3 \ÿ ã @sdZddlmZddlZdZdZdZz˜dekr:edZdZeded<dekr`edZ dZed=d ekrzed Z dZed =ddl Z eded <ed=ed ed <ed =dd l Tdd l m Z WderÌe ed<[ [erÜe ed <[ [erîeed<[ned=[[[XdS)aaFaux ``threading`` version using ``dummy_thread`` instead of ``thread``. The module ``_dummy_threading`` is added to ``sys.modules`` in order to not have ``threading`` considered imported. Had ``threading`` been directly imported it would have made all subsequent imports succeed regardless of whether ``_thread`` was available which is not desired. é)ÚmodulesNFÚ_threadTÚ _dummy_threadÚ threadingZ_threading_localÚ_dummy_threadingZ_dummy__threading_local)Ú*)Ú__all__)Ú__doc__ÚsysrZ sys_modulesrZholding_threadZholding_threadingZholding__threading_localZ held_threadZheld_threadingZheld__threading_localrrr©r r ú'/usr/lib64/python3.6/dummy_threading.pyÚsP