{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Nucleus http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/blogs/Nucleus 3318730 http://www.nucleuscms.org 3.70 14 5 22-09-2014 nucleus/ 4.5.4 Nucleus CMS is a flexible and easy to install content management system, aka blog software. It helps you to publish a website and lets writers do what they are best at: writing items or articles, without having to worry about formatting and markup.

Nucleus is released under the GNU/GPL license.
Nucleus Core package has a great set of features.
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites
  • Multiple Authors
  • Categories
  • Built-in commenting system
  • FancyURLs
  • Runs on your own server
  • Drafts and Future Posts
  • Fully Tweakable
  • Plugins
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging
  • Archives and Search
  • RSS and Atom Syndication
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs
  • File/Image Upload
  • IP-banlist
  • Backup/Restore
New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password Please provide the username to reset the password The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist! Could not determine the database prefix