de.urwpp.NimbusSans URW++ Design and Development GmbH CC-BY-4.0 AGPL-3.0 Nimbus Sans An alternative font family for Helvetica typeface

This sans-serif font family is an alternative for the Helvetica typeface, and is part of Level 2 Core Font Set - PostScript specification of 35 base fonts that can be used with any PostScript file.

These 35 base fonts are provided freely by (URW++) company, and are mainly utilized by Ghostscript, or other applications using it.

Nimbus Sans Regular Nimbus Sans Italic Nimbus Sans Bold Nimbus Sans Bold Italic Nimbus Sans Narrow Regular Nimbus Sans Narrow Oblique Nimbus Sans Narrow Bold Nimbus Sans Narrow Bold Oblique de.urwpp.URWCoreFontSetLevel2 de.urwpp.C059 de.urwpp.D050000L de.urwpp.NimbusMonoPS de.urwpp.NimbusRoman de.urwpp.NimbusSansNarrow de.urwpp.P052 de.urwpp.StandardSymbolsPS de.urwpp.URWBookman de.urwpp.URWGothic de.urwpp.Z003 aa af an av ay ba be bg bi br bs bua ca ce ch co crh cs csb cy da de el en eo es et eu fi fil fj fo fr fur fy gd gl gv ho hr hsb ht hu ia id ie ik io is it jv kaa ki kj kk kl ku-tr kum kwm ky la lb lez lg li lt lv mg mh mk mn-mn mo ms mt na nb nds ng nl nn no nr nso ny oc om os pap-an pap-aw pl pt rm rn ro ru rw sc se sel sg sh sk sl sma smj smn sn so sq sr ss st su sv sw tg tk tl tn tr ts tt tyv uk uz vo vot wa wen wo xh yap za zu