{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Bugs http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/projectman/Bugs 15162873 http://bugs.rcmission.net/ 1.91f 9 2 08-09-2022 index.php 4.5.4 Bugs is Simple Issue Tracking for Teams

Bugs is released under the MIT LICENSE.
  • Simple: as few features as possible
  • flexible: Bugs doesn't decide whether you should think in term of priorities, types of issues, milestones, etc... Instead, Bugs uses a Tags system that you can set up to match your own way of dealing with stuff.
  • open source: was, is, and always will be.
  • Multilingual: so your clients can feel at home with it.
  • Handy: issues can be written in Markdown, commented so you keep the discussion organized, and have print-screens.
  • Reliable: you get a warning email whenever someone comments, closes or assigns you a bug ticket (unless you did it to yourself, you sick mind).
  • Default Assignee per project
  • Several roles & privileges:
    • User: can only read the issues in the projects they are assigned to
    • Developer: can update issues in the projects they are assigned to
    • Manager: can update issues in all projects, even if they aren't assigned
    • Administrator: can update all issues in all projects, create users and view administration
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