{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Nibbleblog http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/blogs/Nibbleblog 2253222 http://nibbleblog.com/ 4.0.5 12 4 07-09-2015 admin.php 4.1.7 Nibbleblog Easy, fast and free CMS Blog

The database used is based on XML files and this way it is not necessary to use MySQL or similar DBMS.

Nibbleblog it's totally free under GPL-3 license.
  • Upload picture to the internal server with so easy and convenient
  • plugin: Share
  • plugin: Categories
  • plugin: Sponsors
  • Jquery v1.8
  • Tinymce v3.5.6 (WYSIWYG)