{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Hablator http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/others/Hablator 993008 http://www.bernsteinforpresident.com/hablator/ 0.5.2 3 9 admin.php 4.1.7 Hablator is an advanced GPL'ed chat script written in PHP and Javascript.

It offers all of the features you could want in a chat script, while maintaining low server requirements, low client requirements, exceptional speed, and simple installation.

Hablator is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
  • Translate chat text to communicate with those who speak other languages.
  • See when others start and stop typing a message
  • Upload files easily during discussions
  • Allow multiple discussion "topics" to let users discuss different things at the same time, and not need to install multiple chat rooms and/or prefix each message with the discussion topic. This allows users to engage in one or more topics, and follow others they are interested in
  • Choose whether to use a FlatFile backend, a MySQL backend, or a SQLite backend
  • Talk to people who don't have Javascript support, or to people with text-only browsers, with compatibility mode