'PRINT'); // array of level-specific log destinations $ZConfig['Log']['log_level_files'] = array('DB' => $ZConfig['System']['temp'] . '/error_logs/zikula-sql-%s.log'); // array of level-specific log files (only used if destination=="FILE") $ZConfig['Log']['log.apache_uname'] = 0; // log username to apache logs: please see documentation. Please check you country's local law covering the logging of personally identifiable user data before enabling. $ZConfig['Log']['log.enabled'] = 1; // Enable to allow Zikula to handle errors, 0 passes everything to PHP directly. $ZConfig['Log']['log.to_display'] = 1; // Display errors. $ZConfig['Log']['log.display_level'] = 4; // 0 - EMERG, 1 - CRIT, 2 - ALERT, 3 - ERR, 4 - WARN, 5 - NOTICE, 6 - INFO, 7 - DEBUG $ZConfig['Log']['log.display_ajax_level'] = 4; // 0 - EMERG, 1 - CRIT, 2 - ALERT, 3 - ERR, 4 - WARN, 5 - NOTICE, 6 - INFO, 7 - DEBUG $ZConfig['Log']['log.to_file'] = 0; // Log to file 1 yes, 0 no. $ZConfig['Log']['log.file_level'] = 5; // 0 - EMERG, 1 - CRIT, 2 - ALERT, 3 - ERR, 4 - WARN, 5 - NOTICE, 6 - INFO, 7 - DEBUG $ZConfig['Log']['log.show_php_errorhandler'] = 0; // Allow PHP error handlers to display additionally? Set this to 1 if you want to see PHP's error handler // If you have XDebug installed, setting this will allow XDebug to output. // If log.display_template set, PHP's handlers will not show! $ZConfig['Log']['log.display_template'] = 0; // Overrides PHP's output handler if activated by log.show_php_error_handler and gains full control of output. // This setting is generally NOT desirable when developing/debugging. $ZConfig['Log']['log.to_debug_toolbar'] = 0; // 1 to show the debug toolbar (reqires development 1), 0 to disable $ZConfig['Log']['log.to_debug_toolbar_output'] = 0; // Debug toolbar output type: 0 - normal toolbar, 1 - json output, 2 - both $ZConfig['Log']['log.to_debug_toolbar_seckey'] = ''; // Security key for debug toolbar output of json type // If defined - it's required that http request contains custom header // "HTTP_X_ZIKULA_DEBUGTOOLBAR" equal to this key, otherwise no data is returned. $ZConfig['Log']['log.sql.to_display'] = 0; // Display sql queries. $ZConfig['Log']['log.sql.to_file'] = 0; // Log sql queries to file. $ZConfig['Log']['debug.display_pagerendertime'] = 0; // display page render time, 0 to disable // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following define some data layer settings // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTION'] = 0; // enable universal attribution layer, 0 to turn off $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_CATEGORIZATION'] = 1; // categorization/filtering services, 0 to turn off $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_LOGGING'] = 0; // object audit trail logging, 0 to turn off $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_META'] = 0; // meta-data services, 0 to turn off $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_TRANSACTIONS'] = 1; // run request as a transaction, 0 to turn off // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Database cache settings // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.enable'] = 1; // 0 to disable, 1 to enable $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.type'] = 'Array'; // Memcache, Apc, Array, Db, Xcache (todo: Memcached, File) // CACHE_SERVERS valid for Memcache/d only. // array of arrays: params according to the addServer methods at e.g. // http://php.net/manual/memcached.addservers.php or // http://php.net/manual/function.memcache-addserver.php $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.servers'][] = array('host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '11211', 'weight' => 1); $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.compression'] = true; // true/false valid for dbcache.type = Memcache/d // For pure Doctrine Queries only. Effective only when dbcache.enable = true and dbcache.cache_result = 1 // http://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/orm/1.2/docs/manual/caching/en#query-cache-result-cache:result-cache $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.cache_result'] = 0; // 1 to enable or 0 to disable. $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.cache_result_ttl'] = 30; // seconds, 3600 = 1 hour. // Initialize multisites array $ZConfig['Multisites'] = array(); $ZConfig['Multisites']['multisites.enabled'] = 0; $ZConfig['Multisites']['protected.systemvars'] = array();