadata record at offset=%lu, size=%zu, offset2=%lu size2=%zu%sCommitting %s %smetadata (%u) to %s header at %luWiping pre-committed %s %smetadata from %s header at %luVG %s metadata on %s (%lu bytes) too large for circular buffer (%lu bytes with %lu used)Writing metadata for VG %s to %s at %llu len %llu (wrap %llu)Failed to write metadata to %s fd %dWriting metadata for VG %s to %s at %llu len %llu (wrapped)Failed to write metadata wrap to %s fd %dMetadata for VG %s on %s at %llu size %llu is too large for circular buffer.Found metadata on %s at %llu size %llu for VG %sCouldn't allocate text_fid_context.Couldn't create metadata index for format instance of VG %s.Scanning independent files for %sScanning independent file %s for VG %sInternal error: read_metadata_location_summary called with NULL pointer for mda_headerMetadata location on %s at %llu has offset 0.Can't read metadata location on %s at %llu.Metadata location on %s at %llu begins with invalid VG name.Metadata location on %s at %llu is too large for circular buffer.Metadata location on %s at %llu has invalid summary for VG.Metadata location on %s at %llu has invalid VG name.Found metadata summary on %s at %llu size %llu for VG %sScanning independent raw locations for %sFailed to allocate text format type structure.Couldn't create text label handler.Couldn't register text label handler.Invalid string in config file: metadata/dirsAdding text format metadata dir: %sEmpty metadata disk_area section of config fileMissing start_sector in metadata disk_area section of config fileMissing size in metadata disk_area section of config fileMissing uuid in metadata disk_area section of config fileInvalid uuid in metadata disk_area section of config file: %sCouldn't find device with uuid '%s'.Failed to add %s to text format metadata directory list format_text/import.cThere are %d physical volumes missing.Reading metadata summary from %s at %llu size %d (+%d)Couldn't read volume group metadata from %s.Couldn't read volume group metadata from file.Skipped parsing metadata on %sFailed to allocate VG fmtdata for text format.Reading metadata from %s at %llu size %d (+%d)descriptionCould not find status flags.format_text/import_vsn1.cCould not read status flags.Could not read flags.Importing logical volume %s.creation_hostCouldn't find section '%s'.contentsmissing contents fieldText Format Volume Groupunrecognised contents fieldmissing version numberunrecognised version numberCouldn't find uuid.Invalid uuid.max_lvmax_pvmetadata_copieshistorical_logical_volumesEmpty pv section.dev_size%s: Couldn't get size.Empty logical volume section.Empty segment section.start_extentreshape_countSegment allocation failed_mimagetmpsegment_countUnknown historical logical volume %s/%s%sCouldn't read origin for historical logical volume %s/%s%sCouldn't get descendants list for historical logical volume %s/%s%sFound empty descendants list for historical logical volume %s/%s%sFailed to allocate list item for historical logical volume %s/%s%sUnknown origin %s for historical logical volume %s/%s%sDescendant value for historical logical volume %s/%s%s is not a string.Failed to find descendant %s for historical LV %s.Found an item that is not a stringEmpty logical volume section for %s.Couldn't read status flags for logical volume %s.Invalid creation_time for logical volume %s.Couldn't read creation_host for logical volume %s.Missing creation_time for logical volume %s.WARNING: Ignoring unrecognised allocation policy %s for LV %s.Adding profile configuration %s for LV %s.Failed to add configuration profile %s for LV %s.Couldn't read tags for logical volume %s.Couldn't use another pool metadata spare logical volume %s.Logical volume %s is pool metadata spare.Logical volume %s is sanlock lv.Can't process text format file - %s.Couldn't create pv hash table.Couldn't create lv hash table.Unrecognised format %s for volume group %s.Couldn't read uuid for volume group %s.Couldn't read 'seqno' for volume group %s.Error reading flags of volume group %s.Failed to allocate memory for system_id in _read_vg.Couldn't read extent size for volume group %s.Couldn't read 'max_lv' for volume group %s.Couldn't read 'max_pv' for volume group %s.WARNING: Ignoring unrecognised allocation policy %s for VG %sAdding profile configuration %s for VG %s.Failed to add configuration profile %s for VG %sCouldn't find all physical volumes for volume group %s.Internal error: Unexpected outdated_pvs section in metadata of VG %s.Couldn't read tags for volume group %s.Couldn't read all logical volume names for volume group %s.Couldn't read all historical logical volumes for volume group %s.Couldn't read all logical volumes for volume group %s.Couldn't read all removed logical volume interconnections for volume group %s.Failed to fixup mirror pointers after import for volume group %s.Couldn't find volume group in file.Couldn't read uuid for physical volume.Couldn't read status flags for physical volume.Recovering a previously MISSING PV %s with no MDAs.Couldn't read dev size for physical volume.Couldn't read extent start value (pe_start) for physical volume.Couldn't find extent count (pe_count) for physical volume.Found bootloader area specification for PV %s in metadata: ba_start=%lu, ba_size=%lu.Found incomplete bootloader area specification for PV %s in metadata.Couldn't read tags for physical volume %s in %s.Fixing up missing size (%s) for PV %sWARNING: Physical Volume %s is too large for underlying deviceLost logical volume reference %sCouldn't read uuid for logical volume %s.Couldn't read 'start_extent' for segment '%s' of logical volume %s.Couldn't read 'extent_count' for segment '%s' of logical volume %s.Segment type must be a string.Cannot duplicate segtype string.Couldn't read segtype for logical volume %s.Couldn't read tags for a segment of %s/%s.Only one segment permitted for snapshotCouldn't read segment count for logical volume %s.segment_count and actual number of segments disagree for logical volume %s.Couldn't read minor number for logical volume %s.WARNING: Couldn't read major number for logical volume %s.WARNING: Ignoring invalid major, minor number for logical volume %s.Empty removed logical volume section.Couldn't read uuid for removed logical volume %s in vg %s.Invalid creation_time for removed logical volume %s.Invalid removal_time for removed logical volume %s.Removed logical volume structure allocation failedCouldn't find status flags for volume group %s.Couldn't read seqno for volume group %s.Incorrect number of areas in area array for segment '%s'.Bad volume name in areas array for segment %s.Missing offset in areas array for segment %s.Bad offset in areas array for segment %s.Zero areas not allowed for segment %sCouldn't find volume '%s' for segment '%s'.format_text/text_label.cFailed to scan VG from %ss, mda1 ( da1 ( ba1 ( mda2 (LVM2 001%s: PV header extension version %u foundFailed to read mda header from %sIgnoring mda on device %s at offset %luFailed to read metadata summary from %sFailed to save lvm summary for %s%s: Preparing PV label header %s size %lu with%s%.*lu%s%.*lu%s%s%.*lu%s%.*lu%s%s%.*lu%s%.*lu%s%s%.*lu%s%.*lu%sInternal error: %s label header currently requires a data area.struct data_area_list allocation failedstruct mda_list allocation failedCouldn't allocate labeller object.scan_dev_close %s no DEV_IN_BCACHE setscan_dev_close %s already closedFailed to set up async io, using sync io.Failed to create bcache with %d cache blocks.Device open %s has DEV_IN_BCACHE already setDevice open %s already open with fd %dDevice open %s %d:%d has no path names.Can't open %s exclusively. Mounted filesystem?Device open %s %d:%d failed errno %dDevice open %s %d:%d stat failed errno %dDevice open %s %d:%d stat %d:%d does not match.Scan filter should not be deferred %sIgnoring additional label on %s at sector %llu%s: Label for sector %llu found at sector %llu - ignoring.Label checksum incorrect on %s - ignoring%s: %s label detected at sector %lluScanning %d devices for VG infoProcessing data from device %s %d:%d fd %d block %pDevice path check %d:%d %s stat failed errno %dDevice path check %d:%d %s stat %d:%d does not match.WARNING: Scan ignoring device %d:%d with no paths.Scanning refreshing device paths.Scanned devices: read errors %d process errors %d failed %dDevice path check %d:%d dropping path %s.Couldn't allocate memory for labeller list object.Scanning failed to get devices.Failed to allocated device list.WARNING: metadata may not be usable with current io_memory_size %d KiBWARNING: increase lvm.conf io_memory_size to at least %llu KiBFound md component in sysfs with end superblock %sScan failed to read %s at %lluCould not find LVM label on %sError opening device %s for reading at %llu length %u.Error reading device %s at %llu length %u.Set last byte mixed block sizes physical %u logical %u using 512Set last byte mixed block sizes physical %u logical %u using 4096dev_write bcache not set up %sError opening device %s for writing at %llu length %u.Error writing device %s at %llu length %u.Label handler does not support label writesLabel sector %lu beyond range (%ld)%s: Writing label to sector %lu with stored offset %u.dev_write_zeros bcache not set up %sScanning for labels to wipe from %sFailed to read label from %s sector %lluFailed to remove label from %s at sector %llu%s: Wiping label at sector %lludev_set_bytes bcache not set up %slabel/label.cclose %s errno %dFailed to set up sync io.Device open %s retryScan filtering %s%s: Not processing filtered%s: No lvm label detectedLABELONEScan failed to open %s.Scanning submitted %d readsScan failed to read %s.Scan failed to process %slabel allocaction failedFinding devices to scanFound %d devices to scanClose and reopen excl %sClose and reopen rw %sdev_read bcache not set up %sClose and reopen to write %sFailed to open device %sFailed to write label to %slocking for suspendlocking/locking.cunlocking on resumeNon-blocking External locking selected.Cluster locking selected.2.4.%s/lvm/VGs/%s#sync_namesDropping cache for %s.Unrecognised lock scope: %dFailed to activate %sInternal error: Use of P_orphans is deprecated.Internal error: P_%s referenced.Activation of logical volume %s is prohibited while logical volume %s is active.Operation prohibited while global/metadata_read_only is set.LVM_SUPPRESS_LOCKING_FAILURE_MESSAGESWARNING: Locking disabled. Be careful! This could corrupt your metadata.%sFile-based locking selected.File-based locking initialisation failed.External locking initialisation failed.Falling back to internal clustered locking.Internal cluster locking initialisation failed.Read-only locking selected. Only read operations permitted.Locking disabled for read-only access.Unknown locking type requested.Locking disabled - only read operations permitted.WARNING: Falling back to local file-based locking.Volume Groups with the clustered attribute will be inaccessible.LVM1 proc VG pathname too long for %s%s exists: Is the original LVM driver using this volume group?Internal error: %s: LCK_NONE lock requestedInternal error: Resource name %s is too long.(p_lock_volLocking is disabled: Treating lock %s as not held.Read-only locking type set. Write locks are prohibited.locking/no_locking.c pactivate_log filefailed to write log file: %s failed to write log file print DM_ABORT_ON_INTERNAL_ERRORSInternal error: log/log.cfailed to report cmdstatus#%s:%-5d %s:%-5d %s%sstdinstderrdup2dup2(%d, %d) returned %dLVM_LOG_FILE_EPOCH%s_%s_%d_%lluLVM_LOG_FILE_MAX_LINESLVM_EXPECTED_EXIT_STATUSfatalnoticedebugcmdlabelprocessingvsnprintf failed: skipping external logging function %s:%-5d %sAborting. Command has reached limit for logged lines (LVM_LOG_FILE_MAX_LINES=%lu).File descriptor %d already open in read-only mode, expected write-only or read-write mode.Can't set standard input for log output.Failed to open stream for file descriptor %d.Failed to allocate buffer for stream on file descriptor %d.Internal error: reopen_standard_stream called on non-standard streamWARNING: Ignoring invalid LVM_LOG_FILE_EPOCH envvar "%s".%d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %lluWARNING: Cannot parse content of %s.WARNING: Debug log file path is too long for epoch.WARNING: Ignoring invalid LVM_LOG_MAX_LINES envvar "%s"./proc/self/statwritebackpassthroughmetadata/cache_manip.cUnknown cache mode: %s.another LVCan't convert internal LV %s.Setting chunk size to %s._corigFlushing of %s aborted.cleanersmqInternal error: Cache pool %s has undefined cache mode, using writethrough instead.Internal error: Cannot set cache mode for non cache volume %s.Internal error: Cache mode is not determined.WARNING: Data redundancy could be lost with writeback caching of raid logical volume!WARNING: Cached thin pool's data cannot be currently resized and require manual uncache before resize!Cannot use chunk size %s with cache pool %s metadata size %s.Minimal size for cache pool %s metadata with chunk size %s would be %s.Cannot use too small chunk size %s with cache pool %s data volume size %s.Maximum configured chunks for a cache pool is %lu.Use smaller cache pool (<%s) or bigger cache chunk size (>=%s) or enable higher values in 'allocation/cache_pool_max_chunks'.Logical volume %s is not a cache pool.Cannot use locked cache pool %s.Logical volume %s is already in use by %s.Cannot use locked origin volume %s.Cache is not supported with %s segment type of the original logical volume %s.Cache chunk size %s is not in the range %s to %s.Cache chunk size %s must be a multiple of %s.Using %s chunk size instead of default %s, so cache pool has less than %lu chunks.Chunk size %s is less than required minimal chunk size %s for a cache pool of %s size and limit %lu chunks.To allow use of more chunks, see setting allocation/cache_pool_max_chunks.WARNING: Maximum supported pool metadata size is %s.WARNING: Minimum required pool metadata size is %s (needs extra %s).Size of %s data volume cannot be smaller than chunk size %s.Preferred pool metadata size %s.WARNING: Skippping flush for failed cache %s.Flushing %lu blocks for cache %s.WARNING: Dirty blocks found on read-only cache volume %s.Failed to sync local devices when clearing cache volume %s.Failed to sync local devices after final clearing of cache %s.Internal error: LV %s is not cache volume.Internal error: LV %s is already dropped cache volume.Failed to active cache locally %s.Internal error: Cannot set cache metadata format for non cache volume %s.Failed to duplicate policy name.WARNING: Cannot detect default cache policy, using "mq".Default cache policy is not available.Detected default cache_policy "%s".WARNING: Cannot detect default cache metadata format, using format: %u.Cache metadata format %u is not supported by kernel target.Detected default cache metadata format: %u.Replacing chunk size %s in cache pool %s with chunk size %s from profile.Internal error: Failed to wipe cache pool for volume %s.Aborting. Failed to activate cache pool %s.Aborting. Failed to wipe cache pool %s.Aborting. Could not deactivate cache pool %s.unassignedmetadata/lv.c:%u-%unopassdownreporter_poolnot monitored%s is %son %slvfullname snprintf faileddm_pool_alloc failedlvpath snprintf faileddm_build_dm_name failedlv_dmpath snprintf failedreshapeFailed to duplicate hostnameActivating logical volume %s.Thin volume %s is active.remote exclusivelocal exclusive_format_pvsegs: str_list_create failedInternal error: Unknown area segtype._format_pvseggs: extent range dm_snprintf failed_format_pvsegs: extent number dm_snprintf failed_format_pvsegs: list item dm_pool_zalloc failed_format_pvsegs: list item dmsnprintf failed_format_pvsegs: failed to add item to listInternal error: Bad pvmove structureCannot query non thin-pool segment of LV %s for discards property.Kernel reports unknown discards status %u.lvseg_kernel_discards_dup_with_info_and_seg_status: dm_pool_strdup failed.WARNING: Thin volume %s maps %s while the size is only %s.Internal error: for_each_sub_lv failure.modules str_list allocation failedInternal error: Cannot find mirror segment.Internal error: %s is not a RAID imageFailed to find RAID segment for %s%s on %s is not a RAID segmentInternal error: sub-LV %s was not found in raid segmentInternal error: %s is not of RAID typeInternal error: %s on %s is not a RAID segment.Failed to lock logical volume %s.Deactivating logical volume %s.Cannot deactivate remotely exclusive device %s locally.Deactivating logical volume %s locally.Activating logical volume %s exclusively locally.Activating logical volume %s locally.Activating logical volume %s exclusively.Failed to unlock logical volume %s.\ DlF  Failed to allocate memorymetadata/lv_manip.c %s/%s uses %sFailed to create new nameCannot rename locked LV %s--dry-run--verbose--yes--force%luK (origin only) with PV tags: Changing Consideringpv_list allocation failedmirrorpvmoveraid0raid4raid5raid5_laraid5_raraid5_lsraid5_rsraid6raid6_zrraid6_nrraid6_ncsparsemultithinoriginthinsnapshotmultiextthinorigincacheoriginvirtualmultithickoriginthicksnapshotpublicStack %s:%u[%u] on LV %s:%u.Internal error: Meta le != 0.Failed to suspend %s.Failed to reactivate %s.metadata areaup to contiguous dm_pool_begin_object faileddm_pool_grow_object failedCling_to_allocated is %sset %u %s%s of %u extents eachSorting %u log areasSorting %u areasphysicallogicalat most Extending %u mirror images.Using default stripesize %sNew size of 0 not permitted.Invalid stripe size %s.Live by historical LVCreating logical volume %sLV %s in VG %s is now hidden.clustered and DISCARDHistorical lFailed to uncache %s.Failed to update pool %s.Removing snapshot volume %s.Failed to resume %s.cache originexternal originHistorical Layer segment found: %s:%uLayer is not linear: %s:%uMissing error segtypelv_list alloc failedCan't move snapshot segment.Removing layer %s for %sFailed to find layer %s in %s_mimageCreation of layer LV failedInserting layer %s for %s_mimage_0anyInserting %s:%u-%u of %s/%sWiping metadata area %s.Failed to deactivate %s.No meta_areas for RAID typeFailed to extend %s in %s.Failed to remove LVFailed to commit VG %srimage%s_%s_%u%s_%s%s_rmeta_%uFailed to insert layer for %sReducExtend and openCan't resize reshaping LV %s.lv_info failed: aborting.Filesystem check failed.Filesystem resize failed.Failed to activate %s.Problem deactivating %s.lvol%dsnapshot exception storestart of new LVCache pool is prepared.Failed to activate thin %s.Failed to activate new LV.Aborting. Failed to wipe %s.%s_voriginCouldn't create snapshot.cache-poolLogical volume "%s" created.Cannot rename "%s": name format not recognized for internal LV "%s"Failed to allocate space for new nameCannot rename "%s". New logical volume name "%s" is invalid.%sLogical Volume "%s" already exists in volume group "%s"Couldn't create LV path for %s.Couldn't generate new LV size string.Updating logical volume %s on disk(s)%s.Dropping origin_only for %s as lock holds %sUpdating logical volume %s in kernel.Problem reactivating logical volume %s.WARNING: Logical volume %s not zeroed.Signature wiping on logical volume %s not requested.Rounding size %s (%u extents) %s to stripe boundary size %s(%u extents).WARNING: Ignoring invalid string in config file entry allocation/cling_tag_listWARNING: Ignoring empty string in config file entry allocation/cling_tag_listWARNING: Ignoring string not starting with @ in config file entry allocation/cling_tag_list: %sWARNING: Ignoring empty tag in config file entry allocation/cling_tag_listPV tags string extension failed.Not using free space on %s: Matched allocation PV tag %s on existing parallel PV %s.Matched allocation PV tag %s on existing %s with free space on %s.Eliminating allocation area %u at PV %s start PE %u from consideration: PV tag %s already used.Memory reallocation for parallel areas failed.PV tags string allocation failed%s allocation area %u %s %s start PE %u length %u leaving %u%s%s.Failed to find segment for %s extent %uLV layout list allocation failedLV role list allocation failedInternal error: WARNING: Failed to properly detect layout and role for LV %s/%s.Overriding default 'mirror_region_size' setting with 'raid_region_size' setting of %u kiBReducing region size to %u kiB (power of 2).Using default region size %u kiB (multiple of page size).Adding %s:%u as an user of %s.Failed to allocate segment list.%s:%u is no longer a user of %s.Internal error: Segment %s:%u is not a user of %s.Internal error: get_only_segment_using_this_lv() called with NULL LV.%s is expected to have only one segment using it, while %s:%u uses it %d times.%s is expected to have only one segment using it, while it has %d.Internal error: alloc_lv_segment: Missing segtype.Refusing refresh of partial LV %s. Use '--activationmode partial' to override.Couldn't allocate new %s segment.allocate_extents does not handle virtual segmentsInternal error: Missing allocatable pvs.Metadata format (%s) does not support required LV segment type (%s).Consider changing the metadata format by running vgconvert.Internal error: _alloc_init called for virtual segment.Internal error: _alloc_init called for non-virtual segment with no disk space.allocation pool creation failedallocation handle allocation failedInternal error: Bad metadata_area_countLog size needs too many extents %lu with region size of %u sectors.Adjusted allocation request to %u logical extents. Existing size %u. New size %u.Mirror log of %u extents of size %u sectors needed for region size %s._allocate called with no work to do!Number of extents requested (%u) needs to be divisible by %u.Parallel PVs at LE %u length %u: %sNot enough PVs with free space available for parallel allocation.Consider --alloc anywhere if desperate.Couldn't allocate areas array.Trying allocation using %s policy.Insufficient free space: %u extents needed, but only %u available%u preferred area(s) to be filled positionally.Areas to be sorted and filled sequentially.Still need %s%u total extents from %u remaining (%u positional slots): %u (%u data/%u parity) parallel areas of %u extents eachFound %u areas for %u parallel areas and %u log areas so far.Filled %u out of %u preferred areas so far.Not using free space on existing parallel PV %s.Internal error: _alloc_parallel_area called without any allocation to do.alloced_area allocation failedAllocating parallel metadata area %u on %s start PE %u length %u.Allocating parallel area %u on %s start PE %u length %u.Insufficient suitable %sallocatable extents for logical volume %s: %u more requiredInsufficient suitable %sallocatable extents found for logical volume %s.Found fewer %sallocatable extents for logical volume %s than requested: using %u extents (reduced by %u).Insufficient free space for log allocation for logical volume %s.Missing segtype in lv_add_segment().lv_add_segment cannot handle virtual segmentsLog segments can only be added to an empty LVCouldn't allocate new LV segment.Couldn't merge segments after extending logical volume.Generating list of PVs that %s/%s uses:Rounding size to boundary between physical extents: %s.Reducing %u%%VG to remaining free space %s in VG.Specified LV does not have an origin LV.Internal error: Unsupported percent type %u.Converted %u%%%s into %s%u %s extents.VolumeType does not match (%s).Cannot vary number of mirrors in LV yet.Internal error: Missing mirror segments for %s.Please specify number of stripes (-i) and stripesize (-I)Unable to extend "%s" segment type with different number of stripes.Using stripesize of last segment %sStripesize for striped segment should not be 0!Unable to extend %s by %u logical extents: exceeds limit (%u).Reached maximum COW size %s (%u extents).Ignoring stripes, stripesize and mirrors arguments when reducing.Unable to reduce %s below 1 extent.New size (%d extents) matches existing size (%d extents).Rounding size (%d extents) up to stripe boundary size for segment (%d extents).Rounding size (%d extents) down to stripe boundary size for segment (%d extents)New size given (%d extents) not larger than existing size (%d extents)New size given (%d extents) not less than existing size (%d extents)New size (%d extents) matches existing size (%d extents)New size for %s: %u. Existing logical extents: %u / physical extents: %u.Snapshot origin volumes cannot be reduced in size yet.Snapshot origin volumes can be resized only while inactive: try lvchange -an.Thin pool volumes %s cannot be reduced in size yet.Thin pool metadata volumes cannot be reduced.Support for online metadata resize of %s not detected.Thin target does not support external origin smaller then thin volume.Failed to allocate generic logical volume structure.Failed to allocate generic logical volume list item.Failed to allocate generic volume list item for indirect glv %sInternal error: %s logical volume %s is not a user of %s.Internal error: historical_glv_remove: historical LV %s/-%s not found Historical LV %s/-%s already on removed list Removing historical connection between %s and %s.Unable to allocate logical volume structureFailed to generate unique name for the new logical volumeUnable to create LV %s in Volume Group %s: name already in use%s.parallel_areas allocation failedLV %s in VG %s is now visible.Dropping snapshot merge of %s to removed origin %s.Dropping snapshot merge of removed %s to origin %s.Segment extent reduction %u not divisible by #stripes %uInternal error: Removing still active LV %s.Remove %s:%u[%u] from the top of LV %s:%u.Can't convert non-striped segment to mirrored.Can't convert striped segment with multiple areas to mirrored.Couldn't allocate converted LV segment.Internal error: Mirror layer must be inserted before adding mirrors.Conflicting region_size %u != %u.Failed to allocate widened LV segment for %s.Failed to find segment for %s extent %u.Failed to split segment at %s extent %u.Can't remove logical volume %s under snapshot.Can't remove external origin logical volume %s.Can't remove logical volume %s used by a mirror.Can't remove logical volume %s used as mirror log.Can't remove logical volume %s used as RAID device.Can't remove logical volume %s used by a pool.Internal error: Thin LV %s without pool.Can't remove locked logical volume %s.Do you really want to remove%s active %slogical volume %s? [y/n]: Logical volume %s not removed.Do you really want to remove and DISCARD logical volume %s? [y/n]: Ignoring uncache failure of %s.Ignoring update failure of pool %s.Error releasing logical volume %s with pending delete.Unable to deactivate logical volume %s.Releasing %slogical volume "%s"Error releasing %slogical volume "%s"Unable to deactivate spare logical volume %s.WARNING: Support for snapshots with old LVM1-style metadata is deprecated.WARNING: Please use lvconvert to update to lvm2 metadata at your convenience.Failed to refresh %s without snapshot.%sogical volume "%s" successfully removedFailed to obtain merging snapshot progress percentage for logical volume %s.Can't remove merging snapshot logical volume %s.Removing snapshot %s that failed to merge may leave origin %s inconsistent. Proceed? [y/n]: Do you really want to remove%s %sorigin logical volume %s with %u snapshot(s)? [y/n]: Removing origin logical volume %s with %u snapshots(s).Unable to fully deactivate merging origin %s.Unable to remove merging origin %s.Unable to remove %s, volume is merged to %s.Unable to fully deactivate unused cache-pool %s.Removal of pool metadata spare logical volume %s disables automatic recovery attempts after damage to a thin or cache pool. Proceed? [y/n]: Removing %s "%s" will remove %u dependent volume(s). Proceed? [y/n]: Logical volume "%s" not removed.Cannot rename internal LV "%s".Failed to allocate space for new name.Incompatible layer boundary: %s:%u[%u] on %s:%u.layer segment for %s:%u not found.Removing layer %s for segments of %sLayer status does not match: %s:%u status: 0x%lx/0x%lxLayer boundary mismatch: %s:%u-%u on %s:%u / %u-%u / Internal error: Wrong layer %s in %sInvalid %d segments in %s, expected only 1.Invalid %d area count(s) in %s, expected only 1.Invalid seg_type %d in %s, expected LV.Layer doesn't match segment in %s.Inconsistent extent count (%u != %u) of layer %s.Layered name is too long. Please use shorter LV name.Creating transient LV %s for mirror conversion in VG %s.Creation of transient LV %s for mirror conversion in VG %s failed.Aborting. Unable to tag transient mirror layer.Failed to write intermediate VG %s metadata for mirror conversion.Failed to commit intermediate VG %s metadata for mirror conversion.Failed to resume transient LV %s for mirror conversion in VG %s.Internal error: Non-pvmove LV, %s, passed as argument.Internal error: Bad segment type for first segment area.Failed to build pvmove LV-type mirror %s.Inserting layer %s for segments of %s on %sMatched PE range %s:%u-%u against %s %u len %uFailed to insert segment in layer LV %s under %s:%u-%uVolume "%s/%s" is not active locally (volume_list activation filter?).Failed to sync local devices before wiping LV %s.Name too long - device not cleared (%s)%s: not found: device not clearedFailed to open %s/%s for wiping and zeroing.Wiping known signatures on logical volume "%s/%s"Initializing %s of logical volume "%s/%s" with value %d.Internal error: Empty list of LVs given for wiping.Internal error: LVs must be set visible before wiping.Failed to activate localy %s for wiping.Aborting. Failed to extend %s in %s.Failed to copy tags onto LV %s to clear metadata.Test mode: Skipping wiping of metadata areas.Adding segment of type %s to LV %s.Internal error: Non-empty LV passed to _lv_insert_empty_sublvFailed to create mapping segment for %s.Failed to create sub LV name for LV %s.Unable to read sync percent while LV %s is not locally active.Do full resync of extended portion of %s? [y/n]: Failed to get sync percent for %s.Skipping initial resync for extended portion of %sLV %s cannot be extended while it is recovering.%sing logical volume %s to %s%sSize of logical volume %s unchanged from %s (%u extents).Size of logical volume %s changed from %s (%u extents) to %s (%u extents).Cannot resize external origin logical volume %s.Cannot resize a RAID %s directlyCannot resize logical volume %s while it is tracking a split image.RAID module does not support shrinking.Policy-based resize is supported only for snapshot and thin pool volumes.Unable to resize logical volumes of cache type.Can't resize internal logical volume %s.Can't resize locked logical volume %s.Can't resize logical volume %s while lvconvert in progress.--poolmetadatasize can be used only with thin pools.Varied stripesize not supported. Ignoring.Stripe size cannot be larger than %s.Reducing stripe size %s to maximum, physical extent size %s.Stripe size must be power of 2.Ignoring --resizefs as volume %s does not have a filesystem.Varied striping not supported. Ignoring.Mirrors not supported. Ignoring.Cannot resize logical volume %s with active component LV(s).WARNING: Thin pool autoextend threshold %d%% is set below minimum supported 50%%.WARNING: Snapshot autoextend threshold %d%% is set bellow minimal supported value 50%%.Can't extend %s with %s autoextend percent set to 0%%.Can't read state of locally inactive LV %s.Also going to resize thin-pool metadata to match bigger data.Ignoring PVs on command line when reducing.Logical volume %s must be activated before resizing filesystem.WARNING: Reducing active%s logical volume to %s.THIS MAY DESTROY YOUR DATA (filesystem etc.)Do you really want to reduce %s? [y/n]: Logical volume %s NOT reduced.Cannot resize %s without using device-mapper kernel driver.Logical volume %s successfully resized.Failed to sync local devices before deactivating LV %s.ACTIVATION_SKIP flag set for LV %s/%s, skipping activation.Maximum number of logical volumes (%u) reached in volume group %sMetadata does not support %s segments.Volume group %s does not support tags.Metadata only supports readahead values between 2 and 120.Stripe size may not exceed %s.Can't create %s without using device-mapper kernel driver.Can't wipe start of new LV without using device-mapper kernel driver.The extent size in volume group %s is too small to support striped RAID volumes.Reducing requested stripe size %s to maximum, physical extent size %s.Internal error: Unable to create new logical volume with no extents.Unable to create %s smaller than 1 chunk.Number of stripes (%u) must not exceed number of physical volumes (%d)Internal error: Cannot create %s volume without %s pool.Couldn't find volume %s in Volume group %s.Cannot use locked pool volume %s.Rounding size (%d extents) up to chunk boundary size (%d extents).Aborting. Failed to locally activate thin pool %s.Cannot create new thin volume, free space in thin pool %s reached threshold.Origin volume %s not found in Volume group %s.Caching of origin cache volume smaller then chunk size is unsupported.Cannot cache not exclusively active origin volume %s.Internal error: Pool LV for cache is missing.WARNING: New %s won't be synchronised. Don't read what you didn't write!Logical volume %s is not a thin pool.Snapshots of locked devices are not supported.Cannot use writable LV as the external origin.Cannot use active LV for the external origin.Couldn't find origin volume '%s'.Can't share virtual origins. Use --virtualsize.Volume group "%s" has insufficient free space (%u extents): %u required.Setting read ahead sectors %u.Setting device number to (%d, %d).Test mode: Skipping activation, zeroing and signature wiping.Aborting. Failed to activate LV %s.Aborting. Failed to activate LV %s locally exclusively.Failed to suspend thin snapshot origin %s/%s.Failed to resume thin snapshot origin %s/%s.Failed to activate thin pool %s.Cannot activate thin pool %s, perhaps skipped in lvm.conf volume_list?Failed to deactivate thin pool %s.Aborting. Failed to activate snapshot exception store.Aborting. Leaving cache pool %s and uncached origin volume %s.Aborting. Manual intervention required.Aborting. Couldn't deactivate snapshot COW area %s.Failed to sync local devices before creating snapshot using %s.Zero segment type for virtual origin not foundVirtual origin name is too long.Failed to activate sparce volume %s.Unable to deactivate failed new LV %s. Manual intervention required.Manual intervention may be required to remove abandoned LV(s) before retrying.Internal error: Unsupported creation of cache and cache pool volume.Internal error: Logical volume is not cache %s.Logical volume %s is now cached.Internal error: Creation of pool for unsupported segment type %s.Temporary logical volume "%s" created.5DEE^E{D?D_tdata_cdata_corig_tdata_cdata_corigLV %s invalid: %s for %s segmentLV %s invalid: %s (is %u) for %s segmentmin recovery larger than max recoveryLV %s invalid: maximum supported areas %u (is %u) for %s segmentDataLV without RAID image flagMetaLV without RAID metadata flagLV %s invalid: segment %u is referencing different LV.LV %s invalid: segment %u should begin at LE %u (found %u).LV %s: segment %u with len=%u has inconsistent area_len %uLV %s: segment %u has same LV %s for both origin and snapshotLV %s, segment %u invalid: %s for %s segment.is not referencing cache pool LVhas invalid cache metadata formathas invalid cache's feature flagis missing METADATA_FORMAT flagdoes not support flag ERROR_WHEN_FULL.log LV does not point back to mirror segmentregion size is bigger then LV itselflog LV is not a mirror log or a RAID imagedata LV does not refer back to pool LVmetadata LV does not refer back to pool LVmust not have pool metadata LV setis not flagged as thin pool LVis a thin volume that must not contain thin pool segmentis not flagged as thin volume LVis a thin pool that must not contain thin volume segmentis not referencing thin pool LVexternal LV is not flagged as a external origin LVmerge LV is not flagged as a thin LVmerge LV is not flagged as mergingLV %s: segment %u has unassigned area %u.LV %s: segment %u has inconsistent PV area %uLV %s: segment %u has inconsistent LV area %uLV %s: segment %u mirror image %u missing mirror ptrLV %s segment %u uses LV %s, but missing ptr from %s to %sLV %s has duplicated links to LV %s segment %uLV %s: mirrored LV segment %u has wrong size %u (should be %u).LV %s: inconsistent LE count %u != %uLV %s is used by LV %s:%u-%u, but missing ptr from %s to %sReference count mismatch: LV %s has %u links to LV %s:%u-%u, which has %u linksLV %s is indirectly used by historical LV %sbut that historical LV does not point back to LV %sLV %s is indirectly used by LV %sbut that LV does not point back to LV %sLV %s must have exactly one segment.LV %s: segment 1 pool data LV does not point back to same LVLV %s: thin pool metadata LV does not use _tmeta.LV %s: cache pool metadata LV does not use _cmeta.LV %s: external origin count does not match.LV %s: external origin cant't be writable.LV segment %s:%u-%u is incorrectly listed as being used by LV %sSegment with extent %u in LV %s not foundUnable to split the %s segment at LE %u in LV %sCouldn't allocate cloned LV segment.LV segment tags duplication failedSplit %s:%u[%u] at %u: %s LE %uSplit %s:%u[%u] at %u: %s PE %uUnassigned area %u found in segmentmetadata/merge.cnon power of 2 region sizezero area countzero areasextents_copied too largenon-zero origin LVnon-zero cow LVnon-zero origin_listno DataLVDataLV size variationsno MetaLVMetaLV size variationsno meta areasnon power of 2 stripe sizenon-zero region_sizenon-zero write behindnon-zero min recovery ratenon-zero max recovery ratenon-zero stripe sizeminimum 2 areas requiredminimum 5 areas requiredminimum 4 areas requirednon-zero writebehindbogus RAID segment typeno raid image SubLVvisible raid image LVno raid meta SubLVvisible raid meta LVmirror image is not mirroredis not flagged as cache LVis missing cache pool LVsets cleaner_policyis missing cache policy namehas invalid chunk size.sets METADATA_FORMAT flagsets cache metadata formatsets cache modesets policy namesets policy settingslog LV is not a mirror logregion size is zero_mlogregion size is non power of 2is missing a pool data LVis missing a pool metadata LVzero_new_blocks is invalidsets zero_new_blockssets discardssets thin_messages listis missing thin pool LVhas too large device idsets device_idsets external LVsets merge LVsets indirect_origin LVsets pool LVsets chunk_sizesets transaction_idset segtype_privateLV %s: has no segment._tmeta_cmetametadata/metadata.c%u snprintf random bit failed.Failed to add tag %s to %s/%svg_make_handlevg_remove_mdas %s failedVolume group %s is exportedVolume group %s is read-onlyformat_instanceAdding PVs to VG %s.Adding PV %s to VG %s.PV %s has wrong block size.pv allocation failedvg_createInvalid vg name %sFailed to hash mda.SettingClearingin-useFailed to allocate pvid hash.Failed to hash pvid.Failed to allocate uuid hashFailed to hash lvname.Failed to hash lvid.Failed to write VG %s.Reading VG %sReading VG %s %sRescanning devices for %sReading VG %s from %sChecking inconsistent MDA: %svg_devs_checkget_pvs: get_vgids failedPV list allocation failedCan't get lock for %sVolume group "%s" not foundReading VG %s without a lock.Locking %s already doneprecommitted Found volume group "%s" %pInternal error: Referenced LV %s not listed in VG %s.Internal error: Referenced PV %s not listed in VG %s.Internal error: Invalid character at index %u of lock_args "%s"Internal error: Invalid colon at index %u of lock_args "%s"Failed to allocate bitset for setting random bits.dm_pool_begin_object failed for random list of bits.Failed to generate list of random bits.Failed to finish list of random bits.Selected %u random bits from %u: %sFailed to allocate pv structure.WARNING: Missing device %s reappeared, updating metadata for VG %s to version %u.WARNING: Device %s still marked missing because of allocated data on it, remove volumes and consider vgreduce --removemissing.Allowing forced access to clustered vg %sSkipping clustered volume group %s%s: Setting PE alignment to %lu sectors.%s: Setting PE alignment offset to %lu sectors.New volume group name "%s" is invalid.%s: already exists in filesystemNew volume group path exceeds maximum length of %d!Old and new volume group names must differvg->name allocation failed for '%s'pv->vg_name allocation failed for '%s'Marking PV %s as moved to VG %sPhysical extent size used for volume group %s is less than physical block size that %s uses.Logical volume %s/%s does not support tagsFailed to duplicate tag %s from %s/%sVolume group %s does not support tagsFailed to duplicate tag %s from %sFailed to add tag %s to volume group %sMajor number %d outside range 0-255.Minor number %d outside range 0-255.Major number %d outside range 0-4095.Ignoring supplied major %d number - kernel assigns major numbers dynamically.Minor number %d outside range 0-1048575.Volume Group allocation policy cannot inherit from anythingPhysical extent size may not be zeroNumber of volumes may not exceed 255Rounding up size to full physical extent %sVolume too large (%s) for extent size %s. Upper limit is less than %s.Specified size is smaller then physical extent boundary.No free extents in the list of physical volumes.No free extents in Volume group %s.Converted %s%%%s into 0 extents.Converted %s%%%s into %u extents.Internal error: Read ahead data missing.Logical volumes in "%s" must be inactiveExtent sizes differ: %d (%s) and %d (%s)Maximum number of physical volumes (%d) exceeded for "%s" and "%s"Maximum number of logical volumes (%d) exceeded for "%s" and "%s"Metadata types differ for "%s" and "%s"Clustered attribute differs for "%s" and "%s"Duplicate logical volume name "%s" in "%s" and "%s"Physical volume %s might be constructed from same volume group %s.Calculated readahead of LV %s is %uAttempt to drop cached metadata failed after reverted update for VG %s.WARNING: Device %s has size of %lu sectors which is smaller than corresponding PV size of %lu sectors. Was device resized?Format does not support writing physical volumesAssertion failed: can't _pv_write non-orphan PV (in VG %s)Failed to update lvmetad for pending remove.Removing physical volume "%s" from volume group "%s"Failed to remove physical volume "%s" from volume group "%s"Volume group "%s" successfully removedVolume group "%s" not properly removedFailed to clear metadata from physical volume "%s" after removal from "%s"Found label on %s, sector %lu, type=%.8sAttempt to modify a read-only VGVolume group %s is not resizeable.Volume group "%s" not found, is inconsistent or has PVs missing.Consider vgreduce --removemissing if metadata is inconsistent.Volume group "%s" still contains %u logical volume(s)Couldn't allocate format_instance object.Adding physical volume '%s' to volume group '%s'pv_list allocation for '%s' failedPhysical volume '%s' is already in volume group '%s'PV %s is used by a VG but its metadata is missing.Physical volume %s is of different format type (%s)Physical volume %s might be constructed from same volume group %sFormat-specific setup of physical volume '%s' failed.Physical volume '%s (%s)' already in the VG.No space for '%s' - volume group '%s' holds max %d physical volume(s).Unable to add %s to %s: new extent count (%lu) exceeds limit (%u).WARNING: PV %s has unknown block size.Devices have inconsistent block sizes (%u and %u)Devices have inconsistent logical block sizes (%u and %u).PV %s cannot be added to VG %s.Failed to create random uuid for %s.WARNING: %s: Overriding real size. You could lose data.%s: Pretending size is %lu sectors.%s: Size must exceed minimum of %lu sectors.pv_list allocation in pv_create failedFormat-specific initialisation of physical volume %s failed.Failed to add metadata area for new physical volume %sPhysical volume %s not in volume group %sLogical volume %s not in volume group %sFailed to read existing physical volume '%s'WARNING: PV %s is marked in use but no VG was found using it.WARNING: PV %s might need repairing.Couldn't create uuid for volume group '%s'.Failed to create format instanceFormat specific setup of volume group '%s' failed.metadata_area allocation failedInternal error: Attempt to write new VG metadata without locking %sAttempt to drop cached metadata failed after commit for VG %s.%s ignored flag for mda %s at offset %lu.Adjusting ignored mdas for %s: %u of %u mdas in use but %u required. Changing %u mda.Internal error: Unable to find %u metadata areas to unignore on volume group %sMetadata areas on physical volume "%s" already ignored.Metadata areas on physical volume "%s" already marked as in-use.Physical volume "%s" has no metadata areas.Marking metadata areas on physical volume "%s" as %s.WARNING: Changing preferred number of copies of VG %s metadata from %u to %uInternal error: LV %s (UUID %s) not found in committed metadata.Internal error: VG %s allocation policy set to invalid cling_by_tags.Internal error: VG %s has external flag LVM_WRITE_LOCKED set internally.Internal error: VG %s tag %s has invalid form.Internal error: PV list corruption detected in VG %s.Internal error: VG %s PV list entry points to different VG %s.Internal error: VG name for PV %s is corrupted.Internal error: Duplicate PV id %s detected for %s in %s.Internal error: PV %s tag %s has invalid form.Internal error: PV segments corrupted in %s.Internal error: LV %s is not marked as removed while it's part of removed LV list for VG %sInternal error: LV %s is marked as removed while it's still part of the VG %sInternal error: LV %s has external flag LVM_WRITE_LOCKED set internally.Internal error: LV name "%s/%s" length %zu is not supported.Internal error: LV %s has VG UUID %s but its VG %s has UUID %sInternal error: LV %s is extra pool metadata spare volume. %u found but only 1 allowed.Internal error: LV %s is not the VG's pool metadata spare volume.Internal error: LV segments corrupted in %s.Internal error: LV %s allocation policy set to invalid cling_by_tags.Internal error: LV name %s has invalid form.Internal error: LV %s tag %s has invalid form.Internal error: #LVs (%u) != #visible LVs (%u) + #snapshots (%u) + #internal LVs (%u) in VG %sFailed to allocate lv_name hashInternal error: Duplicate LV name %s detected in %s.Internal error: Duplicate LV id %s detected for %s in %s.Internal error: Segment in %s is not 2-way.Internal error: Segment in %s has wrong number of areas: %d.Internal error: Volume group %s has limited PV/LV count but limit is not set.Internal error: VG references non pool metadata spare LV %s.Failed to allocate lv_lock_args hashInternal error: VG %s with lock_type %s without lock_argsInternal error: VG %s with lock_type %s is clusteredInternal error: VG %s with lock_type %s has system_id %sInternal error: VG %s has unknown lock_type %sInternal error: VG %s has invalid lock_args charsInternal error: VG %s has lock_args %s without lock_typeInternal error: LV %s/%s has invalid lock_args charsInternal error: LV %s/%s has invalid lock_args "%s"Internal error: LV %s/%s has duplicate lock_args %s.Internal error: LV %s/%s shouldn't have lock_argsInternal error: LV %s/%s with no lock_type has lock_args %sFailed to allocate historical LV name hashFailed to allocate historical LV uuid hashInternal error: LV %s/%s appearing in VG's historical list is not a historical LVInternal error: Historical LV %s points to different VG %s while it is listed in VG %sInternal error: Historical LV %s has VG UUID %s but its VG %s has UUID %sInternal error: Duplicate historical LV id %s detected for %s in %sInternal error: Duplicate historical LV name %s detected in %sFailed to hash historical LV nameFailed to hash historical LV idInternal error: Name %s appears as live and historical LV at the same time in VG %sInternal error: Historical LV %s is not part of any LV chain in VG %sCannot allocate lock for new LV.Automatically removing historical logical volume %s/%s%s.Failed to handle historical LVs in VG %s.Cannot update partial volume group %s.Cannot update volume group %s while physical volumes are missing.Cannot update volume group %s with duplicate PV devices.Cannot update volume group %s with unknown segments in it!Internal error: Unable to find %u metadata areas to ignore on volume group %sAborting vg_write: No metadata areas to write to!Unable to drop cached metadata for VG %s.Internal error: Writing metadata in critical section.%s not opened: device not writtenWriting physical volume data to disk "%s"Failed to write physical volume "%s"Physical volume "%s" successfully createdPhysical volume "%s" successfully writtenFormat does not support writing volumegroup metadata areasWARNING: Failed to write an MDA of VG %s.Failed to prepare new VG metadata in lvmetad cache.pv_to_write allocation for '%s' failedPV %s has old extension header, updating to newest version.Failed to update old PV extension headers in VG %s.Skip metadata repair with duplicates.Skip metadata repair for shared VG without exclusive lock.WARNING: Inconsistent metadata found for VG %s - updating to use version %uAutomatic metadata correction failedAutomatic metadata correction commit failedSkip metadata repair for foreign VG.Skip wiping outdated PVs with duplicates.Skip wiping outdated PVs for shared VG without exclusive lock.WARNING: Removing PV %s (%s) that no longer belongs to VG %sUnable to drop cached metadata for VG %s while wiping outdated PVs.Skip wiping outdated PVs for foreign VG.Failed to destroy record about historical LV %s/%s.Outdated record for historical logical volume "%s" automatically destroyed.Internal error: vg_read_internal requires vgname with pre-commit.rescan for text mismatch - no mdasrescan for text mismatch - no mda devrescan for text mismatch - cannot invalidaterescan for text mismatch - no mda headerrescan for text checksum mismatch on %s - now %x prev %x offset now %llu prev %llurescan for text offset mismatch on %s - now %llu prev %llu checksum %xrescan skipped - unchanged offset %llu checksum %xSkipped rescanning devices for %sCache did not find fmt for vgname %sCache did not find VG name from vgid %sCache did not find VG vgid from name %sNot repairing metadata for VG %s.Empty mda found for VG %s on %s.Cached VG %s had incorrect PV listInconsistent pre-commit metadata copies for volume group %sInternal error: Too many inconsistent MDAs.WARNING: Inconsistent metadata UUIDs found for volume group %s.Interrupted pvmove detected in volume group %s.Please restore the metadata by running vgcfgrestore.WARNING: Not repairing PV %s with missing device.Skip repair of PV %s that is in shared VG %s but not marked as used.WARNING: Repairing Physical Volume %s that is in Volume Group %s but not marked as used.Failed to repair physical volume "%s".Updating cache for PVs without mdas in VG %s.Skip repair of PV %s that is in foreign VG %s but not marked as used.One or more devices used as PVs in VG %s have changed sizes.WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV %s while checking used and assumed devices.WARNING: Device mismatch detected for %s which is accessing %s instead of %s.WARNING: Found inconsistent standalone Physical Volumes.WARNING: Volume Group %s is not consistent.VG list element allocation failedRescan for PVs without metadata areas failed.Volume group name "%s" has invalid characters.Cannot access VG %s with lock type %s that requires lvmlockd.Cannot access VG %s due to failed lock.Test mode is not yet supported with lock type %s.Cannot access VG %s with LVM1 system ID %s when host system ID is set.WARNING: Found LVs active in VG %s with foreign system ID %s. Possible data corruption.Cannot access VG %s with system ID %s with unknown local system ID.Cannot access VG %s with system ID %s with local system ID %s.Upgrade lvmlockd lock to repair vg %s.Skip repair for shared VG without exclusive lock.Recovery of standalone physical volumes failed.Recovery of volume group "%s" failed.Cannot change VG %s while PVs are missing.Consider vgreduce --removemissing.Cannot change VG %s with unknown segments in it!Internal error: vg_read_by_vgid failed with lvmlockdlvmcache: using saved_vg %s seqno %d pre %d %pReading VG by vgid in critical section pre %d vgid %.8sReading VG by vgid %.8s no VG name found, retrying.Reading VG by vgid %.8s no VG name found.Rescan devices to look for missing VG.Rescan devices to look for missing PVs.Reading VG by vgid %.8s not found.Finding %svolume group for uuid %sReading VG not found for LVID %sCan't find logical volume id %s\7666 7Physical volume %s not in volume group %s.Unable to remove physical volume '%s' from volume group '%s'.Internal error: Physical Volume %s has a label, but is neither in a VG nor orphan.WARNING: PV %s is used by a VG but its metadata is missing.%s "%s" that is marked as belonging to a VG [y/n]? WARNING: PV %s is used by VG %s (consider using vgreduce).%s "%s" of volume group "%s" [y/n]? WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from %s%s%s%sFailed to wipe existing label(s) on %sLabels on physical volume "%s" successfully wiped%s: physical volume label not removed.(If you are certain you need pvremove, then confirm by using --force twice.)Physical volume %s not in a volume groupMetadatacopies may only be 0, 1 or 2Physical volume data alignment is too big.Physical volume data alignment offset is too big.uuid %s already in use on "%s"Can't initialize physical volume "%s" of volume group "%s" without -ff.Can't initialize PV '%s' without -ff.Device %s not found (or ignored by filtering).WARNING: Forcing physical volume creation on %s%s%s%sFailed to setup physical volume "%s"Set up physical volume for "%s" with %lu available sectorsFailed to duplicate pv name %s.%s not identified as an existing physical volumeUnable to add physical volume '%s' to volume group '%s'.metadata/metadata-liblvm.c of volume group "Device %s not found.No PV label found on %s.Physical volume %s not foundAborting pvcreate on %s.Really WIPE LABELS from physical volumephysical volume not initializedReally INITIALIZE physical volumemetadata/mirror.c_mimage_%d%s_mimage_%%dAborting. Unable to tag._mlogtmp_%dFailed to create mirror log.Failed to form mirrored log.LV %s assigned to be split.Unable to allocate memory.lvs list alloc failed. and no log volumeFailed to add mirror images.All mimages of %s are gone.%u image(s) removed from %s.coreFailed to convert mirror logNo conversion is requested.Not a mirror segment.Device path name too long - log header not written (%s).Writing log header for LV %s to device %s.%s: not found: log header not written.Failed to open %s/%s to write log header.Failed to write log header to %s.Failed to build new mirror image name for %s.Aborting. Failed to create mirror image LV. Remove new LV and retry.Failed to add mirror image segment to %s. Remove new LV and retry.Aborting. Failed to add mirror image segment to %s. Remove new LV and retry.Aborting. Failed to add mirror segment. Remove new LV and retry.Unable to determine mirror sync status of remotely active LV, %sUnable to determine mirror sync status of %s.Intermediate VG commit for orphan volume failed.Failed to sync local devices when reactivating %s.Internal error: Log LV %s is not top level LV for initialization.Test mode: Skipping mirror log initialisation.Aborting. Unable to create in-sync mirror log while activation is disabled.Aborting. Unable to tag mirror log.Aborting. Failed to activate mirror log.Aborting. Failed to wipe mirror log.Aborting. Failed to write mirror log header.Aborting. Failed to deactivate mirror log. Manual intervention required.Aborting. Failed to sync local devices before initialising mirror log %s.Unable to deactivate mirror log LV. Manual intervention required.Manual intervention may be required to remove abandoned log LV before retrying.Manual intervention may be required to remove/restore abandoned log LV before retrying.Failed to build new mirror log name for %s.Adjusting region_size to %s for mirrored log.Failed to initialise mirror log.Failed to find mirror_seg for %sLV %s on %s is not a mirror segments.Using reduced mirror region size of %sCan't find proper region size for too big mirror.Increasing mirror region size from %s to %sUnable to allocate mirror extents for %s.Failed to add mirror areas to %s.Internal error: Unknown mirror flag.Invalid index (%u) of mirror image supplied to shift_mirror_images().Unable to split non-mirrored LV %s.Internal error: split_count is zero!Detaching %d images from mirror %s.Insufficient removable PVs given to satisfy request.Unable to rename newly split LV.Failed to build new mirror, %s.Failed to build new image name for %s.Failed to generate new image names for %s.Failed to group split images into new mirror.Failed to rename newly split LV in the kernelSegment is not mirrored: %s:%uSegment status does not match: %s:%u status:0x%lx/0x%lxReducing mirror set %s from %u to %u image(s)%s.Incompatible parameters to _remove_mirror_images.Internal error: _remove_mirror_images called incorrectly with is_removable undefined.Unable to remove primary mirror image while mirror volume %s is not in-sync.%s being removed due to failures.Failed error target substitution for %s.Failed to initialize log device %s.No mirror images found using specified PVs.%u images are removed out of requested %u.Multiple-segment mirror is not supported.Unable to determine mirror sync status.Unable to determine sync status of remotely active mirror volume %s.Unable to convert the log of an inactive cluster mirror volume %s.Full resync required to convert inactive mirror volume %s to core log. Proceed? [y/n]: Logical volume %s NOT converted.Failed to find mirrored LV for %s.Not collapsing %s: out-of-sync.Failed to release mirror imagesUnable to allocate extents for mirror log.Log type, "mirrored", is unavailable to cluster mirrors.Unable to convert the log of a mirror, %s, that is active remotely but not locally.Mirror %s already has a %s log.WARNING: Log type "mirrored" is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use RAID1 LV or disk log instead.%s: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your kernel.Unable to allocate extents for mirror(s).Persistent log is not supported on segment-by-segment mirroring.Striped-mirroring is not supported on segment-by-segment mirroring.Unsupported mirror conversion type.%sLogical Volume "%s" already exists in volume group "%s".Unable to split mirror %s that is not in-sync.Removing more than existing: %d <= %d.Mirror log type "%s" is unknown.Internal error: Unknown mirror log count %d.Internal error: Unable to attach pool metadata LV to %s segtype.Internal error: Logical volume %s is not valid pool.Internal error: Unable to attach pool data LV to %s segtype.Internal error: Unable to attach pool to %s/%s that is not cache or thin volume.Internal error: No pool associated with %s LV, %s.Internal error: Cannot detach pool from LV %s.Internal error: Trying to delete %u again.Internal error: Unsupported message type %u.Initialization of historical LV representation for removed logical volume %s/%s failed.Failed to create historical LV representation for removed logical volume %s/%s.%s is referenced by more then one segments (%s, %s).Pool segment not found for %s.%s on %s is not a %s pool segmentInternal error: %s is not a pool logical volume.No usable device hint found while recalculating pool chunk size for %s.Calculated chunk size %s for pool %s is out of allowed range (%s-%s).Updating chunk size %s for pool %s to %s.Internal error: Pool %s already has extents.Name of logical volume %s is too long to be a pool name.WARNING: Pool %s is created without initialization.Aborting. Failed to activate pool metadata %s.Aborting. Failed to wipe pool metadata %s.Aborting. Could not deactivate pool metadata %s.Internal error: LV %s is not pool metadata spare.Internal error: LV %s has no suffix for pool metadata spare.Failed to generate unique name for pool metadata spare logical volume.Renaming existing pool metadata spare logical volume "%s" to "%s/%s".Can't create pool metadata spare. Name of pool LV %s is too long.Renaming %s as pool metadata spare volume %s.Preparing pool metadata spare volume for Volume group %s.Unable to deactivate pool metadata spare LV. Manual intervention required.WARNING: recovery of pools without pool metadata spare LV is not automated.metadata/pool_manip.cDiscarding message for LV %s._cdata_tdata%s_pmsparemetadata/pv.cCannot disable all metadata areas in volume group %s.Internal error: PV %s unexpectedly not in cache.pv_segment allocation failedmetadata/pv_manip.c%s %u: %6u %6u: %s(%u:%u)Gap in pvsegs: %u, %uWrong lvseg area typeInconsistent pvseg pointersInconsistent length: %u %uUpdating physical volume "%s"Physical volume "%s" changedSegment with extent %u in PV %s not foundMissing PV segment on %s at %u.discard_pv_segment with unallocated segment: %s PE %uSkipping discard on missing device with uuid %s.Discarding %u extents offset %lu sectors on %s.release_pv_segment with unallocated segment: %s PE %uInternal error: _merge_free_pv_seg called on a segment that is not free.Internal error: WARNING: PV %s is without initialized PE ranges.PV segment pe_count mismatch: %u != %uPV segment pe_alloc_count mismatch: %u != %uPV segment VG pv_count mismatch: %u != %uPV segment VG free_count mismatch: %u != %uPV segment VG extent_count mismatch: %u != %uPhysical volume %s format does not support resizing.WARNING: %s: Overriding real size %s. You could lose data.%s: Requested size %s exceeds real size %s. Proceed? [y/n]: Physical Volume %s not resized.%s: Requested size %s is less than real size %s. Proceed? [y/n]: %s: Size is already %s (%lu sectors).WARNING: %s: Pretending size is %lu not %lu sectors.Resizing volume "%s" to %lu sectors.Size must exceed minimum of %lu sectors on PV %s.Size must exceed physical extent start of %lu sectors on PV %s.Format specific resize of PV %s failed.Size must leave space for at least one physical extent of %u sectors on PV %s.No change to size of physical volume %s.Resizing physical volume %s from %u to %u extents.%s: cannot resize to %u extents as there is only room for %lu.%s: cannot resize to %u extents as %u are allocated.%s: cannot resize to %u extents as later ones are allocated.Failed to store physical volume "%s"Failed to store physical volume "%s" in volume group "%s"Use pvcreate and vgcfgrestore to repair from archived metadata.metadata/pv_map.ccreate_pv_maps alloc failedpvl->pv->devto_go <= pva->countAllowing allocation on %s start PE %u length %uCouldn't create physical volume maps in %sconsume_pv_area_create_mapsmetadata/raid_manip.cFailed to allocate new name.rmetaMemory allocation failed.%s_%s_%%draid0_metaraid10_near (same as %s%s)imagesresyncrecoverrebuildExtracting %u %s from %s.Failed to extract %s from %s.Shifting images in %s.Shifting %s and %s by %u.Failed to add sublv %s.replaceexclusive locally LV %s in not partial.%s has enough space for %s.Failed to add %s to %s.Failed to get device count.Failed to get device health._extractedraid5_nPost callout function failed._mlog__mimage__rmeta__rimage__rimage_0Adding %s to %s.Adjust data LVs of %s.Data LV renamed to %s.Can't convert %s LV %s to %s.Adding metadata LVs to %s.Can't convert %s to %s.some losing %s resilienceRemoving mirror log %s.Failed to remove mirror log.Setting new segtype for %s.Renaming %s to %s.raid1 with reducingenhancingLogical volume %s NOT split. to %s typeReaA--stripes-I/--stripesize-R/--regionsize? [y/n]: dm_snprintf failed.LV %s already has %u stripes.Converting %s from %s to %s.Too few stripes requested.Internal error: Missing image sub lv in area %u of LV %s.Internal error: bogus reshape space reallocation request [%d]Logical volume %s is already of requested type %s.Failed to new raid name for %s.New logical volume name "%s" is not valid.%sLogical Volume %s already exists in volume group %s.Extracting image components %s and %s from %s.Internal error: Unable to remove RAID layer from segment type %s.Internal error: Unable to remove RAID layer when there is more than one sub-lv.Activating logical volume %s before %s in kernel.Failed to activate %s before resuming %s.Internal error: stripes may not be 0.Can't convert %s LV %s with number of stripes not divisable by number of data copies.Internal error: LV %s is missing stripes.Failed to find a valid mirror in stripe %u!Internal error: Bad type provided to _alloc_raid_component.Component name for raid %s is too long.Failed to allocate new raid component, %s.Failed to add segment to LV, %s.Region size may not be smaller than stripe size on %s LV %s.Region size is too large for %s LV %s.No proper new segment length for %s!Cannot restripe LV %s from %u to %u stripes during conversion.Unable to determine sync status of %s.WARNING: Sync status for %s is inconsistent.Can't remove reshape space from inactive LV %s.Can't get data offset for %s from kernel.Failed to allocate out-of-place reshape space for %s.Internal error: Bogus reshape space allocation request.%s not allowed when converting %s LV %s.%s not allowed for LV %s when converting from %s to %s.An entire mirror group has failed in %s.All components of raid LV %s have failed.More than %u components from %s %s have failed.%s contains a segment incapable of degraded activation.Unable to remove RAID image while array is performing "%s"Internal error: RAID LV area_count differs from number of health charactersUnable to remove all primary source devicesUnable to remove %d images: Only %d device%s given.%s has components with error targets that must be removed first: %s.Try removing the PV list and rerun. the command.LVs with error segments to be removed: %s %sInternal error: Metadata segment area. #%d should be AREA_UNASSIGNED.Unable to extract enough images to satisfy request.Failed to shift and rename image components.Internal error: LVs must be set visible before removing.Failed to sync local devices after removing %u LVs in VG %s.Direct conversion of %s LV %s is not possible.Converting %s from %s%s is directly possible to the following layout%s:Logical volume %s already is type %s.Converting the segment type for %s from %s to %s is not supported.Converting the segment type for %s from %s to %s is not supported yet.Failed to prevent PVs holding image components from LV %s being used for allocation.Can't replace any devices in %s LV %s.%s must be active %sto perform this operation.Unable to replace devices in %s while it is not in-sync.Unable to replace RAID images while the array has unassigned areas.Logical volume %s does not contain devices specified to %s.%s does not contain devices specified to %s.Unable to %s all PVs from %s at once.Unable to %s more than %u PVs from (%s) %s.Unable to %s all the devices in a RAID10 mirror group.Failed to prevent PVs holding image components from being used for allocation.Failed to replace %u devices. Attempting to replace %u instead.%u extents needed to repair %s.Not enough space on %s for %s.Failed to allocate replacement images for %s.Failed to remove the specified images from %s.Unable to repair %s/%s. Source devices failed before the RAID could synchronize.You should choose one of the following: 1) deactivate %s/%s, revive failed device, re-activate LV, and proceed. 2) remove the LV (all data is lost). 3) Seek expert advice to attempt to salvage any data from remaining devices.Internal error: Bad type provided to %s.Extracting image component %s from %s.Extracting all MetaLVs of %s to activate as raid0.Deactivating pulled out MetaLVs of %s before initializing.Clearing allocated raid0_meta metadata LVs for conversion to raid4.Failed to initialize metadata LVs.Adding metadata LVs back into %s.LV %s has to be of type raid4 or raid5_n to allow for this conversion.Unable to convert %s while it is not in-sync.Are you sure you want to convert %s%s LV %s to %s%s type? [y/n]: Logical volume %s NOT converted to "%s".Converting LV %s from %s to %s.Failed to rename %s LV %s MetaLVs.Internal error: Pre callout function failed.Clearing any flags for %s passed to the kernel.Updating metadata mappings for %s.Adjusting region_size from %s to %s for %s.Adjusting region size of %s LV from %s to %s.Internal error: Cannot change region size of %s.Region size is already %s on %s LV %s.Region size is already matching %s on %s LV %s due to adjustment.Do you really want to change the region_size %s of LV %s to %s? [y/n]: Region size %s on %s is too small for metadata LV size.Unable to change region size on %s LV %s while it is not in-sync.Converting %s LV %s to regionsize %s.Changed region size on %s LV %s to %s.Failed to allocate string for new LV name.Failed to build list of PVs for %s.Internal error: Unable to allocate RAID metadata area for non-linear LV %s.Can't change number of mirrors of degraded %s.Please run "lvconvert --repair %s" first.WARNING: %s already has image count of %d.%s must be active exclusive locally to perform this operation.Failed to extract images from %s.Are you sure you want to convert %s LV %s to type %s losing all resilience? [y/n]: Failed to remove RAID layer after linear conversion.Can't add image to out-of-sync RAID LV: use 'lvchange --resync' first.Can't add image to RAID LV that is still initializing.RAID module does not support rebuild+emptymeta.Unable to add RAID images to %s of segment type %s.Allocation of new areas failed.Allocation of new meta areas failed.Failed to clear REBUILD flag for %s components.Are you sure you want to convert %s back to the older %s type? [y/n]: Internal error: raid1 conversion supported only.can't convert %s to fewer than 2 data_copies.Unable to handle mirrors with more than %u devices.Unable to convert %s LV %s with %u images to %s.At least reduce to the maximum of %u images with "lvconvert -m%u %s".Changing image count to %u on %s.Extracting and renaming metadata LVs.Internal error: Name %s lags image part.Allocating metadata LVs for %s.Allocating new metadata LV for %s.Failed to allocate metadata LV for %s.Failed to initialize metadata LVs for %s.Adding newly allocated metadata LVs to %s.Failed to add newly allocated metadata LVs to %s.Failed to allocate metadata LVs for %s.Clearing newly allocated metadata LVs for %s.Failed to retrieve raid0 segments from %s.Cannot convert striped LV %s with varying stripe count to raid0.Cannot convert striped LV %s with non-power of 2 stripe size %u.Failed to allocate empty image components for raid0 LV %s.Failed to allocate new raid0 segment for LV %s.Failed to insert linear LVs underneath %s.N number of data_copies "--mirrors N-1" may not be larger than number of stripes.Minimum of %u stripes needed for conversion from %s to %s.Can't convert %s LV %s to %s with != 2 legs.Internal error: Bogus new_image_count converting %s LV %s to %s.Adding %u component LV pair(s) to %s.Extracting last image component pair of %s temporarily.Adding extracted last image component pair back to %s to convert to %s.Updating VG metadata and reloading %s LV %s.Reordering areas for raid0 -> raid10_near takeover.Can't convert %s LV %s to %s with odd number of stripes.Can't convert %s LV %s to %s with < 3 legs.Reordering areas for raid10 -> raid0 takeover.Removing %u component LV pair(s) to %s.Failed to allocate meta areas memory.Clearing newly allocated metadata LVs.Failed to allocate metadata LV for %s in %s.%s must be active to perform this operation.Are you sure you want to convert %s LV %s to %s%u images %s resilience? [y/n]: Splitting raid image is not allowed with lock_type %s.Unable to split more than one image from %s.Unable to split logical volume of segment type, %s.%sLogical Volume "%s" already exists in %s.Unable to split %s while it is not in-sync.Are you sure you want to split %s LV %s losing all resilience? [y/n]: Losing all resilience for logical volume %s.Unable to split additional image from %s while tracking changes for %s.Failed to write changes for %s.Failed to suspend %s before committing changes.Failed to commit changes for %s.Failed to resume %s after committing changes.Unable to split images from non-mirrored RAID.Unable to split image from %s while not in-sync.Cannot track more than one split image at a time.Are you sure you want to split and track %s LV %s losing resilience for any newly written data? [y/n]: Losing resilience for newly written data on logical volume %s.%s split from %s for read-only purposes.WARNING: Any newly written data will be non-resilient on LV %s during the split!Use 'lvconvert --merge %s' to merge back into %s.Unable to find image to satisfy request.%s cannot be merged because --trackchanges was not used.Unable to merge non-raid image %s.Unable to find containing RAID array for %s.Failed to find meta for %s in RAID array %s.Failed to deactivate %s before merging.%s successfully merged back into %s.Internal error: New segtype not specified.Unable to handle raid arrays with more than %u devices.Checking LV %s requested %s segment type for convenienceConvert %s LV %s to 2 images first.Converting %s LV %s to 2 stripes first.Converting %s LV %s to %u stripes first.Convert %s LV %s to raid4/raid5 first.Convert %s LV %s to 2 stripes first (i.e. --stripes 1).Replaced LV type %s%s with possible type %s.Repeat this command to convert to %s after an interim conversion has finished.Unable to convert LV %s from %s to %s.WARNING: ignoring --stripes option on takeover of %s (reshape afterwards).WARNING: ignoring --stripesize option on takeover of %s (reshape afterwards).Are you sure you want to convert %s LV %sCan't convert RAID LV %s while under snapshot.RAID module does not support reshape.Region size may not be smaller than stripe size on LV %s.Can't remove stripes from raid10.Unable to convert stacked volume %s.Internal error: Failed to free reshape space of %s.No change in RAID LV %s layout, freeing reshape space.LV %s does not have reshape space allocated.Can't reshape out of sync LV %s.Device count is incorrect. Forgotten "lvconvert --stripes %d %s" to remove %u images after reshape?Internal error: Bad return=%d provided to %s.Converting stripesize %s of %s LV %s to %s.Internal error: No change of image count on LV %s.Ignoring layout change on device adding reshape.Can't reshape %s LV %s to odd number of stripes.WARNING: Adding stripes to active%s logical volume %s will grow it from %u to %u extents!Run "lvresize -l%u %s" to shrink it or use the additional capacity.Are you sure you want to add %u images to %s LV %s? [y/n]: Adding %u data and metadata image LV pair%s to %s.Failed to adjust LV %s to new size!(Re)allocating reshape space for %s.Allocating reshape space for %s.Setting delta disk flag on new data LVs of %s.Minimum 3 stripes required for %s LV %s.Ignoring layout change on device removing reshape.WARNING: Removing stripes from active%s logical volume %s will shrink it from %s to %s!THIS MAY DESTROY (PARTS OF) YOUR DATA!Interrupt the conversion and run "lvresize -y -l%u %s" to keep the current size if not done already!If that leaves the logical volume larger than %llu extents due to stripe rounding,you may want to grow the content afterwards (filesystem etc.)WARNING: to remove freed stripes after the conversion has finished, you have to run "lvconvert --stripes %u %s"Can't remove stripes without --force option.Are you sure you want to remove %u images from %s LV %s? [y/n]: No correct kernel/lvm active LV count on %s.No correct kernel/lvm total LV count on %s.Removing %u data and metadata image LV pair%s from %s.Internal error: Bad return provided to %s.WARNING: ignoring --stripesize on conversion of %s to 1 stripe.Converting %s%s LV %s to %s%s.Are you sure you want to convert %s LV %s? [y/n]: %sllocating reshape space for %s.Can't convert %s LV %s to %s containing sub LVs to remove after a reshape.Run "lvconvert --stripes %u %s" first.Invalid conversion request on %s.Reshape request failed on LV %s.Internal error: %s is not a partial LV.Attempting to remove missing devices from %s LV, %s.Replacing %s segments with error target.Failed to replace %s's extents with error target._extract_image_component_error_seg_raid_reshape_remove_images_raid_reshapemetadata/segtype.cWARNING: Unrecognised segment type %sInternal error: Unrecognised segment type flag 0x%016lxmetadata/snapshot_manip.csnapshot%dmirror subvolumesraid subvolumesthin pool type volumescache type volumeshidden volumespvmoved volumeslocked volumesSnapshot volume cannot be smaller than 3 chunks (%u extents, %s).'%s' is already in use as a snapshot.Snapshot and origin LVs must differ.Failed to find snapshot segtypeCouldn't allocate new snapshot segment.Failed to sync local devices before deactivating origin LV %s.Failed to deactivate logical volume "%s"Failed to remove internal snapshot LV %sUnable to activate logical volume "%s"an origin that has a merging snapshotWARNING: Snapshots of mirrors can deadlock under rare device failures.WARNING: Consider using the raid1 mirror type to avoid this.WARNING: See global/mirror_segtype_default in lvm.conf.Snapshot origin must be active exclusively.Snapshots of %s are not supported.Internal error: LV %s already has external origin.Setting logical volume "%s" read-only.Internal error: Inconsitent external origin.Internal error: LV %s is not pool.Internal error: Cannot attach message to non-pool LV %s.Message referring LV %s already queued in pool %s.Delete for device %u already queued in pool %s.Failed to allocate memory for message.Internal error: pool_is_active called with non-pool volume %s.Pool's thin volume %s is active.Internal error: LV %s is not thin pool.Threshold configured for free data space in thin pool %s has been reached (%s%% >= %s%%).WARNING: Remaining free space in metadata of thin pool %s is too low (%s%% >= %s%%). Resize is recommended.Threshold configured for free metadata space in thin pool %s has been reached (%s%% > %s%%). and the size of whole volume group and the amount of free space in volume groupWARNING: Sum of all thin volume sizes (%s) exceeds the size of thin pool%s%s%s (%s).WARNING: You have not turned on protection against thin pools running out of space.WARNING: Set activation/thin_pool_autoextend_threshold below 100 to trigger automatic extension of thin pools before they get full.WARNING: Set activation/thin_pool_autoextend_percent above 0 to specify by how much to extend thin pools reaching the threshold.Can't use "%s" as external origin with "%s" pool. Size %s is not a multiple of pool's chunk size %s.Internal error: Segment in %s is not a thin pool segment.Internal error: Updated LV %s is not pool.Pool %s needs to be locally active for threshold check.Free space in pool %s is above threshold, new volumes are not allowed.Failed to suspend %s with queued messages.Failed to sync local devices LV %s.Internal error: Cannot find configuration.Thin pool chunk size calculation policy "%s" is unrecognised.Thin pool discards type "%s" is unknown.Internal error: Unknown discards type encountered.Cannot read thin pool %s transaction id locally, perhaps skipped in lvm.conf volume_list?Cannot use thin pool %s with transaction id %lu for thin volumes. Expected transaction id %lu.Deactivating public thin pool %s.Aborting. Could not deactivate thin pool %s.Thin pool chunk size %s is not in the range %s to %s.Thin pool chunk size %s must be a multiple of %s.Chunk size must be a power of 2 for this thin target version.Internal error: Could not find configuration.WARNING: Chunk size is too small for pool, suggested minimum is %s.WARNING: Chunk size is smaller then suggested minimum size %s.Selected chunk size %s cannot address more then %s of thin pool data space.Thin pool volume with chunk size %s can address at most %s of data.WARNING: Minimum supported pool metadata size is %s.WARNING: Pool zeroing and %s large chunk size slows down thin provisioning.WARNING: Consider disabling zeroing (-Zn) or using smaller chunk size (<%s).metadata/thin_manip.cAdded %s message.no free space in volume groupLV %s has no segment.Cannot find free device_id.Found free pool device_id %u.performanceSetting chunk size %s.Enabling%s pool zeroing on default.New size %lu for %s%s not an exact number of new extents.New extent count %lu for %s%s exceeds 32 bits.Internal error: global memory pool used for VG %sFailed to allocate VG systemd id.Failed to allocate VG hostname hashtable.Failed to allocate volume group structureSetting mda_copies to %u for VG %sPhysical Extent size must be a multiple of %s when not a power of 2.Metadata format only supports Physical Extent sizes that are powers of 2.Extent size must be between %s and %sExtent size must be multiple of %sVolume group "%s" must be resizeable to change PE sizeNew extent size is not a perfect fitVolume group "%s" must be resizeable to change MaxLogicalVolumeMaxLogicalVolume is less than the current number %d of LVs for %sVolume group "%s" must be resizeable to change MaxPhysicalVolumesMaxPhysicalVolume limit is 255MaxPhysicalVolumes is less than the current number %d of PVs for "%s"Can't change cluster attribute with active logical volume %s.Conversion is supported only for locally exclusive volumes.Setting volume group %s as %sclustered.Metadata format %s does not support this type of system ID.Failed to allocate memory for system_id in vg_set_system_id.Physical volume "%s" still in useCan't remove final physical volume "%s" from volume group "%s"Removing "%s" from volume group "%s"Cannot remove final metadata area on "%s" from "%s"Removal of physical volume "%s" from "%s" failedRemoved "%s" from volume group "%s"metadata/vg.cFreeing VG %s at %p.Failed to allocate VG name.Allocated VG %s at %p.release_vg skip saved %s %p free space allocated space PV segment start PV segment length area length extents moved pvseg start pvseg length area startMaxLogicalVolume limit is 255vg_set_lock_type %s no memInternal error: VG is NULL.mirror/mirrored.cclogFound mirror log at %d:%dStatus of log (%d:%d): %c.Found mirror image at %d:%dStatus of image %d: %c.extents_movedmirror_logmirror_count = %uextents_moved = %umirror_log = "%s"region_size = %u Mirrors %u Mirror size %u Mirror log volume %s Mirror region size %s Mirror original: Mirror destinations:log-clusteredlog-userspacemirror_countcluster log string list allocation failedmirror string list allocation failedMirrored transient status: "%s"Active mirror has a wrong number of mirror images!Metadata says %u, kernel says %u.Check for existence of mirror log %s failed.Mirror log mismatch. Metadata says %d:%d, kernel says %u:%u.Check for existence of mirror image %s failed.Failed to find image %d (%d:%d).Couldn't read 'extents_moved' for segment %s of logical volume %s.Couldn't read 'region_size' for segment %s of logical volume %s.Unrecognised mirror log in segment %s of logical volume %s.Missing region size for mirror log for segment %s of logical volume %s.Couldn't find mirrors array for segment %s of logical volume %s.Cluster mirror log module is not available.Cluster mirror log daemon is not running.struct mirr_state allocation failedMissing region size for mirror segment.Failed to build uuid for log LV %s.Failed to build uuid for mirror LV %s.WARNING: Mirror %s without monitoring will not react on failures.Couldn't read 'mirror_count' for segment '%s'.0w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-misc/lvm-exec.cExecuting:%sforkexecvpChild %u exited abnormally%s failed: %upipePiping:%s/dev/nullpipe[0]STDOUTpipe[1]STDINwaitpidInternal error: Missing command.Failed to sync local device names before forking.wait4 child process %u failed: %smisc/lvm-file.cgethostname%s/.lvm_%s_%d_%d%s: rename to %s failedsync_dir failed in strdupF_WRLCKF_RDLCKLocking %s (%s, %hd)fcntlUnlocking fd %d%s: write errorNot enough space to build temporary file string.fcntl_lock_file failed in strdup.TEST MODE: Metadata will NOT be updated and volumes will not be (de)activated.LVM activation checks disabledmisc/lvm-globals.cLVM udev checking enabledLVM udev checking disabledLVM activation checks enabled[unknown]Interrupted...misc/lvm-signal.cSIGINTsigactionsigprocmaskSIG_SETMASKSIGINT restore_block_signalssigfillsetNames starting "%s" are reserved. Please choose a different LV name.Names including "%s" are reserved. Please choose a different LV name.Failed to build LVM dlid for %s.misc/lvm-string.c_cdata_cmeta_corig_mimage_mlog_rimage_rmeta_tdata_tmeta_pmspare_voriginpvmovesnapshotFailed to create udev library context.misc/lvm-wrappers.cUdev library context not set.Could not get udev state.Assuming udev is not running.read_urandom: /dev/urandom/run/clvmd.pid/run/cmirrord.pidWARNING: Failed to reserve memory, %d bytes missing.Allocation of maps buffer failed.%s area unreadable %s : Skipping.%s ignore filter '%s' matches '%s': Skipping.%s default filter '%s' matches '%s': Skipping.%s_filter '%s' matches '%s': Skipping.%s %10ldKiB %12lx - %12lx %c%c%c%c%sLock: Memlock counters: prioritized:%d locked:%d critical:%d daemon:%d suspended:%dRaised task priority %d -> %d.WARNING: setpriority %d failed: %s.Restoring original task priority %d.WARNING: setpriority %u failed: %s.Unlock: Memlock counters: prioritized:%d locked:%d critical:%d daemon:%d suspended:%dInternal error: Reserved memory (%ld) not enough: used %ld. Increase activation/reserved_memory?Suppressed internal error: Maps lock %ld < unlock %ld, a one-page difference.Entering critical section (%s).Entering prioritized section (%s).Leaving critical section (%s).Internal error: _memlock_inc_daemon used in critical section.memlock_count_daemon inc to %dInternal error: _memlock_count_daemon has dropped below 0.memlock_count_daemon dec to %dmm/memlock.cmunlockUnlmunlockalllseek%lx-%lx %c%c%c%c%nFailed to parse maps line: %s%socked %ld bytesLocking memory%s/self/mapsproc_dir too longgetpriorityUnlocking memoryLeaving section (%s).memlock reset.locale/locale-archive/LC_MESSAGES/gconv/gconv-modules.cache/ld-2./libaio.so./libattr.so./libblkid.so./libbz2.so./libcap.so./libdl-/libdw-/libelf-/libgcrypt.so./libgpg-error.so./liblz4.so./liblzma.so./libmount.so./libncurses.so./libpcre.so./libpcre2-/libreadline.so./libresolv-/libselinux.so./libsepol.so./libsystemd.so./libtinfo.so./libudev.so./libuuid.so./libz.so./etc/selinux[vdso][vsyscall][vectors]Function not implementedproperties/prop_common.cInvalid property name %sProperty name %s does not match type %dUnable to set read-only property %sshrinkingrebuild+emptymetareshapingraid/raid.cRaid transient status %s.raid0_lvsraidsstripe_sizeNo areas found for segment %sraid0_lvstripe_count = %ustripe_size = %udevice_count = %uwritebehind = %umin_recovery_rate = %umax_recovery_rate = %udata_offset = %u Raid Data LV%2d Raid Metadata LV%2d %sdevice_countstripe_countTarget raid does not support %s.Active raid has a wrong number of raid images!Check for existence of raid meta %s failed.Check for existence of raid image %s failed.RAID target does not support RAID4 for LV %s.Internal error: _raid_add_target_line called with no areas for %s.Unable to handle more than %u devices in a single RAID arrayMissing region size for raid segment in %s.Internal error: Invalid request for delta disks minus and delta disks plus!Couldn't read '%s' for segment %s of logical volume %s.Couldn't find RAID array for segment %s of logical volume %s.Missing data device in areas array for segment %s.Failed to import RAID component pairs.raid module string list allocation failedCouldn't read 'device_count' or 'stripe_count' for segment '%s'.Only one of 'device_count' and 'stripe_count' allowed for segment '%s'.Failed to allocate memory for %s segtyperaid0raid0_metaraid1raid10 raid10_near raid4@raid5raid5_nraid5_laraid5_lsraid5_raraid5_rsraid6@raid6_n_6raid6_ncraid6_nr raid6_zr@raid6_ls_6raid6_rs_6raid6_la_6raid6_ra_6report/properties.clv_full_namelv_pathlv_dm_pathlv_parentlv_layoutlv_rolelv_initial_image_synclv_image_syncedlv_merginglv_convertinglv_allocation_policylv_allocation_lockedlv_fixed_minorlv_skip_activationlv_when_fulllv_activelv_active_locallylv_active_remotelylv_active_exclusivelylv_majorlv_minorlv_read_aheadlv_sizelv_metadata_sizeseg_countorigin_uuidorigin_sizelv_ancestorslv_full_ancestorslv_descendantslv_full_descendantsraid_mismatch_countraid_sync_actionraid_write_behindraid_min_recovery_rateraid_max_recovery_ratemove_pvmove_pv_uuidconvert_lvconvert_lv_uuidmirror_log_uuidmetadata_lvmetadata_lv_uuidpool_lvpool_lv_uuidlv_tagslv_profilelv_lockargslv_timelv_time_removedlv_hostlv_moduleslv_historicallv_kernel_majorlv_kernel_minorlv_kernel_read_aheadlv_permissionslv_suspendedlv_live_tablelv_inactive_tablelv_device_opensnap_percentmetadata_percentcopy_percentsync_percentcache_total_blockscache_used_blockscache_dirty_blockscache_read_hitscache_read_missescache_write_hitscache_write_misseskernel_cache_settingskernel_cache_policykernel_metadata_formatlv_health_statuskernel_discardslv_check_neededlv_merge_failedlv_snapshot_invalidlv_attrpv_fmtpv_majorpv_minorpv_mda_freepv_mda_sizepv_ext_vsnpv_sizepv_freepv_usedpv_attrpv_allocatablepv_exportedpv_missingpv_pe_countpv_pe_alloc_countpv_tagspv_mda_countpv_mda_used_countpv_ba_startpv_ba_sizepv_in_usepv_duplicatevg_fmtvg_uuidvg_attrvg_permissionsvg_extendablevg_exportedvg_partialvg_allocation_policyvg_clusteredvg_sharedvg_sizevg_freevg_sysidvg_systemidvg_lock_typevg_lock_argsvg_extent_sizevg_extent_countvg_free_countvg_missing_pv_countlv_countsnap_countvg_seqnovg_tagsvg_profilevg_mda_countvg_mda_used_countvg_mda_freevg_mda_sizevg_mda_copiesdata_stripesreshape_lenreshape_len_lenew_data_offsetparity_chunksthin_countthin_idseg_start_peseg_size_peseg_tagsseg_pe_rangesseg_le_rangesseg_metadata_le_rangesmetadata_devicesseg_monitorpvseg_sizereport/report.cdm_pool_strdup failedrefresh neededwritemostlyout_of_datamismatches exist%s=%slvname snprintf failedagotime_now@%ld:@%ldskip activationqueue_dup_Failed to get segtype name.lvm2_Log sequence number.Log type.Current context.Current object type.Current object name.Current object ID.Current object group.Current object group ID.Log message.Errno.Return code.Description of Device Type.Unique identifier.LV layout.LV role.Set if LV is being converted.LV allocation policy.Active state of the LV.Size of LV in current units.Number of segments in LV.Tags, if any.Set if the LV is historical.LV permissions.Set if LV is suspended.Set if LV device is open.Total cache blocks.Used cache blocks.Dirty cache blocks.Cache read hits.Cache read misses.Cache write hits.Cache write misses.Cache policy used in kernel.LV health status.Set if snapshot merge failed.Type of metadata.Name.Device major number.Device minor number.PV header extension version.Size of PV in current units.Set if PV is used.VG permissions.Set if VG is extendable.Set if VG is exported.Set if VG is partial.VG allocation policy.Set if VG is clustered.Set if VG is shared.Number of PVs in VG.Number of LVs.Number of snapshots.Type of LV segment.Number of data copies.Number of extents in segment.Device Typesdevtype_vg_Logical Volumelv_Logical Volume Device InfoLogical Volume Device StatusPhysical Volumepv_Physical Volume LabelLogical Volume SegmentPhysical Volume Segmentpvseg_Command Logqueue when fullqueue if no spaceerror when fullerror if no spaceread-only-overridero-overrider-overridewriteablerwread-writecheck neededinactive table presentinactive tableinactivelive table presentlive tablelivesnapshot invalidmerge failedactive exclusivelyactive remotelyactive locallyfixed minorfixedallocation lockedimage syncedinitial image syncunmanagedin useundeftodayyesterdaySundaySunMondayMonTuesdayTueWednesdayWedThursdayThuFridayFriSaturdaySatnoonmidnightsecondsecminutehourhrAMPMweekmonthyearyrJanuaryJanFebruaryFebMarchMarAprilAprMayJuneJunJulyJulAugustAugSeptemberSepOctoberOctNovemberNovDecemberDecalloc_time_item: dm_pool_zalloc failed_get_glv_str: dm_snprintf failed_get_now: dm_pool_zalloc failed_get_now: failed to cache current time_preparse_fuzzy_time: dm_pool_alloc failedUnrecognized string in date/time specification at "%s".Unrecognized number in date/time specification at "%s".Mixed absolute and relative date specification found at "%s".Ambiguous date specification found at "%s".Mixed absolute and relative time specification found at "%s".Ambiguous time specification found at "%s"._translate_time_items: invalid time._translate_time_items: dm_snprintf failed_translate_time_items: dm_pool_strdup failedFailed to get value for parsed time specification.Failed to allocate space to store time range.Internal error: Unexpected NULL policy name.Failed to allocate buffer for host.Failed to allocate buffer for time.Failed to allocate buffer for active.Failed to display layout for LV %s/%s.Failed to display role for LV %s/%s.Name of Device Type exactly as it appears in /proc/devices.Maximum number of partitions. (How many device minor numbers get reserved for each device.)Name. LVs created for internal use are enclosed in brackets.Full name of LV including its VG, namely VG/LV.Full pathname for LV. Blank for internal LVs.Internal device-mapper pathname for LV (in /dev/mapper directory).For LVs that are components of another LV, the parent LV.Set if mirror/RAID images underwent initial resynchronization.Set if mirror/RAID image is synchronized.Set if snapshot LV is being merged to origin.Set if LV is locked against allocation changes.Set if LV has fixed minor number assigned.Set if LV is skipped on activation.For thin pools, behavior when full.Set if the LV is active locally.Set if the LV is active remotely.Set if the LV is active exclusively.Persistent major number or -1 if not persistent.Persistent minor number or -1 if not persistent.Read ahead setting in current units.For thin and cache pools, the size of the LV that holds the metadata.For snapshots and thins, the origin device of this LV.For snapshots and thins, the UUID of origin device of this LV.For snapshots, the size of the origin device of this LV.LV ancestors ignoring any stored history of the ancestry chain.LV ancestors including stored history of the ancestry chain.LV descendants ignoring any stored history of the ancestry chain.LV descendants including stored history of the ancestry chain.For RAID, number of mismatches found or repaired.For RAID, the current synchronization action being performed.For RAID1, the number of outstanding writes allowed to writemostly devices.For RAID1, the minimum recovery I/O load in kiB/sec/disk.For RAID1, the maximum recovery I/O load in kiB/sec/disk.For pvmove, Source PV of temporary LV created by pvmove.For pvmove, the UUID of Source PV of temporary LV created by pvmove.For lvconvert, Name of temporary LV created by lvconvert.For lvconvert, UUID of temporary LV created by lvconvert.For mirrors, the LV holding the synchronisation log.For mirrors, the UUID of the LV holding the synchronisation log.For thin and cache pools, the LV holding the associated data.For thin and cache pools, the UUID of the LV holding the associated data.For thin and cache pools, the LV holding the associated metadata.For thin and cache pools, the UUID of the LV holding the associated metadata.For thin volumes, the thin pool LV for this volume.For thin volumes, the UUID of the thin pool LV for this volume.Configuration profile attached to this LV.Lock args of the LV used by lvmlockd.Creation time of the LV, if knownRemoval time of the LV, if knownCreation host of the LV, if known.Kernel device-mapper modules required for this LV.Currently assigned major number or -1 if LV is not active.Currently assigned minor number or -1 if LV is not active.Currently-in-use read ahead setting in current units.Set if LV has live table present.Set if LV has inactive table present.For snapshot, cache and thin pools and volumes, the percentage full if LV is active.For snapshots, the percentage full if LV is active.For cache and thin pools, the percentage of metadata full if LV is active.For Cache, RAID, mirrors and pvmove, current percentage in-sync.Cache settings/parameters as set in kernel, including default values (cached segments only).Cache metadata format used in kernel.For thin pools, how discards are handled in kernel.For thin pools and cache volumes, whether metadata check is needed.Set if snapshot LV is invalid.Various attributes - see man page.Size of underlying device in current units.Free metadata area space on this device in current units.Size of smallest metadata area on this device in current units.Offset to the start of data on the underlying device.Total amount of unallocated space in current units.Total amount of allocated space in current units.Set if this device can be used for allocation.Set if this device is exported.Set if this device is missing in system.Total number of Physical Extents.Total number of allocated Physical Extents.Number of metadata areas on this device.Number of metadata areas in use on this device.Offset to the start of PV Bootloader Area on the underlying device in current units.Size of PV Bootloader Area in current units.Set if PV is an unchosen duplicate.Total size of VG in current units.Total amount of free space in current units.System ID of the VG indicating which host owns it.Lock type of the VG used by lvmlockd.Lock args of the VG used by lvmlockd.Size of Physical Extents in current units.Total number of unallocated Physical Extents.Maximum number of LVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.Maximum number of PVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.Number of PVs in VG which are missing.Revision number of internal metadata. Incremented whenever it changes.Configuration profile attached to this VG.Number of metadata areas on this VG.Number of metadata areas in use on this VG.Free metadata area space for this VG in current units.Size of smallest metadata area for this VG in current units.Target number of in use metadata areas in the VG.Number of stripes or mirror/raid1 legs.Number of data stripes or mirror/raid1 legs.Size of out-of-place reshape space in current units.Size of out-of-place reshape space in logical extents.Data offset on each image device.New data offset after any reshape on each image device.Number of (rotating) parity chunks.For stripes, amount of data placed on one device before switching to the next.For mirrors/raids, the unit of data per leg when synchronizing devices.For snapshots, the unit of data used when tracking changes.For thin pools, the number of thin volumes in this pool.For thin pools, how discards are handled.For cache, metadata format in use.For cache, how writes are cached.For thin pools and volumes, if zeroing is enabled.For thin pools, the transaction id and creation transaction id for thins.For thin volume, the thin device id.Offset within the LV to the start of the segment in current units.Offset within the LV to the start of the segment in physical extents.Size of segment in current units.Size of segment in physical extents.Ranges of Physical Extents of underlying devices in command line format (deprecated, use seg_le_ranges for common format).Ranges of Logical Extents of underlying devices in command line format.Ranges of Logical Extents of underlying metadata devices in command line format.Underlying devices used with starting extent numbers.Underlying metadata devices used with starting extent numbers.Dmeventd monitoring status of the segment.The cache policy (cached segments only).Cache settings/parameters (cached segments only).Physical Extent number of start of segment.Logical Volume Device Info and Status CombinedReserved value for undefined numeric value.ph[O3@}'*  ''''''''' !!" !##$ #%#&#' '( () )* *+,/)0)1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9):)unknownyesno10snapshot/snapshot.csnapshot-mergemerging_storecow_storesnapshot-originchunk_size = %ucow_store = "%s"merging_store = "%s"Couldn't read chunk size for snapshot.Merging store must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Both snapshot cow and merging storage were specified in segment %s of logical volume %s.Cow store must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Snapshot origin not specified in segment %s of logical volume %s.Snapshot origin must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown logical volume %s specified for snapshot cow store in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown logical volume %s specified for snapshot origin in segment %s of logical volume %s.Snapshot cow storage not specified in segment %s of logical volume %s.snapshot string list allocation failedTarget snapshot may leak metadata.striped/striped.c Stripes %u Stripe size %s Stripe size %u KB Stripe %d:# linearstripeInternal error: striped add_target_line called with no areas for %s.Couldn't read stripe_size for segment %s of logical volume %s.Couldn't find stripes array for segment %s of logical volume %s.Couldn't read 'stripe_count' for segment '%s'. Device ID %uthin/thin.cthin_poolexternal_origin Chunk size %s Discards %s Thin count %u Transaction ID %lu Zero new blocks %sThin pool delete %u.snapThin pool create_%s %s.thin_pool = "%s"transaction_id = %ludevice_id = %dexternal_origin = "%s"merge = "%s"metadata = "%s"discards = "%s"zero_new_blocks = 1message%d {create = "%s"delete = %dblock_sizediscards_non_power_2metadata_resizeerror_if_no_spaceexternal_origin_extendWARNING: LV %s maps %s while the size is only %s.Thin pool must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown thin pool %s in segment %s of logical volume %s.Could not read transaction_id for segment %s of logical volume %s.Origin must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown origin %s in segment %s of logical volume %s.Merge lv must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown merge lv %s in segment %s of logical volume %s.Could not read device_id for segment %s of logical volume %s.Unsupported value %u for device_id segment %s of logical volume %s.External origin must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown external origin %s in segment %s of logical volume %s.String list allocation failed for thin_pool.String list allocation failed for thin.Target %s does not support %s.WARNING: Ignoring invalid string in config file %s.Target %s %s support disabled by %sInternal error: Segment %s has no pool.Failed to build uuid for pool LV %s.Internal error: Failed to add merged segment of %s.Thin target does not support smaller size of external origin LV %s.Failed to build uuid for external origin LV %s.Internal error: Thin pool is missing metadata device.Thin pool target does not support %s chunk size (needs kernel >= 3.6).Failed to build uuid for metadata LV %s.WARNING: Thin pool target does not support discards (needs kernel >= 3.4).WARNING: Thin pool target does not support error if no space (needs version >= 1.10).Can't create snapshot %s as origin %s is not suspended.Internal error: Unsupported message.Thin pool set transaction id %lu.Metadata must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown metadata %s in segment %s of logical volume %s.Pool must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown pool %s in segment %s of logical volume %s.Could not read chunk_size segment %s of logical volume %s.Could not read discards for segment %s of logical volume %s.Discards option unsupported for segment %s of logical volume %s.Unsupported value %u for chunk_size segment %s of logical volume %s.Could not read zero_new_blocks for segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown LV %s for create message in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown message in segment %s of logical volume %s.Internal error: Invalid discards value %d.Internal error: Invalid zero new blocks value %d.Internal error: LV %s is not a thin volume.Internal error: Passed unsupported message.global/thin_disabled_featuresthinthin-poolUUID contains invalid character '%c'Couldn't write uuid, buffer too small.Too many characters to be uuid.Couldn't read uuid: incorrect number of characters.uuid/uuid.c0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#zero/zero.czero module string list allocation failedformat1/format1.clvm1 pv_writelvm1 pv_readlvm1 vg_writeformat1_vg_readformat1_orphanPhysical volumes cannot be bigger than %sMetadata would overwrite physical extentsReading physical volume data %s from disklogical volumes cannot contain more than %d extents.logical volumes cannot be larger than %sUnable to allocate metadata area structure for lvm1 formatVG data differs between PVs %s and %sVG data on %s: %s %s %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u%d PV(s) found for VG %s: expected %dPartial mode support for missing lvm1 PVs and partially available LVs is currently not implemented.%s: partial VG, allocated missing PV using %d extents.Failed to allocate format1 format type structure.Couldn't create lvm1 label handler.Couldn't register lvm1 label handler.Couldn't create lvm1 orphan VG.Volume Group name allocation failed.System ID %s on %s differs from %s for volume groupFixing up missing format1 size (%s) for PV %sGenerated LVM1 format system_id too longVolume group name %s too long to exportNon-PV stripe found in LV %s: unsupported by format1Segment type %s in LV %s: unsupported by format1Logical volume number out of bounds.Couldn't find logical volume '%s'.Couldn't find origin logical volume for snapshot '%s'.format1/import-export.c%s%s%luPV_EXPPV_IMPCouldn't add snapshot.PV %s not found.format1/import-extents.clvm1 import_extentsPhysical volume (%s) contains an unknown logical volume (%s).Invalid LV in extent map (PV %s, PE %u, LV %u, LE %u)logical extent number out of boundslogical extent (%u) already mapped.Unable to create hash table for holding extent maps.Couldn't fill logical volume maps.Logical volume (%s) contains an incomplete mapping table.Number of stripes (%u) incompatible with logical extent count (%u) for %sFailed to allocate striped segment.Failed to allocate linear segment.Couldn't build extent segments.Couldn't allocate logical volume maps.MaxLogicalVolumes of %d exceeds format limit of %d for VG '%s'MaxPhysicalVolumes of %d exceeds format limit of %d for VG '%s'Insufficient space for metadata and PE's.Too few extents on %s. Try smaller extent size.Metadata extent limit (%u) exceeded for %s - %u requiredformat1/layout.cformat1/lvm1-label.cThe '%s' operation is not supported for the lvm1 labeller.lvm1 vg_numberformat1/vg_number.cpool pv_readformat_pool/format_pool.cpool_vg_readMissing subpool %d in pool %spool_orphanUnable to allocate %d subpool structuresUnable to allocate %d pool_device structuresMissing device %u for subpool %d in pool %sUnable to allocate metadata area structure for pool formatUnable to allocate format type structure for pool formatCouldn't create pool label handler.Couldn't register pool label handler.Couldn't create pool orphan VG.gfs_journalgfs_dataformat_pool/import_export.cFound sptype %X and converted it to %sCalculated lv uuid for lv %s: %sUnable to duplicate vg_name stringUnable to allocate pv list structureUnable to allocate pv structureStripe size must be a power of 2Unable to allocate striped lv_segment structureAllocation failed for str_list.Unable to allocate linear lv_segment structureformat_pool/pool_label.cThe '%s' operation is not supported for the pool labeller.locking/cluster_locking.cEOF reading CLVMDcluster request failed: %s/run/lvm/clvmd.sock^P_clvmd not running on node %sError locking on node %s: %sUNNLCRPRPWEX|REVERT|ORIGIN_ONLY|CACHE|REMOTE|LOCAL|CLUSTER|HOLD|NONBLOCKRequesting sync names.%c_%sLocking resource %s too long.Unrecognised lock type: %uError writing data to clvmd: %sError reading data from clvmd: %s%s: clvmd socket name too long.Local socket creation failed: %sconnect() failed on local socket: %sSkipping redundant local sync command.strlen(resource) < sizeof(lockname)Requesting backup of VG metadata for %sLocking %s %s %s (%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s) (0x%x)Lock held for %s, node %s : %s0 _lock_for_cluster_lock_resourceactivate/dev_manager.cLV percent: %s-VolderbettercryptostratisCRYPT-TEMPCRYPT-SUBDEVstratis-blocked_mirrors block_on_error handle_errors%d:%d %d:%d%s: %s device %s not usable.invalid snapshotsfrozen raidfrozenunusable_thinsPrelAdding new LV %s%s%s to dtree%*u:%*u %u%sblock/dm-%u/holdersFound holder %s of %s. origin-onlyCreating %s%s tree for %s.Deleting tracked UUID %s.dev_managermissing_%d_%dFailed to set query_inactive_table.WARNING: Failed to disable open_count.WARNING: Failed to set no_flush.WARNING: Cannot find matching %s segment for %s.Internal error: WARNING: Segment type %s found does not match expected type %s for %s.Number of segments in active LV %s does not match metadata.Kernel driver has incomplete udev support so LVM will check and perform some operations itself.Failed to allocated path for callback.Internal error: Registering unsupported pool callback.Failed to build device path for checking pool metadata %s.Metadata checking skipped, detected empty disk header on %s.Internal error: Unable to find configuration for pool check options.Invalid string in config file: global/%s_check_options.Too many options for %s command.WARNING: Check is skipped, please install recommended missing binary %s!WARNING: Cannot read output from %s.WARNING: Cannot parse output '%s' from %s.WARNING: Check is skipped, please upgrade installed version of %s!Check of pool %s failed (status:%d). Manual repair required!WARNING: Integrity check of metadata for pool %s failed.Found version of %s %s is %s then requested %u.%u.%u.Skipping checks for old devices without LVM- dm uuid prefix (kernel vsn %d >= %d).Getting device info for %s [%s].Internal error: _emit_target cannot handle segment type %s.WARNING: Cannot get info from tree node for %s.%s: Empty device %s not usable.%s: Suspended device %s not usable.%s: Reserved uuid %s on internal LV device %s not usable.%s: Reserved internal LV device %s/%s%s%s not usable.%s: Reserved uuid %s on %s device %s not usable.%s: Scanning mirror devices is disabled.%s: Mirror image %d marked as failed.%s: Mirror log device marked as failed.%s: I/O blocked to mirror device.%s: Mirror device %s not usable.WARNING: Incorrect snapshot table found for %d:%d.WARNING: Incorrect snapshot-origin table found for %d:%d.%s: Invalid %s device %s not usable.WARNING: %s frozen raid device (%d:%d) needs inspection.%s: Frozen %s device %s not usable.WARNING: Cannot get thin-pool major:minor for thin device %d:%d.WARNING: %s: Thin's thin-pool needs inspection.%s: Error device %s not usable.WARNING: Using linear target for %s/%s: Striped requires extent size (%u sectors) >= page size (%u).%soaded thin volume %s with id %u is %smatching id %u.Merging of snapshot volume %s to origin %s is in progress.Postponing pending snapshot merge for origin %s, merge was not started before suspend.Postponing pending snapshot merge for origin %s, origin volume is opened.Postponing pending snapshot merge for origin volume %s, merging thin snapshot volume %s is active.Postponing pending snapshot merge for origin volume %s, merging snapshot volume %s is opened._add_new_lv_to_dtree: pool alloc failed for %s %s.Internal error: LV %s is not merging snapshot.Couldn't find snapshot for '%s'.Checking kernel supports %s segment type for %s%s%sCan't process LV %s: %s target support missing from kernel?Adding external origin LV %s and all active users.Finished adding external origin LV %s and all active users.Using error for pending delete %s.sysfs_path dm_snprintf failed.Failed to parse dm device minor number from %s.Checking holder of %s %s (%u:%u) %s.Cannot find holder with device name %s in VG %s.Volume %s (%u:%u) differs from already active device (%u:%u).The requested major:minor pair (%u:%u) is already used.Failed to add device (%u:%u) to dtree.Tracking pending delete for %s (%s).Internal error: Cannot create tree for %s.Partial dtree creation failed for %s.Lost dependency tree root node._clean_tree: Couldn't split up device name %s._clean_tree: Failed to duplicate uuid.Failed to remove all device symlinks associated with %s._create_lv_symlinks: Couldn't split up old device name %s._create_lv_symlinks: Couldn't split up new device name %s.Failed to create symlinks for %s.Internal error: _tree_action: Action %u not supported.Getting device %s status percentage for %s.Expected %s segment type but got %s instead.Internal error: %s is not a RAID logical volume.Internal error: Unknown RAID message: %s.Getting device status percentage for %s.Getting device status percentage for %sMore then one table line found for %s.Unexpected target type %s found for thin %s.Cannot parse table like parameters %s for %s.Aborting. LV %s is now incomplete and '--activationmode partial' was not specified.Internal error: Unassigned area found in LV %s.Cannot activate %s: pool incomplete.Internal error: _add_error_or_zero_device called with bad segment.Failed to create partial dtree.Failed to add device %s (%u:%u) to dtree.))(*`''`(PRELOADACTIVATEDEACTIVATESUSPENDSUSPEND_WITH_LOCKFSCLEANactivate/fs.cRemoving link %s%s/groupCouldn't create path for %sRemoving %sLinking %s -> %ssymlinkCreating directory %smkdirRemoving directory %sSyncing device namesCouldn't determine link pathname.The link %s should have been removed by udev but it is still present. Falling back to direct link removal.%s not symbolic link - not removingCouldn't create destination pathname for logical volume link for %sCouldn't create pathname for LVM1 group file for %sNon-LVM1 character device found at %sSymbolic link %s not created: file existsSymlink %s that should have been created by udev does not have correct target. Falling back to direct link creationSymlink %s that should have been created by udev could not be checked for its correctness. Falling back to direct link creation.The link %s should have been created by udev but it was not found. Falling back to direct link creation.Couldn't create path for volume group dir %sCouldn't create source pathname for logical volume link %sCouldn't construct name of volume group directory.No space to stack fs operationlocking/external_locking.clocking_initlock_resourcereset_lockinglocking_endquery_resourceExternal locking already initialisedShared library %s does not contain locking functionsWARNING: %s: _query_resource() missing: Using inferior activation method.Loaded external locking library %smisc/sharedlib.cOpening shared %s library %sNot loading shared %s library %s in static mode.Unable to open external %s library %s: %spid = %ldupdate_timeout = %ldtoken = %scmd = %scache/lvmetad.ctoken_updatetoken_mismatchexpectedupdate in progress%s%doffset = %ldbadamda%dupdate_pidtoken_updating_monotonic_seconds errorprev_tokenlist PVslist VGslookup VGlookup PVclear info about all PVsset VG infoupdate VGremove VGupdate PVdrop PVaction unknownpv_listvg_listvg_lookuppv_lookuppv_clear_allvg_clear_outdated_pvsset_vg_infovg_updatevg_removepv_foundpv_gonemultiplevgidvgnamelabel_sectorext_flagsext_versionba%d/run/lvmetad.pidLVM_LVMETAD_PIDFILEaccessfilter:%uget_global_infodaemon_pidAsking lvmetad for PV %sphysical_volumeAsking lvmetad for PV on %sdevice = %ldvolume_groupsvg_list no name found.dev_size = %ldext_flags = %ldext_version = %ldlabel_sector = %ldformat = %svgname = %spvmeta = %tmetadata = %tseqno_afterseqno_beforeIgnore foreign VG %s on %scompletestr_list_add failedVG %s is changed in lvmetad.Asking lvmetad for VG %s %sAsking lvmetad for VG vgid %sAsking lvmetad for VG %smetadata/formatmetadata/physical_volumesmetadata/outdated_pvsvg_invalidRescan VG %s found new PV %s.vgid = %smetadata/system_idFailed response from lvmetad.Sending lvmetad disabled %sglobal_disable = %ldset_global_infodisable_reason = %sScan metadata from dev %sNo PV label found for %s.LVM1Sending lvmetad disabled 0send errorresponse errorglobal_disabledisable_reasonREPAIRa repair command was runLVM1 metadata was foundduplicate PVs were foundVGRESTOREglobal_invalidglobal_invalid = %ldRescanned all devicesWARNING: lvmetad connection failed, cannot reconnect.WARNING: Cannot use lvmetad after %u sec lvmetad_update_wait_time.WARNING: lvmetad is being updated, retrying (%s) for %u more seconds.VG %s metadata inequality at %s / %s: %s / %sVG %s metadata inequality at %s / %s: %ld / %ldVG %s metadata inequality at %s / %s: type %d / type %dVG %s metadata inequality at %s / %sSending lvmetad token_update %sWARNING: lvmetad token update error: %slvmetad is being updated, retry for %u more seconds.Not using lvmetad after %u sec lvmetad_update_wait_time, no more try.Received token update mismatch expected "%s" our token "%s" update_pid %d our pid %dWARNING: lvmetad was updated by another command (pid %d).Internal error: lvmetad token update mismatch pid %d matches our own pid %dFailed response from lvmetad for token update.SKIP device %d:%d open to update udevclear the list of outdated PVsInternal error: Unchecked lvmetad message %s.lvmetad cannot be used due to error: %slvmetad token mismatch, expected "%s" our token "%s"WARNING: lvmetad is being updated by another command (pid %d).Internal error: lvmetad update by pid %d matches our own pid %dWARNING: lvmetad is being updated and cannot be used.WARNING: lvmetad was updated by another command.WARNING: Cannot use lvmetad while it caches different devices.Request to %s %s%sin lvmetad did not find any matching object.Request to %s %s%sin lvmetad found multiple matching objects.Request to %s %s%sin lvmetad gave response %s. Reason: %sWARNING: To avoid corruption, restart lvmetad (or disable with use_lvmetad=0).PV %s not recognised. Is the device missing?WARNING: Device for PV %s not found or rejected by a filter.Missing or ill-formatted PVID for PV: %s.Asking lvmetad for complete list of known PVspv_cache_list allocation failed.Failed to connect to lvmetad: socket not present.Successfully connected to lvmetad on fd %d.Failed to connect to lvmetad: %sWARNING: Failed to set lvmetad token. Out of memory?Sending lvmetad get_global_infoWARNING: Not using lvmetad after send error (%d).WARNING: Not using lvmetad after response error.WARNING: Not using lvmetad with older version.pvscan[%d] WARNING: Not using lvmetad after %u sec lvmetad_update_wait_time.pvscan[%d] WARNING: lvmetad is being updated, retrying (setup) for %u more seconds.lvmetad initialization needed.lvmetad initialization needed for different filter.lvmetad initialized during wait.lvmetad initialized previously.Sending lvmetad pending VG %s (seqno %u)Sending lvmetad pending remove VG %sTelling lvmetad to remove VGID %s (%s)Asking lvmetad for complete list of known VG ids/namesTelling lvmetad to store PV %s (%s) in VG %sTelling lvmetad to store PV %s (%s)WARNING: Inconsistent metadata found for VG %sVG %s is complete in lvmetad with dev %s.Failed to export VG to config tree.Sending lvmetad updated VG %s (seqno %u)Telling lvmetad to forget any PV on %sInternal error: VG name required (VGID not available)Multiple VGs found with the same name: %s.See the --select option with VG UUID (vg_uuid).Internal error: metadata config node not found.Internal error: We do not know the format (%s) reported by lvmetad.Rescan VG %s because including sharedRescan VG %s because no lvmlockd lock is heldWARNING: Reading VG %s from disk because lvmetad metadata is invalid.Rescan VG %s because lvmetad returned invalidRescan VG %s scanning data from devs in previous metadata.Rescan VG %s from %s dropping dev (no label).Reading VG %s failed to create format instance.Rescan VG %s getting metadata from %s.Rescan VG %s from %s dropping dev (no info).Rescan VG %s from %s dropping dev (no metadata).Rescan VG %s from %s dropping dev (other VG %s).VG export to config tree failedWARNING: inconsistent metadata for VG %s on devices %s seqno %u and %s seqno %u.WARNING: temporarily disable lvmetad to repair metadata.VG %s metadata comparison failed for device %s vs %sVG %s not found after rescanning devices.Rescan VG %s did not find VG on previous devs.Rescan VG %s scanning all devs to find new PVs.VG %s vg info not found after rescanning devices.VG %s info devs not found after rescanning devices.Rescan VG %s has %d PVs after label scan.Rescan VG %s removing %s from lvmetad.Failed to remove %s from lvmetad.Rescan VG %s updating lvmetad from seqno %u to seqno %u.Rescan VG %s removing %s from lvmetad to replace.Failed to update lvmetad with new VG metaRescan VG %s done (new seqno %u).Rescan VG %s to update lvmetad (seqno %u).VG %s from lvmetad not found during rescan.Asking lvmetad for complete list of known VGsSending lvmetad vg_clear_outdated_pvsFailed to connect to lvmetad to disable.Failed to send message to lvmetad %dCannot proceed since lvmetad is not active.Ignore multipath component for pvscan.No PV info found on %s for PVID %s.WARNING: Disabling lvmetad cache which does not support obsolete (lvm1) metadata.the disable flag was set directlyvgcfgrestore is restoring VG metadataWARNING: lvmetad is being updated, waiting for %u more seconds.WARNING: lvmetad update is interrupting another update in progress.Failed to start lvmetad update.WARNING: lvmetad update in progress, retrying update.WARNING: lvmetad update in progress, skipping update.Scanning all devices to initialize lvmetad.Telling lvmetad to clear its cacheSending %d devices to lvmetad.Failed to update lvmetad token after device scan.WARNING: Scan found duplicate PVs.Enabling lvmetad which was previously disabled.Internal error: validate global cache without lvmlockdValidating global lvmetad cachelvmetad validate send get_global_infolvmetad_validate_global_cache get_global_info error %dlvmetad_validate_global_cache get_global_info not okRescan all devices to validate global cache.WARNING: Not using lvmetad because cache update failed.WARNING: Not using lvmetad because %s.lvmetad validate send set_global_infolvmetad_validate_global_cache set_global_info error %dlvmetad_validate_global_cache set_global_info not okdevice %d:%d changed pvid from %s to %sdevice %d:%d changed vg from %s to %sdevice %d:%d pvid %s vg %s is gonelvmpolld/lvmpolld-client.clvname = %slvid = %scmdline = %sinterval = %sFailed to create %s request.abort = %ldhandle_missing_pvs = %ldsysdir = %s abortconvertmerge_thinprogress_infoin_progressfinishedsignalvaluenot_foundlvmpolld failed to process a request. The reason was: %s.lvmpolld couldn't handle a request. It might be due to daemon internal state. The reason was: %s.Unexpected response %s. The reason: %s.For more information see lvmpolld messages in syslog or lvmpolld log file.Interval string conversion got truncated.Failed to process request with error %s (errno: %d).Sucessfully connected to lvmpolld on fd %d.WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmpolld. Proceeding with polling without using lvmpolld.WARNING: Check global/use_lvmpolld in lvm.conf or the lvmpolld daemon state.Internal error: Use of lvmpolld requires uuid setInternal error: Use of lvmpolld requires vgname setInternal error: Use of lvmpolld requires lvname setAsking lvmpolld for pvmove%s on %s/%s.Asking lvmpolld for mirror conversion on %s/%s.Asking lvmpolld for snapshot merge on %s/%s.Asking lvmpolld for thin snapshot merge on %s/%s.Internal error: Unsupported poll operation.Internal error: Unsupported poll operationInternal error: use of lvmpolld requires uuid being setAsking lvmpolld for progress status of an operation on %s/%s.Failed to create progress_info request.No polling operation in progress regarding LV %s.Command executed by lvmpolld got terminated by signal (%d).LVM command run by lvmpolld responded with: 'No such command.'LVM command run by lvmpolld failed due to invalid parameters.LVM command executed by lvmpolld failed.lvmpolld failed to duplicate file descriptors.lvmpolld failed to exec() lvm binary.lvmpolld responded with unexpected return code.Polling finished successfully.Extend sanlock LV %s to size %s failed.Extend sanlock LV %s name too long - extended size not zeroed.Extend sanlock LV zeroing blocks from offset %lu bytes len %u bytesZeroing %u MiB on extended internal lvmlock LV...Extend sanlock LV %s cannot find device.Extend sanlock LV %s cannot open device.Extend sanlock LV %s cannot zero device.lockd_result %d flags %s lm %sFailed to deactivate sanlock lv %s/%sFailed to activate sanlock lv %s/%sFailed to remove sanlock LV %s/%slvmlockd %s %s vg %s lv %s result %d %xlvmlockd %s %s vg %s result %d %xlvmlockd %s %s failed no resultFailed to create sanlock lv %s in vg %sVG %s init failed: lvmlockd not availableVG %s init failed: invalid parameters for sanlockVG %s init failed: sanlock cannot open device /dev/mapper/%s-%sCheck that sanlock has permission to access disks.VG %s init failed: lock manager sanlock is not runningVG %s init failed: lock manager sanlock is not supported by lvmlockdVG %s init failed: no disk space for leasesVG %s init failed: a lockspace with the same name existsVG %s init failed: lock_args not returnedVG %s init failed: lock_args alloc failedVG %s init failed: vg_write vg_commitShould not initialize lvmlockd with use_lvmlockd=0.WARNING: lvmlockd socket location is not configured.WARNING: lvmlockd process is not running.Should not connect to lvmlockd with use_lvmlockd=0.lvmlockd is already connected.Successfully connected to lvmlockd on fd %d.WARNING: lvmlockd connect failed.VG %s init failed: invalid parameters for dlmVG %s init failed: lock manager dlm is not runningVG %s init failed: lock manager dlm is not supported by lvmlockd_free_vg_dlm lvmlockd result %dVG %s start failed: lvmlockd is not enabledVG %s start failed: lvmlockd is not runninglockd start VG %s lock_type %s init %dVG %s start failed: lvmlockd not availableVG %s start error: already startedVG %s start error: already startingVG %s start failed: invalid parameters for %sVG %s start failed: invalid sanlock host_id, set in lvmlocal.confVG %s start failed: lock manager %s is not runningVG %s start failed: lock manager %s is not supported by lvmlockdVG %s stop failed: LVs must first be deactivatedlockd_stop_vg deactivate sanlock lvMissing global lock: global lock was lost by removing a previous VG.To enable the global lock in another VG, see lvmlockctl --gl-enable.Cannot create VG with lock_type %s without lvmlockd.Global lock failed: check that lvmlockd is running.Global lock failed: start existing sanlock VGs to access global lock.(If all sanlock VGs are started, enable global lock with lvmlockctl.)Global lock failed: check that VG holding global lock exists and is started.Global lock failed: check that global lockspace is started.Start a lock manager, lvmlockd did not find one running.Global lock failed: lockspace is starting.Global lock failed: held by other host.VG create failed: lock manager %s is not supported by lvmlockd.Exclusive locks are not allowed with readonly option.Reading without shared global lock.lockd global mode %s already held.Global lock failed: lockspace is startingGlobal lock failed: check that global lockspace is startedGlobal lock failed: storage errors for sanlock leasesGlobal lock failed: storage failed for sanlock leasesSkipping global lock: lockspace is startingSkipping global lock: storage %s for sanlock leasesSkipping global lock: VG with global lock was removedSkipping global lock: lockspace not found or startedDuplicate sanlock global locks should be correctedVG %s lock skipped: lock start in progressVG %s lock failed: lock start in progressVG %s lock skipped: storage %s for sanlock leasesVG %s lock failed: storage %s for sanlock leasesVG %s lock skipped: held by other host.VG %s lock failed: held by other host.Duplicate sanlock global lock in VG %sLV locks are not allowed with readonly option.Shared activation not compatible with LV type %s of %s/%slockd LV %s/%s mode %s uuid %sLV locked by other host: %s/%sLV is already locked with incompatible mode: %s/%sLV %s/%s lock failed: lockspace is inactiveLV %s/%s lock failed: storage %s for sanlock leasesLV %s/%s lock failed: error %dLV in VG %s with lock_type %s requires lvmlockd.Lock on incorrect thin lv type %s/%sCannot find thin pool for %s/%sLock already exists for LV %s/%sNo sanlock space for lock for LV %s/%s_init_lv_sanlock lvmlockd result %dlv_lock_args allocation failedlockd_init_lv: unknown lock_type.Cannot create snapshot without origin LV in shared VG.Failed to find origin LV %s/%sFailed to lock origin LV %s/%sFailed to find thin pool %s/%sFailed to lock thin pool %s/%sCreate thin pool and thin LV separately with lock type %sUnknown thin options for lock init.lockd_free_lv: unknown lock_type.Failed to restart VG %s lockspace.lockd_rename_vg_final lvmlockd result %dFailed to start VG %s lockspace.Failed to get result from lvmlockdFailed to find a running lock manager.LV %s/%s must be inactive on all hosts.Cannot change VG %s with active LVsLockspace for "%s" not stopped on other hosts_busy_vg_dlm lvmlockd result %dGlobal lock failed: global lock was lost by removing a previous VG._free_vg_sanlock %s no lock_args_free_vg_sanlock lvmlockd result %dVG %s held the sanlock global lock, enable global lock in another VG.LVs must be inactive before vgrename.Cannot rename VG %s with active LVslockd_rename_vg_before lvmlockd result %dlockd_rename_vg_before deactivate sanlock lvlocking/lvmlockd.c%s/mapper/%s-%sFailed to refresh %s.lockd_result reply error %dlockd_result bad responselockd_result no op_resultresult_flagsNO_LOCKSPACESNO_GL_LSNO_LMDUP_GL_LSWARN_GL_REMOVEDlv_lock_args = %svg_lock_args = %svg_lock_type = %slv_uuid = %slv_name = %svg_name = %sopts = %smode = %slvmlockd %s %s result %d %xinit_vgVG %s init failed: %dFailed to create internal lv./run/lvmlockd.pid/run/lvm/lvmlockd.socketfind_free_lockUnknown lock_type.free_vgstart_initstart_vghost_id = %ldvg_uuid = %sVG %s starting %s lockspaceVG %s start failed: %dlockd stop VG %s lock_type %sstop_vgVG %s stop failed: %dstart_waitLock start failedlockd global lock_type %sUnknown lock-gl modelock_glRetrying %s global lockEnabling sanlock global lockGlobal lock failed: error %dlockd global mode %sGlobal lock failed: error %d.lockd VG %s mode %slock_vgRetrying %s lock on VG %sVG %s lock failed: removedVG %s lock skipped: error %dVG %s lock failed: error %dpersistentlock_lvLocking failed for LV %s/%sRefresh lvmlockinit_lvlv_lock_argslv_lock_args not returnedfree_lv_free_lv lvmlockd result %drename_vg_finalrunning_lmlvmlockd found sanlocklvmlockd found dlmFailed to unlock LV %s/%s.busy_vgrename_vg_before Setting %scache_segtype/cache.c Metadata format %u Mode %s Policy %sCache supports %s.Found kernel symbol%s.cache_poolcache_pool = "%s"cleaner = 1metadata_format = %ucache_mode = "%s" and aliases cache-mqString list allocation failed for cache module.WARNING: The cache kernel module is version %u.%u.%u. Version 1.3.0+ is required.Cache policy %s is available%s.Internal error: Passed segment is not cache.Internal error: LV %s has unknown cache mode %d.LV %s has metadata format %u unsuported by kernel.Using metadata2 format for %s.Internal error: LV %s has unknown metadata format %u.Cache pool %s is missing cache policy, using %s.Cache pool %s uses implicit metadata format %u.Cache pool %s is missing cache mode, using %s.Cache data not specified in segment %s of logical volume %s.Cache data must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown logical volume %s specified for cache data in segment %s of logical volume %s.Cache metadata not specified in segment %s of logical volume %s.Cache metadata must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown logical volume %s specified for cache metadata in segment %s of logical volume %s.Couldn't read cache chunk_size in segment %s of logical volume %s.cache_mode must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown cache_mode in segment %s of logical volume %s.policy must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Failed to duplicate policy in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown cache metadata format %u number in segment %s of logical volume %s.policy_settings must have a policy_name in segment %s of logical volume %s.policy_settings must be a section in segment %s of logical volume %s.cache_pool not specified in segment %s of logical volume %s.cache_pool must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown logical volume %s specified for cache_pool in segment %s of logical volume %s.Cache origin not specified in segment %s of logical volume %s.Cache origin must be a string in segment %s of logical volume %s.Unknown logical volume %s specified for cache origin in segment %s of logical volume %s.Could not read cache cleaner in segment %s of logical volume %s.Internal error: LV %s is using unknown cache metadada format %u.Internal error: Incorrect policy_settings tree, %s.Failed to allocate memory for cache_pool segtypeFailed to allocate memory for cache segtype/proc/kallsymsglobal/cache_disabled_featurescachedatastruct/btree.cdevice/bcache.cmisaligned data bufferasync io still in flightio_destroyunable to allocate sync_ioio_geteventsio_setup failed %dsome blocks are still lockedLimit write at %llu len %llu beyond last byte %lluSkip extending write at %llu len %llu limit %llu extra %llu sector_size %lluLimit write at %llu len %llu to len %llu rounded to %lluLimit write at %llu len %llu to len %lluInvalid adjusted write at %llu len %llu adjusted %llu limit %llu extra %llu sector_size %llucouldn't allocate control blockbcache_invalidate: block (%d, %llu) still dirtybcache_invalidate: block (%d, %llu) still heldbcache_abort: block (%d, %llu) still heldDevice seek error %d for offset %lluDevice seek failed for offset %lluDevice read error %d offset %llu len %lluDevice write error %d offset %llu len %lluDevice read short %u bytes remainingDevice write short %u bytes remainingbcache no new blocks for fd %d index %ubcache unable to insert block in radix tree (OOM?)couldn't create control block setWARNING: _SC_PAGESIZE returns negative value.bcache must have at least one cache blockbcache must have a non zero block sizebcache block size must be a multiple of page sizeconcurrent write lock attemptedbcache failed to get block %u fd %dref count on bcache block already zerodevice/dev-ext.cUdev database has incomplete information about device %s.%s: Failed to get external handle [%s].%s: External handle [%s:%p] attached%s: Failed to release external handle [%s:%p]%s: External handle [%s:%p] detached%s: Failed to enable external handle [%s].%s: Failed to disable external handle [%s].device/dev-md.c%s/dev/block/%d:%d/md/%sdm_snprintf md %s failed%s/block/md%d/md/%sdm_snprintf old md %s failedDevice %s %s is %lu bytes.Device %s %s is %s.raid%draid_disksDevice %s %s is %d.metadata_version0.90%s sysfs attr %s not in expected format: %sFound md magic number at offset 0 of %s.Found md magic number at offset %d of %s.Internal error: Missing hook for MD device recognition using external device info source %sDevice %s has an unknown md raid level: %dDevice %s stripe-width is %lu bytes.gFF F F`F`FF F F FFdevice/dev-swap.cSWAP-SPACESWAPSPACE2S1SUSPENDS2SUSPENDULSUSPENDV importing unknown segmentunknown/unknown.cFailed to allocate name.Failed to allocate memory for unknown segtypeformat_text/archive.cFile: %sUnable to read archive file.VG name: %sDescription: %sBackup Time: %s%s/%s_%05u-%d.vgArchive file name too long.Archive rename failed for %sExpiring archive %sNo archives found in %s.Archive file %s not found.Couldn't create text instance object.Couldn't scan the archive directory (%s).Couldn't create new archive file.Couldn't create temporary archive name.Couldn't create FILE object for archive.%s/A_%slocking/file_locking.c%s/P_%s%s/V_%sUnlocking LV %s%s%sLocking LV %s (NL)Locking LV %s (R)Locking LV %s (PR) - ignoredLocking LV %s (W)%sLocking LV %s (EX)Too long locking filename %s/A_%s.Too long locking filename %s/P_%s.Too long locking filename %s/V_%s.Path for locking_dir %s is invalid.dYY1VWXtXX_undo_flock %smisc/lvm-flock.cUnlocking %sflock_drop_shared_flock %s._do_flock %s %c%cGiving up waiting for lock.Unrecognised lock type: %dLocking %s %c%cformat1/disk-rep.cDuplicate PV %s - using %s %sexported Found %s in %sVG %sFailed to read LV's from %sInvalid PV structure size.Failed to write VG data to %sToo many uuids to fit on %slv_number %d too largeFailed to write extents to %sSuccessfully wrote data to %sFailed to write LV's to %sIgnoring duplicate PV %s on %s%s does not have a valid LVM1 PV identifierformat1: Unknown metadata version %d found on %sFailed to read PV data from %s%s is not a member of any format1 VGFailed to read VG data from PV (%s)%s is not a member of the VG %sFailed to read PV uuid list from %sFailed to read extents from %sread_pvs_in_vg: dev_iter_create failedCouldn't allocate temporary PV buffer.Writing %s PV metadata to %s at %lu len %zuWriting %s VG metadata to %s at %lu len %zuWriting %s uuidlist to %s at %lu len %dCouldn't zero lv area on device '%s'Writing %s LV %s metadata to %s at %lu len %zuFailed to write PV structure onto %sFailed to write PV uuid list to %sWriting %s extents metadata to %s at %lu len %zuformat_pool/disk_rep.cCalculated uuid %s for %spool read_vgNo devices for vg %s found in cacheUnable to allocate pool list structureInternal error: device is missingUnable to allocate %d 32-bit uints 8(؈0@`؉xp`00I `P@Xp@ȕО8ph0_dump_degrade_to_n48_degrade_to_n16_degrade_to_n4unused value is not UNSET (n4) unused value is not UNSET (n16) referencing value past nr_entries (n48) not all values are referenced (n48) incorrect number of entries in n48, n48->nr_entries = %u, actual = %u unused value is not UNSET (n48) incorrect number of entries in n256, n256->nr_entries = %u, actual = %u ./base/data-struct/radix-tree-adaptive.cincorrect entry count: rt->nr_entries = %u, actual = %u duplicate entry (n48) %u value in UNSET (n48) unknown value type: %u shouldn't get here n16 != ((void *)0) values[i].type != UNSETz>z@${D@<{@t{TA{4B{DD|Dl|E|G|G|M,}4NL}tNt}N}O}P~P,~PD~tQ~Q~R~SDT$UUtVDVtDWẀghlii܁$l,TlDDst܂ww4wLdxtzzz<{\4{|̄Ԁ,dt<T4T,dDt\tąԇԅT<tTld̈T,Ĉ|4D̉$,|Đ܊d|TċT<tD4tD$Ħ4Ԩ$,dTT<Dt4dDܒ,\ēܓ $<T$ĔtLTTT4TT$ėD4\t44$Tl4ԙt$lD ̚ $ T 444l$̜ t\TD "̞4"#,t$t$D&ԟ'(T*+,,d.t1T2 3L546Ԣ67$7\T88̣8D9,9td:Ĥ:d;d;=>T@TAdETdFFtGtI\4JKܨLL4PtXԩZt\d\\\Īd]t]^L4`d``ԫataa4aLdhldq<Tr|dr$sdw,y|{}d~DdĂ,DTd$4Tt4Ld|ԉċԱt$lԓ tLD|$̳T<dtTԵ$<įTlĶlԷ44TLt$Ld|DĹTܹ Dt4 <d4L$4<D 4L̾4,DLTԿ44t$4TdT $ ,|$\4 t !""$+t,--$.l//T00$D1D5D667t7$7<8\8:4;D;TT?@FH<H|JK4M4M\OPDPTQ Q,R\S4STSdStT$V<WtWXY,YD4[^ajddp4vLădTlDt$lTd,tDĒ\t$4ē <Tld ԥ\4|$dt4ddĺD $dtd <d $t4dDD44DL$ld l4 t!\d$&& '$4'<t'T'l''),<$3D3344D4T44D666$7$$8\d9=A,I|IJJK,$KLK|NTQQDR|SSDTT T,UdU|UdWXX$YdY|d[[]$`l4bdfl4g4jjoLodpst wLd|t||D}d}$}D}\}t}DĀ4LdltԂ 4$D<TTtԃ$4D d\|ԒtT4LdĜ|ԜTdTԢd4,T$,\4,dt<T$4tTlt,4Ddt$L4dTt$<$ttTdDdt4t$4D|TD<\$$DTdDt$Dd$4DLTTd4d|dL t|    $  $ \  t , D|   4 D t   $ 4< \ $ ! 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