#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::More 0.95; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); subtest 'setup' => sub { use_ok( 'Business::ISBN::Data' ); ok( %Business::ISBN::country_data ); }; subtest 'current_data' => sub { # Test with included RangeMessage.xml in the same spot as the module like( $Business::ISBN::country_data{_source}, qr/RangeMessage\.xml/ ); like( $Business::ISBN::country_data{_source}, qr/blib/ ); foreach my $key ( sort { $a <=> $b } grep { ! /\A_/ } keys %Business::ISBN::country_data ) { my $value = $Business::ISBN::country_data{$key}; isa_ok( $value, ref [], "Value is array ref for country $key" ); my( $country, $ranges ) = @$value; my $count = @$ranges; ok( ($count % 2) == 0, "Even number of elements ($count) for country $key" ); } }; subtest 'current_data' => sub { # Test with RangeMessage.xml set in ISBN_RANGE_MESSAGE local $ENV{ISBN_RANGE_MESSAGE} = catfile( qw(lib Business ISBN RangeMessage.xml) ); local %Business::ISBN::country_data = Business::ISBN::Data::_get_data(); ok( -e $ENV{ISBN_RANGE_MESSAGE}, 'Alternate RangeMessage.xml exists' ); unlike( $Business::ISBN::country_data{_source}, qr/blib/ ); like( $Business::ISBN::country_data{_source}, qr/RangeMessage\.xml/ ); foreach my $key ( sort { $a <=> $b } grep { ! /\A_/ } keys %Business::ISBN::country_data ) { my $value = $Business::ISBN::country_data{$key}; isa_ok( $value, ref [], "Value is array ref for country $key" ); my( $country, $ranges ) = @$value; my $count = @$ranges; ok( ($count % 2) == 0, "Even number of elements ($count) for country $key" ); } }; subtest 'current_data' => sub { # Test with default data local %Business::ISBN::country_data = Business::ISBN::Data::_default_data(); like( $Business::ISBN::country_data{_source}, qr/Data\.pm/ ); foreach my $key ( sort { $a <=> $b } grep { ! /\A_/ } keys %Business::ISBN::country_data ) { my $value = $Business::ISBN::country_data{$key}; isa_ok( $value, ref [], "Value is array ref for country $key" ); my( $country, $ranges ) = @$value; my $count = @$ranges; ok( ($count % 2) == 0, "Even number of elements ($count) for country $key" ); } }; done_testing();