'[[softdbhost]]', 'db_port' => '3306', 'db_name' => '[[softdb]]', 'db_user' => '[[softdbuser]]', 'db_pass' => '[[softdbpass]]', // Look at the README file 'db_type' => 'mysqli', // This will limit who is allowed to make configuration modifications 'config_user' => '[[cadmin_username]]', 'config_passwd' => '[[cconfig_pass]]' ); /* ** If you want to have your domains in a select box, change to True ** If not, users will have to login as user@domain ** Note: This is only for virtual domain support, default domain users (that's everyone ** form the first domain or if you have only one) can login only using just there loginid. */ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['show_domain_selectbox'] = false; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_persistent'] = true; /* This is used to control mcrypt's use */ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_enabled'] = false; /* ** This is a random string used as the initialization vector for mcrypt ** feel free to change it when setting up eGrouWare on a clean database, ** but you must not change it after that point! ** It should be around 30 bytes in length. */ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv'] = '[[mcrypt]]'; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['page_start_time'] = microtime(true); include(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/api/setup/setup.inc.php'); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions'] = $setup_info['api']['versions']; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions']['phpgwapi'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions']['api'] = $setup_info['api']['version']; unset($setup_info); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions']['header'] = '1.29'; if(!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['noapi']) || !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['noapi']) { if (substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],-7) != 'dav.php' && // dont do it for webdav/groupdav, as we can not safely switch it off again (!isset($_GET['menuaction']) || substr($_GET['menuaction'],-10) != '_hooks.log') && substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],-10) != '/share.php') { ob_start(); // to prevent error messages to be send before our headers } require_once(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/api/src/loader.php'); } else { require_once(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/api/src/loader/common.php'); } /* Leave off the final php closing tag, some editors will add a \n or space after which will mess up cookies later on */