============== lxml changelog ============== 3.2.1 (2013-05-11) ================== Features added -------------- * The methods ``apply_templates()`` and ``process_children()`` of XSLT extension elements have gained two new boolean options ``elements_only`` and ``remove_blank_text`` that discard either all strings or whitespace-only strings from the result list. Bugs fixed ---------- * When moving Elements to another tree, the namespace cleanup mechanism no longer drops namespace prefixes from attributes for which it finds a default namespace declaration, to prevent them from appearing as unnamespaced attributes after serialisation. * Returning non-type objects from a custom class lookup method could lead to a crash. * Instantiating and using subtypes of Comments and ProcessingInstructions crashed. Other changes ------------- 3.2.0 (2013-04-28) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * LP#690319: Leading whitespace could change the behaviour of the string parsing functions in ``lxml.html``. * LP#599318: The string parsing functions in ``lxml.html`` are more robust in the face of uncommon HTML content like framesets or missing body tags. Patch by Stefan Seelmann. * LP#712941: I/O errors while trying to access files with paths that contain non-ASCII characters could raise ``UnicodeDecodeError`` instead of properly reporting the ``IOError``. * LP#673205: Parsing from in-memory strings disabled network access in the default parser and made subsequent attempts to parse from a URL fail. * LP#971754: lxml.html.clean appends 'nofollow' to 'rel' attributes instead of overwriting the current value. * LP#715687: lxml.html.clean no longer discards scripts that are explicitly allowed by the user provided whitelist. Patch by Christine Koppelt. Other changes ------------- 3.1.2 (2013-04-12) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * LP#1136509: Passing attributes through the namespace-unaware API of the sax bridge (i.e. the ``handler.startElement()`` method) failed with a ``TypeError``. Patch by Mike Bayer. * LP#1123074: Fix serialisation error in XSLT output when converting the result tree to a Unicode string. * GH#105: Replace illegal usage of ``xmlBufLength()`` in libxml2 2.9.0 by properly exported API function ``xmlBufUse()``. Other changes ------------- 3.1.1 (2013-03-29) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * LP#1160386: Write access to ``lxml.html.FormElement.fields`` raised an AttributeError in Py3. * Illegal memory access during cleanup in incremental xmlfile writer. Other changes ------------- * The externally useless class ``lxml.etree._BaseParser`` was removed from the module dict. 3.1.0 (2013-02-10) ================== Features added -------------- * GH#89: lxml.html.clean allows overriding the set of attributes that it considers 'safe'. Patch by Francis Devereux. Bugs fixed ---------- * LP#1104370: ``copy.copy(el.attrib)`` raised an exception. It now returns a copy of the attributes as a plain Python dict. * GH#95: When used with namespace prefixes, the ``el.find*()`` methods always used the first namespace mapping that was provided for each path expression instead of using the one that was actually passed in for the current run. * LP#1092521, GH#91: Fix undefined C symbol in Python runtimes compiled without threading support. Patch by Ulrich Seidl. Other changes ------------- 3.1beta1 (2012-12-21) ===================== Features added -------------- * New build-time option ``--with-unicode-strings`` for Python 2 that makes the API always return Unicode strings for names and text instead of byte strings for plain ASCII content. * New incremental XML file writing API ``etree.xmlfile()``. * E factory in lxml.objectify is callable to simplify the creation of tags with non-identifier names without having to resort to getattr(). Bugs fixed ---------- * When starting from a non-namespaced element in lxml.objectify, searching for a child without explicitly specifying a namespace incorrectly found namespaced elements with the requested local name, instead of restricting the search to non-namespaced children. * GH#85: Deprecation warnings were fixed for Python 3.x. * GH#33: lxml.html.fromstring() failed to accept bytes input in Py3. * LP#1080792: Static build of libxml2 2.9.0 failed due to missing file. Other changes ------------- * The externally useless class ``_ObjectifyElementMakerCaller`` was removed from the module API of lxml.objectify. * LP#1075622: lxml.builder is faster for adding text to elements with many children. Patch by Anders Hammarquist. 3.0.2 (2012-12-14) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * Fix crash during interpreter shutdown by switching to Cython 0.17.3 for building. Other changes ------------- 3.0.1 (2012-10-14) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * LP#1065924: Element proxies could disappear during garbage collection in PyPy without proper cleanup. * GH#71: Failure to work with libxml2 2.6.x. * LP#1065139: static MacOS-X build failed in Py3. Other changes ------------- 3.0 (2012-10-08) ================ Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * End-of-file handling was incorrect in iterparse() when reading from a low-level C file stream and failed in libxml2 2.9.0 due to its improved consistency checks. Other changes ------------- * The build no longer uses Cython by default unless the generated C files are missing. To use Cython, pass the option "--with-cython". To ignore the fatal build error when Cython is required but not available (e.g. to run special setup.py commands that do not actually run a build), pass "--without-cython". 3.0beta1 (2012-09-26) ===================== Features added -------------- * Python level access to (optional) libxml2 memory debugging features to simplify debugging of memory leaks etc. Bugs fixed ---------- * Fix a memory leak in XPath by switching to Cython 0.17.1. * Some tests were adapted to work with PyPy. Other changes ------------- * The code was adapted to work with the upcoming libxml2 2.9.0 release. 3.0alpha2 (2012-08-23) ====================== Features added -------------- * The ``.iter()`` method of elements now accepts ``tag`` arguments like ``"{*}name"`` to search for elements with a given local name in any namespace. With this addition, all combinations of wildcards now work as expected: ``"{ns}name"``, ``"{}name"``, ``"{*}name"``, ``"{ns}*"``, ``"{}*"`` and ``"{*}*"``. Note that ``"name"`` is equivalent to ``"{}name"``, but ``"*"`` is ``"{*}*"``. The same change applies to the ``.getiterator()``, ``.itersiblings()``, ``.iterancestors()``, ``.iterdescendants()``, ``.iterchildren()`` and ``.itertext()`` methods;the ``strip_attributes()``, ``strip_elements()`` and ``strip_tags()`` functions as well as the ``iterparse()`` class. Patch by Simon Sapin. * C14N allows specifying the inclusive prefixes to be promoted to top-level during exclusive serialisation. Bugs fixed ---------- * Passing long Unicode strings into the ``feed()`` parser interface failed to read the entire string. Other changes ------------- 3.0alpha1 (2012-07-31) ====================== Features added -------------- * Initial support for building in PyPy (through cpyext). * DTD objects gained an API that allows read access to their declarations. * ``xpathgrep.py`` gained support for parsing line-by-line (e.g. from grep output) and for surrounding the output with a new root tag. * ``E-factory`` in ``lxml.builder`` accepts subtypes of known data types (such as string subtypes) when building elements around them. * Tree iteration and ``iterparse()`` with a selective ``tag`` argument supports passing a set of tags. Tree nodes will be returned by the iterators if they match any of the tags. Bugs fixed ---------- * The ``.find*()`` methods in ``lxml.objectify`` no longer use XPath internally, which makes them faster in many cases (especially when short circuiting after a single or couple of elements) and fixes some behavioural differences compared to ``lxml.etree``. Note that this means that they no longer support arbitrary XPath expressions but only the subset that the ``ElementPath`` language supports. The previous implementation was also redundant with the normal XPath support, which can be used as a replacement. * ``el.find('*')`` could accidentally return a comment or processing instruction that happened to be in the wrong spot. (Same for the other ``.find*()`` methods.) * The error logging is less intrusive and avoids a global setup where possible. * Fixed undefined names in html5lib parser. * ``xpathgrep.py`` did not work in Python 3. * ``Element.attrib.update()`` did not accept an ``attrib`` of another Element as parameter. * For subtypes of ``ElementBase`` that make the ``.text`` or ``.tail`` properties immutable (as in objectify, for example), inserting text when creating Elements through the E-Factory feature of the class constructor would fail with an exception, stating that the text cannot be modified. Other changes -------------- * The code base was overhauled to properly use 'const' where the API of libxml2 and libxslt requests it. This also has an impact on the public C-API of lxml itself, as defined in ``etreepublic.pxd``, as well as the provided declarations in the ``lxml/includes/`` directory. Code that uses these declarations may have to be adapted. On the plus side, this fixes several C compiler warnings, also for user code, thus making it easier to spot real problems again. * The functionality of "lxml.cssselect" was moved into a separate PyPI package called "cssselect". To continue using it, you must install that package separately. The "lxml.cssselect" module is still available and provides the same interface, provided the "cssselect" package can be imported at runtime. * Element attributes passed in as an ``attrib`` dict or as keyword arguments are now sorted by (namespaced) name before being created to make their order predictable for serialisation and iteration. Note that adding or deleting attributes afterwards does not take that order into account, i.e. setting a new attribute appends it after the existing ones. * Several classes that are for internal use only were removed from the ``lxml.etree`` module dict: ``_InputDocument, _ResolverRegistry, _ResolverContext, _BaseContext, _ExsltRegExp, _IterparseContext, _TempStore, _ExceptionContext, __ContentOnlyElement, _AttribIterator, _NamespaceRegistry, _ClassNamespaceRegistry, _FunctionNamespaceRegistry, _XPathFunctionNamespaceRegistry, _ParserDictionaryContext, _FileReaderContext, _ParserContext, _PythonSaxParserTarget, _TargetParserContext, _ReadOnlyProxy, _ReadOnlyPIProxy, _ReadOnlyEntityProxy, _ReadOnlyElementProxy, _OpaqueNodeWrapper, _OpaqueDocumentWrapper, _ModifyContentOnlyProxy, _ModifyContentOnlyPIProxy, _ModifyContentOnlyEntityProxy, _AppendOnlyElementProxy, _SaxParserContext, _FilelikeWriter, _ParserSchemaValidationContext, _XPathContext, _XSLTResolverContext, _XSLTContext, _XSLTQuotedStringParam`` * Several internal classes can no longer be inherited from: ``_InputDocument, _ResolverRegistry, _ExsltRegExp, _ElementUnicodeResult, _IterparseContext, _TempStore, _AttribIterator, _ClassNamespaceRegistry, _XPathFunctionNamespaceRegistry, _ParserDictionaryContext, _FileReaderContext, _PythonSaxParserTarget, _TargetParserContext, _ReadOnlyPIProxy, _ReadOnlyEntityProxy, _OpaqueDocumentWrapper, _ModifyContentOnlyPIProxy, _ModifyContentOnlyEntityProxy, _AppendOnlyElementProxy, _FilelikeWriter, _ParserSchemaValidationContext, _XPathContext, _XSLTResolverContext, _XSLTContext, _XSLTQuotedStringParam, _XSLTResultTree, _XSLTProcessingInstruction`` 2.3.6 (2012-09-28) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * Passing long Unicode strings into the ``feed()`` parser interface failed to read the entire string. Other changes -------------- 2.3.5 (2012-07-31) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * Crash when merging text nodes in ``element.remove()``. * Crash in sax/target parser when reporting empty doctype. Other changes -------------- 2.3.4 (2012-03-26) ================== Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * Crash when building an nsmap (Element property) with empty namespace URIs. * Crash due to race condition when errors (or user messages) occur during threaded XSLT processing. * XSLT stylesheet compilation could ignore compilation errors. Other changes -------------- 2.3.3 (2012-01-04) ================== Features added -------------- * ``lxml.html.tostring()`` gained new serialisation options ``with_tail`` and ``doctype``. Bugs fixed ---------- * Fixed a crash when using ``iterparse()`` for HTML parsing and requesting start events. * Fixed parsing of more selectors in cssselect. Whitespace before pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes is significant as it is a descendant combinator. "E :pseudo" should parse the same as "E \*:pseudo", not "E:pseudo". Patch by Simon Sapin. * lxml.html.diff no longer raises an exception when hitting 'img' tags without 'src' attribute. Other changes -------------- 2.3.2 (2011-11-11) ================== Features added -------------- * ``lxml.objectify.deannotate()`` has a new boolean option ``cleanup_namespaces`` to remove the objectify namespace declarations (and generally clean up the namespace declarations) after removing the type annotations. * ``lxml.objectify`` gained its own ``SubElement()`` function as a copy of ``etree.SubElement`` to avoid an otherwise redundant import of ``lxml.etree`` on the user side. Bugs fixed ---------- * Fixed the "descendant" bug in cssselect a second time (after a first fix in lxml 2.3.1). The previous change resulted in a serious performance regression for the XPath based evaluation of the translated expression. Note that this breaks the usage of some of the generated XPath expressions as XSLT location paths that previously worked in 2.3.1. * Fixed parsing of some selectors in cssselect. Whitespace after combinators ">", "+" and "~" is now correctly ignored. Previously is was parsed as a descendant combinator. For example, "div> .foo" was parsed the same as "div>* .foo" instead of "div>.foo". Patch by Simon Sapin. Other changes -------------- 2.3.1 (2011-09-25) ================== Features added -------------- * New option ``kill_tags`` in ``lxml.html.clean`` to remove specific tags and their content (i.e. their whole subtree). * ``pi.get()`` and ``pi.attrib`` on processing instructions to parse pseudo-attributes from the text content of processing instructions. * ``lxml.get_include()`` returns a list of include paths that can be used to compile external C code against lxml.etree. This is specifically required for statically linked lxml builds when code needs to compile against the exact same header file versions as lxml itself. * ``Resolver.resolve_file()`` takes an additional option ``close_file`` that configures if the file(-like) object will be closed after reading or not. By default, the file will be closed, as the user is not expected to keep a reference to it. Bugs fixed ---------- * HTML cleaning didn't remove 'data:' links. * The html5lib parser integration now uses the 'official' implementation in html5lib itself, which makes it work with newer releases of the library. * In ``lxml.sax``, ``endElementNS()`` could incorrectly reject a plain tag name when the corresponding start event inferred the same plain tag name to be in the default namespace. * When an open file-like object is passed into ``parse()`` or ``iterparse()``, the parser will no longer close it after use. This reverts a change in lxml 2.3 where all files would be closed. It is the users responsibility to properly close the file(-like) object, also in error cases. * Assertion error in lxml.html.cleaner when discarding top-level elements. * In lxml.cssselect, use the xpath 'A//B' (short for 'A/descendant-or-self::node()/B') instead of 'A/descendant::B' for the css descendant selector ('A B'). This makes a few edge cases like ``"div *:last-child"`` consistent with the selector behavior in WebKit and Firefox, and makes more css expressions valid location paths (for use in xsl:template match). * In lxml.html, non-selected ``