3 \f&@sdZddlZddlZddlmZdddddgZiZd#Zd d d dddddgZddZ d$ddZ ddZ ddZ GdddZ d%ddZee fddZddZd d!Zed"kredS)&zUtilities for comparing files and directories. Classes: dircmp Functions: cmp(f1, f2, shallow=True) -> int cmpfiles(a, b, common) -> ([], [], []) clear_cache() N) filterfalse clear_cachecmpdircmpcmpfilesDEFAULT_IGNORESiZRCSZCVSZtagsz.gitz.hgz.bzrZ_darcs __pycache__cCs tjdS)zClear the filecmp cache.N)_cacheclearr r /usr/lib64/python3.6/filecmp.pyrsTcCsttj|}ttj|}|dtjks8|dtjkrdS|sdSqWWdQRXWdQRXdS)NrbFT)BUFSIZEopenread)rrbufsizefp1fp2Zb1Zb2r r r rIs  rc@seZdZdZdddZddZddZd d Zd d Zd dZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ee eeeeeeeeeeed ZddZdS)raMA class that manages the comparison of 2 directories. dircmp(a, b, ignore=None, hide=None) A and B are directories. IGNORE is a list of names to ignore, defaults to DEFAULT_IGNORES. HIDE is a list of names to hide, defaults to [os.curdir, os.pardir]. High level usage: x = dircmp(dir1, dir2) x.report() -> prints a report on the differences between dir1 and dir2 or x.report_partial_closure() -> prints report on differences between dir1 and dir2, and reports on common immediate subdirectories. x.report_full_closure() -> like report_partial_closure, but fully recursive. Attributes: left_list, right_list: The files in dir1 and dir2, filtered by hide and ignore. common: a list of names in both dir1 and dir2. left_only, right_only: names only in dir1, dir2. common_dirs: subdirectories in both dir1 and dir2. common_files: files in both dir1 and dir2. common_funny: names in both dir1 and dir2 where the type differs between dir1 and dir2, or the name is not stat-able. same_files: list of identical files. diff_files: list of filenames which differ. funny_files: list of files which could not be compared. subdirs: a dictionary of dircmp objects, keyed by names in common_dirs. NcCsD||_||_|dkr$tjtjg|_n||_|dkr:t|_n||_dS)N)leftrightrcurdirpardirhiderignore)selfabr-r,r r r __init__xszdircmp.__init__cCsPttj|j|j|j|_ttj|j|j|j|_|jj |jj dS)N) _filterrlistdirr(r,r- left_listr) right_listsort)r.r r r phase0s    z dircmp.phase0cCsttttjj|j|j}ttttjj|j|j}tt|j t |j ||_ tt|j t |j ||_tt|j t |j ||_dS)N)dictzipmaprpathnormcaser4r5list __getitem__filter __contains__commonr left_only right_only)r.r/r0r r r phase1s z dircmp.phase1c Cs:g|_g|_g|_x |jD]}tjj|j|}tjj|j|}d}ytj |}Wn&t k rz}z d}WYdd}~XnXytj |}Wn&t k r}z d}WYdd}~XnX|r&t j |j }t j |j } || kr|jj |n>t j|r|jj |n&t j|r|jj |n |jj |q|jj |qWdS)Nrr) common_dirs common_files common_funnyrArr;joinr(r)rOSErrorrrappendS_ISDIRS_ISREG) r.xZa_pathZb_pathokZa_statZwhyZb_statZa_typeZb_typer r r phase2s4    z dircmp.phase2cCs&t|j|j|j}|\|_|_|_dS)N)rr(r)rF same_files diff_files funny_files)r.Zxxr r r phase3sz dircmp.phase3cCsRi|_xF|jD]<}tjj|j|}tjj|j|}t|||j|j |j|<qWdS)N) subdirsrErr;rHr(r)rr-r,)r.rMZa_xZb_xr r r phase4s  z dircmp.phase4cCs(|jx|jjD] }|jqWdS)N)rUrTvaluesphase4_closure)r.sdr r r rWszdircmp.phase4_closurecCstd|j|j|jr2|jjtd|jd|j|jrT|jjtd|jd|j|jrp|jjtd|j|jr|jjtd|j|jr|jjtd|j|j r|j jtd|j |j r|j jtd|j dS) NZdiffzOnly in:zIdentical files :zDiffering files :zTrouble with common files :zCommon subdirectories :zCommon funny cases :) printr(r)rBr6rCrPrQrRrErG)r.r r r reports,           z dircmp.reportcCs.|jx |jjD]}t|jqWdS)N)r[rTrVrZ)r.rXr r r report_partial_closureszdircmp.report_partial_closurecCs.|jx |jjD]}t|jqWdS)N)r[rTrVrZreport_full_closure)r.rXr r r r]szdircmp.report_full_closure) rTrPrQrRrErFrGrArBrCr4r5cCs*||jkrt||j||t||S)N) methodmapAttributeErrorgetattr)r.attrr r r __getattr__s zdircmp.__getattr__)NN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r1r7rDrOrSrUrWr[r\r]r8r^rbr r r r rVs"  #  cCsNgggf}x>|D]6}tjj||}tjj||}|t|||j|qW|S)a]Compare common files in two directories. a, b -- directory names common -- list of file names found in both directories shallow -- if true, do comparison based solely on stat() information Returns a tuple of three lists: files that compare equal files that are different filenames that aren't regular files. )rr;rH_cmprJ)r/r0rArresrMZaxZbxr r r rs  c Cs,y||||| Stk r&dSXdS)N)rI)r/r0Zshabsrr r r rgsrgcCstt|j|S)N)r=rr@)flistskipr r r r2sr2cCsrddl}ddl}|j|jddd\}}t|dkrB|jddt|d|d}d|krf|jn|jdS) Nrrrrizneed exactly two args-r)rnro)sysgetoptargvrZ GetoptErrorrr]r[)rprqZoptionsargsZddr r r demo$s   rt__main__i )T)T)rfrr itertoolsr__all__r r"rrrrrrrrjrgr2rtrcr r r r  s&  ' %