w  5 N j x  %   $  " )= "g    "  # (8 (a & (    $ 8 O n !   / /+[az,.(*E-Iw$#1&'@ hr%+06&>els##%6\lrw~*  #@ IVekr{  $. <Q)fUj}#&(#;(_+(.?1n4'0.D"Z}" / 6C0J3{4(#*L*w-$%6D {* -&E&Ls-   0Hat$$    5 N U r 6! L!$m! ! !!! !!!!!""(" 9" C"N"2k"""'""#7FocsguJG>3)mkZAEP#]L5Kq_p^ <bUB H"D@hv\S 62XIjN fed&=w1.[QV(tM-n%$;TWC8 *i4?`Oa'Yl:!r90R+ /, Allocating common symbols Cross Reference Table Discarded input sections %s from %s Supported emulations: by zero%s failed: %s%s symbol '%s' is not defined locally%s: %s: %s%s: %s: undefined reference to '%s' %s: archive libraries: %u %s: bad archive symbol table names%s: bad extended name entry at header %zu%s: bad extended name index at %zu%s: error: %s: fatal error: %s: lib groups: %u %s: loaded archive members: %u %s: loaded lib groups members: %u %s: lseek failed: %s%s: malformed archive header at %zu%s: malformed archive header name at %zu%s: malformed archive header size at %zu%s: member at %zu is not an ELF object%s: no archive symbol table (run ranlib)%s: pread failed: %s%s: readv failed: %s%s: short archive header at %zu%s: stat failed: %s%s: supported targets:%s: symbol table entries: %zu %s: total archive members: %u %s: total lib groups members: %u %s: unexpected %s in object file%s: warning: ** PLT** expressionADDRESSAllow unresolved references in shared librariesAuxiliary filter for shared object symbol tableCOUNTCall SYMBOL at load-timeCall SYMBOL at unload-timeCommon symbol size file Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Create a position independent executableCreate an output file even if errors occurDIRDefault search path for Solaris compatibilityDefine a symbolDo not link against shared librariesDo not list removed unused sectionsDo not page align dataDo not page align data, do not make text readonlyDon't remove unused sections (default)Don't warn about mismatched input filesEMULATIONExport all dynamic symbolsFILEFILENAMEFilter for shared object symbol tableGenerate relocatable outputIgnoredIgnored for GCC linker option compatibilityIgnored for SVR4 compatibilityLEVELLIBNAMEList removed unused sections on stderrOFFSETOPTIONOutput cross reference tablePATHPERCENTPLUGINPROGRAMPage align data, make text readonlyPrint default output formatRead linker scriptReport bugs to %s Report unresolved symbols as errorsReport unresolved symbols as warningsSECTION=ADDRESSSHLIBSIZESYMBOLSYMBOL=EXPRESSIONSearch for library LIBNAMESet output file nameStrip all symbolsSymbolTLS relocation against invalid instructionTLS relocation out of rangeThis program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) a later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. Treat warnings as errorsUse wrapper functions for SYMBOLWarn about duplicate common symbols[=STYLE]command linedynamic reloc errorhiddeninternalinvalid reloc %ulinker definedlinker scriptno input filesobsolete reloc private reloc protectedreloc script or expression reference to %sundefined symbol '%s' referenced in expressionunimplemented reloc unsupported reloc %uunsupported reloc %u against local symbolunsupported reloc type %uwarningProject-Id-Version: gold 2.24.90 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-binutils@gnu.org POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-10 09:42+1030 PO-Revision-Date: 2016-02-23 15:25+0100 Last-Translator: Mingye Wang (Arthur2e5) Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.7 分配公共符号 交叉引用表 舍弃的输入节 %s 来自 %s 支持的仿真: 以零%s 失败:%s%s 符号‘%s’未在本地定义%s: %s:%s%s: %s: 对‘%s’未定义的引用 %s: 存档库: %u %s:不当的存档符号表名称%s:于 %zu 处有不当的拓展名项%s:于 %zu 处有不当的拓展名索引%s:错误:%s:致命错误:%s: 库组: %u %s: 已加载存档成员:%u %s: 已加载库组成员:%u %s:lseek 失败:%s%s:于 %zu 处的结构有误的存档标头%s:于 %zu 处的结构有误的存档标头名%s:于 %zu 处的结构有误的存档标头大小%s:于 %zu 处的成员非 ELF 对象%s:没有存档符号表(请运行 ranlib)%s:pread 失败: %s%s:readv 失败: %s%s:于 %zu 处有短存档表头%s:stat 失败:%s%s:支持的目标:%s: 符号表条目数: %zu %s: 存档成员总数: %u %s: 总库组成员: %u %s: 对象文件中未预期的 %s%s:警告:** PLT** 表达式地址允许共用函数库中有无法解析的参照指定为某共享对象符号表的辅助过滤器计数在加载时间调用符号在卸载时间调用符号公共符号 大小 文件 著作权 2014 自由软件基金会。 生成一个位置无关的可执行文件即使发生错误也要创建输出文件目录为了 Solaris 兼容性的缺省搜索路径定义一个符号不链接到共享库不要列出已移除的未使用节不将数据对齐至页边界不将数据对齐至页边界,不将 text 节只读不删除未使用的节(默认)不为不匹配的输入文件发出警告仿真导出所有动态符号文件文件名指定为某共享对象符号表的过滤器生成可重新定位的输出忽略为 GCC 链接器选项兼容性忽略为 SVR4 兼容性所忽略等级库名于标准勘误列出已移除的未使用节偏移量选项输出交叉引用表路径百分比插件程序程序将数据对齐至页边界,令 text 节只读印出缺省输出格式读取链接脚本将错误报告到 %s 将不能解析的符号视作错误将不能解析的符号视作警告节=地址共享库大小符号符号=表达式搜索库“库名”设置输出文件名剔除所有符号信息符号TLS 对无效指令重定位TLS 重定位越界这个程序是自由软件;您可以遵循GNU 通用公共授权版本 3 或 (您自行选择的) 稍后版本以再次散布它。 这个程序完全没有任何担保。 将警告当作错误使用包装函数作为[符号]为重复的公共符号给出警告[=风格]命令行动态重定位 错误已隐藏内部无效重定位 %u链接器定义的链接器脚本没有输入文件过时重定位私有重定位 受保护重定位 指向 %s 的脚本或引用未定义的符号‘%s’在表达式中被引用未实现的重定位 不支持的重定位 %u不支持对本地符号的重定位 %u不支持的重定位类型 %u警告