{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/appRain http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/cms/appRain 11867827 http://www.apprain.com/forum 4.0.5 4 1 20-04-2023 admin/system 4.5.4 appRain is one of the first officially released Opensource Content Management Framework (CMF). CMF is a new web engineering concept where "CMS (Content Management System)" and "Framework" perform together to produce endless varieties of output in a very limited time. appRain, published with lots of extensive features to reduce our development work time. It satisfies both Client and Developers with a safe and quality output.

Finally appRain is a single platfrom with both facilities of CMS and Framework. CMS makes the work faster with less effort and Framework contribute to implement complex demand.

appRain Content Management Framework is released under License.
Develop Web Applications Easy and Faster
appRain is both a CMS and a framework. appRain can be used for basic and large-scale web application deployments.

Archive and Share
Never develop a module multiple times again: appRain helps archive your work for future use.

Help, Documentation, and Participation
appRain has a vairty of documentaion to help you work.