{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/LetoDMS http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/files/LetoDMS 18678095 https://sourceforge.net/projects/mydms/ 5.1.9 16 2 08-03-2019 index.php 4.5.4 LetoDMSis an open-source document-management-system based on PHP and MySQL.

LetoDMS allows you to store any kind of binary data - just like a usual file-system. But there are some features that extend the normal capabilities of a file-system.

LetoDMS makes it possible to access your documents not only via intranet in your office but worldwide via the internet.

LetoDMS is released under the GNU General Public License.
  • Document-Metadata
  • Security-Mechanism
  • Easy Access
  • Upload files through web-interface
  • Create folders to group your documents
  • Edit document and folder properties online
  • Detailed information on uploaded documents
  • Lock and unlock documents
  • Update documents - old versions are saved
  • Individual Icons for different Mime-Types
  • Set expiration-date for documents
  • Users are notified about new/updated or expired documents via email
  • Download documents or view them online within your Browser
  • Control access via detailed ACLs (access control lists)
  • User- and Group-Management
  • Powerfule search-engine
  • Template-System
  • Intuitive User-Interface
  • Should work with every Browser
  • Auto-conversion to HTML to view even MS Word-Documents online
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