{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Jcow http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/others/Jcow 8639144 http://www.jcow.net/ 14.2 40 2 17-02-2022 index.php?p=member/login 4.5.4 Jcow is a flexible Social Networking software written in PHP. It can help you to:
  • Build a social network for your interests and passions.
  • Build a member community for your existing website.
  • Build a social networking site like facebook/myspace/twitter.

Jcow Community/Starter edition is licensed under Open Source License: CPAL.
The features are as follows:
  • Handle more traffic
  • Make your site more interactive
  • Customize and Extend your Network
  • Make money from your Network
  • Add questions to the Registration Form
  • Give permissions the way you want
  • The power of "Following"
  • Multiple auth levels (read-only, user, admin)
  • Members know what's happening to
  • Every profile could be Unique
  • Easily share stuff
New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password Please provide the username to reset the password The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist!