{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Quick.CMS http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/cms/Quick.CMS 1877313 http://opensolution.org/ 6.7 16 2 06-02-2020 admin.php 4.5.4 Quick.CMS is comprehensive and easy to customize Content Management System helpfull in your web site management. This tool enables you to easily extend functionality and change layout of your website... and breath a sigh of relief.

Quick.CMS is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 LICENSE.
  • valid with standards
  • simple to modify HTML and CSS
  • small requirements
  • SEO support
  • languages management
  • amazing abilities to customize
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • easy backup
  • mobile version
  • advanced images management
  • support
  • short cut for handicapped people - WAI
  • web directory with websites based on our scripts
  • over 7 years and 6000 websites
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