{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Logic_Invoice http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/ecommerce/Logic_Invoice 4327103 http://www.logicinvoice.com/ 1.2.0 4 7 31-07-2016 admin 4.5.4 Logic Invoice is an accounting & invoicing solution, which you can use to build websites and online applications. Best of all, Logic Invoice is an open source project, allowing everyone to freely access the source codes and make their own customisations.

Logic Invoice is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3.
Accounting : Create journal entries, manage your accounts and view your chart of accounts.

Invoicing : Keep track of invoices and bill your customers from your administration panel.

Recurring Payments : Automatically generate recurring invoices for your customers.

Reporting : Generate basic reports for accounting, invoices, or recurring payments.

Multi-currency : Supports multiple currencies in your system.

Email Templates : Customisable email notifications to both you and your customers.

Article Pages : Easily add article pages to your website.

Payment Gateway : Collect payments online with integrated payment gateways.

Blog : Keep your customers updated with the built-in blog.

Modules : Supports modules to enhance functionalities.

Multiple Users : Supports multiple administration users.

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