'Discussion board', '@count min' => '@count minutes', ); */ /** * Fast 404 pages: * * Backdrop can generate fully themed 404 pages. However, some of these * responses are for images or other resource files that are not displayed to * the user. This can waste bandwidth, and also generate server load. * * The options below return a simple, fast 404 page for URLs matching a * specific pattern: * - 404_fast_paths_exclude: A regular expression to match paths to exclude, * such as images generated by image styles, or dynamically-resized images. * The default pattern provided below also excludes the private file system. * If you need to add more paths, you can add '|path' to the expression. * - 404_fast_paths: A regular expression to match paths that should return a * simple 404 page, rather than the fully themed 404 page. If you don't have * any aliases ending in htm or html you can add '|s?html?' to the expression. * - 404_fast_html: The html to return for simple 404 pages. * * Comment out this code if you would like to disable this functionality. */ $settings['404_fast_paths_exclude'] = '/\/(?:styles)|(?:system\/files)\//'; $settings['404_fast_paths'] = '/\.(?:txt|png|gif|jpe?g|css|js|ico|swf|flv|cgi|bat|pl|dll|exe|asp)$/i'; $settings['404_fast_html'] = '404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL "@path" was not found on this server.

'; /** * By default, fast 404s are returned as part of the normal page request * process, which will properly serve valid pages that happen to match and will * also log actual 404s to the Backdrop log. Alternatively you can choose to * return a 404 now by uncommenting the following line. This will reduce server * load, but will cause even valid pages that happen to match the pattern to * return 404s, rather than the actual page. It will also prevent the Backdrop * system log entry. Ensure you understand the effects of this before enabling. * * To enable this functionality, uncomment the line below. */ // fast_404(); /** * External access proxy settings: * * If your site must access the Internet via a web proxy then you can enter * the proxy settings here. Currently only basic authentication is supported * by using the username and password variables. The proxy_user_agent variable * can be set to NULL for proxies that require no User-Agent header or to a * non-empty string for proxies that limit requests to a specific agent. The * proxy_exceptions variable is an array of host names to be accessed directly, * not via proxy. */ // $settings['proxy_server'] = ''; // $settings['proxy_port'] = 8080; // $settings['proxy_username'] = ''; // $settings['proxy_password'] = ''; // $settings['proxy_user_agent'] = ''; // $settings['proxy_exceptions'] = array('', 'localhost'); /** * Authorized file system operations: * * The Update Manager module included with Backdrop provides a mechanism for * site administrators to securely install missing updates for the site * directly through the web user interface. On securely-configured servers, * the Update manager will require the administrator to provide SSH or FTP * credentials before allowing the installation to proceed; this allows the * site to update the new files as the user who owns all the Backdrop files, * instead of as the user the webserver is running as. On servers where the * webserver user is itself the owner of the Backdrop files, the administrator * will not be prompted for SSH or FTP credentials (note that these server * setups are common on shared hosting, but are inherently insecure). * * Some sites might wish to disable the above functionality, and only update * the code directly via SSH or FTP themselves. This setting completely * disables all functionality related to these authorized file operations. * * Uncomment the line below to disable authorize operations. */ // $settings['allow_authorize_operations'] = FALSE; /** * Mixed-mode sessions: * * Set to TRUE to create both secure and insecure sessions when using HTTPS. * Defaults to FALSE. */ // $settings['https'] = TRUE; /** * Drupal backwards compatibility. * * By default, Backdrop 1.x includes a compatibility layer to keep it compatible * with Drupal 7 APIs. Backdrop core itself does not use this compatibility * layer however. You may disable it if all the modules and themes used on the * site were built for Backdrop. */ $settings['backdrop_drupal_compatibility'] = TRUE; /** * Suppress warnings of multiple versions of the same module being found. * * When scanning for module files, if Backdrop encounters multiple instances of * the same module (for example, a version of a module in the /modules directory * that has the same name as a module in /core), then only the last module will * be loaded. In such cases, Backdrop will show a warning on the status report * page. * * Having multiple versions of the same module may be intentional in certain use * cases though, such as in some multisite configurations, when there is need to * override a core or contrib module with a different version in the /sites * folder. In such cases, you may want to disable the status report warnings. * * Uncomment the line below to disable the warnings. */ // $settings['disable_multiple_modules_warnings'] = TRUE; /** * Configuration overrides. * * These settings allow you to specify values for anything stored in config * within the files stored in the $config_directories variable above. * This can be useful to store per-environment values or sensitive data that * is undesirable to store in the config storage. * * There are particular configuration values that are risky to override. For * example overriding field storage will create errors because associated * database changes are necessary. Modifying values within complicated objects * such as views, content types, vocabularies, etc. may not work as expected. * Use any available API functions for complex systems instead. */ // $config['system.core']['site_name'] = 'My Backdrop site'; // $config['system.core']['file_temporary_path'] = '/tmp'; /** * File schemes whose paths should not be normalized. * * Normally, Backdrop normalizes '/./' and '/../' segments in file URIs in order * to prevent unintended file access. For example, 'private://css/../image.png' * is normalized to 'private://image.png' before checking access to the file. * * On Windows, Backdrop also replaces '\' with '/' in file URIs. * * If file URIs with one or more scheme should not be normalized like this, then * list the schemes here. For example, if 'example://path/./filename.png' should * not be normalized to 'example://path/filename.png', then add 'example' to * this array. In this case, make sure that the module providing the 'example' * scheme does not allow unintended file access when using '/../' to move up the * directory tree. */ // $config['system.core']['file_not_normalized_schemes'] = array('example'); /** * Additional public file schemes. * * Public schemes are URI schemes that allow download access to all users for * all files within that scheme. * * The "public" scheme is always public, and the "private" scheme is always * private, but other schemes, such as "https", "s3", "example", or others, * can be either public or private depending on the site. By default, they're * private, and access to individual files is controlled via * hook_file_download(). * * Typically, if a scheme should be public, a module makes it public by * implementing hook_file_download(), and granting access to all users for all * files. This could be either the same module that provides the stream wrapper * for the scheme, or a different module that decides to make the scheme * public. However, in cases where a site needs to make a scheme public, but * is unable to add code in a module to do so, the scheme may be added to this * variable, the result of which is that system_file_download() grants public * access to all files within that scheme. */ // $config['system.core']['file_additional_public_schemes'] = array('example'); /** * Sensitive request headers in backdrop_http_request() when following a * redirect. * * By default backdrop_http_request() will strip sensitive request headers when * following a redirect if the redirect location has a different http host to * the original request, or if the scheme downgrades from https to http. * * These variables allow opting out of this behaviour. Careful consideration of * the security implications of opting out is recommended. To opt out, set to * FALSE. * * @see _backdrop_should_strip_sensitive_headers_on_http_redirect() * @see backdrop_http_request() */ // $config['system.core']['backdrop_http_request']['strip_sensitive_headers_on_host_change'] = TRUE; // $config['system.core']['backdrop_http_request']['strip_sensitive_headers_on_https_downgrade'] = TRUE; /** * Include a local settings file, if available. * * To make local development easier, you can add a settings.local.php file that * contains settings specific to your local installation, or to any secondary * environment (staging, development, etc). * * Typically used to specify a different database connection information, to * disable caching, JavaScript/CSS compression, re-routing of outgoing emails, * Google Analytics, and other things that should not happen on development and * testing sites. * * This local settings file can be ignored in your Git repository, so that any * updates to settings.php can be pulled in without overwriting your local * changes. * * Keep this code block at the end of this file to take full effect. */ if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/settings.local.php')) { include __DIR__ . '/settings.local.php'; }