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If you want to add DOS-type partitions, create a new empty DOS partition table first. (Use o.) WARNING: This will destroy the present disk contents. UTC: %s You have chosen an unusual boot file name. tv.tv_sec = %ld, tv.tv_usec = %ld tz.tz_minuteswest = %d Be aware, that the bootfile is not checked for existence. SGI's default is "/unix" and for backup "/unix.save". Bootfile is changed to "%s". Bootfile must have a fully qualified pathname. Name of Bootfile too long: 16 bytes maximum. There is a valid Mac label on this disk. Unfortunately fdisk(1) cannot handle these disks. Use either pdisk or parted to modify the partition table. Nevertheless some advice: 1. fdisk will destroy its contents on write. 2. Be sure that this disk is NOT a still vital part of a volume group. (Otherwise you may erase the other disks as well, if unmirrored.) %6d regular files %6d directories %6d character device files %6d block device files %6d links %6d symbolic links ------ %6d files %6ld inodes used (%ld%%) %d partitions: *** %s: directory *** ******** %s: Not a text file ******** ***Back*** ...Skipping Available columns (for --output): Available columns (for --show): Available columns (for --show, --raw or --pairs): Available columns: Dangerous options: Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %llu sectors %llu cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * %ld bytes Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %llu sectors, %llu cylinders Units = %s of %d * %ld bytes Disk %s (Sun disk label): %u heads, %llu sectors, %d rpm %llu cylinders, %d alternate cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 Label ID: %s Volume ID: %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Disk %s (Sun disk label): %u heads, %llu sectors, %llu cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Disk %s: %d heads, %llu sectors, %llu cylinders Disk %s: %ld MB, %lld bytes Disk %s: %ld.%ld GB, %llu bytes Disk %s: %lu cylinders, %lu heads, %lu sectors/track Error closing file For more details see %s. For more information see mkfs(8). For more information see namei(1). For more information see renice(1). For more information see taskset(1). For more information see wipefs(8). Invalid Bootfile! The bootfile must be an absolute non-zero pathname, e.g. "/unix" or "/unix.save". Known names: Known names: Login incorrect Message Queue msqid=%d Most commands optionally preceded by integer argument k. Defaults in brackets. Star (*) indicates argument becomes new default. Options: Options: -a | --all-tasks operate on all the tasks (threads) for a given pid -h | --help display this help -m | --max show min and max valid priorities -p | --pid operate on existing given pid -v | --verbose display status information -V | --version output version information Options: -N, --inodes=NUM specify desired number of inodes -V, --vname=NAME specify volume name -F, --fname=NAME specify file system name -v, --verbose explain what is being done -c this option is silently ignored -l this option is silently ignored -V, --version output version information and exit -V as version must be only option -h, --help display this help and exit Options: -c, --check check bad blocks before creating the swap area -f, --force allow swap size area be larger than device -p, --pagesize SIZE specify page size in bytes -L, --label LABEL specify label -v, --swapversion NUM specify swap-space version number -U, --uuid UUID specify the uuid to use -V, --version output version information and exit -h, --help display this help and exit Options: -n, --no-verify disable the verification after the format -V, --version output version information and exit -h, --help display this help and exit Partition table entries are not in disk order Pattern not found Scheduling flags: -R | --reset-on-fork set SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK for FIFO or RR Scheduling policies: -b | --batch set policy to SCHED_BATCH -f | --fifo set policy to SCHED_FIFO -i | --idle set policy to SCHED_IDLE -o | --other set policy to SCHED_OTHER -r | --rr set policy to SCHED_RR (default) Script done on %s Semaphore Array semid=%d Session setup problem, abort. Session terminated, killing shell... Shared memory Segment shmid=%d Supported log facilities: Supported log levels (priorities): Syncing disks. The boot partition does not exist. The current boot file is: %s The device presents a logical sector size that is smaller than the physical sector size. Aligning to a physical sector (or optimal I/O) size boundary is recommended, or performance may be impacted. The swap partition does not exist. The swap partition has no swap type. This disk is currently in use - repartitioning is probably a bad idea. Umount all file systems, and swapoff all swap partitions on this disk. Use the --no-reread flag to suppress this check. Usage: Usage: %s [options] Usage: %s [options] device [size] Usage: Print version: %s -v Print partition table: %s -P {r|s|t} [options] device Interactive use: %s [options] device Options: -a: Use arrow instead of highlighting; -z: Start with a zero partition table, instead of reading the pt from disk; -c C -h H -s S: Override the kernel's idea of the number of cylinders, the number of heads and the number of sectors/track. WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to switch off the mode (with command 'c'). WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x partitions, please see the cfdisk manual page for additional information. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error %d: %m. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) WARNING: The size of this disk is %d.%d TB (%llu bytes). DOS partition table format can not be used on drives for volumes larger than (%llu bytes) for %ld-byte sectors. Use parted(1) and GUID partition table format (GPT). WARNING: cylinders as display units are deprecated. Use command 'u' to change units to sectors. elvtune is only useful on older kernels; for 2.6 use IO scheduler sysfs tunables instead.. interrupted %10.10s %5.5s mount: warning: /etc/mtab is not writable (e.g. read-only filesystem). It's possible that information reported by mount(8) is not up to date. For actual information about system mount points check the /proc/mounts file. wtmp begins %s "%s") and do not create a new session r - Raw data (exactly what would be written to disk) s - Table ordered by sectors t - Table in raw format First Last DOS, OS/2, ... Note: This may make the partition incompatible with Rotates through MB, sectors and cylinders Since this might destroy data on the disk, you must There are several different formats for the partition WARNING: This option should only be used by people who `no' either confirm or deny the write by entering `yes' or know what they are doing. that you can choose from: ---Starting---- ----Ending----- Start Number of (%s partition table detected). (compiled without libblkid). (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition, instead of some logical partition inside?) (could this be the IDE device where you in fact use ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?) (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount. helper program) I will try all types mentioned in %s or %s I will try type %s In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so and it looks like this is swapspace phys=(%d, %d, %d) Sectors %f int/sec; %f rec (char/sec) %f int/sec; %f rec, %f send (char/sec) Device Boot Start End #sectors Id System Device Boot Start End #blocks Id System Device Boot Start End #cyls #blocks Id System Device Boot Start End MiB #blocks Id System Logical None Pri/Log Primary e extended l logical (numbered from 5) ? Print this screen Cylinders Overflow Size (GB) Size (MB) W Write partition table to disk (must enter upper case W) b Toggle bootable flag of the current partition d Delete the current partition g Change cylinders, heads, sectors-per-track parameters h Print this screen hole at %ld (%zd) m Maximize disk usage of the current partition n Create new partition from free space p Print partition table to the screen or to a file q Quit program without writing partition table still logged in t Change the filesystem type u Change units of the partition size display uncompressing block at %ld to %ld (%ld) # Flags Head Sect Cyl ID Head Sect Cyl Sector Sectors # Type Sector Sector Offset Length Filesystem Type (ID) Flag %-25s get size in 512-byte sectors %1$s %2$srawN %1$s %2$srawN /dev/ %1$s -q %2$srawN %1$s -qa %1$s [options] %1$s [options] | %1$s [options] %1$s [options] [--source ] [--target ] %1$s [options] LABEL=