{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Maian_Cart http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/ecommerce/Maian_Cart 53388073 http://www.maiancart.com/ 3.8 6 3 10-04-2020 admin 4.5.4 Maian Cart is free and was written with ease of use in mind and contains many great features. It`s a powerful e-commerce system written with some of the latest technology and all presented in a cosmetically appealing interface to provide your business with a stable, reliable shopping cart environment

Maian Cart is released under their own Free License.
  • Payment Gateways - Supports over 20 payment gateways including Paypal, 2Checkout, WorldPay, SagePay & Secure Trading. No plugins required.

  • Mobile / Tablet Ready - HTML5 responsive layout for tablets and mobiles via Twitter Bootstrap. Get your products to a wider audience.

  • SEO Friendly - Optimised for search engines. Supports meta tags, keywords, seo urls with custom slugs, title overrides and more.

  • Shipping Options - Many shipping options can be grouped into countries and zones. Also has basic drop shipping option for drop ship suppliers.

  • Disqus Comments - Support for Disqus comments system so buyers can comment on purchases to help drive sales.

  • Account System - Optional account system so buyers can see order history, print PDF invoices, see order statuses etc

  • AddThis Support - Supports AddThis plugin for social bookmarking to help promote your products across social platforms.

  • Post Tweets - Post tweets directly to your twitter account from the admin interface via the Twitter Rest API.

  • PDF Operations - Easily create PDF invoices and packing slips. Create batch PDFs for quickness.

  • Products - Add products, categories, brands, attributes, personalisation options, product images and more.

  • Trade Accounts - Basic trade account system. Set different prices and purchase levels for trade accounts.

  • Guest Checkout - Supports guest checkout, no account required to purchase. Keep your buyers happy.
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