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Could not write ecstblCould not write eoltblCould not write ftblCould not write ssltblCould not write yyacc_tblCould not write yyacclist_tblCould not write yybase_tblCould not write yychk_tblCould not write yydef_tblCould not write yymeta_tblCould not write yynultrans_tblCould not write yynxt_tblCould not write yynxt_tbl[][]EOF encountered inside an actionEOF encountered inside patternEnd Marker Generates programs that perform pattern-matching on text. Table Compression: -Ca, --align trade off larger tables for better memory alignment -Ce, --ecs construct equivalence classes -Cf do not compress tables; use -f representation -CF do not compress tables; use -F representation -Cm, --meta-ecs construct meta-equivalence classes -Cr, --read use read() instead of stdio for scanner input -f, --full generate fast, large scanner. Same as -Cfr -F, --fast use alternate table representation. Same as -CFr -Cem default compression (same as --ecs --meta-ecs) Debugging: -d, --debug enable debug mode in scanner -b, --backup write backing-up information to %s -p, --perf-report write performance report to stderr -s, --nodefault suppress default rule to ECHO unmatched text -T, --trace %s should run in trace mode -w, --nowarn do not generate warnings -v, --verbose write summary of scanner statistics to stdout Files: -o, --outfile=FILE specify output filename -S, --skel=FILE specify skeleton file -t, --stdout write scanner on stdout instead of %s --yyclass=NAME name of C++ class --header-file=FILE create a C header file in addition to the scanner --tables-file[=FILE] write tables to FILE Scanner behavior: -7, --7bit generate 7-bit scanner -8, --8bit generate 8-bit scanner -B, --batch generate batch scanner (opposite of -I) -i, --case-insensitive ignore case in patterns -l, --lex-compat maximal compatibility with original lex -X, --posix-compat maximal compatibility with POSIX lex -I, --interactive generate interactive scanner (opposite of -B) --yylineno track line count in yylineno Generated code: -+, --c++ generate C++ scanner class -Dmacro[=defn] #define macro defn (default defn is '1') -L, --noline suppress #line directives in scanner -P, --prefix=STRING use STRING as prefix instead of "yy" -R, --reentrant generate a reentrant C scanner --bison-bridge scanner for bison pure parser. --bison-locations include yylloc support. --stdinit initialize yyin/yyout to stdin/stdout --noansi-definitions old-style function definitions --noansi-prototypes empty parameter list in prototypes --nounistd do not include --noFUNCTION do not generate a particular FUNCTION Miscellaneous: -c do-nothing POSIX option -n do-nothing POSIX option -? -h, --help produce this help message -V, --version report %s version Input line too long Internal error. flexopts are malformed. No backing up. Options -+ and --reentrant are mutually exclusive.REJECT cannot be used with -f or -FREJECT entails a large performance penalty State #%d is non-accepting - Try `%s --help' for more information. Unknown error=(%d) Unmatched '{'Unrecognized option `%s' Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILE]... Usage: %s [OPTIONS]... Variable trailing context rule at line %d Variable trailing context rules entail a large performance penalty [:^lower:] is ambiguous in case insensitive scanner[:^upper:] ambiguous in case insensitive scannerattempt to increase array size failedbad : %sbad character '%s' detected in check_char()bad character classbad character class expression: %sbad character inside {}'sbad character: %sbad iteration valuesbad line in skeleton filebad start condition listbad state type in mark_beginning_as_normal()bad transition character detected in sympartition()bison bridge not supported for the C++ scanner.can't open %scan't open skeleton file %sconsistency check failed in epsclosure()could not create %scould not create backing-up info file %scould not create unique end-of-buffer statecould not write tables headerdangerous trailing contextdynamic memory failure in copy_string()empty machine in dupmachine()error closing backup file %serror closing output file %serror closing skeleton file %serror creating header file %serror deleting output file %serror writing backup file %serror writing output file %sfatal parse errorfound too many transitions in mkxtion()incomplete name definitioninput error reading skeleton file %sinput rules are too complicated (>= %d NFA states)iteration value must be positivemalformed '%top' directivememory allocation failed in allocate_array()memory allocation failed in yy_flex_xmalloc()missing quotemissing }name "%s" ridiculously longname defined twicenegative range in character classoption `%s' doesn't allow an argument option `%s' is ambiguous option `%s' requires an argument premature EOFrule cannot be matchedscanner requires -8 flag to use the character %sstart condition %s declared twicestate # %4d state # %d accepts: state # %d accepts: [%d] state # %d: symbol table memory allocation failedthe character range [%c-%c] is ambiguous in a case-insensitive scannertoo many rules (> %d)!trailing context used twiceundefined definition {%s}unknown -C option '%c'unknown error processing section 1unrecognized %%option: %sunrecognized '%' directiveunrecognized rulevariable trailing context rules cannot be used with -f or -Fyymore() entails a minor performance penalty Project-Id-Version: flex 2.5.34 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flex-devel@lists.sourceforge.net POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-22 20:48-0400 PO-Revision-Date: 2008-07-23 09:37-0500 Last-Translator: Kevin Scannell Language-Team: Irish MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ********** ag tosĂș dumpĂĄla de nfa le staid tosaigh %d DumpĂĄil DFA: AicmĂ­ CoibhĂ©ise: AicmĂ­ MeiteachoibhĂ©ise: athruithe plĂșchta: comhadchrĂ­och %d (%d sĂĄbhĂĄilte) tuairt haiseĂĄla, %d DFA comhionann le chĂ©ile %d staid chĂșlaithe (nĂ­l ina staid ghlactha) %d iontrĂĄil tĂĄbla folamh %d staid eipsealĂłin, %d staid eipsealĂłin dĂșbailte %d frĂ©amhshamhail %d riail tĂĄ gĂĄ le %d sraith athdhĂĄilte %d pĂ©ire state/nextstate %d iontrĂĄil sa tĂĄbla %d teimplĂ©ad, %d i bhfeidhm tĂĄ gĂĄ le %d iontrĂĄil tĂĄbla ar fad %d/%d (buaic %d) iontrĂĄil nxt-chk %d/%d (buaic %d) iontrĂĄil teimplĂ©id nxt-chk %d/%d staid DFA (%d focal) %d/%d staid NFA %d/%d iontrĂĄil base-def tĂĄ gĂĄ le %d/%d aicme charachtair %d/%d focal stĂłrĂĄla, %d athĂșsĂĄidte %d/%d aicme choibhĂ©ise %d/%d aicme mheiteachoibhĂ©ise %d/%d coinnĂ­oll tosaigh %d/%d athrĂș sainiĂșil/dĂșblach PatrĂșin ĂșsĂĄidte ag ceann lĂ­ne CĂșlaĂ­onn tĂĄblaĂ­ comhbhrĂșite i gcĂłnaĂ­ NĂĄ cĂșlaĂ­tear nĂ­l aon aicme charachtair roghanna don scanĂłir: - agus is fĂ©idir gur cĂșis Ă© le fadhbanna luais eile Ă© lĂ­ne-uimhreacha de na rialacha bainteacha: athruithe amach: is cĂșis le moilliĂș mĂłr an %%rogha yylineno, MÁ tĂĄ rialacha ann le lĂ­nte nua iontu nĂ­l %array comhoiriĂșnach leis an rogha -+%d staid chĂșlaithe (nĂ­l ina staid ghlactha). tĂĄ an %option yyclass gan bhrĂ­ ach amhĂĄin le scanĂłirĂ­ C++nĂ­l %option yylineno ar fĂĄil le REJECT%s %s %s leagan %s staitistic d'ĂșsĂĄid: %s: earrĂĄid inmheĂĄnach mharfach, %s ********** i ndeireadh dumpĂĄla *Rud Éigin Aisteach* - tok: %d val: %d Is comheisiatach iad na roghanna -Cf agus -CFNĂ­l -Cf/-CF agus -Cm comhoiriĂșnachNĂ­l -Cf/-CF agus -I comhoiriĂșnachNĂ­l -Cf/-CF ar fĂĄil sa mhĂłd comhoiriĂșnachta lexis cĂșis le moilliĂș beag an rogha -I (idirghnĂ­omhach) is cĂșis le moilliĂș mĂłr an rogha -l (comhoiriĂșnacht le AT&T lex) bhĂ­ an rogha -s tugtha ach is fĂ©idir an riail rĂ©amhshocraithe a chur i gcomhoiriĂșnachtNĂ­l -+ ar fĂĄil in Ă©ineacht leis an rogha -CFNĂ­l -+ ar fĂĄil in Ă©ineacht leis an rogha -lNĂ­l --reentrant nĂł --bison-bridge ar fĂĄil in Ă©ineacht leis an rogha -lNĂ­l -f nĂł -F ar fĂĄil in Ă©ineacht leis an rogha -lCĂșlaĂ­onn tĂĄblaĂ­ comhbhrĂșite i gcĂłnaĂ­. NĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir ecstbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir eoltbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir ftbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir ssltbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yyacc_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yyacclist_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yybase_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yychk_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yydef_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yymeta_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yynultrans_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yynxt_tbl a scrĂ­obhNĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir yynxt_tbl[][] a scrĂ­obhBuaileadh comhadchrĂ­och isteach i ngnĂ­omhBuaileadh comhadchrĂ­och isteach i bpatrĂșnComhartha Deiridh Gineann an clĂĄr seo clĂĄir eile le haghaidh chomhoiriĂșnĂș de phatrĂșin. ComhfhĂĄscadh tĂĄblaĂ­: -Ca, --align malartaigh tĂĄblaĂ­ nĂ­os mĂł d'ailĂ­niĂș cuimhne nĂ­os fearr -Ce, --ecs dĂ©an aicmĂ­ coibhĂ©ise -Cf nĂĄ comhbhrĂșigh tĂĄblaĂ­; bain ĂșsĂĄid as lĂ©iriĂș -f -CF nĂĄ comhbhrĂșigh tĂĄblaĂ­; bain ĂșsĂĄid as lĂ©iriĂș -F -Cm, --meta-ecs dĂ©an aicmĂ­ meiteachoibhĂ©ise -Cr, --read bain ĂșsĂĄid as read() in ionad stdio d'ionchur -f, --full tĂłg scanĂłir atĂĄ mear agus mĂłr; ar comhbhrĂ­ le -Cfr -F, --fast ĂșsĂĄid lĂ©iriĂș tĂĄblaĂ­ tĂĄnaisteach; ar comhbhrĂ­ le -CFr -Cem comhfhĂĄscadh rĂ©amhshocraithe (== --ecs --meta-ecs) DĂ­fhabhtĂș: -d, --debug cuir dĂ­fhabhtĂș ar obair -b, --backup scrĂ­obh eolas faoin chĂșlĂș chuig %s -p, --perf-report scrĂ­obh tuairisc fheidhmithe chuig stderr -s, --nodefault nĂĄ dĂ©an macalla de thĂ©acs neamh-chomhoiriĂșnach -T, --trace ba chĂłir do %s a rith sa mhĂłd loirg -w, --nowarn nĂĄ taispeĂĄin rabhaidh -v, --verbose taispeĂĄin achoimre ar staitistic scanĂłra chuig stdout Comhaid: -o, --outfile=COMHAD roghnaigh ainm comhaid le haghaidh aschuir -S, --skel=COMHAD roghnaigh creatchomhad -t, --stdout scrĂ­obh an scanĂłir chuig stdout in ionad %s --yyclass=COMHAD ainm de `class' C++ --header-file=COMHAD scrĂ­obh comhad ceanntĂĄisc C i dteannta an scanĂłra --tables-file[=COMHAD] scrĂ­obh na tĂĄblaĂ­ chuig COMHAD ScanĂłir: -7, --7bit gin scanĂłir 7-giotĂĄn -8, --8bit gin scanĂłir 8-giotĂĄn -B, --batch gin scanĂłir baisce (i gcodarsnacht le -I) -i, --case-insensitive dĂ©an neamhshuim ar cheannlitreacha/litreacha beaga -l, --lex-compat comhoiriĂșnacht le lex bunĂșsach, a mhĂ©ad is fĂ©idir -X, --posix-compat comhoiriĂșnacht le lex POSIX, a mhĂ©ad is fĂ©idir -I, --interactive gin scanĂłir idirghnĂ­omhach (i gcodarsnacht le -B) --yylineno coimeĂĄd lĂ­on na lĂ­nte i yylineno Generated code: -+, --c++ gin scanĂłir mar class C++ -Dmacra[=sain] #define macra sain (rĂ©amhshocrĂș: sain='1') -L, --noline nĂĄ cuir treoracha #line sa scanĂłir -P, --prefix=TEAGHRÁN ĂșsĂĄid TEAGHRÁN mar rĂ©imĂ­r in ionad "yy" -R, --reentrant gin scanĂłir reentrant C --bison-bridge scanĂłir do pharsĂĄlaĂ­ Ă­on bison. --bison-locations ceadaigh an ĂșsĂĄid de yylloc. --stdinit socraigh yyin/yyout mar stdin/stdout faoi seach --noansi-definitions sainmhĂ­niĂș d'fheidhmeanna ar an sean-nĂłs --noansi-prototypes ceadaigh liosta folamh de pharaimĂ©adair --nounistd nĂĄ cuir san ĂĄireamh --noFEIDHM nĂĄ gin an FHEIDHM seo Miscellaneous: -c rogha POSIX gan feidhm -n rogha POSIX gan feidhm -? -h, --help taispeĂĄin an chabhair seo -V, --version taispeĂĄin leagan %s TĂĄ lĂ­ne an ionchuir rĂłfhada EarrĂĄid inmheĂĄnach (flexopts mĂ­chumtha). NĂĄ cĂșlaĂ­tear. Is comheisiatach iad na roghanna -+ agus --reentrant.NĂ­l REJECT ar fĂĄil leis na roghanna -f nĂł -Fis REJECT cĂșis le moilliĂș mĂłr NĂ­l an staid #%d ina staid ghlactha - Bain triail as `%s --help' chun tuilleadh eolais a fhĂĄil. EarrĂĄid anaithnid=(%d) '{' corrRogha anaithnid `%s' ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHANNA] [COMHAD]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHANNA]... riail maidir le comhthĂ©acs sraoilleach athraitheach ag lĂ­ne %d is cĂșis le moilliĂș na rialacha maidir le comhthĂ©acs sraoilleach athraitheach tĂĄ [:^lower:] dĂ©bhrĂ­och i scanĂłir a dhĂ©anann neamhshuim ar cheannlitreacha agus litreacha beagatĂĄ [:^upper:] dĂ©bhrĂ­och i scanĂłir a dhĂ©anann neamhshuim ar cheannlitreacha agus litreacha beagatheip ar mhĂ©adĂș an eagair neamhbhailĂ­: %saimsĂ­odh carachtar neamhbhailĂ­ '%s' i check_char()aicme charachtair neamhbhailĂ­is neamhbhailĂ­ an slonn aicme carachtair: %scarachtar neamhbhailĂ­ idir {}carachtar neamhbhailĂ­: %sluachanna timthrialla neamhbhailĂ­drochlĂ­ne i gcreatchomhadis neamhbhailĂ­ liosta na coinnĂ­ollacha tosaighdrochstaid i mark_beginning_as_normal()carachtar trasdula neamhbhailĂ­ i sympartition()nĂ­l bison bridge ar fĂĄil don scanĂłir C++.nĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a oscailtnĂ­ fĂ©idir creatchomhad %s a oscailttheip ar sheiceĂĄil chomhionannais i epsclosure()nĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir %s a chruthĂșnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir comhad %s a chruthĂș don eolas faoin chĂșlĂșnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir staid shainiĂșil a chruthĂș ag deireadh maolĂĄinnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir ceanntĂĄsc tĂĄblaĂ­ a scrĂ­obhcomhthĂ©acs sraoilleach baolachtheip ar dhĂĄileadh na cuimhne i copy_string()meaisĂ­n folamh i dupmachine()earrĂĄid agus comhad cĂșltaca %s ĂĄ dhĂșnadhearrĂĄid agus aschomhad %s ĂĄ dhĂșnadhearrĂĄid agus creatchomhaid %s ĂĄ dhĂșnadhearrĂĄid agus comhad ceanntĂĄisc %s ĂĄ chruthĂșearrĂĄid agus aschomhaid %s ĂĄ scriosadhearrĂĄid agus comhad cĂșltaca %s ĂĄ scrĂ­obhearrĂĄid agus aschomhaid %s ĂĄ scrĂ­obhearrĂĄid pharsĂĄla mharfachan iomarca athruithe i mkxtion()is neamhiomlĂĄn an sainmhĂ­niĂș ainmearrĂĄid agus creatchomhaid %s ĂĄ lĂ©amhis rĂłchasta na rialacha ionchuir (>= %d staid NFA)nĂ­ folĂĄir luach timthrialla deimhneachtreoir '%top' mĂ­chumthatheip ar dhĂĄileadh na cuimhne i allocate_array()theip ar dhĂĄileadh na cuimhne i yy_flex_xmalloc()comhartha athfhriotal ar iarraidh} ar iarraidh.tĂĄ an t-ainm "%s" i bhfad Éireann rĂłfhadasainmhĂ­nĂ­odh an t-ainm faoi dhĂłraon diĂșltach in aicme charachtairnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear argĂłint i ndiaidh na rogha `%s' tĂĄ an rogha `%s' dĂ©bhrĂ­och tĂĄ argĂłint de dhĂ­th i ndiaidh na rogha `%s' comhadchrĂ­och gan choinneNĂ­ fĂ©idir riail chomhoiriĂșnach a aimsiĂșnĂ­ folĂĄir an rogha -8 chun an charachtair %s a ĂșsĂĄidfĂłgraĂ­odh an coinnĂ­oll tosaigh %s faoi dhĂłstaid # %4d glacann staid # %d le: glacann staid # %d le: [%d] staid # %d: theip ar dhĂĄileadh na cuimhne don tĂĄbla siombalachtĂĄ an raon carachtair [%c-%c] dĂ©bhrĂ­och i scanĂłir a dhĂ©anann neamhshuim ar cheannlitreacha agus litreacha beagaan iomarca rialacha (> %d)!baineadh ĂșsĂĄid as comhthĂ©acs sraoilleach faoi dhĂłsainmhĂ­niĂș neamhshainithe {%s}rogha -C anaithnid '%c'earrĂĄid anaithnid agus an chĂ©ad phĂĄirt ĂĄ prĂłiseĂĄilrogha %% anaithnid: %streoir '%' anaithnidriail anaithnidnĂ­l rialacha maidir le comhthĂ©acs sraoilleach athraitheach ar fĂĄil le -f nĂł -Fis cĂșis le moilliĂș beag an fheidhm yymore()