and tags in the feed) $feed_language = 'en'; $feed_sort = 'timestamp'; // sort method used to order episodes in the feed (by timestamp or by season/episode number) $feed_locked = ''; // podcast:locked status ('yes', 'no', '' for off) $copyright = 'All rights reserved'; // Your copyright notice (e.g CC-BY) $feed_encoding = 'utf-8'; $explicit_podcast = 'no'; //does your podcast contain explicit language? ('yes' or 'no') $users_json = '{\"[[admin_username]]\": \"[[admin_pass]]"}'; ##################### # WebSub $websub_server = ''; ##################### # Podcast Index $pi_api_key = ""; $pi_api_secret = ""; $pi_podcast_id = 0; // is the podcast in Podcast Index? This is its show ID there. ##################### # WebSub $websub_server = ""; // END OF CONFIG