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H[PHtt{,tH. u H. t Copyright (C) 1999 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry Copyright (C) 2004 Pascal Hakim Mail comments, suggestions and bug reports to . -s Serialize execution of jobs -f Force execution of jobs, even before their time -n Run jobs with no delay, implies -s -d Don't fork to the background -q Suppress stderr messages, only applicable with -d -u Update the timestamps without actually running anything -V Print version information -h Print this message -t Use alternative anacrontab -T Test an anacrontab -S Select a different spool directory See the anacron(8) manpage for more details.type: `%s -h' for more information Invalid date (this is really embarrassing)Anacron started on %04d-%02d-%02dUpdated timestamp for job `%s' to %04d-%02d-%02dJobs will be executed sequentiallySystem time manipulation detected, job `%s' will run immediatelyq_MpWH?$Memory exhaustedfnmatch() errorError opening %s^[ ]*($|#)^[ ]*([^ =]+)[ ]*=(.*)$START_HOURS_RANGERANDOM_DELAY^([[:digit:]]+)$PREFERRED_HOUR@monthly@yearly@annualy@daily@weeklyRegex error reading %sError reading %sError closing %s^([[:digit:]]+)-([[:digit:]]+)$^[ ]*([[:digit:]]+)[ ]+([[:digit:]]+)[ ]+([^ /]+)[ ]+([^ ].*)$%s: number out of range on line %d, skipping^[ ]*(@[^ ]+)[ ]+([[:digit:]]+)[ ]+([^ /]+)[ ]+([^ ].*)$%s: Unknown named period on line %d, skippingInvalid syntax in %s on line %d - skipping this lineANot enough memory to set the environmentCan't find a unique temporary filenameCan't open temporary file for readingContent-Type: text/plain; charset="Can't open temporary file for writingTried to mail output of job `%s', but mailer process (/usr/sbin/sendmail) exited with status %dTried to mail output of job `%s', but mailer process (/usr/sbin/sendmail) got signal %dTried to mail output of job `%s', but mailer process (/usr/sbin/sendmail) terminated abnormallyJob `%s' terminated (exit status: %d)%sJob `%s' terminated due to signal %d%sJob `%s' terminated abnormally%sEmpty MAILTO set, not mailing outputCan't find sendmail at %s, not mailing outputCan't set the environmentCan't write to temporary fileCan't fstat temporary filegetpwuid() errormemory allocation errorMAILTOCan't unlink temporary fileFrom: Anacron <> To: " Subject: Anacron job '' on dup2() errorCan't chdir to '/'-c/bin/shexecl() errorJob `%s' started (produced output)waitpid() errorJob `%s' terminated%sCan't dup2()Can't lseek()-odi-FAnacronCan't exec /usr/sbin/sendmail;1`@мHp``PX`pP0X0P 0H`x P @p0 0@Px H h`0( x  zRx g*zRx $(PFJ w?;*3$"<D0lAA  ABB F $AD` AC $(AD`\ AF $AD`z AH $HAD`z AH ,$мBHD X ABA <T@BFA A(K (A ABBE ,AWGP AAB "A\TNb H W,Dg\4BED A(F0] (A ABBK H (C ABBH u(C ABB$AK L s U Vx0\SG A 0G A G A 4G A T0GlG   $AG AA $PAKt AA $AAD ~AAD@6K\h!DN A ,|xLACL Q AAA AL A 4ȪBBB B(I0K8DL`BFM E(D0A8MU 8A0A(B BBBE T+lDN A $BADD tCALBBB H(A0I (C BBBG A (A BBGA LPoBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA ,TpPAAD - AAK 9DZ A ,;AFG \ AAA `GE A MDn A L0BGB E(A0A8Gc 8A0A(B BBBJ LdjBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBH D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBH))z v  ^z z o0   | 0 oooooz &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv  (truncated)ubanacron.debugr7zXZִF!t/>]?Eh=ڊ2N=3N ړνt"xUy^Tc$گv;2JCTT& [e]g@;u?$(yh3^GQ]X[D#A p(X3I\{[{b(s ^2EHw[+on0V"wΰjU ʍ/'擯[RԀ}v s-x_J.,cL:Lg5MBdEARESިD&_ XU7HƯ DzxB|ozqR89vr7",S=VG}ƛL>$ L! ^hMJ3ǷOk# s8%!E;Td)WOx8֨0(N^,[TI'ܣds$I=Ⱥĝ`yrBg(VW{~kVWq+hkObT}ԡI &hZ\t~,RKǁh_m=PcE_}غQpK8UY,?bVrtfiHwޚ-J R/ǾqY.W _պ_ O'5ZOM%S7EgI9T^ADl;twvF,U0k`*ԡ&JO(tQZĉ;8[ ,`aH-0BV4IkXLM\#ΊTS{%+]RNw׍jtzyѴZ~ܠ/*Gs5F#Cy3%mo[^SxCא:x.Y?3ޯK[c"Ç&+'+uUŒۮrDFRibgRMaBlExgiޖI*7hk=uZX"5u)ysm^85? 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